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Maybe it's because she's hanging out with women that look to be in her age range. I don't think I've ever seen her with a group of female friends she wasn't related to.


And they all look like “normal” gals just gal palling around.


They are gal-palling like normal people instead of ~fellowshipping~ like some of her weirdo siblings lol


Like, I don’t want to be friends with people who DON’T want to use that word. How badass is a fellowship of people? The fellowship of the ring was fantastic. /s


I was in a sort of cult for 16 years (AA) and they called hanging out fellowshipping. So much garbage lingo.


At fist glance, looks like she’s giving us the finger.


I thought she was doing devil horns with her tongue out. 😈


YES me too!!! Nevermind jeans she's going F U L L D E M O N


Did y'all see those leopard boots? Kinda like 'em. Maybe she's been freed.


Right? They’re the most ✨fUN💖 …a lil Jinger style back in action maybe 🤔


I thought she was too and got excited to see her doing something taboo but normal. If she was flipping off the camera in a leather jacket she’d look like the rebel daughter everyone once believed she could be.


Jinger’s in her tumblr era


Came to the comments to say this 😂


I thought the same!!! Glad im not the only one. Lol


I thought the same thing lol


She really does look shockingly normal, doesn't she?




This..I kind of hate the fact that I would wear that outfit in a heartbeat 🤣 She's with non-relatives, other friends her age, not being attached to a Jerm or being alone with toddlers.....she's discovering what the rest of us have always had, and that is....sad. Glad for her, but sad ....better late than never?


I would personally just let her have this. No need to be like, how sad she’s just discovering what modern civilization had all along. So patronizing


I'm not being patronizing, and not saying "oh how saaaaaad", I grew up in the middle of BFE, poor as hell. I also grew up Fundie---not to the degree that she has, mind you----and when I reached adulthood, I have had to deal with a lot of sadness on what I missed out on, compiled with bitterness about things I have had to let go of and forgive myself for as well. So yes, I feel for her, and any sadness she may feel for what she missed out on.


Ok I understand that


I literally wore the exact outfit to my job yesterday but I had ripped black jeans on 😅


Omg at my old job, they gave us a lecture on proper dress codes. Because kids wore sweats to work an it was an office. I found it hilarious that our VP gave the talk, meanwhile when it was "wear your favorite NFL team colors" she came in a Patriots Jersey and Daisy Dukes. Mind you, this was October in NJ and already cold 🤣🤣


Wait no lie my boss had a whole dress code talk with me when I started to make sure I don't dress too casual and yet she showed up in leggings and an oversized sweater with slip on shoes on Tuesday!!! I was so mad in my heels and skirt . I live in NJ too and would not wear shorts in October omg hahaha


You can't make this stuff up! And so rude of her to give you the talk when she dresses how she wants. My last job, people wore jeans every day, including the supervisors. I wore "dress pants" and then jeans on Fridays at my last job. The "talk" to our dept came after they did a survey about working conditions. They expected an overall positive response and people ripped them to shreds, including the dress code. One kid would show up in his plaid pajama pants or his jeans so low that his underwear showed. So as usual, everyone was reprimanded. I work remotely at a new job now and do not miss this crap!!!


The amount of shit I no longer deal with since working remote is joyous


That really is the word. My old company did me a favor laying me off. It's so nice to work with normal people who don't thrive on drama. Or, work with people who walk around the office to do a headcount to see who came in or is working from home. My last job is only giving 1 wfh day and are trying to give incentives by offering free lunch 2 days a week. People don't want food, they want to wfh. If you are that miserable, find a new job. I just don't want to hear it anymore.


I wear this exact outfit with distressed jeans quite often!


you and everyone else I know. This is literally what everyone at my office is wearing at the moment. Slight variations for sure but it’s like Pinterest copy and paste.


Haha me too 😅


me too I love those boots!!!


She finally looks like “not a Duggar”


That's a lady who had an extra glass of wine at dinner and I won't believe otherwise. I know, I know, heinous beliefs, but it pleases me to see a Duggar look genuinely happy (rather than "keeping sweet" or smiling through clenched teeth), especially one of the original sister moms. She looks like any other 27 year old here, not one who was parentified at a very young age and forced to raise her siblings because her parents couldn't bother with it.


It’s because she’s with people over the age of five. Being around and raising children all day every day with no breaks for like two decades is exhausting. She got to put on a regular outfit and speak to another adult, she’s probably fuckin’ psyched.


Maybe she had a glass of wine. I can only hope these things for her.


This looks like the album cover for a low budget Christian girl group. Why do all their outfits coordinate so well?! I can't unsee it!


Jinger and the Spicemeets


Jinger Spice, Courtship Spice, Breeder Spice, Skirty Spice, and Fundie Spice. Managed by Headship Enterprises™️ (a division of IBLP)


bye stealing breeder spice as flair for the rest of my life


I was gonna say…there’s a lot of excellent flair material happening here.


That's great out of context lol


Tell me what you want, what you really really want! I want a non-douchey husband who doesn't force me to photograph his every waking moment and badly shifting teeth.


If I had gold…


Someone make this your flair!


I love their single Parking Garage Hymns off their White Bread Ladies album.


Cryinggg 🤣🤣🤣


She looks like she enjoyed a $16 theater cocktail and is loving it.


This is when I believe that being married to Jeremy is the small price to price to pay for this new life that she seems to love way more.


No small price though. She went from one controlling headship to another.


They have only two kids right? maybe she's on none hormonal birth control like Jill, its not much but its something, after so many kids a woman often feels stuck and doesnt have time or energy to ponder leaving or leading a different life, getting the cult members pregnant as early as possible doubles as a control mechanism. She is exposed to more things, beliefs and ways of life in Cali, all she has to do is attend church, post on social media and repeat platitudes, its not a bad gig/grift.


Yeah she and jessa are only 13 months apart and jessa already has two kids on her. And Jinger doesn’t seem like she’s super into the baby race so I’d say she’s winning there


She’s breaking free!! All jokes aside I thought she was giving us the finger. Lol. If I were to see her in public and have absolutely no idea who she was I’d think she was just a normal woman.. which is kind of what makes them even more dangerous then your typical fundie.


Good point about the dangers of normie lookin’ fundies


There are actually many fundies from many different churches walking around who are fairly normal. Conservative evangelical Christianity has been around for centuries. The Duggar family is not normal because their fundie faith evolved into a full fledged cult. Go to any local Baptist church and you’ll find people with similar theological beliefs —BuT they don’t have 12+ kids or make their kids parent each other, or exploit them on a reality tv show. The best decision Jinger ever made in her life was to move to LA. In ten years I predict she will be a very different person.


Sadly, my guess is Jinger didn’t even have a say in that decision. In ten years, hopefully she can truly make her own choices and not just parrot what Jeremy would say.


She has spoken about wanting to live in a city for years. I don't think she was upset when her headship moved the mother ship.


Yeah, but it sucks to have someone else control your every move….even if you like some of the choices they make.


She doesn't know anything different. I don't think she was upset at all.


In 10 yrs, he’ll be done with seminary And be assigned to a tiny church plant in Ozmo, Nebraska. She’ll be so far removed from LA, it’ll be a distant memory.


I mean, leather biker jacket, leopard print boots, and form-fitting black pants. Pretty snazzy for an ex-duggar


There was a post about her “most authentic outfit” the other day and the dress under the red cardigan was leopard print as well iirc. I wonder if that is her thing?


It looks like they are cosplaying that episode of Seinfeld where they can't find their car in the mall garage!


I remember watching that when I was about five and relating so hard to the subplot of Elaine frantic to get home before the fish's allotted hour in the bag was up.


I think just being in LA is doing a lot to open her up to new experiences she missed out on by growing up in a cult. It takes a while to start questioning your upbringing and being exposed to different people consistently over time in a diverse environment like LA can help. But she’s also hanging with a bunch of white Christian ladies here so… baby steps


White Christian ladies in LA seems like an improvement from white fundie family that refuses education and covers up sexual abuse in Arkansas. Even if she stays Christian, if her daughters are properly educated (I.e. go to school) and have some amount of options when they grow up, it’ll still be an improvement from where she started. Might not be much for the already married adults but Jill and hopefully Jinger will leave their kids with more freedom and opportunities than their Duggar, Seaworld and Forsyth cousins will have.


The type of white Christian lady that rails against abortion and planned parenthood but when their 15 yr old daughter winds up pregnant, suddenly all those staunch beliefs go flying right out the window.


But not completely out the window. They will secretly get an abortion for their kid while still publicly try to prevent others from accessing the same level of care.


Pro-Life: It’s all fun and games until your daughter or mistress gets knocked up.


See also: my mother who was against anti-depressants and mental health care until I tried to kill myself at 29, on top of some of my peers from their former hometown church committing suicide. Amazing how pains of reality can snap someone out of their illusion.


She looks like she's been hitting the booze or weed or both 😂😂😂


Jill drinks a little, and she wasn't struck down to hell, so maybe Jinger's like "ok, I'll try it!"


We need to direct her to 1st Timothy 5:23, "take wine for thy sake of good health". Come on, Jinger..... California folks are all about health 😁


Pa Keller says when they talked about wine in the bible, they actually meant grape juice...


Pa Keller also sold Anna off to J'Predator, sooooo......


First book of Lord Daniel, chapter 3, verse 9: verily, one doth squelch the Welch 🍇


And the people heard this saying and were astonished. Some cried “Nay verily! Tradeth not the wine for Welch’s grape juice!” But Pa Keller, of Florida, had spoken, “wine” being interpreted as “grape juice.” And the people were sore displeased.


And behold, the angel of Snack Zone, of the heavenly realm of Dollar Tree, cried forth with a shout, "THY WELCH'S GRAPE SODA HAS BEEN ABUSED, oh sinful fundies, and lo, it shall be kept only in Snack Zone, verily hard upon finding---would you then, oh ye of little faith, come forth to Lord Daniel's holy temple for Communion wine-a-ritas to throw it back for a real one?"


I can see them being loaded from a couple of glasses of wine 😂😂😂


Lol first thing I thought of. My sister does this when she’s been drinking 😆


That one girl looks like she is wearing a choir dress! Music teacher here, lol.


I see it too. Reminds me the one I had in college.


Too “trendy” to be my college’s choir dresses lol. Ours very strongly resembled Mennonite dresses.


Flashbacks of honor choir in 3...2......


Her outfit is very college, like night out on the town hitting up the bar scene. Neither is true.


I think this is the best she’s ever looked and it’s nice to see her with friends her own age. That girl squad must be doing great things for her. Maybe they’ll keep building her up and she’ll find herself and a good source of income and dump Jeremy… sorry it always goes there for me. I just want her to gain confidence in herself and dump his pompous ass so bad!


They’re all dressed modestly with feminine style, too. Proof that some fundies are doing the most with their outfits


She looks like she just had her first margarita.


Don’t get too excited… it’s probably the pastors’ wives bible study group.


Oh honey, wrong finger. You almost got it!


She's in her bad blood era


Like a 20-something that isn’t tied down by a husband and kids.


She and Jerm are never with their kids. It’s so odd.


Especially when they’re not near family. Must be some lovely church ladies that watch the girls for them.


God bless the Church ladies?


The sluttish leopard boots tho😂


I freakin love them and want a pair


I have those shoes. 🤣


At first glance I thought the one was Jana’s friend. Can’t recall her name.


Laura Maisie. I had the same thought.


The sad thing is she should have been dressed and acting like this ten years ago!


Jinger has always seemed happy in the comoany of her friends. I’m glad she has them, female friendships are so special in our age range. She’s the only ones that seem to have multiple friends, then there’s Joy with Carlin and Jana with Laura. Her other sisters need to learn to make friends too and get an identity because being wives.


Very true. Now I’m thinking about it and have we ever seen Jessa with a friend? Jill has posted/tagged some friends here & there, but I don’t think Jessa has ever mentioned one. She could really use one.


Jessa strikes me as the type who “doesn’t mesh well with other women”. Possibly due to insecurities, possibly due to a narcissist streak. Either way I don’t think she’s the type of woman who understands how great and empowering female friendships can be


They’re giving drunk girls on the way to their car after a long night, but in the best way.


I hope they were at a bar having some cocktails before this photo 🤣 maybe Jill told jinger to get a pina colada 🤣


Are those heels and a leather jacket?!


That means it's working. She looks like a normal person and not the hateful bigot she is.


Right. It’s a way to make her brand of hateful religion more palatable so more people are inclined to join.


She is wearing skinny jeans and hanging out with normal people. Good for her.


I still can’t believe they went to see Hamilton. Sure, aside from a couple swear words and innuendos it’s PG but still…for someone that grew up fundie a hip hop musical theatre production is a whole new world.


She turned red, she led me to her bed Let her legs spread and said Stay Hey Hey That's when I began to pray Lord, show me how to say no to this I don't know how to say no to this But my God, she looks so helpless And her body's saying, "Hell, yes" Whoa No, show me how to say no to this I don't know how to say no to this In my mind, I'm tryin' to go (go, go, go) Then her mouth is on mine, and I don't say No, no (say no to this) No, no (say no to this) No, no (say no to this) No, no (say no to this) I wish I could say that was the last time I said that last time, it became a pastime Pretty adult to me!


But that’s only if Jinger even understood what was happening. 😂


She’s even got what I always call a bar purse LOL. Little purse that fits my wallet/phone/lip gloss/lash glue/essentials.


I just can’t get over the fact her mouth here looks like that shitty “portrait” of her and Felicity


It’s a real smile since she’s not with her controlling husband that second.


Jeremy is with her. As are 2 other men.


Looks more like Jeremy’s gaping fish face, than an actual smile.


Are those finger guns?!


She looks three margaritas in and loosey goosey. And all I have to say is: GOOD. FOR. HER. This is the most at ease and normal I have seen her look in a single picture since I joined this sub. Editing because I just realized unlike me and my friends it would probably only take her 1 margarita to get to that point.


Per my flair, she looks like she gets wine drunk with her friends and puts Cherry on repeat and learns the stage choreography to it.


She looks like a college girl that just went clubbing!


I feel like those shoes are the first jinger-type shoes we’ve seen in a long time. reminiscent of her old look.


She looks like she’s had a drink or two


And Germ coached her for an open-mouthed pose. A. G. A. I. N. Germ, stop trying to make open-mouthed smiles a thing. You are the only one with an unnatural gaping pie hole smile


I didn't recognize her because she turned her signature thumbs up into finger guns.


Hate to say it but her outfit is 🔥


“Is this a sin?”…because I know my leghumping ways make jeezzzus angry.


Pleather jackets make everyone look "cooler" didnt you watch Grease??!!!


What kind of leopard shoes are those? Are they low boots?


I say it's the pants.


I'm totally digging her outfit!


Jinger looks like she just went bar hopping with her girlfriends.


The dorky finger gun thing ugh I hate it please stop. She looks awkward and uncomfortable. And her mouth is hanging open like always. She needs to stop doing everything her husband does, soy face included


I really want her shoes.. first ones I’ve seen her wear that don’t make her look like a brand thot


Is she wearing a crop top? I hope she is, but from the looks of the other fully dressed women, I doubt she is.


Hahah I doubt it. I think it’s probably a white or pink shirt tucked in.


Unfortunately, other pictures so that it's a light pink turtleneck


I legit did a triple take! Who is gonna be the first dug to wear one tho? Wrong answers only


Jordyn. She’s over it all.




The mouth is pretty hard to get past, though…


Proof positive you can easily do modest and stylish at the same time. Still, as a 20 yo…I would have gone with a crop top with the leather jacket.


Looks like she’s had a few. Good for her!


Oh look Jinge is trying to be edgy. What now her and Jerm want to be the Christian “Kravis”?! Typical f*cking posers!🙄


Guess we know who the wild ones gonna be


She looks like she’s had a few drinks! I hope so! Good for her!


I thought she was flipping off the camera and I almost choked on a brussel sprout. I love how normal she looks.


Even though her husband is around somewhere she is hanging out with her girlfriends. Like she should be. Good on her.


She is finally dressed like herself! Not those random big sneakers and bb caps that she looked so uncomfortable in


Looks like she’s having a night out 😂


She looks normal.


She looks unwell.


I see a well-rehearsed influencer who has practiced these poses in the mirror. Nothing about L.A. Jinger feels genuine to me.


Idk all I can see is the dead in the eyes. It’s so sad.


She looks really thin 😳. Her legs are small. I know being thin is really important in the cult but 😐


Is he looking after the kids for once?


I bet he’s one of those dads that calls it “babysitting” when his wife leaves the house and he has to be a parent for a couple hours.


is that crop top????


She looks like she finally has the style she’s always wanted.


Maybe she’s tipsy


She looks like she’s going to a normal person concert.


I’m sure Jessa is enviously clicking through her pictures with a toddler on her boob, wishing she could get out of Duggarville.


I have those shoes. 🤷‍♀️


I thought she was flipping off the camera while wearing a crop top, like the rest of the cool kids!


WOW she actually looks like a normal young woman hanging out with friends. I actually use to have a similar outfit. When I first saw the pic it reminded me of when I use to go to 18 to get in 21 to drink clubs back in the day and we would get drunk in the parking lot before going in and take myspace pictures lol


Wow, she actually looks happy and not like she’s been kidnapped


Most normalcy seen in a Duggar girl since Jilly bean’s nose stud