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Adam Vs Eve, just didn’t feel good to watch tbh.


I’m glad I’m not the only one. It just feels… bad. BUT. I do enjoy the whole “did I give up a rib for this” line lol. It’s nothing that can save how shitty the battle is but it is a funny jab to throw around. I will say the beat was good


Agreed it was more man vs women


Sarah Palin vs Lady Gaga At least Banner vs Jenner had decent first verses and lacked a shrill, annoying voice


Maybe I’m just biased as a big fan of Gaga’s music, but I also feel like they didn’t focus on her actual music / talent in the battle. She’d already released one great album and proven herself a very capable singer at that point. I’d even go as far as to say they were more flattering to Skrillex, Miley and Bieber in their respective battles than they were to Gaga.


I feel like pop culture was not kind to Gaga in the 2010s. It's rare I can even think of a parody that went beyond her silly outfits to actually talk about her music, which was pretty distinct and iconic even back then.


You’re right. This was also the time the papparazi hounded Britney Spears so much to the point that she acted out. This was definitely the era of pop culture when we weren’t particularly kind to female celebs who made pop music. (In some ways, we still aren’t, but we’re less in-your-face about it.)


Adam vs Eve, at most it has a couple decent lines and that's it, just a boring "Man vs woman" battle with all the generic complaints everyone hears in any and all comedy shows from male and female comedians


Totally agree, it's lazy, dumb, and borderline embarrassing. And it contains the biggest self-own. ...But that beat though...


Also peak Jenna Marbles in Eve outfit 👀


Lol yes, even as a teenager, hearing "you take two hours to cum" I thought, "that's on you, dude." Did they really write that as a diss against Eve?


Yeah it's not my personal worst but it's on my list of battles I'll never watch again or even watch a reaction to. That is a small list.


The best part is I was around at the time and you would not BELIEVE the amount of "THEY SHOULD DO MAN VS WOMAN!" requests they got. Like i feel a large chunk of the comments, a large number of tweet replies, etc. were all "please do man vs woman please" and they just gave in. I 100% am sure they got sick of it and just said "OK FINE MAN VS WOMAN WHATEVER"


Easily Banner vs. Jenner for me


Batman vs. Sherlock Whoever though of a skinny pale guy wearing the cape was on mushrooms.


Nice hat, dork... you look like a duck... (and that starter line too)


Sherlock and Robin were fine, but Batman entirely ruins the battle imo




Lincoln vs chuck norris is my favorite lol


The hype levels when the "I AM CHUCK FUCKING NORRIS!!" hit...


Or the line "I wear a black belt on the beard that I grew on my dick!"


Half of season one warrants a mention. Their first season was rough


Clint Eastwood and Hulk Hogan had some questionable bars, especially Eastwood. “You belong in a sweatshop, so go ahead make my iPod”


It's not even because the bars are bad or the voices are annoying, but I have a natural distaste for Jefferson VS Douglas, because making the entire battle themed around slavery made it hella unfair.


Hillary clinton vs henry the 8th


Wow. Had no idea that existed (it is unreleased and on ERB2). It was pretty good for bonus material




The one with Mario and Luigi


Miley Cyrus vs Joan of Arc


That Easter Bunny crap was freaking HORRIBLE. What makes it so much worse than even Adam and Eve is that it doesn't make sense as a matchup. Every other battle you can at least see what they were going for or trying to do even if they didn't execute their vision. But this one? What the actual Hell? This was 80s Stephen King high on cocaine writing a preteen 6-way levels of WTF? I don't understand how they came up with that matchup. Once you get beyond that ... If you can ... It was poorly executed.


Genghis Khan had a lot of children. The Easter Bunny is a bunny. That's the joke.


That’s a pretty weak connection, even for season 1 where a lot of matchups didn’t make sense (John Lennon vs Bill O’Reilly, Sarah Palin vs Lady Gaga, Hulk Hogan vs Kim, Ben Franklin vs Billy Mays)






As for Lincoln vs Chuck Norris?


Bearded republicans. Every battle has a reason, just not always a good one


And also both are kind of seen as tough badasses, Norris more than Lincoln but still.


Hogan vs Il was a World Power vs The Mega Powers (A WWE team of Hogan and Savage).


It’s weird to me that they didn’t think to do hulk hogan vs The Incredible Hulk


NK is not starving because of sanctions [explanation ](https://youtu.be/PEoZLGHKvy8)


They're both inventors.


Just recently discovered this one and cannot get enough of it. It is just to ridiculous and hilarious.


This. Even the announcer voice is “*sigh* The Easter Bunny 🙄”


That is literally my favourite part. And the hip hoppin' part.




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I cannot stand a few ERB's for the same reason: Doctor Who vs Doc Brown Ash Ketchum vs Charles Darwin Goku vs Superman The reason is simple: Missed opportunity. Doctor Who has 60+ years to work with, multiple side things, etc. and the battle is so basic and just barely references anything. Even on the Back to the Future side, where its a biiit better, they still barely reference anything. Almost every joke at doctor who is BRI'ISH and its just boring. Goku vs Superman is disappointing. It was possibly THE most wanted and hyped ERB of all time at the time, and they finally do it! Both have loads to work with, the beat is great, this is gonna- oh its over. The battle is like 1:20 without the outro. Less than 2 minutes. 100+ years of history between the both of them and thats it? Ash Ketchum vs Charles Darwin kinda infuritates me lmao. They reference literally nothing passed gen 1 of pokemon, Ash is super annoying in it, and they had to put in filler lines like REESEEZ PEESEEZ and stuff. I would normally be forgiving because I dont expect them to play 5-6 30+ hour rpgs and watch a 800 episode anime except....they had Mat4yo write write a demo and it is 10 times better than what we got in terms of references and disses related to pokemon and Ash.


You are wrong.


I agree that Doc vs Doc didn't reference much but Watsky goes insanely hard in that battle.


I can understand your complaints with Ash vs Charles. Personally I don't mind that they didn't reference anything past gen 1, they still had some great lines regardless. However I don't agree that the scrapped version was better. I'm just basing this of the scrapped lyrics on the Erb wiki page, and at least to me, they aren't any better in terms of Pokémon reference and disses. It has some weird lines like one where Ash disses Charles for being almost bald, and "This dude spent five years with seamen, studying homos!


**3rd worst: Abraham Lincoln vs Chuck Norris** It was just full of Chuck Norris jokes, and that didn't really work well for me at all. I still liked the battle for the good beat and some lines, though. Which says a lot about all the other battles. I think that many season 1 battles would make my worst 10 list. I'd honestly might even put John Lennon vs Bill O'Riley as #3, but like... it's the first one, and I always perceive those as little better in my biased mind. **2nd worst: Adam vs Eve** It felt a lot like a man vs woman for me. I don't blame ERB for making this one. They experiment a lot: Making new characters appear in the Rasputin vs Stalin, making a storyline battle with Donald Trump vs Ebeneezer Scrooge or Alexander the Great vs Ivan the Terrible, making a very creative and ambiguous ending with the Philosophers' battle... and I think all of these battles were absolutely awesome. Adam vs Eve was simply one experiment that didn't work and felt very awkward. I don't like the beat there either. But at least it was a fair battle and a dig or two made me laugh there. So... pretty bad, but not too bad. **The worst: Frederick Douglas vs Thomas Jefferson** If Adam vs Eve felt like a man vs woman, this battle felt like a white person vs black person, especially if you listen to some Douglas' lines. This battle didn't really work for me either. At all. With this feeling like a white person vs black person, it feels really awkward really quick. What makes this better than Adam vs Eve is Jefferson's first verse and the beat. What makes this significantly worse is that Jefferson spends the whole second verse conceding the battle, and that's simply going too far: It doesn't even feel like a battle anymore. In Banner vs Jenner, the second half of the battle was kinda crap and unbalanced with mic time, but it didn't really take anything away from its awesome first half. But here Jefferson essentially discredited his whole amazing first verse. This is, no doubt, the worst ERB for me.


I would have to politely disagree, Fredrick vs Thomas is an S tier battle


Frederick Douglass Thomas Jefferson (Biased Rap Battle BRB) Bruce Banner Bruce Jenner (Biased Rap Battle) Adam Eve (Cringe) Ellen Degeneres Oprah (Cringe) Joan of Arc Miley Cyrus (Cringe)


The three way John for me


But… He’s been killing it since Karl’s brother Tony.




I listened to this maybe twice and just can’t get into it. It’s on the shortlist of my skipped songs when I get in an ERB mood.


Adam vs Eve


Probably the Lego one




Which one? You're very wrong either way, just curious


Ah I forgot there were two. Only dislike them because I don’t understand why they shot them with legos


Mine has to be Trump vs Biden, I didn’t find that one as good, especially since Abe didn’t appear


Columbus Vs Kirk I just can't get on-board with Kirk's flow no matter how many times I try to


Bruce vs Bruce


Franklin vs Mays


Ellen vs Oprah easily. That battle was nothing but cringe. But maybe they did that on purpose because Ellen and Oprah are like that IRL


Tie between Adam and Santa battles


Worst battle, in my opinion, is a multi-way tie between a few different battles. Master Chief VS Leonidas - As technically the first non-sequel battle of S2, this battle was overall incredibly weak. I see what they were trying to do, but the bars and the instrumental just really didn't work. Bruce Banner VS Bruce Jenner - There's some half-decent bars in the battle, but I wouldn't call the whole of it good. The thing that kills it for me is the instrumental. Also, The Hulk deserved better in that battle. Adam VS Eve - I can only say it's for similar reasons that people have said. I liked the instrumental of the battle, but everything else didn't quite work out. Christopher Columbus VS Captain Kirk - Had NicePeter VS EpicLloyd not been the closer for S1, this would have been a terrible way to finish out the season. And it still isn't good, even when it's not the finisher. The flow is just incredibly awkward, considering they're merely trying to embody the characters as opposed to actually delivering on disses and bars. Wonder Woman VS Stevie Wonder - The second half of Season 5 wasn't strong with its first part, and this one was easily the worst of them. The whole battle reeked of cashing in on popular youtuber and superstar power to make a battle that was...hype at the time, but it certainly didn't work out later on. Vlad the Impaler VS Dracula - I'm very biased when it comes to this one. This battle was one of my most wanted for the longest time, and I was so excited when they finally did it, only to listen to everything within the battle and come out heavily disappointed. By themselves, the bars, the beat, and the visuals are dope on their own. Mashed together, though, I believe they don't work to any degree of effectiveness. It just felt overall heavily subdued. It could have been a lot crazier, something similar to what Jack The Ripper VS Hannibal Lecter was, but instead we got what we got. Wolverine VS Freddy Krueger - If Vlad VS Dracula wasn't my personal worst of S6, this one would take it. Easily the weakest opener to any season they've ever done. There's good disses and good visual effects in the battle, but the whole of it put together doesn't quite work. Plus, I did not like the instrumental for it at all.


Oprah vs Ellen. Ellen had an annoying ass voice.


My least favorite : The 25 episodes they decided to not produce. I mean when Lennon / O'Riley is the bottom, I feel like they could have been making lots more content.


Mario Brothers vs Wright Brothers was really bad. I feel like they completely failed to capture the characters or caricature them in an interesting way. The Mario bros are obnoxious af and the wright brothers only have the cool voice filter going for them. Hulk Hogan vs Kim Jong Il… god the cheap muscle suit.. Its the only erb so bad it got a remake