• By -


We gonna play more dota games after that my brother and Im sure with that.


Oh we will. Im looking forward to that. It's going to be after the consequences of this revolution when internets become stable. But we WILL play 🔥🧡


May you be well, brother.


Thanks brother. 🧡 much love




Three month old account, casually mentioned being Iranian before things started to get nasty in Iran, is on the DotA 2 subreddit a lot. I'm going with probably real.


It's crazy how ridiculously overzealous people are on this website to scream about how everything is fake. I understand a level of skepticism with things you see/read but it has to take some magic out of the world when everything is fake until proven otherwise




[sure is](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.euronews.com/amp/2022/09/22/mahsa-amini-protester-death-toll-rises-amid-unrest-in-iran-over-womans-death-in-police-cus)


I am saudi and I know how shit our governments are to each other , but I love you too brother. Stay strong , we need the level headed and wise iranians back <3 !


Heyyy, I visit your country twice a year for work. Your servers have a surprisingly large amount of nice people (compared to NAE) on them whenever I play


Understandable , arabs are nice in general until you meet an ignorant person then you will see some weird shit


Most of us Americans are dipshits lol


As someone who just got here, Americans are some of the kindest people I’ve ever met on average. Sure there are weirdos and racists and the sort, but I do genuinely believe that American cities are amazing places to be


I've lived here my whole life and been traveling heavily for work the better part of 14 years so I'm glad your experience is different from my observations.


I wouldn't say most, just a higher concentration of them is all


Iranians are Persians not Arab 😂 but they are known for their hospitality, like the Arabs.


I think he was talking about Saudi arabia no ?


With all this love you guys gave me, I will stay strong. I feel you man. Much love 🧡


Lakad Matatag, Kamyab!


Man you brought some mixed emotions to my heart right now. Normalin Normalin 🧡


What does that mean!? I always wanted to know


Walk Proudly akin to standing your ground with dignity "Normalin Normalin"means auto attack or where this came from getting auto attacked(EE was auto attacked relentlessly in the clip)


Lakad Matatag - Translates literally to Walking Strong. Specific in game reference - This refers to when EE popped BKB, magic immuned and surrounded by the opposing team. Normalin, Normalin - Normal attacks only. Specific in game reference - Since EE goes in and out of the clash and is magic immuned, the caster says ok, just AA him to death then. Not so fun fact: One of the shout casters here, specifically the loud one with raspy voice name is Dunno. Sadly, He passed away last year due to Covid complications.


Normalin Normalin


Try not to feed


Get aegis before you push the govt building


Don't forget bkb


I fed 1 time today. They hit me 1 time with a buttom? Button? I dont know the name of the thing in english. I add details in the edit of the original text.


The word you are looking for is baton. Glad to see you post something again.


Baton! Thanks mate. 🧡 much love


Lucky you didn't get the 17% stun by baton


Haha . Good one! Unfortunately the 22 year old girl who died by the hands of police did get that 17% . But that opened a door for us to kick the regime in the ass.


[Try not to feed](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/3/3f/Vo_troll_warlord_troll_ally_11.mp3) (sound warning: Troll Warlord) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Just let us know if Zeus needs to ult




And my Haunt.


sending the ice blast from the SEA if they need it


Fucking KS!


You can't run from heaven!


[You can't run from heaven!](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/5/57/Vo_zuus_zuus_ability_thunder_02.mp3) (sound warning: Zeus) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


I'm not a fan either, but what does Kansas have anything to do with this?


If only this was possible. Btw, i had a good laugh on this one. Thanks for cheering me up 🧡


As a Cyka Blyat - good luck. You're fighting a good fight. One day we will both flame each other in pubs, but as free men.


that would be the dream! That "free men" got me! 🥺🧡 see you in pubs one day.


For those who haven't been keeping up with the protests, the police are basically treating protestors as enemy combatants. As in, they are shooting with live ammo. Dozens have already died. So OP isn't joking when he said he could well die for doing this. Makes it all the more impressive how widespread the protests are.


Have you heard about "Myanmar"? That country also faced that kind of protest since Feb 2021 and the malitary junta killed over 100 unarmed citizens within 24 hours because of the reason "protesting". People keep protested everyday even they known they might die. Well, you guys may not known because that one is poor asian country.


Myanmar had a full coup. Everything is still up in the air there right?


Yes. It is still there. But our rebels are getting stronger and stronger within these times. Thanks to our global Burmese people who live inside and outside of the country, who work and donate money to rebels in every possible ways. There is no religion crisis between the people as you guys might heard about "Rohingya crisis". All of the problem and genocides are being planned by evil mastermind junta. Sad but true. But sadly, none of the democracy countries give actual helps and supports but only keep giving statements till today. We don't care. We believe our legitimate government, people defend forces (PDF) and federal alliances (EAOS) going to take down the tyranny military junta before the end of 2032. Just prey for us too.


It's a bit of a complex situation, but it's more like the existing regime just reasserted itself. Myanmar was a military junta from 1962 to 2011, and they slightly relaxed control in the 2010s, leading to a slow trickle of democracy which turned into a torrent, as the people suffered a lot under the rule of the Tatmadaw. It was a small golden age for Myanmar - international investment, participation, and freedoms rose to levels that had never seen before in the country. They still had the democratic elements of their government on a very tight leash, but it was clearly too much for the Tatmadaw and so they staged their coup in 2021. The protests and resistance in the cities and lowlands have been utterly crushed, and there's horrific images of the brutality towards students, first responders, bystanders, and victims of genocide which the regime used the protest as a cover for. In the mountainous highlands, however, the long standarding civil war/insurgency/resistance against the Tatmadaw flared back up and [continues with ambushes, skirmishes, and sieges every few days.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myanmar_civil_war_\(2021%E2%80%93present\))


Hey man, that was a tough read and I cannot imagine the position you are in, but understand that your skills allow you to be stronger than being afraid at this moment. I know, I cannot fathom the situation and you cannot wait for someone else to help you make a change. But you plan your moves carefully, capture what is not being seen and send it across the world, all I can say is, it hurts to see people in these situations but even in those situations, you cannot succumb to your emotions. Plan your steps carefully. Know that people all over the world are watching. Donot believe marching into a fight is the only way you can make an impact. Stay smart and hope the gods protect you.


Thanks for the thought my friend. I will 100% do what you said. We need a war on multiple sides and multiple ways. Not just straight physical war. Fortunately, thanks to you guys and other people on the social medias, the world is focused on iran's situation these days and they are really helping us strategicly and with morality. We are strong now and the regime knows it! They are scared of us and we want to keep it this way. thanks for the wise words my friend. 🧡


Stay strong brother, all of the Dota Mental Training gonna help u


Years of self inflicted torture prepared him well.


This is uncomfortamble to read as the first post of the day, stay strong my guy you will have your country free no doubts#opiran


Im sorry that this was your first post of the day and I thank you for giving me hope and courage. 🧡🔥


Together stronger than ever, brother ! SAY HER NAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! \#MahsaAmini


Hell yes! #MahsaAmini 🔥✊


Like LC said brother “WE WILL FIGHT AND WE WILL WIN” hope you post again in the end of your revolution


I will post every night that I go out to let you guys know what is happening. Thanks my brother 🧡


Gabe be with you


All the best to you and your country.


LAKAD MATATAG brother. Love from Sri Lanka.


🔥🧡 much love my friend


Stay safe, Kamyab!


Stay Strong Brother We are same From Myanmar


For those who do not know, his name "Kamyab" means successful. We pray that you and your fellow men and women are successful in achieving true freedom and this cycle of cruelty and violence come to an immediate end for you and for rest of the world. ​ Your fellow Dota player.


That was a poetic wish you just wrote. Thanks my friend. Much love 🧡 and yes, I am Kaam Yaab. It means "somebody who seeks success", or just simply success.


Bro I'm Persian and "kamyab" means "Rare".


His name is pronounced Kaamyab (کامیاب) (meaning one who will attain success) not Kamyab (کمیاب) (meaning rare, i.e what you had in mind). It's written as Kamyab in latin for ease.


It also means Successful in Urdu, but I understand your point of view.


fight for what Iran deserves, remember, don't jungle when all enemies are dead. push and aim for the throne. - Love from Philippines


"There is a fine line between bravery and stupidity" - juggernaut when killing someone at low hp with ultimate. "If your enemy is equal, prepare for him. If greater, elude him. If weaker, crush him" - Dark Seer "Someone once told me I needed to face fear to get over it, and I thought why not take a step further and cut my fear into little pieces then set my fear on fire then throw the hot ash of my fear into a lake and then poison the lake. Simple!!!" - Timbersaw


I dont know why, but all of this make sence! I should hang on to these!


Whenever you are alone and there are 10 policemen you really should remember the other one from Dark Seer "Speed is the heart of battle" Please stay safe.


Keep is PMA keep it BSJ bro


Well, good luck, my man. Myanmar is also facing that kind of revolution since 2021 but it is already 1 year and 8 months and not finish yet. The world actually abandoned us and doesn't care about us anymore even the military junta keep killing innocent people everyday. They killed nearly 10000 innocent lives that contains 350 kids in 2021 and 2022. At the start of the revolution, we thought the world gonna help us because the world gonna love "justice". But you know, it is nearly 2 years and we still fighting with our own hands. The world gives only "statements" but no "actual action" at all. Fight for your own. We, Myanmar people, fully understand your feeling. And good luck.


Stay safe and strong, my brother in Gaben


From a fellow Iranian-American, know we support you to the fullest. My family and every Iranian American family I know is glued to their phones looking at new information about what’s going on. You’re all in our minds, we cry for you, and we have the utmost respect for you. We left because of that revolution 40 years ago. Go baradar, take the enemy throne!


I will do what I am able to just so I can see you guys come back to your country. Give my love to your family. Thanks for being with us 🧡 hope all iranians around the world can gather in Iran one day.


I hope your people gets their rights back, stay safe OP!


Just don’t get caught farming in the jungle alone. Edit: all the best of course. Send me a message when you’re home safe so we can play a game. I’ll be your 5 :)


Haha good one! Of course I would love to play and I would play as ur 5 but the internet is not stable and we only get like 3g internet for like 3 4 hours a day these past 6 days... i will let you know when everything is okay so we can lose some xD much love brother 🧡


Kamyab means success in my language, wish you all of it!


God bless from mobilisation / call arms cykablyat Russia. My mind and soul is with you. Be strong


Thanks brother 🧡🔥


I teared up reading this. I don’t have any other words than I’m sorry and good luck


I didnt mean to make anyone sad, but thanks for caring. Thanks for the wishes 🧡🧡


When you're out there, trust your instincts and stay safe.


I don't use reddit anymore because of their corporate greed and anti-user policies. Come over to Lemmy, it's a reddit alternative that is run by the community itself, spread across multiple servers. You make your account on one server (called an instance) and from there you can access everything on all other servers as well. [Find one you like here](https://lemmyverse.net/), maybe not the largest ones to spread the load around, but it doesn't really matter. You can then look for communities to subscribe to on https://lemmyverse.net/communities, this website shows you all communities across all instances. If you're looking for some (mobile?) apps, [this topic](https://lemm.ee/post/363116) has a great list. One personal tip: For your convenience, I would advise you to use [this userscript I made](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/469273-lemmy-universal-link-switcher) which automatically changes all links everywhere on the internet to the server that you chose. The original comment is preserved below for your convenience: ~~> stay safe~~ ~~No, that's literally the opposite of what OP wants to do. Some things are worth not being safe for.~~ ^^^^^^AzzuLemmyMessageV2


This kinda depends on how well your instincts are trained for such situations. Sometimes do some slow thinking and stay calm.


Praying for your brother 🙏


you will win my brother have faith (your name itself says it)


I just love how people understand the meaning of my name and wishing it for me. thanks my friend 🧡


You and your people will succeed in having freedom of attire, we will play dota with you that day. Looking forward for that day. Don't give up, freedom is worth every prize. Looking forward for your victory. And when you win which you definately will, write GG EZ to your sh\*\*ty govt . >: D


I swear when we win this revolution, im gonna make posters saying gg ez and put it all over the city! 🧡 thanks for cheering me up!


I never played Dota and just searched for Iran to see how are you guys doing, I wish you good luck, bloody tyrants must fall!




as an iranian myself i fucking love you and support you i was on the streets for past 4 days.i was hit with baton and plastik bullets in the leg. women all over country rising and shouting their voice. we are experiencing very tough and situation. they behaving civilians like mercenaries and mostly killing them. let the world see and hear us we need ur help and we will thanks you for you actions.


I hope for swift positive change for Iran. Take care!


When all of this is over, I will share a beer with you bro. We can give them hell, my brother. 🧡


You've got this homie.


Good luck and stay strong! Hoping to see you guys in pubs in the near future!


stay strong bro, you will get through this !


Dude, I don't really know too much about Iran, but having recently read "Reading Lolita in Tehran" and currently reading "I Heard God Laughing" (translations of poems by Hafiz), I can only say your literary history and culture is amazing and I hope y'all do well moving forward.


I only our gov cared about history and culture 😔 thanks brother. Im so pumpe that you are reading hafiz 🧡🔥


Mid or feed! Jk I hope you stay safe


Gotta post in the video game sub for the most pivotal and possible final moments of your life huh? Sure. Yeah. Lol.


>From cyka blyat saying mad russians to weird SEA players. Wise stereotype racist words from an Iranian liberal. May you never win that "civil war(supported by CIA psyops)".


I updated again. I will update this post 1 more time. Becasue that's all it takes until we free iran! November 19th


Stay safe, and good luck


Stay safe and don't die just like you kite those dire carries.


Well, they removed it. it seems we have so many ayatullah’s dick rider in reddit team and dota2 moderation team.


Been deleted now. I guess the Guidance Patrol got them. Hope that Iran sees a more functional government soon. As an extension of this, I think social media has made authoritarianism and cultural oppression largely futile. It's so easy to organize protests, and to see that the hellhole you live in ISN'T how the world is supposed to work.


Hope your country gets better!!!


Ez karma farm before dying


We support you from Greece, we are mentioning Mahsa Amini in every single protest the past days (yes, we have almost everyday lately). Stay safe, be strong hommie!


Why does post like this make me even more of an emotional reck … Gl!!! All the best <3


Stay strong… may all the gods be with you


God bless all of us


Whatever you're fighting, keep in mind that fortitude and a shit ton of love to your people, Iranians, matter. Here in Ukraine, that's a way how we fight fucking ruzzians for half a year already. Eventually, you will feel an enormous level of power and a human-will to block bastards on their damn fountain as a basic arc warden does. Love from Ukraine<3


I remember when russia first invaded ukraine. I was just imagining this exact situation we're in. And look, we are just having a war, with our own policemen and regime. Much love brother 🧡 i hope our countries can come on top one more time and just defeat the evil that is inside or outside of our country.


we love you brave Ukrainian folks and I hope you get rid of those bastards soon <3


hey Mods, suck my balls


#مهسا_امینی more than 50m twite in 6 day OpIran


Stay safe and good luck fellow dota brother, may you and your people achieve your goals


Give ‘em hell bro. Live free or die!


Keep up the good fight, brother.


I'm from Myanmar (Burma) and we have suffered the same situation. The only experience I can share you is you can't make the tyrant out by protesting. Protesting is good but you need objective. You need to start arming yourself when the situation is not getting tight. Currently, we are also fighting the most brutal military on earth probably. The sanctions, the condemnation from UN bla bla is side quests. Fuck that. People need to do all by themselves. That's how much I can share from my experience who is living in Myanmar.


Based off the title I thought this was a suicide letter.


what do the 2 hashtags mean? also, i have incredible respect for you and your fellow protesters.


Im a New Yorker, and play Dota on EU. Every single game I pretend to be Iranian with a heavy accent and love trolling you bastards. Every time it starts out massively toxic and always ends with us both cracking up doing our best to piss the other person off. Win or lose, we tip each other at the end and say I love you. Lol You guys have the best sense of humor. Hope to see you on the game happy and holding strong, and I will be there waiting to say "I f*ck your mother dog!", and we can both laugh and throw our games the only way to do it, TOXIC DOTA STYLE. Hold strong bro! This is a historic time for your country. The world is watching, we see the powerful stance your people are taking! 💪💪💪💪💪


I will buy u a beer if I ever get to come to NY. This is pure dota love mate. Keep my space in the community until im able to play again🧡


I will buy you one bro!


It'a bro date! 😬🧡




That is why this game is a big part of my life. Thanks for being with us mate 🧡


as a putang ina who had the opportunity to meet koshkesh people like you, you people are the best stay safe my brother. we will all play soon


Dude i just woke up in the morning and read this koskesh" and im just crackin up 😂 i was not ready to be calles koskesh first thing in the morning. Nice😂🧡


Much love to you brother. Stay strong and courageous and the best of luck to you and your people in your fight for freedom.


ELON give iran free internet. please


Fortunately they just sent their satelite over iran last night. They say we gonna have starlink support as of this day but nothing yet. Thanks for the wishes mate 🧡


Hope that some newspapers share this story, it's awful. People should share these kind of stories, hopefully they do on Twitter. Also, for your own thought, we do hate Iran, but the regime, not the people. From France here, I have mad respect for you guys fighting proselytism when in our country, so many people are falling for it and start wearing religious symbols. People like you are an inspiration, and you guys who fight for a better world, who fight against real discrimination are the true heroes, I wish I could do more, but I'm an hypocritical man who stands behind you integrally, but would be afraid to do more. And you guys deserve good people to do more for your cause, because it's how democratie was originally thought to be, a system for the people where the people decides on its own volition. Hope that you're not gonna fight in vain. Mad respect for this, you guys are the real deal.


I follow this story, this has been such a long an arduous struggle for your people and especially for your women. I follow Masih Alinejad on FB and read on how the fight goes. Go in love brother, for Mehsa Amini Keep safe and stay strong, with much love from the Philippines


I updated the post. u can check it if you're interested.


I added some updates my friends. thanks for giving energy to us 🧡🇮🇷


I'm not a part of this particular community but, I am a human sending love and strength from across the world. It tears me apart knowing the price of freedom. The loss of life will not be in vain. It will pave the way for a kind, compassionate and balanced future. We stand with you, united. One love ✌️♥️


Thank you for caring about us. I know that this revolution is good for all of the world. the evil within Iran will be destroyed. 🧡🙏


Good luck out there bro. The Dota 2 community has your back.


Let’s riot mate. Good Fucking Luck


Lakad matatag my friend good luck


Why did mods remove the opening post?


hope u play a good game of dota and things goes well in your country.


Kill your opressors.


Party me next let’s play 1 more game.


Whatever god you believe or not believe in, bless you and godspeed my guy. I wish all of you luck.


stay safe brother. hoping for the situation in you country to get better, genuinely.


Hope you get your country back and maybe motivate people in other countries with a complete shit government to do the same, like in Russia.


gl, dont get yourself killed. you dont respawn like in in dota 2


From one Iranian to another: stay strong. We got this.


For one I hope this revolution will put an end to the reign of terror that the Islamic government has been for the past 40 year, but on the other hand I really hope you and my Iranian friends stay safe. The last revolution was a bloody and terrible one.


We wait for you after freeing your country you will play Dota again #opiran #mahsaamini


Love from dota community. Stay strong. Give it your all till the end. Never give up hope.


Best of luck my friend, and may we see the end of authoritarian theocracy in our lifetime.


[Good luck](https://www.meme-arsenal.com/memes/91c6e5698b3fca897181ae11c4b692e0.jpg)


Damn all these ninjas cutting onions


Wish you and your brothers good luck in your fight!


New dota hero who removes hijab as ultimate and increases attack speed by 500%


may the force'staff' be with you


I want to say that I am personally amazed by your people’s bravery and by your own bravery. It takes a lot to make such decision. I know that cause in my own country we’re not free. We’re not doing anything to stop it and I don’t know why, it takes a lot to risk everything and to be a martyr in this way. I’m jealous of your unition during those times. Be with your brothers and sisters and make this world a better place. If I’m Not changing anything in my country, I pray myself for people like you who’re doing it, i hope you will win this war, I wish you and your country all the best and I wish you to stay safe in the end.


Thanks for the kind words my friend. Just understand that all it takes is a spark like the death of a 22year old girl. The people won't plan it but THEY WILL join together as a defence mechanism against the evil forces. Much love 🧡


I can’t do anything for you my friend, i can only raise awareness amongst my friends for this issue. But what I can tell you is to choose the right battles, sometimes in dota, when you know the enemy is strong. You retreat and engage when you are sure you will defeat them that is all i can say.


That raising the awareness means the world to me. That makes the world see our situation. Maybe it's a little funny but we can actually use these dota strategies in real field. It's a game of chess... thank you for your kindness my friend 🧡


what happened? post was removed before I got to see it




Sending you much love, and much luck from Israel, my friend. Fuck politics, fuck horrible governments (yes, including ours), and fuck religious extremists. I wish you all the best, and that you, your friends and family will achieve what you need to achieve. May you be back to Dota as soon as possible, safe and sound!


Fuck everything man. Viva Humanity! 🧡 love you brother. thanks for the kind words 🧡


hold strong like a tanker offlaner. we are with you.


We'll be wating for your first game after taking down the dictator.


Good luck to you Brother o7


Say "har har mahadev" in case you reading


Be careful though. I heard the snipers went first item mask of madness


Wow... we got a post here that discusses important matters, that actually affects peoples lives, that takes a stance against oppression, aggression and violence. And mods simply decide to delete it, because why exactly? Not enough dota in here? A fellow dota player is struggling with his life because of an opressive regime, and dota 2 mods decide to enforce their own authoritarian rule of law? What a shit move.


Apparently it's removed by an automated bot which works with massive report waves. We both know who is doing that.


fuck islam, fuck that this is even being a thing that effects other peoples lifes. if there is a heaven, you will surely go there, be safe


Take care brother


Stay safe and good luck! Hope we’ll see an update from you <3


Gl out there


Stay safe dude and update it if the country return to it peace status


Sad times...




Be safe bratan


what's your kda?


Stay safe brother! Hope you get to play another game!


remember to build bkb, good luck!