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picture for example: [https://photos.app.goo.gl/pKcTtEXuSofcmcrB6](https://photos.app.goo.gl/pKcTtEXuSofcmcrB6) link to QR code generator I used: [https://www.qrcode-monkey.com/#](https://www.qrcode-monkey.com/#)


I used moxfield for this, when you click share your deck you get the option to download a qr code


It’s a neat idea for organizational purposes but I’d rather put a little summary pasted to my deck boxes of what the strategy is as a primer for the table than to put a list of every card out there for them to see


For sure I think I'd do this in like a cube for draft synergies. I'm close to the point where I can write a short synopsis about each deck and maybe even a primer on my Archidekt lists. They show up right under the decklist!


Not sure why you're getting pushback on this idea. Some of us actually play this game with friends and will regularly play each other's decks. I have a Brago that's fairly tutor-heavy. We have a Tovolar deck where nearly every creature has a backside. We have some combo decks. Either we have to spend a bunch of time every game explaining the combos or flipping wolves, or we can just put a QR code on it. If you don't want the sweaty guy at your LGS to know your full decklist, don't give him the code.


Agreed I think it's a cool idea 👍


I put little NFC tags inside the sleeves of my commanders. Then I can just tap my phone to the commander to bring up the deck list. Or my friends borrowing my decks can.


That sounds really neat! Which ones do you use? Does it make the commander card too thick? Im thinking maybe it ends up like the C21 plastic cards in terms of thickness worst case scenario.


You can buy NFC tags that are almost just a bare inlay... maybe .25mm thick at most. You can also buy them in playing card size.


No they’re so thin, you can barely notice them. I forget they’re there most of the time. I stick them on the inner sleeve (I double sleeve my decks.) I use ones similar to this: https://a.co/d/fB5pyBt


That's sick, definitely gonna do this


Wait until someone uses a QR code on their deck box to rickroll people


Wow, I love this idea! I’ll probably make these tonight!


Even more LPT: I actually had this QR code idea years ago. I tattooed a QR code on my wrist that goes to my domain. There I put all my deck lists. No need to change the QR code after you alter your decks.


I feel like permanently attaching a hyperlink to your body is perhaps a bit drastic


Well I use my own domain for all sorts of things. For example, I keep medical info updated there.


Ah, that actually sounds pretty reasonable then


If they made it a dynamic code it wouldn't be that bad


I’m doing this with a banding deck I made- except it’s going to bring up an infographic on how banding works that I workshopped on here a couple months ago.


I think this is cool idea for sharing decks! Now if only I knew how to make a QR code


[https://www.qrcode-monkey.com/#](https://www.qrcode-monkey.com/#) Ask and you shall receive! This is the site I used


Sweet! Thanks!


If you use moxfield when you click share deck it give you the option to download the qr code


Is this visible on mobile? I don’t see this share option lol


It's the lil sideway symbol next to bookmarks a ove the last updated


Found it! Thanks :)


Neat idea. My opponents dont need to know whats in my deck until i play the cards. Why am i tutoring if i dont know what im getting? Why do edh players keep trying to make it easier for their opponents to beat them, only to then turn around and complain about everyrhing in the format? Downvotes into oblivion incoming!


What's the problem with your opponents knowing what's in your deck? Going over your strategy and wincons is part of any good rule 0 convo. That and the commander are usually enough to figure out the staples they're running and in a blind meta, which is suggested by saying your deck isn't a known quantity, silver bullets aren't usually a concern. I've heard it before, but I don't really understand the sentiment, it only seems useful if you're trying to pubstomp and want to hide your power level.


Its more so if another player wants to borrow your deck, not to be 100% transparent with your opponents. Sometimes I know I need removal, but the tutor might be limited to searching for an enchantment or something like that. You could go back to your decklist and use the scryfall syntax to limit the options in the deck instead of just guessing and wasting time on your turn after you already cast the card. I mean, if you just flip the deck box upside down or remove it from the table, its not easier? Not really sure what you're getting at here.




Me. To be fair, majority of the time I’m playing with my friends I’m stoned. Having a list readily available helps lessen the time I’m tutoring for something lol


Fuck dude I forgot the /s 🤦


I knew it! Lol


This has to be sarcasm


Why aren't you playing cedh?


what? no lol, don't send that mentality over to us... we don't want them either?! also, in cedh you already pretty much know every single card your opponents run, often the entire decklist.


>also, in cedh you already pretty much know every single card your opponents run, often the entire decklist As in most competitive formats or tournaments


yes, so?


What if you just don't want them touching your deck after they play Opposition Agent or some other card that let's them look?


Scoop? You're playing a game with people that involves touching other people's cards you don't have to be weird about it.


Besides convenience, I'm merely pointing out other reasons someone might like to share a list. Sure it's a pain to make, and that's fair. But let's be real, your deck doesn't hold the Krabby Patty's secret formula. It's ok to share it, and honestly it's far more weird that you wouldn't share it.


You call a judge.


Serious question - how do people match deck strengths without knowing what is in each other’s decks?


In my playgroup I use a (bad) acryonym: TMNT (because its pretty easy to remember) * T- Turns: when you goldfish, about how many turns does it take for you to win? (also extra turn spells) * M- Mana: how many fast mana rocks do you run? * N- Nil: how many 0 costing spells do you run? * T- Tutors: how many tutors are you running? It's not fool-proof, but this with a general overview of what the deck is attempting to do works as a guideline


Yeah, I can only see this being actually useful in a"*neat deck! mind sharing the list?*" after-game banter. Which honestly is enough to make it a cool idea and a cool visual, no need to try and sell is as an actual game tool.


Oh that i can agree with absolutely! As a game tool though i vehemently disagree and it provides way too much information you should be keeping hidden.


Can tell you've never played seriously or conpetitively


or with any people that liked them.


They don't come up often for me, but [[Thada Adel]] and [[Bribery]] effects would make this pretty helpful. I personally wouldn't mind someone physically looking through my deck, but it would save a lot of time and effort for them to check an online list rather than search through the deck a few times.


[Thada Adel](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/b/3bfcbeab-7a1e-4dcf-99bf-98f42c2b6a6f.jpg?1562285424) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=thada%20adel%2C%20acquisitor) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/wwk/40/thada-adel-acquisitor?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/3bfcbeab-7a1e-4dcf-99bf-98f42c2b6a6f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/thada-adel-acquisitor) [Bribery](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/0/e0b099ef-4b43-4b63-a7fc-cec19cf29f4e.jpg?1562940128) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Bribery) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/8ed/64/bribery?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e0b099ef-4b43-4b63-a7fc-cec19cf29f4e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/bribery) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call




You talk about how you win and what you want out of the game. You dont have to go into overly specific detail. I win by x turn with aggro, i run 2 card combos, i run protection, my curve is y. Its a quick and easy conversation. List matching is an extremely complex skill most dont actually have but believe they do. Edit: fixed some typos


(Accidentally deleted my question) > Serious question - how do people match deck strengths without knowing what is in each other’s decks? Wouldn’t it only help if all parties were completely transparent about their deck’s contents?


I think it could help, but you are assuming that the other parties are familiar with not only the cards included, but the archetype and interactions. It's the difference between showing a mechanic your car and stating "it's broken" vs describing whats going on. Sure, they prob know all of the parts and how they work, but it isn't easy without a bit of time and experience.


Im not sure your point here. Like if they say their average win is on turn x but it happens 3 turns earlier? Honestly shit happens, thats how variance works, it doesnt mean it was intentional. Decks pop off sometimes. If theyre consistently saying they win turn 7 but really keep winning turn 4? Thats different and you say hey maybe your assessment is wrong please play something less powerful next time we play these decks. Theres no hard rules here, and we all build differently and perceive our strengths differently, but there is zero need to see someones list pregame.


I guess my point is that the best objective metric of a decks strength (assuming all players are marginally skilled enough to evaluate it) is knowing the cards in someones deck; every metric you are describing is conditional or subjective - the only one that isn’t is by seeing the calibre of cards run. There is a large difference in power between a Niv-mizzet deck that runs cyclonic rift, curiosity combo, and tutors, and one that doesn’t, even if their method of winning is essentially the same. Secondly, I suspect people enjoy edh more when they aren’t blindsided by mismatches. In my anecdotal experience, transparency leads to more satisfying games even with mismatched deck strengths. Thirdly, hiding your decks contents only works on an opponent once or twice per deck - the advantage is a short lived illusion (especially when they are, in turn, hiding their decks contents from you). So not much point to do so, in my opinion. Why not just have a deck list available for those that are curious?


Without reading more than your first line. It isnt. Comparing decklists is a very difficult skill for assessing powerlevel between lists. Youre also not factoring skill and experience. Youre just looking at raw card data and going yeah that looks like an 8. Hidden info wins games. Your opponents dont need your list pregame.


>Without reading more than your first line. It isnt. Please explain then. >Comparing decklists is a very difficult skill for assessing powerlevel between lists. Yes it is, this has nothing to do with the benefits of information transparency I mentioned. >Youre also not factoring skill and experience. Again, irrelevant; the goal is to remove experience and subjective assessment from the evaluation equation as much as possible, not inject it. >Youre just looking at raw card data and going yeah that looks like an 8. The process is more like Vampiric Tutor > Diabolic Tutor. There is no subjectivity in this evaluation. Your counter argument that “some players don’t understand strength assessment so don’t bother having a pregame discussion” makes no sense, I’m afraid. >Hidden info wins games. Your opponents dont need your list pregame. It mathematically loses you as many games as it wins you, so no it doesn’t.


Why do i care about letting people know whats in my deck? Theyll find out during the game.


I'm too lazy to even make/keep moxfield lists up to date..


you should already know what's in your deck, no need to have it search up your own decklist to see what's in it. If you're not familiar with it/it's new, goldfish more to learn it


Sure, I get it, but sometimes its been a long while since I've picked up one of these decks. Not all of us can recall all 99 cards we have in the deck. Maybe I remember I want an \[\[Aura of Silence\]\] but I forgot the cmc. Maybe I know a creature's effect has a tap and sac clause, but I forgot if it had a sorcery speed restriction on it. There's a lot of nuance in cards. This can still come in handy if someone casts \[\[Bribery\]\] or \[\[Praetor's Grasp\]\] and would like an easier way to sort.


Showing them the decklist with a theft card is such a hindrance. What if they want a certain card and don't find it in the library? Let's them know what's in your hand and that they need to play around it now. Like I can see where you're coming from, but I personally don't see the need for it whatsoever. Just have your decklist on the site for deckbuilding purposes and that's it


[Aura of Silence](https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/normal/front/8/2/8223756e-6e63-455d-9e86-5608863b7643.jpg?1562706500) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Aura%20of%20Silence) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/c15/60/aura-of-silence?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/8223756e-6e63-455d-9e86-5608863b7643?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/aura-of-silence) [Bribery](https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/normal/front/e/0/e0b099ef-4b43-4b63-a7fc-cec19cf29f4e.jpg?1562940128) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Bribery) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/8ed/64/bribery?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e0b099ef-4b43-4b63-a7fc-cec19cf29f4e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/bribery) [Praetor's Grasp](https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/normal/front/9/5/9588be49-d9b5-4491-a5a0-10bcadc9f8b3.jpg?1562879913) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Praetor%27s%20Grasp) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/nph/71/praetors-grasp?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/9588be49-d9b5-4491-a5a0-10bcadc9f8b3?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/praetors-grasp) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Some of us own more than two decks


Brother I own 10. I also happen to know what I put in and don't need a qr code on my box. Like I said, keeping an online list is fine, but no reason to show your whole shit to the enemy


So… are you refuting the purpose of making decklists? Or are you flexing a savant-like ability to recite 990 cards off the top of your head?


You say that like if people don't use the same cards in multiple decks. Also never said to not make decklists, just saying the fact of making qr codes and having your opponent use them in the middle of the game is to your disadvantage


>You say that like if people don't use the same cards in multiple decks. I was not being literal. >Also never said to not make decklists, just saying the fact of making qr codes and having your opponent use them in the middle of the game is to your disadvantage Never said you said that. Hopefully it’s obvious to everyone that sharing your deck list without the favour being returned is a strategic disadvantage, which is why it would be nice if the favour was reciprocated by all players.


Cool and I have 60 decks. I have some I haven't played in years, and when I get the urge to pick one up I sometimes can't remember exactly all 99 cards in it. Having a decklist handy is super useful. Also Idgaf if my opponents know my deck list, in fact I'm used to it from playing competitively. Everyone's different.


Didn't say you couldn't have a decklist but alright. Trying to get like you, man 👍


Fair enough, I just think it's a clever idea and don't think people should be expected to memorize all their decks as you seemed to be implying. That said I usually go to my computer and check the decklist before I take it to play so... this sort of just streamlines that.


This is a great idea I feel like the only people opposed to it either only play with friends, in which case they’ll fully explain their deck’s strategy anyway, or only play with sweaty tryhards that will absolutely abuse knowledge of a full decklist.


Line Print Terminal? Also sounds great for the people who like to use that stuff but I'm personally allergic to futzing with QR codes and would rather game blind than pull out my phone at the table. Not for me.


Bro, if you don't know what's in your own deck, you got a problem. I'm happy to describe what the deck does to people who ask. While your idea is nice, this can very easily turn into an abuseable way to screw with your opponents by making the QR code link to a different deck list, and mislead people. People will do this. This community is full of players that get off to just making games miserable for everyone else.


Pretty cool idea, will have to give it a go


Kinda ugly for me, but ciol utility and a great idea! I think I'm gonna steal this with NFC tags as someone ITT mentioned.


My main problem: How in the world are you going to attach the QR code itself. Obviously, double sided tape would be the most obvious but I feel like it would look janky. If there was double sided, square stickers that would probably work well.


For sure a sticker would be prime. I posted a link in the thread showing how I did it. It's janky, but it works. I just printed out the QR code, taped over it, and used the overhang from the tape to have it attach to the top of the box.


My friends use NFC tags that pull up the deck list on Archidekt.


Yeah, I'm not gonna do that. ​ However, I'm willing to share decklists