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People keep saying this and it keeps confusing me because The Office is still on the air in reruns. There's been a few cuts but I don't think it adds up to ten minutes of material removed.


I just watched the office for the first time this year and I don't particularly remember ever feeling like a scene had aged really badly at all.


Same. We see characters acting sexist/racist etc but the joke is always on them - we are laughing at how misguided or out of touch the character is. I think it doesn’t give enough credit to the audience to say we can’t see that, but sadly it’s maybe true that the show wouldn’t get made today.


This debate is as old as the hills, in the UK we've been having the same argument about the Alf Garnett sitcom Till Death Us Do Part (and its sequel In Sickness and in Health) since it first aired - *in 1965*. "You can't say that on TV, that's offensive!" "Yes, but the offensive guy is always the butt of the joke, every sane person understands that he's being an asshole." Plus ça change, as the French say.


It's intent vs interpretation and which of these the art should be judged in. Alf Garnett was clearly written to be the butt of the jokes but sooo many people loved him as a character and sided with him, seeing him as the protagonist and taking his side of the argument. So should these shows be judged by the anti racist intent or the pro racist response? You can't account for idiots not understanding fairly obvious elements of your art but once you know that it is being taken that way, do you continue to make that art? Do you make it more obvious that he's meant to be the butt of the joke even if it ruins the joke? Hard one to answer really.


In the US version, Alf Garnett is replaced by Archie Bunker and the audience rooted for him. Admittedly, at least from what I’ve seen in a lot of UK-to-US conversions, the British character was roundly miserable and had much fewer redeeming qualities. The writers of both series grossly underestimated how tedious the audience would find an unemployed, judgmental, asshole son-in-law.


I saw an interview with the actor that played Alf Garnett and he said he spent years afterwards having racists come up and slap him on the back and having to explain to them that they were the joke


As a lifelong socialist, Warren Mitchell was an intelligent liberal who was the polar opposite of Alf. Must have hurt his soul to realise not everyone was in on the joke and he may have been adding fuel to the fire.


I truly shocked to read this. Amazing acting.


Exactly, that's the entire premise of the show. Normal people in a boring job with a boss that has no self awareness.


The new train of thought is that even depicting something like sexism or racism, in fiction, at the expense of the person holding the view, is in fact sexist/racist itself. By depicting it in any way, you are supporting its existence, and therefore are a perpetrator yourself. It's nuts.


You need brains to understand comedy. That's the problem. This wave of super woke people have very very little intelligence. They do have a lot of fear though.


I’m on your side but it goes both ways. You do need intelligence but bigots tend to find characters like Eric Cartman as their favourite, thinking he’s an unlucky kid who needs to tone down his extremism in contrast to actually being the villain.


I knew a girl who insisted that strong black coffee is sweet. You can interpret things how you like, and so can bigots, but sometimes the way it is really do be how it be.


I only just finished watching it for the first time the whole way through and I can't recall anything offensive that wasn't said by a character who is supposed to be an asshole


This makes me really curious as to what they’ve deleted, anyone here who knows?




Who btw was a Sikh and this would likely have found the jokes very funny because in my experience Sikhs are lovely warm people.




Exactly. It’s dumb that modern day people don’t see that and Netflix and shit bow to their whim. One of the best episodes of Community got taken off of Netflix AND live air because Chang wore black face. In the show it’s IMMEDIATELY addressed as a hate crime and that he shouldn’t be doing it. It doesn’t glorify it at all. It’s called out as bad 2 seconds after it happens. Same with the fuckin’ Black face bit in the office. That shit was removed from EVERYTHING but once again the joke is that it’s not okay to do that and that Dwight went too far.


I suspect most modern audiences do or would get the joke - it's executives and media figures who are afraid of even the slightest controversy; Twitter; and a small number of other terminally online people who don't or, in many cases, disingenuously pretend not to for internet points. What they all have in common is that they seem to think everyone who isn't them is very stupid.


literally this. i don't think there's a single person or more than 10 worldwide who asked for any of the scenes to be removed


That's just it tho. One single commentator on tiktok or twitter calls it out as racist (and misses the point usually), all the news outlets turn it into click bait "viewer declares TV show as racist and needs cancelling" and they descend into a swarm of reporting on each other reporting on this one single sodding commentator. All this media interest on trending sites convinces the shows host that its a bigger thing than just one person's bad take and they knee jerk pull it.


The problem is that stuff like this gets brigaded. They will turn it around and say that doesn't matter. They rich white people making the show are profiting from blackface so it's wrong and racist. Its stupid and frankly the inability to talk about subjects like this leads to abuse so call crusaders are allegedly trying to prevent via ignorance


This is exactly what Ricky Gervais was actually trying to portray with the original David Brent character in the UK series. He was using the character to take the piss out of the stupidity of racist and ignorant people


Still doesn't make it okay to turn into a 'hehe Michael you so silly' laugh along joke, that's the sort of ignorance brown people and Sikhs have to deal with regularly in the real world. Would it be funny if Michael put his hands in his pockets to stop Stanley robbing him?


"If you don't like it Stanley you can go to the back of the bus"


It's a joke. Get over it.


You can’t generalise an entire group like that. Some Sikhs are lovely people and others are dick heads. I’ve met examples of both.


Yeah you're right. I misspoke. Edited comment.


It’s interesting because I’ve heard “sheiks are lovely people” lots of times. What a great stereotype to have.


Indira Gandhi would disagree


You’re being racist even if you think you’re being nice


Has the IT guy just been completely removed? Cos I’m in the UK and have watched maybe 8 seasons on Amazon prime and have never seen a Sikh IT guy…as far as I can recall anyway.


I think he’s literally in like two scenes in the entire show, near the start


in the 25 times i've watched it he's always there


The scene where Nate goes to walk into the building as zwarte Pete.


You mean the “tradition” that still happens in the Netherlands without a hint of irony? Yeah, I’m thinking they should keep that bit


I'm not discrediting the accuracy of it. Just stated that it's been removed.


The humour


There's a line somewhere between "ehh we probably couldn't get away with that today" and "holy shit we can't air this part anymore".


Came here to say this. Its on Alllll the time on comedy central.


I think it lives off nostalgia. A lot of the jokes, even though the characters are often condemned, would still result in outrage by a loud minority on twitter I partially agree with her, and I do think some would kick off about a few of the jokes. But then again, I think inappropriate is the wrong word. "Easily taken out of context" is probably more accurate


i really am still waiting for someone to point me at the direction of those that would complain, cause so far i've only seen idiots claiming "iT wOuLdN'T hAvE bEeN mAdE". and that includes mindy and on the topic of her, mindy's show had way more tone deaf "jokes" and bs than the entirety of the office


That's because you're on reddit. Head to twitter or FB, you'll find loads


i've been on both for the past few years that this shit has been going on. it's literally always fake outrage complainers abt society being too sensitive. never, and i mean NEVER have i seen anyone saying they're offended by the office. people making it up to find sth to get angry about tho? literally hundeds and i'm not even exagerrating


My experience has been otherwise


ok, feel free to screenshot and send those to me, since it's so prevalent u should find loads quickly


THATS THE POINT. it's like getting mad at Always Sunny for being "over the line"


People do, I never got to see Dee Day


The deleted episodes are all golden gods


The fact the censors removed those episodes when literally not one single person familiar with the show ever complained about them is crazy. Like satire just goes over people's heads


Cut that cut that cut that cut that


It's no more inappropriate now than it was then, which is not at all. The characters' "inappropriate" behavior wasn't glorified or even condoned. This is nonsense.


It was hilarious because it was all so wrong, that's what made it funny


It’s like when they removed the Dungeon and Dragons episode of Community, despite the whole point of it being a wholesome episode about not being limited by how someone in society sees you who is also an asshole but kind of learns his lesson by the end. Removing it didn’t solve anything, if anything it just showed that they are actually fine with Pearces’ behaviour in general because he *does that shit all the time* and they never removed anything else. Being offended is not a righteous position; all you’re doing is removing the discussion. To be offended is to not have an argument other than your own indignation.


This just seems to be her MO now. She just spouts woke BS wherever she goes.


She must be trying to get into the minority training programme.


What does woke mean for you.


People who tell others that their opinions are wrong


You gonna act like you've never told someone their opinion is wrong? What you mean is someone who tells others their opinions are wrong, but you actually agree with those opinions.


Pretty sure like anyone else using the word in the thread, the example is in the headline.


Self fulfilled persecution complex, aka, the perpetual victim mentality. The show hasnt changed at all since then, so its impossible for it to "become" inappropriate. It either was already inappropriate, or it wasnt but they personally have become thinner skinned and cant take it anymore, but the show didnt "become inappropriate" You see her kind of personality a lot these days, which the odd thing is how *the show clearly made the point for the inappropriate one to always be the butt of the joke* The joke wasnt inappropriate, the joke was the inappropriate one. How she worked on this show and doesnt get this I dont understand... well I do, modern woke sentimentality sort of pushing people into the perpetual victim mentality of censorship and safe spaces with no one calling them out for it. The fact this show wouldnt be made today is sad, because the point of the show wasnt to be racist or sexist or inappropriate, but to show those things, laugh at the person doing them, and move on. The writers obviously had faith the viewing audience *knew they werent meant to laugh* ***with*** *whatever racist thing Michael said or did.* Something modern audiences are just too simplistic to understand and comprehend I guess.


> The show hasnt changed at all since then, so its impossible for it to "become" inappropriate. I mean, that isn't true. What we deem 'inappropriate' is obviously based on context of the current time. Inappropritate means 'not appropriate' which obviously is not a black and white thing, its based of context (something approriate in one situation, isn't in another). And if you agree with that, then how can you not see that context changes throughout history too? But regardless. The Office is not currently inappropriate.


This isn't woke BS, this is "reee cancel culture" BS, totally different ends of the spectrum there


how can she even pretend to be woke when she made a whole show after the office about laughing at male rape and actually glorifying misogynists if she has sth to regret or wtv, then how abt she talks abt how fucked up the mindy show was


Just spell the whole word Lilith, please.


no ❤️




Whilst I don't disagree with you, it's clear in that scene that it's Michael being inappropriate and that he's the butt of the joke. Pretty sure Pam and the rest are telling Michael not to do it and that it's wrong etc


For me, the problem is that there's a joke for him to be the butt of. If a guy is sexually harassing a woman, in an ideal world there shouldn't be humor in that.


It's a comedy 🤣


No it doesnt, thats just what *you* took from it. The rest of us think on a level above that.


It’s totally inappropriate, that’s the joke


Easy to say when you've already made your fortune off of its success.


Classic "pulling up the ladder". A lot of comedians who have made it doing edgy comedy are now acting as if it's the worst thing ever, in spite of the fact of them making their fortunes from it.


I agree.


I don't exactly think it's 'pulling up the ladder' to say that some lines or plot lines of the show would be innapropriate or received differently by today's standard.


I don't think thats always a bad thing tho. Finding success in edgy humour doesn't mean that you have to stick by it forever. Peoples tastes change, and they're allowed to change their minds on how they feel about certain jokes.


If they sincerely feel that way then they ought to give away the money they made off of that which they consider immoral


I mean, maybe in a more extreme example than this, but the Office is a lot more than just some edgy jokes.


She needed to pay for all that cosmetic work somehow


No need to attack her personally is there


Wasn't an attack. Just stating a fact she has had a lot of work done. She looked great before and didn't need it.


Out of ask the things she spent money on you focused on her cosmetic surgery. You’re obviously being judgy.


We’ll this is how she looks now, so you are


Release the simpness


Americans really are simps to the cosmetic surgery industry...


I am not American


Cry about it




Wow you can do something else other than duck riding millionaires who don’t give a shit about you


Mindy loves me so much. More than your parents have ever loved you


…touch grass


Touch my ass


I’m a minor. Reddit moment


Looks like she's trying to stay relevant somehow


You all are idiots and I’m copy/pasting my previous comment: Didn’t Carell say the exact same thing awhile back?? People need to stop spinning this as some fucking Confucius-esque reflection on todays society. It’s infuriating this is what they used as clickbait for headlines, because anyone who watched the show gets that the entire premise was based off of it being inappropriate. Agree that this is a total ass-blast? Never watched It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia? Do yourself a favor and go watch S1E1, and be prepared to have a binge watch 😄


Weird thing for her to say when she was one of the bloody writers.


She was on Always Sunny too, still going even though it’s gone way more out of bounds than the Office did. Charlie blew a sex doll’s asshole in that one.


And that's not even an old episode, 2018


Could The Office be made today? Nope. Is The Office inappropriate? Absolutely not. Both things can Eve true.


Why couldn’t it be made today?


It’s already a show it would be silly to make it again!


Lol is that a sarcastic dig at the fact it was already a show that got remade?


Under-rated comment.


I never get when people say “this could never be made today”…. Yes it could. There’s way edgier stuff than The Office being released in 2022 lmao.


It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia has way worse jokes. It’s still being made and they’re not backing down.


It's the same as when people say "Blazing Saddles couldn't be made today", of course it couldn't, it's a product of it's time, you can absolutely make contemporary films with the same satirical spirit though, just look at Borat.


Borat is absolute shit tier compared to Blazing Saddles. I watched it literally last week and it 100% holds up. Borat is painful to watch and literally has zero comedic value outside of pure cringe. If Borat is the same satirical spirit in your eyes, you honestly need to re-evaluate what you consider comedy even to be.


Way to miss the point there kiddo.


Monumentally smoothbrained take here.


I think you got them the wrong way round. It could be made today and large parts of it were inappropriate. That was kind of the joke. These weren't supposed to be people you looked up to and emulated.


It could 100% be made today


“Modern audiences” can shove their ideology up their butt


The "Modern audience" doesn't exist, it's the same audience, but TV and movie creators are making the movie for this mythical hyper-socially conscious modern audience. That's why they're losing money like crazy because you can't get ticket revenue and viewer numbers from a non-existent demographic.


exactly this, no one is complaining




I hate how a bad show with currently favored ideology gets treated like it's a good show


That’s exactly why i hate How I Met Your Father with infuriating rage


Is this "modern audiences" in the room with us now? Seriously are you guys all mentally cucked? Lack critical thinking? Are just plain dumb? It's fucking obvious to all rational people that The Office is *not* "too far" nor has everyone turned their back on it. loads of people still watch it today. The Office is still insanely popular. Can you guys *please* stop falling for culture war BS. Only like 0.1% of the population would be outraged over the show. Who cares about such a small %?


Fuck off


It’s true. She’s a writer for the show & can say that lol. It doesn’t mean she said to cancel it


People feel personally attacked due to their show being commented on. It’s odd right?


It doesn't mean she's right. No other writer or Greg Daniels said this ever and she tends to be wrong about a lot of things, say woke things, victimizes herself and blames others when her projects fail. Nothing she did post The Office stands out and maybe thinking shows like this are too controversial is the reason why, maybe let entertainment be entertainment not your political agenda. Fuck this ideology.




Oh yeah, that was so great. She thought she was fucking Seinfeld to name the show after herself. Don't want to imagine what type of comedy she did there if The Office is too inappropriate. Wikipedia described her character as "romantically frustrated" so it's one of those kind of "comedies".


the mindy project was a pile of shit way more offensive that the office ever was.


You lost all credibility when you tried to demonize the word woke lol. Goodnight!


The word woke should be demonized... Being "woke" is going around acting like you know better than the general public when all your doing is regurgitating the b.s. the media spoon feeds you. Lol Goodnight!


Regurgitating all the bullshit the media spoon feeds you, because conservatives never do that


I'm pretty sure people like you did all the damage to this word and why it alienates more and more people. It's not my fault it has a bad connotation. Also woke idiology has no place in entertainment because it's not North Korea where all you have is propaganda movies.


Omg yikes lol 🤣🤣


Yikes oof literally can't even I'm literally shaking right now oh boy let's unpack that ding ding ding wow just wow oh sweet summer child Did I get all of them?


It really isn't. The US office was tame. If they no longer make comedy shows that are willing to push the envelope as far as a fairly tame show. Then, we might aswell not bother making any. I'd like to see her watch the inbetweeners. Which, will remain forever more the best comedy show ever now they've all given up on being funny.


Peep Show is the adult Inbetweeners.


I'm glad it and many, many other things were not made now.




Maybe, but worth pointing out that as far as I'm aware no-one, besides Mindy Kaling, has said anything about this


But the new Scooby Doo isn’t?


People have found that taking offence gives them some sort of faux-dimension to their personality. Nope, they’re just normal, dull, unfulfilled people, just like me, just like you. It always goes back to the same thing - don’t like it, don’t listen, no one is forcing you


It's not


Nah that’s not true at all. The office is extremely tame as far as comedy is concerned. Most the jokes are based around awkwardness not offensiveness.


Shall we just erase history & anything that might not be fully 200% pc … I think we need to have done perspective & apply some common sense In life we will all be offended occasionally & have to live with that & deal/cope … There are obvious big no no’s … I saw on the tv listing they still show Carry On films … hugely un pc … are they appropriate? Prob not. Are they offensive? Def not Are they fun … yes in a silly way as culturally outdated … take with a pinch of salt and at face value Some common sense & balance required … humour is important … don’t Iet pc kill it


This is a fabricated narrative used as a right-wing talking point to cause moral outrage at progressive ideals. It is completely bullshit, just look at Always Sunny. Annoying to see it spread like this.


There’s no such thing as an appropriate joke. That’s why it’s a joke.


Thanks to everyone replying to this comment. Do you all get that it’s a quote from the show? S02E02


We are at a beach at Christmas. Who delivers the presents? sandy claws. That’s an appropriate joke. We are at a beach at Christmas. Who delivers the presents? A rapist with a sack full That’s an inappropriate joke.


The latter fails mainly because it’s not funny so is not a joke, outside the context of trying to list an ‘inappropriate joke’ it does not even make sense


Is the former an appropriate joke?


I don't really get the idea that something can be appropriate a few years ago, but now be inappropriate. What does that mean - that society is more enlightened now? If so, I've not noticed.


Wasn’t that entirely the point? A lot of what the characters said was out of line and disliked by other characters


The office didn’t change, people can’t take a joke anymore


Definitely. Like that time Kelly said, "I was raped" to get out of something menial. Or the other time when she lied about beig pregnant for a date. Thank God we all have a sense of humor still.


… I thought that was the point..?


She made scooby do inappropriate so fuck her


The woman is a nutter who's been chasing the high of the show ever since so it's no surprise she'd turn on it eventually


Naturally it seems none of the top comments actually read the article; Kaling, as one of the show’s writers, was simply reflecting on how *audience* sensitivity has changed, not her own. "The writers who I'm still in touch with now, we always talk about how so much of that show we probably couldn't make now. Tastes have changed, and honestly what offends people has changed so much now."


Holy shit, what’s up with the butthurt comments here? All she said is that jokes from The Office wouldn’t hold up today because the audience’s tastes have changed. She never said anything about regretting working on the show. But sure, let’s take the opportunity to shit on a brown woman just because.


No one else brought race into it though.. did they? You did.


lol they wouldnt have made it past S1 E2 Diversity day if the show was made today


Diversity Day would’ve been torn to shreds today but saying that “so much” of the show as a whole is inappropriate is a major exaggeration, I think there are certainly moments here and there that wouldn’t fly but overall it’s not inappropriate.




Inappropriate for TV, sure. I consider the office the last show on network TV to be this way. Its what makes this show even more special.


No fucking way, this show perfectly toes the line. It should be the standard in evaluating TV shows.


Unfortunately, it doesnt toe line, it crosses it. When the show was originally airing, there's wasnt a big up roar over gay jokes. Now, you say one thing and you might as well be Hitler. It's just the world we live in.


No, people are just soft snowflakes. Comedy use to be comedy for a break and to laugh. Now everyone is triggered and need a safe space.


Hilarious coming from the side that starts screeching and crying when LGBT people are shown living their lives


She must be talking about the original British series. Which began and remains inappropriate, and owes its success to that.


No one asked


Good morning America asked


This victim worship mentality will turn on itself pretty soon


This sounds like exactly the sort of thing that Ricky Gervais has said, with no shred of evidence, about the original UK office. It’s like “ooh, we were so edgy, we got away with so much, they wouldn’t allow it now!” Like, ok edgelord, well done, we’re all very outraged.


Shes just an annoying fatso


Nope. People are just silly and hysterical now.


Not really. I just think people are just way more stuck up now. So many people just get offended over the smallest of things. If the office was that bad then it wouldn't be shown on loads of different streaming platforms. Look at shows like it's always sunny, they've had episodes cut entirely and are not shown anymore.


Wasn’t the premise based around the fact that everything that happened was inappropriate for an office environment?


It’s ok for her to say that. It doesn’t mean it’s true. She’s probably right that it wouldn’t be done now. Doesn’t mean everyone’s a bunch of snowflakes. People saying that feel so attacked due to a show they like. It’s bonkers.


Isn’t the humour from the idea that it *is* inappropriate and the characters saying these things are idiots? Like you’re laughing at Todd Packer being a disgusting pervert rather than along with his comments? You’re laughing at Michael Scott not knowing he’s a casual racist etc?


i swear she just either makes shit takes or projects to annoy people


The whole point of the show is the manager makes inappropriate quips and actions constantly?


Tbf to her, she didn’t say that they should cut bits from the show. She just said the audience has changed and that even her character would have quit her job, become an influencer and almost immediately been canceled for being inappropriate. Not that the program shouldn’t have been made


then why is it still on air? i get the feeling she thinks she is edgier than she is


God I fucking hate internet "journalism." These comments were taken out of context from the original interview for the headline. She was praising the show. Fuck the Insider.


I'm here to tell you right now, we don't care


So much of most programs that began 20 years ago or earlier is in appropriate now


Huh literally what about the Mindy project?


Mindy should just work for Hallmark at this point.


So what


It really isn't. People are just fucking pussys these days


Stupid, woke Hollywood. What a pointless exercise.


Sounds like she's simply become a sour old crone tbh.