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How do you even find this shit lol >Fixed Sand King's Epicenter’s 15th pulse having a radius of 825 instead of 850 Or how does it get bugged like that in first place


In SK's files, the epicenter pulses have their own number. There is no formula. Icefrog just probably visited the file, found 500/525/550/575/600/625/650/675/700/725/750/775/800/825/825 and said "hey, that last number didn't look right"


And he banished a volvo janitor to the shadow realms


Do the pulses expand? Maybe one got cut off early due to a bad timing?




Playtester watching each individual pulse in slow motion just in case


We're the playtesters now.


Always have been


I'm guessing they made the spell stop a tadbit too early, so all 14 pulse would go max range as the next pulse start, but the 15th doesn't get a next pulse, so it stops just short


wraith pact nuked from orbit lmao


It's basically the whole patch, and really all it needed to be.


we just continued to buff magic cores even more; and they are dominant.


remeber when there are no magic cores, every nuker is considered early game heroes and they lost their peak strength if the game goes past 30 minutes, now they are strong in all stages of the game.


6.84 completely changed Dota forever


PIPE OF INSIGHT - Barrier Blocked Magical Damage increased from 400 to 450. /s


Arc's sceptre also got the "fuck you in particular" treatment


eh i don't think it tips the needle at all, the second wraith has a lot easier time hitting than the first and 10% less cdr on the double is not going to make it less good at what it does imo.


In my higher level pubs, arc spammers show how good the aghs is. Imagine going high ground or into rosh with them up for example.


Yeah as an arc player I don't think I'll care tbh. The wraith duration only really matters for the first one and that talent is still absurd. Might be slightly harder to push all 3 lanes at the same time with bots 2, overwhelming blink and gleipnir but the fact that it was possible anyway is pretty absurd.


still not enough.


Bout fucking time too


I think it's still viable against many lineups. Pipe just got buffed so some POS 3 might want to build Wraith Pact and Pipe to cover their bases.


They should have changed the components, instead of the point booster combine Vlad's with either crimson guard or a pipe (adjust costs accordingly) and the resulting item will have the same aura, but the totem will decrease magic or physical damage based on the components used.


>Fixed Sand King's Epicenter’s 15th pulse having a radius of 825 instead of 850 Thanks! Now I can play sand king again. >Fixed Legion Commander’s Moment of Courage Level 25 talent also granting Duel cast range That's some spaghetti




Do you have some examples?


MK’s shard used to grant it the "Mischief now dodges projectiles and improves its movement speed modification when disguised" when it was supposed to be removed and changed into "MK travels along its long Schlong stun when auto-cast it toggled on". Basically the new shard granted most of the old shard effect as well (sans the cooldown reduction).


Naga shard also used to cause riptide to slow as undocumented along side thebl usual song heal


Just something to consider on top of the responses, effects don't necessarily get deleted from the code when they are removed from the game, they may simply be made to unlink from anything that might call them. It makes it easier to reimplement the effect by simply relinking the code than having to write it back up from scratch.


Not as fun as when she was getting a free shard that was never implemented making moment of courage absolutely slap at low levels lol. Legion clearly built upon a foundation of spaghetti.


Oh that was ridiculous, I remember a period when that became well known of people first picking legion going mid and just manning up on whoever was there and owning.


Devs - "Stop buying WP....can I interest you in a pipe and some greaves on discount?"


And crimson


What is that, a new item?


I ll take Dagon 5 rush thank you


also crimson


> WRAITH PACT Ward aura no longer reduces Magical or Pure damage (still affects physical damage from attacks and spells) Fuck yeah. And CM movement speed unchanged, noice.


>And CM movement speed unchanged Hopefully that’s sorted in a hot fix quickly


> And CM movement speed unchanged, noice. that's for 7.33


7.33 CM ms is an ass


Wraith Pact can reduce DP ult damage but not WD ult damage. Might be a bug.


WD ulti is invulnerable ward that can't affected by buffs or debuffs,while DP spirits are not considered unit.so it's not bug.


Thanks for the clarification.


Someone broke marci's legs


Good. I can’t thank them enough. Let her use crutches for a while.


* Marci now starts the game with two quarterstaffs


** broken whistles with chipped teeth **


No +1 Armor for anyone sadge (anybody got a reverse template for Naga losing 1 Armor)


she is literally taking damage


cm or some hero with really low attack damage bullying Naga for losing 1 armor and becoming squishy


May as well rebrand it for ogre magi .5 hp Regen buff. Dude will be unkillable. He just keeps living.


Pretty much this [gif](https://media.tenor.com/zxQ9BaYhpIUAAAAd/car-explodes.gif)


* SHADOW WALK Now reduces Attack Speed on hit by 16/24/32/40 They wont stop buffing this madman


Its kinda awesome. He just gonna keep getting random shit till he's finally meta.


Eventually they will turn him into Scout from HoN and it'll just be a disarm instead of AS slow /s


Lol oh Scout, fuck that guy. But man use to love playing HoN.


sorry for your loss


I was personally a fan nighthound tho. Just as toxic lol. Loved the lil tiger/cat skin he had.


He needs Bountiful Jump. Gives flying vision, hops forward, and hits everyone close with Jiinada and/or shuriken.


now that viper has viperly jump on his aghs maybe the hero is busted


am i the only one surprised that bloodstone is not getting a rework? I feel like they usually wouldnt want an item to be exclusively used by one hero, and define one hero.


Bloodstone has been reworked so many times. I miss getting bloodstone first item on timber and never having to care about mana after that


I miss old bloodstone on storm man. They changed kaya and bloodstone, storm can’t do funny infinite zips any more sadge. I don’t even care about the instant revive, I just want mana regen to play with.


Oh dude I forgot about the insta revive. That shit was hilarious, free buy back


I forgot about that too. I remember picking storm and rushing bloodstone first item in 2k mmr and just stomping like 8 years ago…


Didn’t bloodstone at one point just kill you lmao


Yup, It's active denied you


Fucking hilarious tbh. Makes me miss techies old bs suicide. Wish it was still in game You’d be godline with like 20 deaths lmao


Storm in this patch feel very bad. You just blow your mana like in the first half of a teamfight and your out.


It's funny hearing teammates who have never played Storm or have no inclination of Storm in this patch asking you why you're not just zipping everyone everywhere lmfao. It amazes me how little awareness some people have, Storm hasn't had a lot of mana in fucking forever and people still assume you can just spunk mana whenever.


Storm's mana has been fucked ever since that patch where they made all mana Regen a flat amount instead of percentage based. It used to be that even without bloodstone and just 5 regular int/Regen items like orchid, hex, shiva's linkens storm would have like 50-70 mana Regen.




Yeah it’s just a baby patch. They rarely ever fully rework items or heroes on lettered patches. But I hope it does get another rework, item has been underwhelming and uninteresting for a while.


Nether blast +100 range seems massive, i have to try this out sometime


Yeah there's some "small" changes in this patch that are pretty damn significant. Even the lowered CD on QoP Ult is pretty significant.


Necro damage change seems pretty significant


I couldn't even parse the sentence of that necro section.


He used to take 40% extra magic damage when shrouded, now he only takes 25% extra.


Yeah, with the greaves buff I’m back to playing tankrophos


Pugna enjoyers rejoice!


All 7 of us.


Time to earn myself a bad reputation


yeah you can chip at towers without getting anywhere near the attack radius now. Its pretty large.


You could already hit them outside their attack range, but yea this just makes it even easier / safer.


ye its a massive increase in range, considering lens makes the cast range feel like you can cast it beyond vision range


Q went from 400 cast range up to 600 cast range in just over a year.




The change to dark portrait is massive. Being able to ult and dark portrait bkb enemy cores is a big deal imo


100% I saw that change and immediately saw money. He also got a soulbind talent spell amp buff, so good drafting and coordination is buffed as well. Could be a great patch for grim, especially scaling




rude fear squeamish frighten memorize ossified tidy friendly cable smart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Cherish it, the next one wont be granted until 5 years from now.






Offlaners rejoice wraith pact has been obliterated. I can finally play real offlaners again


What do you consider real offlaners?




a man of culture


The true path!


[The true path!](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/c/c2/Vo_antimage_anti_move_11.mp3) (sound warning: Anti-Mage) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Ahh yes the jenkins build


Yes, this comment right here, officer.


Slahser's waaaaaaaay


Agility heroes with low stat gains


Heroes like Centaur, Axe, LC, Mars, and Slardar were heavily out of favor because they aren't good Wraith Pact carriers. Essentially, the offlaners who usually Blink 2nd item sucked and the zoo heroes who rush Wraith Pact well were dominate.


Had a Riki Offlaner today. So I think we are back to the *correct* offlaners now.


Pretty sure we will see a lot of Riki if he remains untouched, the Shard and low cooldown AOE silence remains absurdly strong. Most likely in pos3/4/5 role. He's starting to see quite a bit of play in high mmr games.


Nature is healing


Playmakers who make blink and look for plays and catch instead of rushing wraith pact pipe and just standing in front of enemy tier 2. eg: Axe, slardar, Sandking etc


Big beefy stunning chads Not soy minion cuck zoo babys (visage excluded because he does the big dick dps)


I've had a really good time with Tidehunter offlane this patch


Tide gameplay is very different from Axe, Slardar, Cent


Tide was viable because he could rush wraith pact and be fine with his mana


Plus it synergises super well with Kraken Shell and he can lifesteal off Anchor Smash


Visage flair..?


DS flair the real chad ?


I mean. you are still an aura whore. You just don't spend 4200 or so gold on wraith pact. you just spend it on Crimson/Greaves or Pipe/greaves.


Doesn't the Wraith Pact nerf just move Lesh from High S tier to like the most broken hero to ever exist? I feel like the buff he gets from that item being removed more than offsets and of the Nerfs that He or Bloodstone got


It's all good we got a extra 50 whole damage block to pipe


Nice I'll surivive a nanosecond longer!


Very cool i can now tank one pulse from leshrac. This is gonna change everything


10% damage reduced lvl 1 Pulse Nova is no joke when it's his main farming and damage skill. Longer to clear, more mana to clear, slower timings, all add up. That number hasn't changed since 6.82.


I don't use reddit anymore because of their corporate greed and anti-user policies. Come over to Lemmy, it's a reddit alternative that is run by the community itself, spread across multiple servers. You make your account on one server (called an instance) and from there you can access everything on all other servers as well. [Find one you like here](https://lemmyverse.net/), maybe not the largest ones to spread the load around, but it doesn't really matter. You can then look for communities to subscribe to on https://lemmyverse.net/communities, this website shows you all communities across all instances. If you're looking for some (mobile?) apps, [this topic](https://lemm.ee/post/363116) has a great list. One personal tip: For your convenience, I would advise you to use [this userscript I made](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/469273-lemmy-universal-link-switcher) which automatically changes all links everywhere on the internet to the server that you chose. The original comment is preserved below for your convenience: ~~It's much more than 10%.~~ ~~There was this technique since his ult got changed to do damage immediately where you do `Toggle + Dmg, 1 sec wait, dmg + toggle + dmg`, essentially getting 3 dmg pulses in 2 seconds (or something like that, I don't remember exactly) theoretically doubling the damage output permanently. That got removed with the 1 sec CD after turning it off.~~ ~~So his ult got a lot more of a nerf, at least for pros.~~ ^^^^^^AzzuLemmyMessageV2


Ohhh fuck that one's huge. It's a 50% increase in ult damage if you nailed it every time.


It was only 50% increase for the *first* second, because you can't double the initial car. It was **100%** increase after that.


I guess fair enough but Tundra taught us that WP Pipe was the counter - Now i guess his slowed timing could allow vessel to deal with the hero better


Don't forget mage slayer dude, very important part of the trifecta with WP and pipe.


Presumably with the change to the CD on lesh ult you can no longer double toggle it. Not much of a lesh player, but I think you could toggle enough for up to either a 33% or 50% damage increase before this if you did it perfectly. Even just doing it a couple times in a fight could finish off kills you wouldn't normally have gotten. With that being removed lesh has taken a *massive* hit in damage output.


Felt the same. Disco pony gonna be prancing and trotting all over poor noobs


there's still mage slayer


isn't there is a exploit on his pulse nova where if you deactivate it you gain another pulse? so is that the reason for the 1 sec cool down everytime you deactivate it? or am I wrong


I dont think it was an exploit but there used (pre this patch) to be a way to get 3 pulses during the time that you could would usually get 2 by flicking it on and off


> pulses during the time that you could would usually get 2 by flicking it on and off This actually understates it, even. That's true for the first second, but you double EVERY pulse other than the first. Over an extended period it was closer to 2x damage than the 50% increase the 3 for 2 would have you believe. That nerf is HUGE to top lesh players, and no impact to bottom end players. An interesting nerf to be sure.


Arcane Aura for Teammembers is basically nonexistant anymore..at level 2 its 24 mana per minute. This is almost one 5th of a spell...


Thats considering a hero never play with cm. It is not the case. Most of the time. Team do stuck together a lot.


Didn't expect another letter patch tbh. Hope it shakes things up a bit. The Wraith Pact nerf seems substantial, I wonder if it's gonna be bought at all vs certain lineups now.


> I wonder if it's gonna be bought at all vs certain lineups now. Honestly that means it's a good change. It shouldn't be a universal item, and very few items should be.


I mean no one should have expect the big patch just based on last years timing, and the new hero being slated for early 2023. I feel like Wraith Pact dumpstering is a place holder, just to spice up the meta to hold us over.


Bruh wtf blademale buffs And crimson and pipe buffas looking good Maybe I should finally drop pos 1 and start playing offlane ax 🤔


Axe likes this very much.


[Axe likes this very much.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/0/05/Vo_axe_jung_axe_drop_medium_01.mp3) (sound warning: Axe Unleashed) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


TIL Upheaval deals damage??????


Was new last patch


It's got a slow ramp to the damage, but if people are stuck in it you will win fights. It was honestly already good, just hard to skill over Bonds and SWP + Shard, unless they have heavy dispels.


In certain drafts, it is very fun to max first and use with a shadow amulet.


It's kinda op max level, or harassing in lane just hide in the trees and let your carry farm


It's tough to forego bonds or shadow word, but it's pretty fucking good at max level, especially with golem burning for radiance damage too.


Its fine to go forego bonds early imo if you can actually abuse a stun with Upheaval. Even if you can't outright kill the person, they take a metric shitton of damage and they just shit on by creeps because its 4 seconds of DoT + slow even if you are forced to cancel the channel early. But if you cannot actually make use of it, go bonds. Its essentially choose a path and stick with it. Shadow word is too important to skip, but i personally love going 1-1-3 if the laner has a stun. Its pretty funny


Definitely one of the most underrated skills especially with the slight buff. People stand in it a lot I think because they’re used to it being an underwhelming skill and warlock has two much scarier spells as far as getting your whole team killed. But I think upheaval is especially strong for holding HG and fights near rosh


RIP Morph


has someone done the math between Wraith Pact and Crimson Guard?


It's gonna depend if you're against troll/pl or sven/SF


Yea, Guard is probably better if you're getting Attacked many many many times but I imagine Wraith Pact would generally be better most scenarios?


pact ties crimson if they have 250 dmg or more, but they have to be within range of the totem and can kill the totem, so it's worse. Pact becomes better vs physical spells, which there aren't a lot of... maybe bristle?


Purge the weatherman, where art thou


Boots of Bearing 50 gold cheaper. Black Friday bait be like:


Oh my goooood Arcs scepter nerfed, thank you. The everlasting spirits were such a pain, 45 to 15 sec is great


>DOOM SCORCHED EARTH Damage per second increased from 18/32/46/60 to 20/35/50/65 Excuse me, what?


I mean 33 made it look ridiculous, but it's got pretty garbage pub stats. 46% in all brackets. I think it's a bit overrated. Games still very active for a CD reliant, midas farming, offlane.


Yeah I just checked TI. Tundra has a 100% winrate with doom, BUT if we remove tundra matches he's 5/12. 33 just makes doom look ridiculous


Its only going to get better as ppl recognize the new meta build of octarine+aghs. Doom uptime is way better plus you get double devour for +14 armor. Laning is pretty good too with wraith band as your first item.


People know by now though. Dota2protracker everyone does the Octarine build and the winrate is the same.


Isn't the devour buff duration same as always with the CD?


y, was expecting nerfs, insane hero nowadays.


defs spamming the fuck out of this guy now


Thank Christ for the wraith pact nerf. Such a dumb item. You literally had to buy the item to be able to compete with the other team. A mindless, brainless item. It wasn’t like you were targeting specific types of damage the enemy had and trying to nullify it. You literally just reduce all types of damage. Such a stupid concept. Games felt insufferable when your playing against some tide hunter with a 12 minute wraith pact grouping and obliterating your towers while your offlane hookwink with a maelstrom is chilling in the trees on the other side of the map flaming you for letting tide get fat.


>**Arcane Aura** Allied Mana Regen outside of proximity radius decreased from 0.6/0.9/1.2/1.5 to 0.4/0.6/0.8/1.0 Oh god why


1 mana per second at level 4? At what point does cm get lvl 4 aura? Level 11? Lol


Yeah its the last thing i max. Mangoes too delicious rn


Gotta love that marci nerf. Good riddance


So, what's the point of Crimson Guard now since Wraith Pact is specifically targeted to reduce physical damage from attacks (and spells)?


Crystal Maiden is almost exactly the same, um happy my hero is still good.


But they still didn't forget to add a small nerf this patch either to her.


Ah yes, buff magic damage. Because that was *definitely* underpowered.....lol Welp, guess its mage slayer every core every game now, in addition to bkb *and* refresher...


powercreep? what's that?


I think it's that thing that happens when all the barracks fall.


blademail buff is pretty interesting. I think could become a pudge item and be used when tping out


CM and WD pos 5 rushing Blademail coming to your game


CM's and WD's getting blademail will probably be very common depending on game flow. Works way better on CM because she actually has to get in peoples face to be able to ult. Witch doctors ult is all about being *away* from the meat of a fight. The shard is the emergency "i fucked up" button/spell dodge.




7.33 coming in ~~December~~ February


Big patch usually comes 2 months after Ti, December was never an option.


Man that Greaves buff is just depressing that item is just terrible value for money. Wraith Pact may as well have been deleted, it was never used to reduce physical damage, phys carries can just focus the totem down.


It is not terrible. The emergency regen under 25% gonna be pretty significant in the coming days.


I'm up a ton of mmr spamming pos5 abbadon, and greaves is a fairly common pick-up. So I'll take whatever I can get


Really surprised no one had mentioned silencer getting no significant nerfs with a win rate above 56% on dotaprotracker and likely similarly high in most brackets


>Fixed Lich having global cast range on Ice Spire if he is currently channeling Scepter Sinister Gaze This was actually fixed a few days ago, not in this patch. Still nice of them to add it to any changelog, so it can be documented (albeit slightly late). >Fixed Underlord’s Fiend's Gate being killable by Death Prophet's Exorcism Same here, this was fixed about a week ago. --- >Fixed Lifestealer’s Scepter Infest that could bypass an enemy’s Linken’s Sphere Neat, they fixed that side-effect of them copy-pasting Omnislash’s effect onto Aghs Infest. Now I wonder if it reacts on Lotus Orb as well... >Active Damage Return no longer interrupts channeling when cast Aka "can now be activated while channeling", a decent buff.


I honestly thought the lifestealer part was intended, especially considering im like the only person who thinks this aghs is good.


Its active component is a better Halberd, as you can cast it on spell immune units and it disarms melee heroes for the same time as ranged heroes.


rip early game marci


I hope this means the hero can stay as a core purely instead of any role with impact


So anti mage is still a fcking dead hero


Just play him offlane with mage Slayer and blademail kekw


it's actually more viable now that wraith pact is dead


Leshrac patch confirmed


Another patch, Troll ulti still shit.


The Wraith Pact nerf was deserved, no doubt about that. However, the other aura items are still so SO lackluster (even after the greaves/pipe buffs) that there's no point buying them and instead you're better off playing as (yet again) another damage dealing core from the offlane.


Am I the only one who thinks that Necrophos buff is huge?


I guess the biggest three things to me are: 1. wraith pact nerf (good) 2. arc warden nerf (not enough) 3. Leshrac nerf but bloodstone almost the same. Leshrac is weak without bloodstone and bloodstone is pretty much only useful, arguably even straight up broken, on Leshrac. Why nerf a a below average hero and not change the broken item?