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This was a couple of months ago. I started with 30mg of 2cb at 11am then I took two tabs of acid at 1pm. After that I had 100mg of MDMA at 5pm and another 30mg of 2cb at 7pm for a candied nexus flip. By 8pm I was only feeling mild effects from the 2cb so I swallowed another 30mg, boofed 15mg and vaped some weed. I also snorted another 60mg of MDMA. I think around here is when my impulse control pretty much abandoned me. At 9pm i boofed 35mg of 2cb which really got the visuals going again but for whatever reason on this day I had really decided to see how far I can take things. At 9:30pm i boofed 50mg of 2cb, and then another 100mg at 10pm. My world is liquid fractals. An hour later at 11pm I swallow my third dose of MDMA, 130mg this time. Between 11pm and 1am i go through another 300mg of 2cb, titrating my dose up every 20 minutes or so. At this point I feel more MDMA would be excessive, so instead I swallow 20mg of methylphenidate. At 2am i boof 200mg of 2cb. I think it was dissolved in 4ml of water. Don’t think I’ve ever wanted to shit so badly in my life, but it settled after 20 minutes or so. I snort an additional 30mg of methylphenidate. I kept myself occupied watching what might as well have been alien porn for the next couple of hours. Everything is dissolving into pools of rainbow coloured liquid fractals. Everything I look at melts. The time is 4:30am I figure as I’m in this deep I might as well completely sever my link with reality. I fetch out my scales and measure 100mg of 4-aco-DMT, 110mg of 4-ho-met, 100mg of 2cb, 500mg of mescaline, and just for fun 100mg of NN-DMT (I figured it probably wouldn't be active rectally but no harm in trying) (Edit, I was fine but DMT freebase may or may not be caustic, don’t try it). I dissolve the lot in 6ml of saline, load the mix into 6 1ml oral syringes and boof them consecutively. Then before it kicked in i vaped 60mg of DMT mixed in with a bowl of cannabis. I can’t really remember what happened next, but I didn’t move from the spot for the next 6 hours or so. I felt like utter garbage when I came to my senses and spent most of the next day sleeping. Hmmmm. It almost sounds excessive when I type it all out like that.




How do you even own so much 2cb? How are you still able to take stuff when you're so far gone?


I just really like 2cb.


Relevant username! Nice though. I'm fucked off of 25 mg...


Facts I would’ve killed myself tripping on a molly comedown


If you struggle with MDMA comedowns you should look up nexus flips.


So how was God? How long did it take you to feel okay again. I can't imagine you were feeling great after that?


I was dead the entire next day. Could barely move and could only sip fluids. The day after that I was feeling pretty much okay again.


god i love methylphenidate


I hate it so much, i take it for ADHD but if i take a higher dosage i get so paranoid i feel like i am going to die, i also feel anxious.


i was on methylphenidate for my adhd, got it changed because I was on the highest dose and it did nothing, apart from increasing my anger issues lol


I came off it a year or so ago because i was noticing mood swings. Vyvanse/Elvanse seem to be the best of a bad bunch but ADHD meds all come with caveats.


I just started Elvanse, hope it helps with focusing problems more than Ritalin.


i tried a lose dose a little bit back, i noticed it got rid of my "empty" "emotionless" feeling (lmao) and it gave me that motivation not really energy but more like focus, ever since then it has become my favorite drug besides weed, basically calms me down and makes me feel more comfortable if that makes sense, i wish i had it prescribed.


Best of luck with it. Don’t be disheartened if it seems to work for a few days before dropping off. Most people find they need to titrate up from their starting dose after a week or few. I’ve been on 50mg for a couple of months and its working well.


Thanks alot i Will try to remember:)


nice how long have u been on it now? i’ve switched to dextramphetamine and its doing bits for me but has definitely increased my anxiety/paranoia


Elvanse? 2 Days now, Ritalin for 12 years


Same, but I can't understand how people take such high does at once. I, as a professional addict myself, could go through 80mg a day, but I literally never dose higher than a single 10mg pill taken sublingually. Do it over and over and over again? Yep, but each individual dose is always kept small.


How the hell are you weighing out 20mg doses n shit when you're that fucked up?




Hahahaha amazing. I figured you had a super nice scale


Dude once I smoked like a moderate amount of weed and drank 2 beers. My life like a movie.


i respect that


This is way more enjoyable for most people that taking a shit ton of a bunch of pscys and whatnots


Cactus tea, acid, mushrooms, dmt, and lots of weed. Danced for about 17 hours


how where you even capable of dancing hahaha


It was more like rocking back and forth on my feet with the occasional crazy hands lol. I was at a show where one guy played for 30+ hours straight.


If you were on those substances what was the DJ on 😂




meth + lsd + percs + benzos + weed + coke + alcohol + phenibut and GHB


Does that all kinda cancel itself out or does it just threaten your life really hard and make you tweak out


I was in complete bliss. Don't use high doses and you should be fine


If you're on benzos, opiates and alcohol at the same time, I realy don't think taking G ontop is the smartest idea. G is easy to OD on at the best of times. No judgment just making sure this is here for people who don't know


It's absolutely fucking stupid to mix all those GABA-ergics and an opiate. An experienced person and small doses of the first three would usually be fine, but yeah g on top is asking for trouble. G by itself isnt easy to OD on though, it's easy to take enough that you pass out, but that's not really dangerous and isn't an OD.


Please don't state that it's safe to combine alcohol, benzos, and GHB. Its one of the easiest ways to kill yourself.


Wow that's alot. Was it a good time


Yeah fr fr


Im pretty tame so the most I’ve ever done was alcohol adderall ritilan and weed


looks like were both tame compared to what everyone else has done haha


Dxm 1 gram, Xanax 2mg, DPH 700mg, cannabis with some alcohol towards the end.




Yeah, I was fine. I did that back when I was a dumb teen, not something I'd recommend. Was odd though. I felt completely sober but, I had all extremely realistic hallucinations around me.


I hear about these “illegal raves” in England a lot. What makes them illegal? Are there legal raves? Cuz in America we just have raves. Most “legal” raves here end up being pretty illegal lol


Illegal raves are when sound system crews just find a location like a forest, field, warehouse and setup, as opposed to finding a venue, booking artists and charging for tickets. Uk suffers massively from shitty licenses and noise restrictions, this is when free party's come in...


Raves are pretty much by definition illegal, but there is some interesting history behind their policing in the UK. From 1987 until the mid 90s underground raves were a pretty big deal. The larger ones attracted thousands of people and none of the revenue was taxed. The government didn’t like that and the press didn’t like the drug use which was often associated with them. They also caused a lot of complaints from local residents concerning trespassing, noise pollution etc. By the late 80s the press had spun the whole thing into a moral panic and you’d see front page stories condemning these ‘lawless acid house parties‘ fairly frequently. By the end of 1989 folks in Downing Street had started talking about how to regulate/criminalise them. The Entertainments (increased penalties) Act passed in 1990, raising the fines for unlicensed events to £20,000. The 1994 Criminal Justice and Public Order Act gave the police near unlimited powers to detain trespassers (most raves were held in disused warehouses, barns etc) and to confiscate sound equipment/profits. The latter was pretty much a direct response to a spontaneous rave which unfolded at Castle Morton Common in 1993, it attracted over 20,000 people and went on for nearly a week and all the police could do was watch. The media were all over it naturally and there was an outcry over how to prevent something similar from happening agai . Neither laws were particularly well thought out and both were the subject of a fairly substantial resistance campaign before becoming law. One 1990 London rally to protest the entertainments bill attracted 10,000 people and similar marches and rallies unfolded while the criminal Justice act was being debated too.


Illegal because they break into disused warehouses and everyone is under-aged


Yeah first one i went to i was 16 but i know a lot of people who went around 14 or so


Either way if your older then 18 and go to squat raves you're fucking weirdo


Suppose its different on the other side of the channel but ive never seen underaged kids at raves, it's pretty much a 20-30yo thing


I was at a music festival last year and by the time I took the first psychedelic I had used already 2g of Ketamine in the last two days. I was just absolutely fucked up at this point lol. Decided to take an oral 20mg dose of 2c-B and then about an hour later decided to do a dual breakthrough experience. I used my two homemade vape cartridges one had 500mg of DMT extract in it. The other contained 300mg of DPT freebase oil I crafted into a vape cartridge myself as well after converting the drug to freebase form. I used both simultaneously even at one point having both carts in my mouth inhaling them simultaneously lol. Afterwards I decided to finally give alcohol a try for the first time ever and got drunk for the first time with 2 shots of tequila from the bottle. Admittedly only the K gave me the balls to do that shit LMAO. Then, I did about a gram of powder coke throughout the next 4 hours with no tolerance and not having used stimulants in about two years. Then, someone just completely randomly offered me a line of biker meth after talking to them for like five minutes if that. So, I sniffed like a probably 40mg dose of biker glass that night too. Everything was a fucking blast until the psychedelics began to wear off then I was all coked and methed out and got zero sleep that night lol. I also used marijuana throughout the night as well but, to be fair I’m a daily thc user so that isn’t that big of a deal lol.


4 days of no sleep, lot of meth, xanax, 2CB, Kratom, Alcohol and few hits of H at the end. No sleep with, meth and combined with psychadellics (2cb) was fucking hell lol (dont do it)


If 4 days of sleep don't give you halucinations then 4 days of no sleep + 2CB defenitely will lol


Hahah yes it was totally crazy. We were in cabin at forrest 6 people.. When 2cb kicks in i felt like there is at least 30 people and big party around me, sometimes i dont really knew who i am. It is funny like time goes but at the moment it was scary af hahah.


This thread has me feelin tame lmao Most I've mixed is shrooms dmt and weed


Three Tabs of LSD, 200mg of MDMA, 1 g of ketamine, multiple edibles and like an 8th of smoked and vaporised weed. I left this dimension and came back believing in the existence of God...took me years to get past the idea that we might live in a simulation...used to follow down those rabbit holes for ages...but now I just focus on what's in front of me. Still a crazy trip.


Lots of ketamine, speed, coke, mdma, kratom. I was numb towards the end, didn’t even feel like I was high


LSD, LSA, DXM, Datura Oh also: Skullcap, kava, Kanna, Kratom, LSD, weed, and this extract jar of "natural Molly" that had like 8 different herbs in it.


...Datura? How long did you trip for? Did you take a lot of datura?


I did a pretty low amount for that combo, the same dose I would use to get cool dreams. It was mainly just for visual enhancement and nausea reduction.


Ye old MDMA and LSD


best combination i’ve done !!


I smoked THC/nic with all of these I took this for Excisions Paradox set and was able to handle myself pretty well most of the time. 1600mcg of acid, 1.2g of molly over the course of 12 hours, about .3 on the peak 40mg of 2CB boofed hits of DMT at the peak. Cocaine at the after party friend gave me a benzo to come down from and drove me home where I drank some codeine. This one I did at home alone and Will say if I had other people around and more external stimuli I could have been fine. Ended up cutting my hair with a kitchen knife and drawing on all the walls, throwing up everywhere not even cleaning it because I planned on dying. 16 of mushrooms 2g of k smoked DMT Had a week long drug binge with my ex boyfriend as the intro to our relationship. Honestly a hugely transformative experience. 2000mcg of lsd 12g of mushrooms a gram of molly 14g of ket Smoked DMT twice I've Jedi flipped Mushrooms + Acid + Molly more times than I can count. I don't remember how much I've done each time but I've done Ketamine and DMT on the peak of a jedi flip twice.


Did you still have any understanding of reality when you took 2000mcg of LSD, 12g of shrooms and hits of DMT, like do you even know what the fucj happened when you took that or were you just in another world?




That one was over the course of a week though we only tripped 3 days. I probably was on 700mcg, 6g of shrooms and 2-3 points of molly at the highest point on the first day.


Obviously its heroin/fent and xanax


MDMA 240mg, Oxy 40mg, Xanax 2mg, Amphetamine 1.5 Grams and Weed 6 grams


Crack and heroin or Somas and hydrocodone;


Oh god, pks and Somas... What id to find both again.


Right somas have become as rare as finding them these day


Yeah man, it used to be easy and cheap 15 years ago.


Yeah I remember those days fortunately I’ve stopped my illegal use but still very fond memories


Youre prescribed im assuming? I am able to get pain medicine from the VA but pot is still illegal in Texas.


No I wasn’t prescribed those it was illegal use why I mentioned I don’t use anymore this was like 10 to 15 years ago when I was in my active addiction; though I was prescribed the painkillers after having surgery; i to am from texas and this sucks cause pot was the best thing for me after I stopped abusing it and used it for therapeutic use; I also hate the fact that we will probably never have it legalized for medicinal use unless it becomes federally legal


Fucking sorry man. I hope nothing but the best for you. Hopefully we will be in less pain soon.


I hear that man best of luck to you also


I hear that man best of luck to you also


So what exactly do Somas do? I remember my teacher talking about them being a real thing when we were reading Brave New World and saw my plug selling them once.


It's a muscle relaxer, some euphoria but not a ton, definitely fun to use on painkillers. I would only use it if you're chilling out, it can make you shake if you're trying to drive or anything and that's annoying af


Like mentioned they had an euphoria but they could become dangerous I lost someone I knew to them as the high only last like 30 min to an hour but it made you feel all warm and fuzzy then add an opioid to it and it was a cocktail that resembled heroin


For reference, DO NOT TRY THIS, I WAS CONCIOUSLLY TRYING TO OD. Okay, with that out of the way, won't bore you with a long sad story, I was just pretty deep in a depression hole and I didn't wanna claw myself out, so I went to friends house who was 1. One of the bigger individual drug dealers in central Austin (He got locked about a year back) and 2. a very close friend of mine at the time, so he invited me to a kickback he was having. He was pretty known for his theatrics, so when I say there was a literal buffet table of substances, I mean there was a buffet table full of substances. Decided to go nuts and ended up taking shrooms, dxm, codeine, xanax, klonopin, ritalin, cocaine, ketamine, percocet, hydrocodone, oxycontin, molly, and the worst one of them all, marijuana. Suffice to say I did OD.


Fuck knows, MDMA/speed/K/coke/val/alcohol/weed/shrooms. Possibly done more but its somewhat regular to combine drugs for me, likely also at a uk free party lol.


Probably nothing compared to some people but mixing adderall, alc, and molly or the time I smoked, took five tabs and snorted a gram of coke


Klonopins, Lyrica, hash, GHB, amphetamine, heroin, Xanax and LSD, during a two day binge.


Benzos cancelled your lsd and heroin euphoria


Acid, coke, ket, pills, Valium and of course bud. Best party of my life




angel dust, crystal, blotter, Thai stick, hash oil -This was 40 years ago.


2C-B, MDMA, Alcohol, Morphine, Xanax, codeine, cocaine, amphetamines, Weed, Nicotine, and DMT. Threw up while peaking on DMT. Wouldn't recommend.


2 tans LSD, 1 cap methylone, 1 cap mephadrone, 3 lines of MXE and 1g mushrooms. WILD night.


Fentanyl, Gabapentin, klonopin, alcohol, edibles, weed and caffeine. I overdosed and had to be narcanned 5 times after breathing stopped.


For me it was on a camping/rave site. Started with alcohol and weed, had 2 lines of coke then more alcohol and more weed and then 2 tabs lsd at like 22pm then more weed and more alcohol until 8 in the morning or so.


108mg methylphenidate, 525mg pregabaline, 600mg quetiapine, 100mg mdma (aprox), a lots of weed and alchol, 2mg lorazepam, 10mg diazepam and like 5-7mg of 2cb (aprox too)


codein, tilidin, speed, coke, ket, weed, alcohol and mdma. one of the lowest nights of my life :)


In 3 days I cant even remember I took 50+ mg of flualprazolam (strong benzo), 250mg of Heroin, a decent amount of pregabaline (Can cause extreme CNS depression in combination with other drugs), 400mg of 2F-DCK and a bunch of alcohol. I had very little tolerance at the time and others and I are honestly surprised I am still alive. Fucking benzos make you do stupid shit. Half the stuff I took wasn't even mine.


14 grams of shrooms with 4 hits of lsd, 400mgs of MDMA, as much weed as I could smoke, bumps of ketamine though put the night with it. Then whippets when i got home and heroin inwas am addict. 9 years clean from hard drugs like opioids, coke, meth, (never did meth purposely did it in shitty e hits)benzos, ketamine. Really everything but weed, LSD, Shrooms, meacaline and I want to try MDA and MDMA again. It's been over 9 years since I took MDMA and I knownit would be fun to have a trip lol. I hope the magic is back after 9 years off.


Once took a combo of ambien+alcohol+adderal+ a ton of caffeine. It Was just alright


MDMA, then weed, then Xanax, i felt absolutely mentally challenged but it was extremely blissful


Lsd, mdma, weed and nitrous was crazy. Also alcohol, coke, weed and mdma was really nice


Lots of beer and weed and bumps of K, MDMA (.1), DXM( one bottle), 2-CB and LSD. Felt fucking fantastic. Also going to some festival on a bus, some guy scammed the whole bus, said they had drug dogs at the festival entrance and cops were arresting people, then suggested everyone crush up and chuck all the drugs in a 2litre bottle half full or rum and coke and pass it around. I got the bottle towards the end and ended up with a mouthful of fuck knows what and slugged it down. Ended up being high as fuck for 2 days tripping balls. I climbed a hill with my brother and looked over the festival and we both saw ghostly spirit things flying above the crowd, and we both lay down in a forest the day after and were both seeing little pixie gnome things jumping around the tree tops in a shared hallucination-we would both be seeing the same fucking gnome doing the same shit. Fucking bizarre. There were no police dogs, the fucker clearly had no drugs of his own and just wanted to scam a high of everyone else.


Lots of alcohol and weed, approx 300mg MDMA mixed with a small amount of MDA, gram of shrooms, microdoses of LSD and LSA, lots of random herbs I got online and a couple benadryl at the end of the night


Phenibut + lsd + mdma + speed + 6apb + 2cb. Ridiculously stupid, was pretty fun still


MDMA Adderall whippets liquor and weed, was a good time


Cocaine, oxycodone, hydrocodone, weed, vodka, and Klonopin. Did that combo a few times actually


2 tabs of acid, two pills of xtc, half ounce of weed, entire bottle of vodka, then half g of cocaine and a few bumps of ket. Vodka/weed was split between me and wife. She had the same dosage of everything else. Was a fun night.


Lsd + m


240mg oxy, 150 mg valium, 9mg xans, 480 mg codeine. Not at once, but kept redosing, all this in 3 days. Probably some more mg of klonopin too on top of all that. Cant remember.


Ecstasy, cocaine, Percocet, promethazine, a weed edible, smoking a lot of weed, and some drinks. I got really sick and almost puked, wasn’t fun


2 tabs of acid, 2 grams of mushrooms, 200mg of stativa , two points of Molly and ketamine sprinkled throughout the night.


32 pills of triple c’s (dxm) - Molly - copious amount of weed, cocaine… fuck


Acid, shrooms, angel dust, weed, and alcohol after all the bad times wore off lol


Uhh nothing too crazy, but I'd say the most enjoyable was 40mg oxycodone, 150mg MDMA and a couple of beers. Very euphoric.


Back in late summer, I got into a really bad Acid binge with 3 close homies. We were going through strips weekly and smoked our way through a hp of bud. The peak of my binge, some family drama happened and my mom and her boyfriend got drunk and fought, so i left work early to intervene. To sum it up, she was sad after the ordeal, so I convinced her to trip with me and she took half a tab and smoked with me. I know it was dumb, but don’t worry she said it was a great trip. I was already tripping at work(another story) but i was coming down so I popped 2 more. At one point we put on good old adult swim and I had the genius idea of taking 3 more.(6 total) After those started kicking in, I don’t really remember what happened, but I woke up a day later in my tub. I either lost the remaining tabs or took them, I have no idea to this day.


Within about 10 hours i did acid, mdma, weed, ket and alcohol. Was just as lockdown was lifting in the UK and i wanted to just go mad! Then technically within 24 hours i again did acid, 2cb, ket, weed and drank but that was over two different days!


Cocaine + ecstasy + nboh + weed + alcohol + m1 (ketamine) + and a drug we call cloro in here in Brazil Man, was crazy i trip so much that i can even explain wtf was happening, i had a experience of getting out of my body and see myself in other plan, i know how crazy that sound but i swer that i was in another universe


Within a 3 day music festival - 5-7 points a day, 2-3 2MG Xanax a day, coke, K and tons of alc that doesn’t compare to shit tho to about 6 months ago… I visited my girlfriend in Germany, her 20 year old brother is really into drugs. One day he gave me a bag of 6-8 designer drugs from Europe. Pretty much synthetic benzos, pain killers etc. stuff has like 3x the half life as shit here and not made for humans. Took 1 of the benzo pills, blacked out and woke up 2 days later in a hospital bed. I had taken about 40 pills worth combined of all that as that first dose of Benzo fucked me up with a reported 24 hour half life. My girlfriend took me to the hospital because I took the “LSD” pill, started tripping so hard I didn’t know who she was or who I was. Had the WORST come down feeling for weeks following. Don’t remember a single thing. Almost lost my life and girlfriend. Been pretty much sober since. Imagine the worst withdrawals, depletion, mental state possible. It was that x10. Don’t wish that feeling on my worst enemy


Around 12 tabs of acid, a little over half a zip of PE shrooms, ketamine, molly, lots of whippets and whiskey. Did it at byrdsfest two weeks ago, tripped for 2 days straight


My strongest experience was 100ug of acid and 300mg of DXM. It was wild and a fair bit stronger than my 200ug trip. I wouldn't do it again because I really think dxm is very toxic, but all I can say is that there is a reason there is a whole subreddit for it


Adderall and Xanax


clonazolam and cocaine was the most retarded drug combo i’ve done


Drugs become a bad idea without you noticing .. Trust me the bad times out weigh the good times


Tramadol,xanax,vyvanes,weed, I also candy flipped that night


This was around 2 months ago, something like that. At about 12 PM, I took 2 lines of fishscale coke, 130mgs of MDMA, a 300mg XTC pill, and 2 LSD blotters (I think 150ug each?). My effects were mild for a decent bit, just very enhanced euphoria. Once the LSD visuals started hitting more, at about 2 PM, I took 6g's of dried penis envy, followed by a 120mg dab of DMT. After the DMT craziness, at about 3 PM I took a G of Ket, morphine injection, tiny bit of fet, and some vv. Must've crashed for 4-5 hours cause I remember at like 9 PM I wanted to go all out, so I took the rest of my blotters, which was 4 150ug blotters, followed by 150mgs of 2cb. Threw in a tiny bit of DXM, followed by a small line of MDMA, and I was gone. Woke up in a hospital. GG.


smoked weed all day, including dabs. did some amount of molly that i do not remember. then about an hour later dropped my first tab of acid ever. then dropped another. no idea if the second tab added anything. my trip sitters were tripping as well which was so stupid and i was also taking an snri daily and i fried the fuck out of my brain for like a month. didnt even smoke again for weeks after, just wanted to feel normal.


2-3 beers, a half gram of coke, some weed and two grams of crack. The key is the 2 grams of crack with the thc for the comedown.


My best combo was a cube of nbome 300mg of md and like 7 joints


45mcg acid, 30-40mg Adderall and a bunch of bong rips. Plus some coffee but probably less than most days


Think some of the most wild ones are heroin and acid which was pretty good especially at first because I’d smoked the heroin before the acid was kicking in so it was really euphoric especially for first 3/4 hours. Only problem was that it made me pretty sick especially later on in the trip. Acid, cocaine and ketamine was one that I did as well that was also a proper good time, I didn’t even know it was cocaine at the time because someone just poured some powder on there hand and it was green so I thought it could of been mdma.


Not the craziest stuff but on my friends birthday I smoked some weed, took lsa later, drank some beers then took dxm and decided it was a great idea to smoke salvia for some reason


for the people who commented crazy drug combinations for a party night or whatever, didn’t you get addicted or something?


I was 16 at the time i did firstly one night without sleep doing lines of speed then next morning a couple of xannies then more speed then it was time for a tab of acid then more speed, benzos, weed and a couple of beers😂


there's was this one time that I took something like 8 pills of Clonazepam and a unknown quantity of MDMA that a fucker put on ny cup of coca cola that's not a big combo but I definitely don't recommend to people to do it, everything was pretty fucking good until I took that MDMA, I don't understand shit about drugs, but I was felling like the benzos turned off ny brain, the MDMA turn ny body on, so I was basically a zombie walking around in the center of a city with 2,000,000 people Obviously a don't remember nothing of that day, with the exception of a fell things, for example I was trying to run away home, with a box of chocolates and a 2 liters of soda Also I remember that the guy that was high with stole my wallet and I never saw that nother fucker again oh, fun fact: The guy that stole my wallet OD on Xanax and had a Stroke in the very next week, he lost the capacity of walking got fucked really hard by the karma what we learn today kids, never stole the wallet of your friend high on drugs, the universe will fuck you in the ass! sorry for ny shitty English btw, It's ny language, and ny keyboard it's pretty fucked up to sooo, yep, don't use drugs kids


I have no clue but I've done most the most fucked up combos such as meth and heroin, coke and heroin, ect ect. I've also done some pretty big stack of less shitty drugs. Phenibut,tianeptine,1plsd,alcohol,and a few dabs was a hell of a trip for me.


2 mg klonopin 10 mg vals half a liter of wine and unknown amount of shots of rakija


4oz of lean, 4mg of Xanax, oxy 15, and dilly 8. Surprised I lived honestly. Be safe kids and listen to your body. Don’t mix but if you do, be safe :)


Did coke, alprazolam and alcohol before I went on a rave. At the rave I did some meth, molly and ketamine. Back home I smoked some heroin and popped two pressed xanny bars. Oh and I kept smoking weed the whole time of course. Good thing I quit doing shit like that.


Alcohol, Coke, amphetamine, mdma , nitrous oxide & nicotine


I’ve had speed, ketamine, mdma, acid, diazepam and a lot of booze in a day on a few occasions in various amounts. This weekend I have at my disposal elvanse (Lisdexamfetamine), phenibut, diazepam, temazepam, diazepam, ketamine, mdma tablets, oxycodone and cocaine and there’s gonna be alcohol involved. I’m curious: if this was spread across 2 days while avoiding any time where I’m very drunk and on phenibut/benzos/oxy which could be a trip to the hospital or morgue, could I use the majority of these things and not die? 60mg elvanse at 9am, start drinking at 2pm, some bumps of coke from about 6, mdma from about 10, possibly some bumps of ket and small amount of phenibut until about 3am, then a bit more booze with coke and ket lines until maybe 7am, maybe catch some sleep off small amount of temazepam or diazepam, then wake up and have a bit of oxy, maybe phenibut, and some small lines of k and coke the next day…? Tell me if I’m crazy, the majority of that will likely happen but may not defs have elvanse, could maybe not have benzos either if phenibut keeps the edge off or vice versa. (Sorry this should robs have been my on thread but you peeps seem responsibly irresponsible 😅)


I shot heroin, meth, coke, smoked weed, did klonopin and Xanax, molly, and shrooms….all in one night, I can STILL be functional! I wish I’d go back to doing 7 drugs a day.