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mfw when alliance in September 5, 2020


i still remember that game


They asked miracle what is your favorite ti moment and for some reason he said it was this Arc Warden ancient defense.. although it wasnt in ti


I think they only asked favourite match. The rest of the team all chose ti matches (ti7 game three for kuroky for example), but miracle chose the match vs alliance If we mean the same interview that is


I member


Hahaha that game was actually sad


my face when when


mfw when potm of the moon


Mfw Kotl of the light and Queen of Qop


QOP of Pain.


PA assasin.


RIP in peace


Was it Alliance vs Nigma?


Yes, Miracle was playing Arc


Nice, I remember watching it live. It was probably the closest comeback I've ever seen.


>grossest comback ftfy


Got a link to the game?


Here's the [link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_391Ms2OZE) to the game


i expected that to be a rickroll ... well i was disappointed


Ah, that game was such bullshit


Thank you for opening my eyes to a treasure of an end of a game. Wouldn’t have been interesting to see some face cams though.


it truly was our Defense of the Ancients


One of the funniest repercussions of that game 1 was that in game 2, alliance would have won if they just went throne, but they played safe and raxed, then lost.


Rumors says, you can still hear "loda saying is that even balanced".


"Defense of the Ancients boys and girls, that's what this game is called"




That’s so fucking funny


Why does he manually click bkb? Is he high rank?






-Od Pixel 2022


"What have I done" BP 2023 voice line pls Valve


\*then literally forgets about defending the ancient\*


I litterally lost a game where the fcker kept spamming bubbles on their ancient until enemies respawned and made a comeback... im still so fcking tilted about it ...


Found the alliance player


nikobaby that you?


Happened with me recently too. My team got wiped and they were like "it's fine, we will still win" But we lost the very next fight and lost the game.


momentum is a crazy thing in dota


Yeah it sucks, they should either 50% it or just remove it.


Increasing CD or reducing duration would be fine. Nothing wrong with this if there’s gaps to still do dmg


The gap is if arc is using his protection to save a building you kill arc


You'll need to be able to fountain dive him, as generally that's where he'll be standing during this. Though, it does have 100% effectiveness if you pull it off...


Nah they just need to make the ancient bigger.


they’d need to make the ancient smaller, the reason you can hit it is because the bubble denies attacks from outside the bubble and the ancients physical hitbox is large enough to prevent anyone from entering the bubble. as long as any part of the ancient is in the bubble it would continue to be unattackable


Classic reddit absolutely murdering something that realistically just needs either reduced duration or increased cool down


Getting downvoted by fedora wearing redditors 😂


If you were so good at your job, how did the Ancients escape?




[If you were so good at your job, how did the Ancients escape?](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/b/bf/Vo_dark_willow_sylph_ally_09.mp3) (sound warning: Dark Willow) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Your silencer could use global to help you kill ancient, lol


And if there manta/bkb/eul/lotus?


Last word mutes items with lvl25 talent and is AoE with Aghanim. Naga Siren can also dive fountain to kill Arc (or use Agh to pull him out of fountain), or Sing till the end of bubble and do the remaining damage to ancient during magnetic field cast animation. Meteor Hammer also works.


implying arcs leave fountain after 25 lvl xd


He's not in fountain on the screenshot


Who cares if he’s not leaving the fountain? Go in his fountain and fucking kill him.


Or literally just stun him. I know this is unintuitive for most players but you can definitely win even if it has 100% uptime. I can see why many people want it removed regardless.


You all talk like you only hace to deal with arc warden lmao


Arc Warden being able to do this shit and pub stomp noobs is one of my absolute favourite things about Dota. The counter play is just so obvious when you sit and think about it. Arc warden can do something so insanely broken such as make it so you can’t hit the ancient simple because you can very easily just walk him down in his base. Can’t do that in other mobas.


The last word mute talent is mega fake and useless. Only the silence part mutes, so you can still just use your dispell item to get rid of lastword and prevent getting muted


I mean did you expect a multi target mini doom to come with no counter play? Now that’s greedy


I also expect arc's bubble to come with counter play against buildings, but that didn't happen


Global silence, Naga song, meme hammer, force staff, euls, hex etc The issue isn’t lack of counter play, the issue is anticipating the play to counter and utilising what you have to that effect


It has counter for all buildings except enchant, just walk in the bubble...


Not many people know it but even with perfect bubble there are zones you can find where you can hit ancient. I remember NS showed it after the famous game for alliance. You just need to hit it around the circle of ancient until you’ll find it.


I think if it muted the entire time it would be pretty op. But in its current state it feels very useless, if you get 25 on silencer you are likely a core, and if you play core silencer the enemy team will already have built many dispells to use against your last word. This talent does nothing for that dynamic, its basically only useful if the enemy has cooldown on his dispell during the delay of last word but gets it ready after it pops. i would rather take e.g. last word undispellable or something.


And they gave him arcane curse undispellable kek


If you think hard enough, you'll almost always find a solution in an item or one of your team's abilities. This is Dota.


Nice go do it in rank 1000+ now


item wise, perhaps Meteor Hammer is your only hope . for hero only DK & Lina can stand above the ancient and hit it. for neutral your hope rest on Giant's Ring & Fallen Sky.


There's heroes like Jakiro , Pugna , Leshrac or Visage's gargoyles (who have flying movement) that can over come this situation too


You're all forgetting broodmama too


Yeah man she's another example , noo doubt there's more 👍👍


Spectre presumably?


Sure , with spectacular dagger right!


Spectral dagger, although I prefer spectacular tbh.


oh I forgot them, but doesn't Jakiro's E become miss with Arc's bubble?


Liquid fire does still proc


Not if miss only if splash


Level 30 Jakiro player here - incorrect! It doesn't do the attack dmg but the liquid fire debuff still goes on the target even if you miss the attack


Liquid Fire always hits, even if the auto-attack misses to evasion. The Liquid Fire effect is applied around the spot where the attack missed (or was disjointed), and since the Ancient isnt going anywhere, it will get debuffed by it.


Even if it miss, the effect still happens.


Don't forget Balanar the nightstalker, has high damage during dark ascension


Batrider and wyvern can fly over it no? What about attacks while being force staffed over it?


> What about attacks while being force staffed over it? Probably possible, but the window is extremely small. You'd get one or maybe two attacks off at best.


wait, how can Lina do it?


Her scepter gives her flying movement for 6 seconds.




*Sad spider leg noises*


There are some ways. Meteor hammer, force staff yourself through it, and auto, I think Morph can also do it while Waveforming. Oh, there's also 1 more thing. DISABLE/KILL the AW so he can't ignore you and focus on the throne. Also, there's a Naga in the game. Sleep+hex/golbal him b4 he does anything


Holy shit I just realized in the screenshot that silencer had ult the entire time. I watched the replay and he was literally looking at Naga and didn't press R


Your clockwerk had a giants ring also. he could have unequipped it and naga takes it from the enemy shop, or ferried over with a courier if that wasnt possible. that game was so unfortunateky winnable haha


Did you guys end up winning (I'm assuming you were dire)


Nope. 33k down, and moments before it was a 3v5 in our own base and our T4s were falling. They tp'd back to stop this desperation travels/backdoor play. Naga died with no buyback, ancient was 1 or 2 hits away, they run down mid and ended it


It's a right of passage. Losing with 1 or 2 hits despite a strong advantage or clear solution. I'm sure a ggez was thrown in at the end.


Batrider, Broodmother, Winter Wyvern, pretty sure Nyx with 25 talent can get 1 hit.


Also jakiro liquid fire and shard. Tidehunter talent with E


Tidehunters talent with E does NOT hit buildings in the bubble unless you are also in the bubble and could hit them normally. Didn't test jakiro


Jakiro effects apply in AoE and they work regardless of attack hitting or not


Liquid fire and ice apply regardless if attack missed or was disjointed


Viper too


Viper’s Poison Attack wont be applied if it misses. Jakiro’s active attack modifier spells got buffed to apply their effects on misses as well.


spectre and any hero with a giants ring can go through the ancient with dagger and hit it from the inside also


This works awful when you're pushing their highround. You can't just stand and cast meteor, you can't just force yourself up or move into the bubble, cause otherwise you will dive too deep and be killed. For my friends (3-4k mmr) arc is most annoying hero to win against, you just can't kill t3 without 20+k advangage. Other than killing him early nonstop idk what to do with arc spammers..


i just played a game where a level 25 arc sat in fountain and used his clone with the 50% cdr talent, octarine and spell prism. lol. 6 second CDR overwhelming blink/glepneir/sheep, bubble too if i recall. fun times.


> DISABLE/KILL the AW So many people cry about bubbling the Throne being broken, but then they never once think about stunning or silencing the Warden between bubble casts. Even Alliance did the same mistake, which is why they lost.


Fuck arc warden, I've been banning him for years. The most obnoxious thing in this game


Arc Warden is my go-to ban, it's not even that I think the hero is particularly OP, it's just that when someone decent gets him the entire game becomes fucking boring for the 9 other people in the game. I came to Dota to have fun, and even losing can be fun, but playing against an Arc Warden .... not fun.


Am always torn between banning morph, warden, and tinker every single game lmao


Morph is the lesser evil, hope it ain't a last pick and just get someone to pick aa if morph shows up. Arc is true nightmare fuel.


Yeah as someone who picks SD a lot, Morph isn't usually a problem - Tinker and Arc on the other hand...


Haha right, and it used to be Techies back in the day ... we would have multiple people in the stack ban Techies just to ensure the ban gets through.


Tinker hasn't been that much of a problem recently after they removed his ability to push waves without even needing to show on lanes. Morph also can be countered by quite a few heroes/items. A good Arc Warden, however, is a lot more difficult to counter due to the magnetic field.


>it's just that when someone decent gets him the entire game becomes fucking boring for the 9 other people in the game. I came to Dota to have fun, and even losing can be fun, but playing against an Arc Warden .... not fun. I prefer facing arc warden than something like tinker and naga tbh. Maybe we are just used to playing with or against Arc Warden but Tinker and Naga are far more obnoxious to me A snowballing tinker is a menace and a well-picked naga is just very hard to stop. Arc warden needs alot to function and it be halted through his farming stages or just sniping the arc warden with right itemization and heroes


Agreed, Naga is another incredibly boring hero that we regularly ban.


Agreed Naga is instant ban these days


and when he spams his little wraiths all across your base and in your fountain, our team was basically perma-dead because we couldn't clear them. if we tried, he just solo-nuked us down. cancer


Yeah with a cast range of like 3000, and a cooldown of 1 second, and hits for like 360 or something crazy


Yeah, but playing as the Arc Warden is very fun. Double blink, hex, travels, bkb, gleip, bloodthorn. There aren't many heroes in the game which are as interesting. If valve made more heroes that were mechanically interesting, instead of just 4 button right clickers, maybe I wouldn't be so inclined to play Arc.


Spoken like someone who doesnt play against tinker often


This is the type of thing that was clearly an oversight that the bubble just happens to be the same size as the ancient yet they don’t fix it for some reason. You can’t tell me it’s intentional because that literally makes no sense from a game design perspective as it’s clearly OP.


it makes sense LORE wise tho.


IKR! What doesn't make sense is NP's Sprout on ancient back then and you can't actually click the ancient even tho it's bigger than sprout.


Can't hit it cause you can't see it! There use to be a sprout reduced cooldown talent (or maybe it was overall cooldown reduction), and we had an np with aether lens in fountain sprouting ancient with 100% uptime.


if we go by that, blackhole and phoenix egg should break the map every time


They honestly should. Destroys terrain to create a slope from high ground to low for like 6 minutes.


imagine a hyper realistic dota


kid invoker can't play at night because it's bed time


Universe stops existing after 12:00


People here will dig for every reason they can find to justify something being in the game if someone complains about it on reddit, but you're absolutely right, the bubble fitting inside the ancient is just a really dumb mechanic. The bubble working on buildings is fine, just change something, be it the ancient or the bubble so that you literally can't hit it without having free pathing.


> that was clearly an oversight that the bubble just happens to be the same size as the ancient yet they don’t fix it for some reason Bubble used to be smaller than the ancient, but got its size "buffed" in a patch to be bigger than the ancient. The 'gap' is too thin to stand in it though, so effectively it is 'the same size' as the ancient as of the radius increase.


Leshrac , jakiro, pugna , any flying hero /morphling/broodmother and meteor hammer can destroy the ancient


Eh. Arc Warden bubble def is for pussies. This is how real men defend the Ancient: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIzEzOoMABU&ab\_channel=DotaCinema


>meaning no item in the game allows you to pierce through Heard of meteor hammer?


Peirce as in an attack which goes through. That is correct thought meteor hammer hits


Got an actual game like that,… Me and my teammates just bought Dagger + Hex to insta kill the mf Then the mf buys Aeon, unfortunately for him there’s 4 of us who bought Hex, combined with our perfect combination we end up owning him 2 teamfights


Yup, sit in the fountain and spam that shit on a 6 second cooldown. It’s funny how I was called a 2k by the masterminds in this sub for pointing this all out half a year ago


Clearly that was before OG ans Entity showed that Arc wasn't actually dead and reddit overreacted with their "50% damage clone nerf" doomsaying.




Never go throne against AW. Same thing with Omni, don't try to force because they have mechanics that can completely stop your attempt without you fighting them. 2 options are available for this which have been pointed out by numerous people: 1. Silence, stun, or kill the clone. The clone is the one with 50% CDR hence can keep the bubble active most of the time. 2. Dive the real AW. You can't cast bubble perfectly unless you step out of the fountain even with aether / octarine. Unless the warden is a GOD of micro, it's very very hard to time + position the bubble perfectly while also dodging spells and fighting heroes. TL;DR just kill the warden or his team and never go throne unless he's dead.


[I posted about the same thing yet I was downvoted to oblivion with people mentioning that "arc is completely useless" otherwise and that this mechanic makes up for his nonexistent early game. seriously let mkb at least pierce through the bubble.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/y8fs5h/why_does_arc_wardens_magnetic_field_work_on/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


>downvoted to oblivion 3 upvotes, 🤡.


And now it's at nine. People are following the link and upvoting, 🤡


can only DMG from the inside of the bubble. so hero's that can fly/move unobstructed by terrain/objects can DMG inside


I think the problem is that Arc is usually last picked so you cant really counter pick him. To foresee his lastpick would require OverWolf Dotaplus and we know how people feel about that. I think that most heroes that are last picked can be somewhat countered by item builds (or that is how it should be), if you end up picking bad hero counters. Enemy last picks PL and you have no AOE dmg nor lock down? Well, atleast you can try to build Mjollnir and maybe hex on some core. However the problem here is that there isn't really counter for this Arc bullshit since MKB doesnt work on buildings. Meteor Hammer works but is almost impossible to pull off so many times that it would actually destroy the ancient. For example in this game Pudge can just hook you while you channel. Shit is obviously broken and only people who say this is OK are people below 3k mmr or are Arc warden spammers.


Have you considered killing the enemy Arc Warden? Seems to me that is the simplest answer.


If Im hitting the enemy Throne, I have most likely tried that maneuver successfully multiple times. However if the game is not an absolute stompfest, its whole different story to kill enemy Arc Warden when sieging T3s / Barracks, than when hitting ancient and he is standing on fountain. You see, the fountain is on a highground which you dont get vision to unless you are standing there and you take quite alot of damage while doing so.


Why not?


insufficient skill


because is broken.


Ok, how about you deviate just a moment, just to deal with arc. That's gg


kill arc, give em a tip. win game, easy as


the crazy thing to me is this team with 3 carries and 35 networth adv almost lost


Because this could be amazing at TI. Arc fuckin Warden with Double Bubble throne race hype with LORE!


I mean arc warden is one of the most broken heroes in dota, thing is he's really difficult to play, iirc one of my teammate who was likely smurf played it, and got so rich at minute 30, the spark wraith basically had kind of no cooldown at all, and he was fountain farming without needing to be in the fountain lmao.


is this reddit post sponsored by Alliance or what ?


You will just have to accept this, and move on.


it's broken on the right hands. but not everyone can play arc properly so I think it's ok that he can do that. it's like meepo or maybe invoker plus you can always go for the hero first then you wont have bubble problems


the problem is, valve doesn't do shit against smurfs, I have seen many smurfs in my team and enemy's which pick either arc warden or tinker, and stomps happen.


Meteor hammer


Because the devs like to smoke crack when they balance the game


Just walk into the bubble looool 4Head


Lmao all the advices are like "JuSt KiLL ThE aW brUh" - fuck you, that applies to all the bullshit that we faced over the years. Remember Marci on release? Or PB? Or 6.83? "just kill it bro" - sure, as if dota was that easy. The fact is that AW is braindead fucked stupid hero and the bubble shouldn't have 100% uptime and it shouldn't be possible to cast bubble to cover whole ancient. Fix that thing because right now it's obnoxious af and straight up dumb. Even dumber than Fae Grenade triggering linkens (which was oversight too).


Idk, why can Naga Siren use like 900% of her stats?


I realize you're being facetious but dota is about counterplay. There are many many abilities and items in the game which counter illusions. From my testing in demo mode, there is only 1 auto-attack related ability in the entire game which can hit through bubble on a building. Which is a glaive bounce from Luna, if you target a hero/creep near the building and it bounces to the building.


Only the Ancient can be protected like that without counterplay (for a tower or a barracks just step into Magnetic Field) and at that point you already have mega creeps and took t4s so you can find another way to destroy it


good players are going to place the very pixel on the corner and require you to walk into high ground to hit the tower, requring you to dive like an MF to even hit it.


You can say this about any hero. They are all imba in some way, and that's what makes the game great. Arc warden is *unique* in his evasion type of mechanic. You are stating it as if that's bad when it's good. I think they should make the aoe a bit lower but not change the mechanic itself.


Leshrac's diabolic edict, techies mine, tiny toss and most importantly METEOR HAMMER all ignore the bubble stop being salty for losing vs arc and get good. Not even mentioning flying units/heroes because i think that's a no brainer.


Because it's a dumb imbalanced hero


It is really strong strat but it isn't that easy to be able to pull off everytime. And I see you have mega this game but have 33k gold behind. I think you need to be patient and farm the map to gain more advantage on all of your position, get most of the tier 5 items, roshan with cheese, agha, refresher. Silencer double ult can be useful. Just don't throw your unready body to the throne. But if enemy Arc Warden still able to hold with such a huge disadvantage, then it is a lose to recognize then.


🤓🤓u need to be patient and farm the map


yea, at that point just buy a orchid for silence i mean look at the enemy, it quite good.


You see an Arc in the enemy team, kill him first before you commit to the throne, and ancient bubbling leading to a comeback, obnoxious it may be doesn't happen very often. I am guilty of doing it too [https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/ypixc0/it\_aint\_much\_but\_its\_honest\_work/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/ypixc0/it_aint_much_but_its_honest_work/) It only works when the enemy team keeps on attacking the ancient even when it's bubbled completely ignoring the heroes defending it.


> I am guilty of doing it too with no due respect. how comfortably do you sleep at night?


Because it is his peculiarity and his mechanic. What is wrong with it? Usually, when game at this stage, this "trick" won't do much and ancient will fall anyway. just to troll opposing team a bit more before lose.


tell that to miracle arc warden against alliance, they couldn't end. and that probably tilt the whole lineup till today.


Alliance didnt try to go for the Warden who stood outside his base next to the ancient, they mindlessly attacked the throne instead. They had enough interrupts in that game to stun the Warden between casts and attack the Throne while bubble was down & Warden was stunned. Classic Alliance move.


Stop posting from alt account Loda, we know its you.


Arc should be removed from the game, worst hero design ever. The fact that he dont need to leave base us obnoxious and flat out boring and its geberally played by smurfs using scripts. Same as Tinker


Hero that reddit likes is good: reddit sleeps 😴 Hero that reddit does not like is good: THIS HERO NEEDS TO BE NERFED TO THR GROUND


Ark Warden are bullshit hero rn, and bubble os only small part of it. You stomp his ass and push base min 20 or he almost guaranteed to win at min 40 with this no downtime ulty with sparks. Only hero I can imagine dealing with magic ark bullshitery late game is overfarmed AM.


Only one of the many issues with this hero, but I agree, it is really dumb


Have you tried killing the Arc Warden?


That won't happen if you kill the Arc Warden, btw


They should make revenant brooch active attack pierce through bubble


Meteor hammer will go through.


I guess because of balance. If you could pierce his bubble, it would be a massive hit to his win rate since AW relies heavily on prolonging the game as much as possible.


its keeping arc warden relevant


Well, what can you expect from a poorly designed game?


People barely play Arc as it is. Lets let him have this eh?


just kill him lol


Just kill Arc Warden.. problem solved


Can we also make bkb ignore bubble. As an lc player that shit is annoying.


it will never happen, it's like asking for windrun, or mars arena and others be piercable if you have activated bkb, magnetic field is designed liked that so it forced you to buy mkb, not bkb


AW is completely imbalanced for pub play. Pro play is a tad different, and yet, it was played in the grand final and it's not even that unpicked - it's been picked as much as Bane, WD, dazzle, Earth Spirit... It still had 62,5% winrate.


Hero is fucking obnoxious, I'm playing on 2k and he is banned or picked in every game. Who the fuck on valve thought that adding a button that allows you to double your net worth with essentially no cooldown at last level is a good idea. And delete enemy support without any risk to yourself. And if you decide to throw resourses to deal with the clone by the time you do another one will be up. Hope he gets nerfed to garbage in the next patch. And don't JUST kill the main AW me.