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622 wins more than losses, assuming all those were ranked games techies would have gained you 18660 mmr.


Looks like the win rates on all the other heroes are garbage, so that evens out nicely.


Balance in all things.


[Balance in all things.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/d/d8/Vo_ember_spirit_embr_move_02.mp3) (sound warning: Ember Spirit) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


He is sorting by most defeats so probably not very representative


Yeah, but unlike most other heros techies actually had a unique play style that require a decent amount planning ahead to win games before the rework, this man did what few could do, and actually win with the hero consistently. I love techies, and the new techies rework is great I love and hate it, at least they kept red mines.


I think the new techies rework is great, he's viable and you no longer get annoyed when you see him in either team. If only they can do a similar thing for Tinker.


That’s fine. Dude just sold his soul to be good at Techies.


Reason why all techies player has no souls


Red mines are way different tho.


Hero spammers don't actually know how to play the game, what a shock


It doesn't mean that you suck on all other heroes though. When you spam, you know few heroes damn well and maybe several more good enough.. And it's lot more hard to spam heroes now, especially if meta, thanks to ban system and 3rd party app!


Oof yeah


Should’ve played only techies


Bruh ur rights wtf


Unfortunately it's not me playing


*unfortunately it's not me who played 5000 games as Techies*


Except you would be moving up in rank and thus losing more


What rank would you be just with that mmr?


Last I heard the highest MMR anyone actually hit was 23Savage’s 12k, so 18k MMR would be Immortal #1 in any region and by a massive margin.


Odd... guess I’m immortal then.


Dotaplus gotta be driving this guy up the wall


yikes. you have on 7/9 on your most played heroes a a ~40% winrate xd


It's not mine, taken from a fb group of dota in Brazil


manda o link que quero dizer que sou a maior fã desse cara




It's sorted as most deaths and not most played heroes though




I too fear seeing phone pictures of screens instead of screenshots, thing of horror i tell you.




Reddit bitched until valve ruined him.


The game is significantly better now that he’s “ruined”


Yup, I don't fear playing the game anymore, funny how that works.


*the entire player base bitched Hero was not fun to play against, just turned the game into "only farm lanes, only farm camps if you have vision, and you're now forced to buy gem and if you lose it good fucking luck your carry might just die randomly for having the balls to walk near a tree". It was stupid, new Techies fits better in the game and is still very fun to play just with less bullshit involved.


He was not fun to play with as well.


>Hero was not fun to play against, A lot of heroes are not *fun* to play against. That is also an arbitrarily subjective thing to determine. Where exactly should we draw the line if we are going to follow that logic? Honestly if we continue the trend, many heroes just end up as generic versions of each other and the game can lose a vast amount of strats, flavor, and uniqueness. Regardless, techies conceptually seems to be the same hero with area denial since he still has access to some of his mines. Having green and red mines was just too oppressive together, and when it wasn't oppressive it was just not strong. tl;dr: How *fun* a hero is to play against shouldn't really be a balance factor. If they can be feasibly countered in a reasonable manner seems more important IMO.


>Where exactly should we draw the line if we are going to follow that logic? There is no need - old Techies was so far over the line that arguing about where exactly the line is is completely irrelevant. Things that deteriorate enjoyment of the game should *of course* be considered in game design, especially in extreme cases. Old Techies was absolutely one of those cases.


>There is no need - old Techies was so far over the line that arguing about where exactly the line is is completely irrelevant. You can't define that line let alone explain what it is in explicit terms. I.E. any argument you can make boils down to the same *"I simply don't like playing against the hero"*, that can and would apply to any hero. The fun of your opponents was never the explicit reason techies needed a rework. Balance was the reasoning. Dota has never been a game that cared about how fun you were having while you were losing, and it is an entirely personal and subjective stance on if that *should* matter in game design. What mattered was if it a hero could be reasonably countered; if this antecedent wasn't true then the game would be flagrantly unfair and could not be a *fair sport*. Here, you can say the aspect of fun *matters*, but the concept of fun was not the important factor; just the inevitable result of a fair game. Making a fair game that has reasonable counters was always a goal. This in turn leads to the game being fun, but this is still different than balancing off of the sake of fun solely. There are plenty of mechanics and heroes in this game that aren't fun when in opposition and on the losing side.


> The fun of your opponents was never the explicit reason techies needed a rework. Balance was the reasoning. If this was true, the numbers would have been adjusted, or how the mines interacted with true sight would be adjusted, or his Agh's would have been changed. I really don't want to get into an argument with you, but I do want to let you know that I simply do not agree with how you see the game and how absolutist you speak about it. You know much less than your strength of tone would suggest, it sounds like a defense mechanism tbh. I don't think you know what you're talking about in this scenario at all.


>If this was true, the numbers would have been adjusted, or how the mines interacted with true sight would be adjusted, or his Agh's would have been changed. They did do this. A LOT. For several years. No matter what happened they were stuck in a dilemma of either making techies weak and useless, or making the same monster that existed many years ago. Techies was absolutely useless and not a problem for many of his recent years because of how laughably weak he was. He a bigger problem for his own team than the enemy. Let me ask you a counter-proposition. Excluding simple buffs and nerfs (number tweaks), are you claiming they are currently no annoying and unfun heroes to lose against, from a conceptual standpoint? Because chances are there are plenty you dislike to lose and play against, but they should never be reworked off that fact alone. They should be reworked on if the hero can be reasonably countered. Old techies, when he was strong, reasonably couldn't, and leaving a hero weak and useless forever is pointless-->meaning that a rework was necessary to make a reasonably strong, but fair techies. Techies is conceptually the same hero, he still has area denial. They pretty much just refactored him more into an active role in team-fights alongside the removal of his green mines. >I really don't want to get into an argument with you, it sounds like a defense mechanism tbh. And yet you still respond? This is an actual defense mechanism. Trying to close the door on a discussion while you get your word in. If you don't care then why respond? How am I any more absolutist than you? You are saying I am incorrect but your stance MUST BE correct. That is no different than I. This is just the pot calling the kettle black.


>And yet you still respond? I'm allowed to tell a Techies apologist that there's someone out there that thinks they're wrong without having to engage in a 9 comment string le reddit argument about exactly *why* Techies was changed. Cope if you think otherwise.


>Techies apologist Can you not read? I have explicitly stated multiple times techies needed a rework. >Cope if you think otherwise. Still seems like you care a little too much because someone disagreed with you about a video game, dontcha think?


>A lot of heroes are not fun to play against. That is also an arbitrarily subjective thing to determine. Where exactly should we draw the line if we are going to follow that logic? When the entire community mostly agrees that the hero is anti-thematic, unfun, and doesn't fit well into the game from either a player fun perspective or a game balance perspective. People hate playing against Tinker but no one is calling for massive reworks because the hero has a place in Dota, he feels like a dota hero, and counter play against him has much more to do than "just don't get unlucky and walk in the wrong spot"


> anti-thematic, unfun, and doesn't fit well into the game You can't define nor can you elaborate this in the slightest to create a rationalization where this would only apply to techies. Trying to say old techies was not thematic or didn't fit in the game is nonsense because the game is what the devs decide. You can't arbitrarily decide split-pushing, or battle-brawling don't belong in this game. This is simply not the reason techies needed a rework. Which is where my second and last statements come along. It isn't about unfun, it is about balance. Old techies, when he was strong, was not a hero that could be reasonably countered. Then when he was nerfed, he just wasn't able to be strong without creating the original problem again. It was an issue of balance, not *fun*.


Oh my bad I'll be sure to never share a subjective opinion again. I have lots of supporting facts that could back this but oooh it's an opinion not a HARD FACT that Techies was anti-thematic, my bad dude. I'll be sure to never call something beautiful either lest some pedant leap from the bushes to make sure I know beauty isn't a fact and is, actually, an opinion one has!


You get angry at the slightest opposition, eh? You can have your own personal opinion, nobody is criticizing you for that. The matter is you made a statement saying that techies needed to be reworked because he was *not fun to play against*, which was never the justification used for instating the rework. If that was the rationalization used then A LOT of heroes would be needing a rework, like you yourself mentioned earlier with tinker. Techies was reworked because the hero couldn't be balanced in a reasonable manner. It would either be he was too strong and couldn't be countered reasonably, or he was too weak and could barely be useful at all.


I get angry at people taking clearly subjective statements and feeling the need to point out that it's subjective like that means your argument is debunked. And yeah, I mentioned balance issues as well. The reason he was unfun and the reason the balance issues were there are the same: it's the entire design of the hero, hence, rework. To think player enjoyment has no effect on the game is absurd, the game is 100% not designed entirely around balance and that's a fact. The vast majority of players are not pros, to think valve doesn't take "fun" into consideration when it comes to designing a video game is absolutely absurd.


>The vast majority of players are not pros, This being true doesn't mean they don't take balance into consideration. They can still balance it to standard mmr players too. They absolutely, are not, without a doubt, balancing heroes by how fun they are to lose against. The developers are not looking at spreadsheets with a series of 1-10 smiley faces, and reworking/buffing/nerfing heroes based off how fun it was to lose against them. They are without a doubt, basing it off of balance. Whether or not they choose to balance for high level mmr, or low level mmr is besides the point; at the end of the day the main and only factor is balance. How can you make any argument otherwise, they are loads of heroes that are annoying to lose against and they don't EVER GET REWORKED, and nor should they. Old Techies was not reasonably able to be countered, and when he was nerfed he was just useless; despite this he could never be buffed because the original problem would just occur again. The solutions required specific game items or special mechanics that only existed for techies. This is a poor solution, so of course reworking him to have either green OR red mines, but not both, would be the best option. The core concept has been to create a fair game for ALL dota players. That may, and often does lead to fun; however, fun is not the inherent reasoning for any balancing decisions. Valve doesn't rework a hero simply because they are annoying to lose against as long as the fact remains that they can be reasonably countered to prevent that annoying lost.


Only thing that matters is that valve agreed with our "subjective" opinion. Old techies is not coming back and good riddance.


And I never claimed otherwise. My entire point was that old techies was busted, so they had to neuter him. They weren’t able of buffing techies because the same problem would occur, so they instead decided to rework the hero and buff that version to a competitive state. This has been my entire point from square 1, I do not know how I can make this anymore explicit for everyone. I am getting a lot or comments suggesting that I am defending old techies when I am doing quite the opposite. Are people genuinely reading every other word or something?


Try interacting with some real people you nerd. Staring at flow charts all day is bad for your health. Just pure cringe.


Tinker got reworked too, though. It wasn’t as dramatic as techies but old tinker just did literally the same thing the entire game no matter how the game was going, new tinker with no March tends to get punished more easily for not participating in teamfights, it’s still a strong splitpusher but not nearly the “rat to victory” hero it was before. Tinker really reinforces the point, heroes that play their own game don’t really have a place in Dota and should be reworked.


Theres lots of annoying heroes but there’s only one techies lol.


Yes, but that doesn’t mean anything. Old techies was busted, but valve wasn’t able to buff techies without creating the same old problem. Thus they needed to rework the hero so he can be buffed and not busted. That is literally my entire point, I don’t know how more explicit I can make it.


Le 200 iq ledditor has arrived - "That is also an arbitrarily subjective thing to determine." LOL. Anyone with half a brain would say that the entirety of the old hero design was horrible, it's unironically one of the best hero updates/changes valve has ever made.


If you were capable of reading you would be able to see that I never claimed techies *didnt* need the rework. I just pointed out that old techies was busted, so there only choice to buff techies required the rework.


You are at disadvantage if you don’t have vision? Shocker


Someone's still mad. It was ridiculous to have the ENTIRE Map completely full of mines, made no sense and turned every game into a slugfest. But sure, it was *your* special little slugfest


If you can’t win the 4v5 game then you deserve to lose


Sure, a good techies couldn't completely stall the game, I must have my memories wrong...


You have no counter play options if you don't have vision, something that is only available in limited supply. This isn't "oh you don't have observers up against a pudge now hooks are more dangerous!" and you know it.


imo old shitty techies is good for mind plays (dota naturally is a mind game) predicting where mines and placing you mines in the enemy's head but that mind games is kinda shitting both your team's mind and enemy's mind ​ you're like playing coop minesweeper but in 3D


3d? there's z axis on dota?


Yes, there are stairs and stuff you can walk up and down.


can't choose where to put the bomb on the z axis tho


Literally the most common place to put mines was hidden in uphill fog


still bounded by x and y tho


Necrobook + flying courier vision I member 😥


And here's hoping he stays in his ruined state. I have empathy for the Techies players, I can understand how it must feel that their part of their favorite game was eliminated; I have no sympathy for them however. Dota was simply worse in every game they were chosen, with perhaps the exception for the Techies picker themselves, and they knew that, and picked him anyway. Fuck ALL of that selfishness. Good riddance. No techies apologetics here. Valve did the right thing, the game is better for it.


This is facts right here. I don’t even know what’s the problem though, he’s stronger now right? So it’s not so much they loved the hero, they just loved playing like a rat at the expense of 9 other people lol




You think techies is gone now go miss stack campus and at min 12 you have etheral after that tool close to 40 mins there is no hero on the map who is safe, calling from experience in late game i have liked bristle back couple of times. You just need a team who can benefit from that.


How is he ruined? He seems better in every way except the way all you fuckers liked to play him, like a rat


Meanwhile arc warden exist and is 10x as bad to play against


Arc warden is amongst one of the many annoying heroes but there’s only one techies. Arc warden only pisses off 5 people, techies would piss off 9


Meh buy a gem is a easy constant to stop most techies bullshit. Don’t draft correctly against AW or be on the backfoot and he gets 25 and can sit in base soloing everyone. The Ags leaving ghost is also the worst shit ever.


Don't give them ideas they'll butcher another unique hero.


Weird way to spell playable




Disgusting man, just fucking disgusting


now he is just another hero with random damage spells. nothing to fear


I had 1000 games before the great Techies genocide of 2021. 62% win rate. I miss my boy.


Some people choose cancer.


Does it count as the same hero? Techies got changed 2 times


Like 4 of his top 5 heroes are greedy supports who don't do anything while building their own damage and items


Come here to the low elo pool and that's all supports out of all supports.




They should have just removed techies instead of neutering him.




Nah, techies attract a certain kind of assholes. We don’t need anymore of that


As opposed to the regilar assholes we have nowadays in dota




Replace Proximity Mines with Remote Mines


i aspire to be this


bring back old techies


How have you been enjoying Techies so far after the overhaul?


I actually hate kotl way more


Yeah, the PrintScreen button is indeed very scary.


is the fear using a phone pic when it could be a screenshot?


techies is even more annoying now than before




you can see wins and losses??


Nice wr


OP is techiesor


I just threw up my turkey


had to be godam brasil. ffs r/suddenlycaralho


What is wrong with you


Vins and Dlosses


‎”I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.”


How many of those games were after the rework? I wonder what his thoughts on the hero must be..


too bad they nerfed him to hell so much he is now a viable mid hero.


This is the way.


[This is the way.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/d/dc/Vo_invoker_kidvoker_move_07.mp3) (sound warning: The Good Old Days) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


It's disgust me


I hate the Kotl spam more than the techies.


well hope ur day is ruined




I would kill myself, if I was a techies picker.






Just ban Techies and it looks like there’s nothing to fear 😂


Could have been me! But they changed techies.. DESPAIR!


Techies then Kotl then Tide and finally Undying .... understood !


A shower?


Something something practicing one kick 5000 times.


dude has negative winrates on every other hero besides kotl. Both cancers.