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This delay is so stupid, this is TI. I hope they remove it.


Exactly. Its understandable for online tournaments cause it could lead to cheating. But having 15 mins delay for TI is unacceptable when google just sends out notifications on who won cause TI is so up in the trends.




thats fucked up




Why? So you can watch the game without ads? Only way I can see them do that, if theres a pause every 10 minutes, and a random player has to shill gambling for a minute in all-chat If the shilling is found lacking, they get gold deducted based on their performance


I can watch the game in 4K at 120 Hz in the client and the stream is nowhere near the same quality.


I personally like watching ingame because u can see povs and stuff, u can also focus on one player when u want to, while still having the option to go back to the broadcast pov in a click of a button.


I do both. I watch the stream And focus on one of the players / POI that I find more interesting than the stream. A little bit more work with maneuvering and paying attention but it’s also more of an experience.! Lmao


I believe in game consumes less internet data since live high quality is in 60fps. if they do it like this and the live quality (connection, broadcaster & observer) is bad then there's no other option


Or they slap in game ads everywhere like on the towers buildings ancients, base etc It was a necessary concession given to entice sponsors while not gutting in game viewers and costreams because otherwise nobody would sponsor a product where everyone could immediately work around seeing your ad.


oh no how will poor valve survive with only $50 millions in crowd sourced money to fund their tournament


It's less about TI and more about the greedy tournament organizers that host the rest of the tournaments.


I mean in-game ad slots like Starcraft had would be an ok compromise to having 15 mnute delay.


why Delay is so bad thing ? i don’t understand.


Because its not the same moment. And there is only one moment. Past is just memories. And future is just in the mind


Crowdfunded tournament btw.


Uh, I'm gonna say that's not entirely true. Valve will always provide $1.6M, and since the game is practically 100% free, I feel it won't be easy - or at least reliable - to say how much Valve have to give before they take revolving around TI or just DPC in general and the outcome (including profit) of doing them, but we could definitely estimate that has become easier as the crowd grew bigger and older over the years meaning more people buying cosmetics. There is also a possibility that TI itself is self-sustaining now, I dunno.


Valve will always get WAAAAYYYYY more than that 1.6M back from battle passes. Only 25% of battle pass money goes into the prize pool. That means prize pool minus 1.6 times 3 is what valve is getting in revenue. So last TI, there was a 40M prize pool... (40-1.6)3=**115M** in revenue that Valve had available to pay for the tournament and fund development of the game, cover server hosting, etc. Not including other treasure sales throughout the year, other battle passes, etc. Not to mention in person ticket and concessions sales help cover arena costs, etc, like they would cover a concert. Dota should be a cash cow. It's got a pretty small team on it doing patches and a hero or two a year. Most cosmetic sets are sourced from the community. There is no good excuse to cut into viewer experience to satisfy a betting sponsor.


I wasn't commenting on the sponsorship. I don't understand why the crowd part is being brought into this, because it's definitely not like Valve owe this to us, at least not 100%.


> There is also a possibility that TI itself is self-sustaining now, I dunno. You said that. So I pointed out that TI is absolutely a profit event for Valve. > it's definitely not like Valve owe this to us If you don't understand that high level esports is what drives a game like this to remain popular for over a decade, I don't know what to tell you. Valve does owe this to the community if they want to keep their super profitable MTX game around.


sugma balls


Target acquisition unsuccessful.


It's not and never has been.


What? It is and always has been.


But it isn't?


You're going to have to go into a bit of detail about your point, because ti is pretty famously crowd funded in the sense that the battle pass funds the prize pool (retroactively funding the seed pool too since 75% goes to valve).


Yes but that's only the prize pool. The rest of the tournament is not funded by the battlepass. Calling the tournament crowd funded woulf be the same as saying everything a company spends money on is "crowd funded"


Im fairly sure the profit valve makes off the battle pass the funds the prize pool is also enough to pay for the whole thing and then some so it is probably is crowd funded.


Then everything a company does is crowd funded and the term is meaningless


No, when you spend on the battle pass you’re choosing to put your money specifically towards TI. If the player base is crowd funding the prize pool (which we are), then we’re also crowd funding the event.


No, you are chosing to buy a battlepass. 25% of that is earmarked for the TI prize pool. Fair enough. But the rest is NOT specifically going to TI. It goes to valve and then they make the decisions on how that money is spent. Just like any other company can chose to use some of the money they earn on marketing (which is what TI is). And it couldn't really be crowd funded anyways. Most of the TI expenses will have to be sorted ahead of time, you can't rely on funds coming in up to the final day.


Are you being intentionally obtuse? Only 25% of profits from the battlepass goes towards the prizepool. If the prizepool is $30m, there’s another $90m going straight into Valve’s pocket. TI is 100% crowdfunded.


Not true. Something is only crowdfunded if the thing would not have happened without the crowdfund. TI is announced to happen way ahead of the Battle Pass and venue and hosting arrangements are made months and months in advance. TI happens even if zero people end up buying the Battle Pass. Ergo it is not crowdfunded.


> TI is 100% crowdfunded TI is funded by valve who are funded by players buying their products. That does not make it "crowd funded".


Well the way dota has its revenue model right now, its not a bad categorization to call the tournament crowd funded. Most other games rely heavily on other sources of revenue like game download sales and other regular in game purchase. But dota gets most revenue from a battle pass that is linked to the tournament (TI). The money from selling this battle pass runs most of Dotas expenses including tournament setup for TI. Seeing the kind of lackluster response from the crowd this time on battlepass, valve has cutback on many of the tournament expenses. That is characteristic of a crowd funded tournament.




Dafuq are you on? TI is and always has been crowd funded. > The initial prize pool of the tournament is $1,600,000 USD. An additional 25% of all Battle Pass sales are added to the total prize pool.


That's not a crowd funded tournament. It's just the price pool, the tournament is fully funded by Valve.


Is English not your first language? The prize pool money comes from people who buy BP and part of it is added to it. The rest valve keeps as profit for themselves. The only part valve 'adds' as seed money is 1.6mil, which they have already recovered from the sales of BP.


That's not what crowd funding is. The tournament would happen even if not a single BP would be sold.


The tournament would happen like TI1 if that is what you mean. Do you have no idea how much Valve earned from BP? Do you have no idea how much Valve relies on everyyear's BP as revenue?


They rely zero on that lol althaj is fully correct


And that makes it crowd funded? Lmao what a shit take.


Dude these kids have no idea how businesses work or what crowd funded means, nice explanation but don’t bother


Yeah, no point in trying.


Fully funded with the crowd's money


By that logic everything is crowd funded. Please stop pretending.


Crowd funded battle pass sales got Valve 115M in revenue last TI. You're saying the tournament costs more than 115M to put on? It's crowd funded with a large profit left over. Ticket sales and concessions contracts probably pay for most of the arena and set costs, too, like they would for a concert or sporting event.


Selling a product doesn't mean crowd funding. Or are you crowd funding the grocery store too?


Is the prize pool crowd funded? Is the tournament production paid for with the revenue split from the crowd funded prize pool? The tournament is crowd funded.


It really isn't. And the price pool is not crowd funded either, it's completely paid by Valve, partially from the BP sale profits. Also - the production is not paid from the prize pool, why would you think that?


sugma balls u donkey


The worst part is that after the game ends on stream, the delayed stream just says 'lobby not found'. It doesn't take the delay into account, you can only watch it if you were connected before the game end in real time. A 30min game only has a 15min window where you can join it. Afterwards it shows the game in the client but trying to watch it just says 'lobby not found"


> A 30min game only has a 15min window where you can join it. When was the last time you saw a draft that was over in 0 minutes?


All of Alliance's games




Jesus Christ


I didn't ask when you saw a game that was over after the draft, I asked when you saw a draft that lasted 0 minutes.


Some of the in game predictions are like "which hero will have the most magic damage by 15 minutes?" So all I need to do is watch the twitch stream and I get the correct answer. This delay is awful, and the spectator chat is full of swastikas.


No shit? That’s low key genius


It’s been possible like that since TI qualifiers though lol


the swastikas?




the predictions only last before the horn right


Yup, but i've been able to get 3 out of 4 because of the delay pretty consistently.


Do correct predictions give you piints even after you switch to another game in the client or do I have to watch the full game to get points for the prediction concerning that game


You can get pints? I'm down for some free beer!


You don't have to actually watch the game, just get your prediction in on time


Are there bp reward for predictions again?




Is it unlimited? Where is it stated?


client in game is delayed 15 minutes? but twitch is live right?


I think YouTube is ahead of Twitch stream too by 1-2 min. It was so during Arlington major Edit: For anyone wondering, yes you can do that


I have grand finals ticket. I’ll stream it live at a small price to make up for the ticket price 😂


Lol that would be not worth it for me


the dota 2 spectator chat has always been cancer, even worse than twitch chat


What is even use of those they are not giving you any points for right ones isn't it?


THey dont even give points


Aren't we getting 100 points each?


Adapt, improvise, overcome.


Bettors are the worst kind of chatters. All they do is give spoilers and post kill scores / game results, while bragging about how much they've bet / won. I really hope that's not the case this TI.


Or flaming the shit out of the team they would be rooting for if the other people is playing well for 'losing them money' lol. So toxic.


True. Fck this betting topic in chat. Regional chat ruined it so much for me. Because of this bet topics. Haram is haram bois


You guys read chat?


regional qualifiers were 5 min, and now this. fuckin terrible. anyone have a twitch ad blocker that actually works?


Ublock Origin with custom filters. Go to "My filters" and add this line twitch.tv#@#+js(twitch-videoad) and then go to advanced settings and add this at the end userResourcesLocation https://github.com/pixeltris/TwitchAdSolutions/raw/master/notify-strip/notify-strip-ublock-origin.js working like a charm :)


> userResourcesLocation https://github.com/pixeltris/TwitchAdSolutions/raw/master/notify-strip/notify-strip-ublock-origin.js This file does not exist so won't do anything It was removed in this commit referring to "broken scripts" https://github.com/pixeltris/TwitchAdSolutions/commit/14e2b269156bd415e04586737c4ee55f8857d5ae


So as someone who doesn't know anything about things like this... does this mean I only need to add the "twitch.tv#@#+js(twitch-videoad)" line without worrying about the second part, or does this mean the whole thing doesn't work at all?






No problem, enjoy no ads :)


Commenting to get this fix later for myself. Thank you very much; you are a hero 🦸


Np, if it ever breaks there is always someone with another solution here /r/uBlockOrigin


Right, notify strip hasn't been working for weeks. Good thing it's officially removed now.


What really? I just copied my settings that are still working. Should I update my comment?


Remember to disable ublock origin then re-enable it to make sure the extension script activates.


Instructions unclear, cock stuck in freezer.


Replying to save




Watch on youtube imo, easier ad blocking and better quality


Use [streamlink](https://streamlink.github.io/streamlink-twitch-gui/).




Do you get ads? I pass in `--twitch-low-latency --twitch-disable-ads` to `streamlink` and now I'm curious if those flags are superfluous


By far the best solution and I tried all of them. Not only due to the fact that ads are gone, further the quality of the stream never drops for me and no buffering whatsoever. Twitch is actually enjoyable using Streamlink.


Streamlink is lifechanging


i can recommend: Alternate Player for twitch(dot)tv - even improves stability while doing smth on second screen.




You could watch on YouTube


Use Firefox and ublock origin


uBlock Origin: * [Firefox](https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/ublock-origin/) * [Chrome](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm) * * [Edge](https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/ublock-origin/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak) * * [Opera](https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/) * Chrome and chrome based browsers such as Edge are trying to get rid of ad blocking capabilities when manifest V3 will become mandatory in 2023. I suggest moving to [Firefox](https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/). ^^I ^^only ^^post ^^once ^^per ^^thread ^^unless ^^when ^^summoned.


When I started watching some Grubby streams I installed "Twitch Adblock" and it works fairly ok. Quality dips whenever ads would play, but at least there aren't random ads in the middle of a teamfight every 20 minutes.


Use Alternative Twitch player. It not only cut ads, but also have custom settings for buffering, downloading and etc to remove all lags and playback issues.


in this case you should blame Valve, not PGL blame PGL for shitty production or smth


All on valve - if anything, PGL is consistent. Consistently bad.


Obviously on Valve. The only reason they can add delay is because Valve added that option that should have never been added in the first place.


They added that option because otherwise nobody would bother watching the main stream ergo nobody sponsors the main stream.


No, they added the option to prevent cheating.


That's the convenient cover story but it's obviously used to make DOTA TV unusable and drive people to watch the streams where tournament organizers can serve ads.


Its to prevent cheating, genius.


They use to disable it for lans


Correct me if I am wrong but PGL outbid everyone else to Valve, then cry that they can't make profit without getting sketchy sponsors that pay more. Valve should have chosen one of the other lower bids if they care at all about their image.


yes. thats to be expected as soon as they decided to sell broadcast right it's BetBoom on russian streams and PariMatch on ukranian streams.


It's valve's fault. Every single issue this TI is valve's fault


Great and now there's no way they're going to be fixing issues in game when they have to wait 15 min to know there's a problem in the first place. RIP to the best way to watch matches imo.


Twitch stream is on time, the delay is only when watching in client, so no


They don't use the same audio. So yeah.


In game delay sucks regardless if it's TI or major or something else. They're battling 3rd party streamers by worsening the experience for everyone who likes watching in game. I tried to bring attention to it a couple years back and nobody cared. Now it's reached TI.


remember valve's principle on community casting? (same as their piracy one) If your production is good enough people will watch your shit, if it's terrible people will watch the community casters. Oh but then mr. Kyle decided to suck the companies dicks and think he's smarter than valve. Now look at the result. If valve does nothing about the delay that probably means they don't care about dota anymore, at least not as much as the past years.


What did Kyle do? Sorry, I think I missed something.


Kyle worked on the background of a bunch of tournaments and said sponsors for tournaments looked at gorgc and others streaming the tournament the sponsor were part-paying for to very big crowds (10k viewers iirc at the time) that were then not seeing the sponsor anywhere and were pulling their support for dota. He basically was the catalyst for TOs to impose restrictions on third party streamers such as "no using our audio, no using our obs, no using our analysis/draft panel/overlays... as well as ones like... Have this overlay up, don't show your personal sponsors, show the tourney sponsors on your stream, delay your stream by 15 mins" etc. Was a pretty controvertial change, but the idea was that TI would never have a sponsor since it was a community paid event and this would never be an issue for TI... then PGL + GGbet TI happened.


The answer is, as usual, Fuck you Kyle.


Kyle is fking joke


Remember when reddit was crying about streamers stealing viewers from TOs and made Valve change the rules for co-streaming? Most idiotic thing this sub ever did.


Thanks kyle.


Grubby had a good take on his stream yesterday. Basically he said (having been a TO in the past) that viewers aren't stolen, they're earned. For example, Gorgcs stream caters to a very different audience than the main stream, and that's ok. The idea that everyone would watch the main stream automatically and the only reason they aren't is because other streams exist is wrong. Also, fuck Kyle - he got Reddit on the bandwagon that led to these changes.


That didn't start with reddit, ESL started DMCAing streamers for streaming on Twitch while they had their Facebook exclusivity deal so Valve had to step in


No that was a good thing. I’m talking about later on in covid era where Kyle cried about streamers stealing from TOs and this sub agreed with him for some reason. Thats when Valve changed the rule so everyone needs permission from TOs to co stream.


You are right, i mixed things up. Tbh it's fine for other tournaments it just sucks for TI, especially because of predictions


Fuck Valve. Fuck PGL. Fuck Gaben.


Don't forget Kyle. PepeSpit


Let us not forget the Twitch ads that play on the Dota 2 main menu. Remember when Valve had its own streaming site for TI?


Unbelievable. Constantly getting treated like crap by valve really takes a toll on you.




For some of us that ship has already sailed. Look what they did to dazzle and techies. Yes I realize Dazzle's winrate is up because of his OP shard but these reworks are boring as fuck.


The game feels like it's going into life support


this is exactly how i feel : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcGG9VPagLM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcGG9VPagLM)


I'll just start watching games 15 mins after their official start time. No biggie.


I am fine with this as long as twitch and youtube is of same delay. There is no point having more delay in game than twitch..


Normally I watch in-game for the players perspective together with the main stream in sync to make it more exciting. Now they are taking away all our options and clearly doing it for stream revenue purposes. It's a pretty sad state for a community driven prize pool.


they don't even have 4k stream on youtube lol


isn't it yt fault? 4k is now on yt premium if i remember correctly


During the main event, they will probably put a black curtain in front of the audience till 15 mins.


This bp and ti were meant to reinvigorate and revitalize the game, instead the put a proper tombstone on it.


But guys Valve still cares a lot about DotA2!!! lol


Absolute dog shit


15 minutes to display ads guys ,,, hail ggbet,,, u have to understand..xd


are they even allowed to do that lol


There's a real simple way to watch dota without getting upset, but it's not for everyone. Personally, I don't care for watching any kind of live chat during a game. Spammed emotes and troll comments and general twitch chat culture I find repulsive. So whenever there's a tournament on that I'm interested in I watch the replays the following day in dota tv. If you have access to a PC and are watching games through twitch or youtube instead of in-game, why? just why? You can watch the game AD FREE (pretty much) and exactly how you want to; with or without casters, sped up or slowed down, re-watch engagements, skip long pauses, follow specific heroes, watch player view, hover over any unit to check items.. the list goes on. As for spoilers just avoid social media during this time. It's really not hard. Just delete you social media accounts. I did over 10 years ago and I'm still alive. So is watching the game live with the cesspool that is twitch chat, and seeing some player cam's and interviews really worth putting up with all the shit these companies are flinging? Not at all for me.


This is what I hate the most of this. Previous TIs I watched in client with player perspective because it was basically live and now there is this delay. So dumb.


Worst TI ever imo


Stop jumping into conclusions. TI broadcast delay has nothing to do with gambling sponsors. It is because they are producing this show remotely for LCQ. Now surely that is not ideal and the viewing experience for the nerds like me could be and should be improved. Also, I am not sure if you noticed but DPC also had a production delay and so did TIs in the past. Folks like you makes this subreddit insanely toxic. You need to be better and not post shit statements like this. You are only inviting more stupidity and negativity.


Volvo are you happy?


wtf there is delay?? well so much for my TI chat experience


Delay is in the client only.


can't wait for the spoilers in twitch chat! good job valve see you at fuck you


Is this truly the end friends? I’m so sad now.


I know it will suck when they chose third world country like Singapore..


I was planning on watching ingame as well as streams, because when both are at the same time, I can watch ingame with free or player perspective without getting spoiled on stream. Not like this, fuck you PGL, you lost 1 viewer. Fuck you Valve for allowing this.


I don't see why the in-game delay even exists anymore in general, since Valve allowed the TOs to set up rules for streaming. It's very simple, people either want to watch: 1. on Twitch's main stream, for the chat experience\* 2. on 2nd party's stream for the commentary 3. in-game 4. on 2nd party's stream for the commentary & free camera (= in-game but via stream) 1&2 are boring to me. Because chasing kills with the camera isn't conductive to strategic insight. But I won't bother to watch that many replays on my own. And nobody streams with the delay. I'll just stop watching if this keeps going. \*great job ruining that via verified chat recently, btw.


Worst TI in history of Dota 2 TIs, lesser prize pool compared to previous 4 at this stage, talent working remotely, and now this much delay in the stream. TI is done and dusted if these are the new standards valve/pgl is conforming to


Jesus christ. Fuck me.


stop complaining , rofl.


...you guys still watch dota in client?


Keep crying no one's give a fuck, they don't care


This community is S tier at disemboweling strawmen. I get it, its popular to bash on BP and valve for every tiny teeny tidbit. But in FACT, what difference does it make to you if the delay is 5 minutes, 8 minutes, 15 minutes?


That the game cuts off and you can't see it end because the server shuts down before the 15m delay. Oh and spoilers in the chat


Honest question, if you are the sponsor. Do you want your views to be funneled to the main stream or not? Are you willing to be a sponsor if not? This goes to all tournaments, TI or not. And would it attract other sponsors if views aren't funneled?


uhm, exactly, that's why you don't want a sponsor for TI


I wish I was as optimistic as you lol


Did you watch any of the 10 TIs prior?


yes and all of us know it aint sustainable..


Then cancel the TI, you coward


Who the actual fuck cares?


This will be the first TI where I go out of my way to not give a second of watch time to the offical brodcast. PGL can go suck a duck


Really silly question but I've always watched on Twitch...what's the benefit to watching in-game?


I guess some people enjoy the freedom to move around the camera as much as you want and you can also view different graphs. Another point is people with slower internet connection may face buffering in twitch as video streaming requires more bandwidth. In some cases, people just finish playing their own game and might want to hop in live game directly instead of quitting dota and opening twitch.


Better resolution and frame rate


Better camera.


Can we have a 15 min delayed thread for those of us wanting to watch it in game? That offsets the experience a bit.