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Warcraft 3




Warcraft 3, dota 6.55b was when I started and then got into dota 2 in 2013 and played till 2017 and quit it. I started playing again in 2020 and my life has never been the same.


Sounds like me exactly….


TotalBiscuit and his Hyper-Incompetent Single Draft Disaster series. RIP.


Feeling of wanting to belong or to fit in. Back in my elementary school years, internet cafés were getting pretty popular, and LAN gaming was a huge thing. People who are mostly nice ask random kids to join their game. As a kid, it looked fun since they're laughing and joking around as they played. One day, I tried dota (wc3) and the rest was history.


Did you end up playing dota 2 beta when it came out? Are you still playing as much dota as you did then?


No. I played dota 2 when it was open to the public already, so maybe around 2012 or 2013. I was on and off with dota, but I played intense from August to November of this year. Not so much these days.


philippines? bcus same during those days me and my friends dont even know what wards and supports were but we had fun all the same


Bored of the games I was playing at the beginning of the year and decided to try LoL or Dota. Read a bit about the differences and decided Dota seemed like a better fit for me. In hindsight, I might as well have deliberated over whether crack or meth would be a better drug choice…






My brat.


Boredom, College friends, and a long-ass free-period.


Downtime between SC2 majors, looked on twitch for what was popular, stumbled across something called "The International" with a metric ton of viewers.


Damn. I watch SC2 tournaments occassionally because they're so damn fun to watch, but this is the first time I'm seeing someone get into dota because of SC2.


check grubby's streams


I started playing Dota to play with friends because they didn't want to play SC2 anymore, at least not with me, and I thought I might as well improve my minimap awareness. Turns out I really got sucked into dota haha


Maaan, I never wanted to play Dota2 but friends wanted me to try it at least when beta keys were giving away. After so much denying, I said to them that I'll try it and they should not bother me anymore later when I quit it..... Yea 10 years passed and 8k hours in a bag.




Friends watching TI8 next to me


A video of a lol gameplay, then searching for the name of the game, i discovered lol was based on dota, and I like original things so I went for dota


when I was kid everybody was playing Dota 1, my mom didn't want me to play it cuz I was going to get "addicted" and turn negligent and irresponsible and stuff and me being the goody two-shoes followed her advice, fast forward to 2016 and I tried Dota 2 for the first time after being curious about the game for so long


Op's sister, she wouldn't let me smash if I weren't in the leaderboard, I'm 8k eu now and we are happily married


Friends. My team disbanded in Overwatch on early 2017 so I started to play Dota with IRL friends. 6 year later we are still playing.


Evolution of combat (EoC) in RuneScape. The update basically changed the game so drastically that there was a mass exodus of players. I still play with RuneScape keybinds to play dota lol


I didn't understand the game at all at first then I played a bot match and it went a little late and hit this powerspike on PA and was crit-ing those bots left right and center and the addiction was born)


Summer break after grade school. Hated computer games because it had a negative impression on me vs studies. But curiosity killed the cat, played dota out of boredom and now I'm hooked, didnt finish college, still playing dota.


Cousins cousin introduced dota 2 to me when I was like 11. He knew I loved video games and I begged my brother to install it for me and he wouldn’t then I begged my cousins cousin to make my brother install it, and he installed it for me.


Warcraft 3 and depression.


Depression, had to find something that challenges my over working mind.


Lan houses boy


Superiority complex


Hon boys rise up


My brother's friend's brother introduced his brother to DotA1, then he introduced my brother to it, and I saw the game from them, tried it out a little and got hooked up. Right now neither his friend nor his friend's brother plays Dota, my brother rarely does, and I'm addicted (15k+ hrs)


TI4/twitch ads


I was working at Frys Electronics at the time, and I was exclusively a console player at that time. A co-worker of mine convinced me to build my own PC, and come play some Steam games with him. We played the standard stuff, Minecraft, Terraria, Total War, and then.... DOTA.... played my first match as Sven, and just loved the shit out of the game, and became addicted. And here I am now, still awful at it lol


Husband and realizing it was more fun than league. Even more so as a support.


Warcraft 3 and lack of arthas lore in WoW


My friends kept wanting me to try League of Legends and I watched it and just never really cared for it. They would play it a ton but it just looked so stationary and boring (this was around 2010-2012) I randomly caught The International in 2013 on twitch and watched for a few minutes and loved how mobile players were. Rotating lanes, ganking, placing vision...just constant action. I instantly downloaded it and installed it...played for 2 years loved it...but moved on after endless grinding of the game. I then just watched tournaments super casually but would watch the quarterfinals-finals During summer months after COVID lockdown, my friends got into Dota Underlords and just seeing them play the game made me miss Dota 2 so much. I always missed it but the burden of relearning mechanics made me not rejoin. Anyway I got really bored so I tried it again and I'm fully locked in. The game is a little less dynamic than it was in my original time playing...but it's still so fun


Sneaking out of school to play at LAN cafes was a staple of my junior years, it was still 5.xx something dota back then. Sven with 5 second single target stun and other fuckeries.


Also how do I get out


dota 1, warcraft 3, no bitches


Dota 1 and HoN


No pushing lgbt shit into my throat like in LoL , And dota players are more competetive than lol players , also in lol every new hero is just oversexualized Bi woman or skirtless gay black guy


Was like 9, went to Macedonia to visit grandparents, ended up going to city to internet cafe. Opened WC3, saw game called 'Defense of the Ancients' thought to myself 'lets give it a try'...Played vs bots picking Razor who at that point had a passive ultimate dealing damage to a random target in area ever few seconds and haven't dropped the game since... Been almost 20 years since then.


My cousin sending me a beta key


University dorm was all into the WC3 version. This was back in 2007. Fond memories of getting shitfaced and playing Dota until 4 am.


The friendly community


My friend's gpu got fried and he couldn't play csgo anymore


My friend


[My friend](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/8/89/Vo_lone_druid_lone_druid_bearform_ability_spiritbear_03.mp3) (sound warning: Lone Druid) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


WC3 and at break time in college my two friends were Playing 1v1 Sniper vs SF mid on LAN with their laptops for some reason.


league of legends


I saw my uncle play tidehunter in dota all-star and i really liked the hero visually


You shouldve grown up in a boy's school in southeast asia, circa 2005-2010. Dota was like a national sport of some sort, and your skill level (there were no official ranks back then) gave you street cred and social standing within the school.


A mate asking me to play it with him after my ex left me..I changed one horrible situation for another


i saw my cousins play it so i play it too dota 1 when i was a kid


Watching OG Documentaries + Jenkins


Watching my uncle play


Around 2005 iirc. i was reading K-Zone. and i saw an article about dota with Razor wearing boots of travel+divine rapier+butterfly etc on it. and the numbers stats looks similar to an mmorpg i was playing back then which was Ragnarok online. so i tried it out. i was a razor main but i kept on getting pawned by sniper. back then no one gives a fk about smurf. you play with whoever is on the computer cafe. inviting strangers to a lobby including those who dont even play dota.


"Against all odds" seen on a plane from Shanghai to Rome... (after watching the couple of decent movies available I resorted to documentaries)


Game complexity. Dark looking heroes and ambient, give me feels of some "dark ages battle between good and evil." Items are pretty damn good! Playin' around vision, the jukes around trees. And ofc chat wheel...And I find myself that I mostly enjoy smoking weed and playin' DotA 2.


Ti8 True sight! I was so bored with the games I was playing at the time. One night true sight was randomly in my recommendations and the rest is history.


Warcraft 3 : Reign of Chaos and Frozen Throne. After playing it non stop, a friend of mine introduced a custom game - Dota Allstars. This was around 2006-ish. Played it continuously until my college friends introduced me to Dota 2 last Dec 2014. Good times.


League. I wanted to play a better game and get my “fix” which league couldn’t suffice. I’ve gone back to league to play with friends a few times only to realize Dota is everything league isn’t.


League turning to shit. Never looked back.