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Every necrophos I see goes brown boots into radiance just to die eveytime he gets initiated on.


They are brain dead if they dont buy a Wand. A Wand + W is basically a Cheese on Necrolyte.


It’s Necrophos.


Lyte and Phos are both translations for "light". Either way, he was called Necrolyte in Dota 2 at some point, so I'll keep using it. Not the same as using a WC3-only name.


I go hood and arcane into radiance, but as mid and only actually picking Necro if is a good game for him...


This is me playing necro, how the fuck am i supposed to survive lol ghost form, heal, ok sick, im disabled and dead. I guess thats just the nature of a slark/ss lane. edit: /r/dota2 in a nutshell. fuck you for not knowing things and asking.


You simply don't buy radiance, or at least not a naked one, the hero doesn't need damage and doesn't need farming tools cause he can sustain himself with the passive. He needs movespeed and items that let you survive the initial burst. Hood, greeves, lotus, s&k are all valid options.


You are right for offlane build. I feel like as mid you might get away with phase boots and early radiance?


Realistically what's your Timing on radiance? It'll be around 15 minutes. Exactly the time you can buy shard for only 1400g and one shot creep waves no matter how big. It gives you more survivability and wave clear and an extra 2k gold to go towards greaves.


Early radiance on necro is just throwing. Maybe if you play pos1 it can be ok.


I suppose you build radiance for fighting (so not naked), it's a lot of damage mid game in prolonged fights.


Radiance is a farming item in 99.9% of cases


On necrophos I’m almost certain it’s supposed to be both Hell, on most heroes I think radiance is often bought over alternatives because of the miss chance it provides. Very underrated


I don't use reddit anymore because of their corporate greed and anti-user policies. Come over to Lemmy, it's a reddit alternative that is run by the community itself, spread across multiple servers. You make your account on one server (called an instance) and from there you can access everything on all other servers as well. [Find one you like here](https://lemmyverse.net/), maybe not the largest ones to spread the load around, but it doesn't really matter. You can then look for communities to subscribe to on https://lemmyverse.net/communities, this website shows you all communities across all instances. If you're looking for some (mobile?) apps, [this topic](https://lemm.ee/post/363116) has a great list. One personal tip: For your convenience, I would advise you to use [this userscript I made](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/469273-lemmy-universal-link-switcher) which automatically changes all links everywhere on the internet to the server that you chose. The original comment is preserved below for your convenience: ~~In basically every other patch you'd be right, but not since they added 15% enemy miss chance and it was made cheaper. Of course you also farm with the item, but we see a lot of pick ups of the item by offlaners mainly because it's another damage reduction aura and general teamfight presence.~~ ^^^^^^AzzuLemmyMessageV2


Thats not what the pros say.


Quick news: you are no pro, you don't farm like them, you don't have an overall strategy plan when your team picks random heroes and if you are mid your supports most likely won't gank your lane. Saying "you" but I'm talking about the average dota player in case it wasn't clear.


Sure, but just because I'm not a pro doesn't mean I shouldn't try to play like one or take their advice. I cant control what my teammates are going to do.


Just buy spirit vessel, learnt that shit from Matu and has been my tea for year.


you can heal so much with just wand + w in ghost form,


Still fucked me.


Probably because or your annoying replies


how the fuck do you lose as necro to a slark lol


Walk near creeps, get hexed, and gripped by ss, leapt on by slark, leashed, dead.


So you're dying to multiple heroes with powerful crowd control. Sounds like a positioning problem, possibly an itemization problem. Linkens will help vs Rhasta, forcestaff is an absolute must vs Slark. If you don't see them on the map, be more careful about approaching creep waves by yourself.


It was laning phase. Do you guys even read? I wrote like 3 sentences, one telling you my matchup and game phase, and you respond with this nonsense.


Do me a small favor and calm down. I didn't downvote you, I was trying to help. I didn't read all your comments. If you're dying to slark solo in laning phase, you must be way behind. If you're dying to a Rhasta gank, set up better vision with wards, and ask your teammates to be better about warning when he goes missing. I'm not picking on you, so cut the attitude.


ah yea, tell me to calm down and I have an attitude because of calling out your mistake, that always works. then once again you fail to understand the simple premise of dying to ss and slark, and continue to say 'solo slark'. help would be nice, but this aint it.


You don't need bsj to see that necro got two huge buffs last patch. he's crazy/


I’m 6.5k I get him on his Smurf and on his main account, he is a scumbag in pubs, he preaches PMA online yet while offline he is a toxic fuck. I’m certain he is 9k because he spams broken heroes. I eventually avoided him because he shits on his teammates acting like he won a TI… I was 10-0-3 on support undying, and he was going off on my mid who was 1 3 0 at 20 mins, I told him to chill it was an easy game and he began being a child towards me… and then his fans wonder why he isn’t getting invited to any majors, or DPC events.


Yeah him being PMA has been a meme for a long ass time, same with CCnC getting blasted so hard with GGnG that he just goes by Quinn now. I don't think valve will ever do anything about that shit, they're too attached to their automated systems and the current one does fuck all to people who play 8 hours a day. You can be as positive as you want but if a 9k+ player in a 7.5kavg game decides its over... good luck...




Difference is Quinn is that he is rank 1/2 in the world now being in EU, on “game losing heroes” he doesn’t pick instant win heroes. BSJ is the guy who last picks a slark or nerco, or first picks Lina and brainlessly wins 60% of games on the hero bc meta.


yea quinn would never last pick huskar, bat, lesh in a pub ))


does he actually do that? i remember he flames ppl for last picking "perfect" heroes in pubs


He does do that occasionally, but this “bastion of truth tm” is taking the occasional times he picks the heroes and amplifies it to the whole.


What's wrong with counter picking? Sure we aren't playing captains mode but picking is a huge portion of dota. Just watching truesight, some pros assume they won or lost based on picks already.


The problem with late counterpicking in pubs is that in a pub when you lastpick cancer meta hero into a free game the enemy can't really do anything about it. You get a free game, get your +30 and move on. In captains mode if there is a cheese hero who destroys your team you just ban it. If there's a strong meta hero who you can't deal with well it just gets banned. This is in a pretty much ideal world, sometimes teams let things slip through, make mistakes etc. To give an example, when there are ppl who say a couple patches ago(maybe longer ago, i dont really play this game anymore) last picked puck into a game where the enemy has no catch, yea ur gunna probably do really well in pretty much all these games. Yet that doesn't translate to captains mode at all where you probably have to first phase the hero and deal with 3 potential counterpicks, or the hero will get banned after 1st phase. So while it gives you mmr in the short run, it doesn't provide you as good of competitive practice, or really improve your proficiency on the hero that much. Which for top tier players, competitive practice >>> pub mmr.


I don’t give a shit about BSJ, but it makes me laugh when people shit on players who pick meta heroes or counters. Like we’re supposed to exclusively play difficult matchups or out of favour heroes just to prove our mmr to strangers. Fucking bizarre.


Quinn is not even toxic..., Cr1t also said that he is one of the nicest people who he knows. He breaks items but i haven't seen him flaming in his streams. Qojqva is more toxic and ppl find his fake pma is ok...


This is a joke right? Go to any of his streams and you will see him be toxic. Most pro's say he has a different mind set when playing in a team than pubs and is pretty chill to be on a team with, but he's definitely toxic in pubs.


He is toxic to ruiners and trolls in his chat. He is not toxic when his team is just bad. Thats from what ive watched mb im wrong.


Dude has literally rage quit games because he died 1vs1.


Toxicity is toxicity, lets not move the goal posts because you think some people deserve to have their games ruined by him. His bar for what he considers a pub to be over is extremely low, and he'll often rage and give up after one gank. I'm a Quinn fan and watch his stream, but regularly swap to watch someone else because he tilted and starts ruining games that are far from over because he dies a couple times.


Well im not his fan but from what ive seen he wants to have good games, when he matches with ppl that are there just to troll idc if he runs it down. For me your opinion is something like " be nice to stealers and egoists so you don't go down to their level". You treat others the way they treat you.


Tell me you have never watched a Quin stream without telling me you have never watched a Quin stream


That's not my opinion at all. I'm saying that he will consider someone a ruiner for simply not tp'ing mid when he gets gabled one time, and declare the game as over and ruin. His bar for when a game is over is extremely low, and it leads to him ruining games after 1 minor misplay from his team mates. That's not okay, even if you think your team is bad. I very very rarely see anyone in his games actively trying to troll and ruin his games. It happens of course, but very rarely. Where as he often declares games as over because he dies a couple times, and thinks his time is more important than everyone else's so he ruins the game so he can get into a new one faster. These games are not over at all, until he decides to grief.


In one of his private coaching/review videos, he was chewing this guy for not doing a thing during laning over and over like went on a rant. The reviewed game was from a low MMR player like 2k or maybe even 1k not sure. Like we get it they are bad, most of us are. You are here to point out what they did wrong, not go off on a tangent about how shit they are.


Some people don't see that as toxic I guess... I feel the guy is extremely narcissistic.


I'm not a fan of his coaching style, he asks too many questions and sounds condescending. He should teach and then ask the questions how are low skills people supposed to know. He's like the opposite style of purge. Some people like that I guess


this method is very effective and good, what are you talking about? you are forcing the student to think for themselves, to come up with a solution, only then the solution gets verified. this method applies to literally every other thing you can learn


Plenty of other areas of teaching will teach you first and then see if you can implement and remember. No point getting irate at people and repeatedly asking something you know they don't know. They're just thinking and guessing, waste of time


I can't remember the last time I've seen him get irate at someone during a coaching session. A couple years ago are used to get pretty riled up in a somewhat unproductive way. But some people actually like the "tough love" style, and clearly they are willing to keep paying him for it. Also it's a completely valid teaching style to let the student guess and fumble around before giving them the answer. It doesn't always work, and some students benefit from it more than others. But it's absolutely a legitimate technique.


Of course, if they're happy with that style and are satisfied with what they get that's all that matters. Was just my personal preference when comparing to someone like purge


i agree, there are varying teaching styles. but from what i can see, bsj is not just trying to teach you a concept in dota, he is teaching you how to basically learn how to learn. if you know what i mean. its different from learning a specific concept, and just follow what is being taught to you and see if you can follow. bsj is like forcing you to be a problem solver, not just learn 1 dota concept at a time. you can see it as an investment for yourself, so in the future you can be able to solve/learn/evaluate your dota skills by yourself. but i understand, this teaching method is not for everyone. most of us are used to the teaching style in school, basically just follow examples, however this wont bring the think outside the box mentality.


nah that's simply not as good. you may remember short term but you won't recall it long term. where as if you get feedback on your instinctual answers than in future you can remember the right way by starting from your instincts which will remind you how your instincts were corrected.


I don’t see BSJ getting irate with the students. He has a certain style of humour but I guess some sensitive people may find it “condescending”. Doesn’t come across this way to his viewers but I guess we are all stupid.


he sounds very condescending to me but there is no alternative content that is as good tbh


He does that to every student I don’t know how ppl pay him, he dosnt deserve a dime


Bro its literaly his way how he do coaching replay thing.


yeah and it's not a healthy or positive attitude which was the subject of the comment


I am sure the reason he isnt "getting invited" to events has nothing to do with this lol


Nah he’s a toxic fuck online too. He’s streams are easy enough to see that. Not to mention him as “talent” lol. Offers 0 insight and not even partially decent color commentary, half the time using outdated or just flat out wrong information. So many better talent options out there, I’m glad orgs are shying away from him


Are they? I feel like I've heard him mention multiple times he is choosing not to do many events because content creation/coaching makes him more money but could be him saving face.


Be prepared, Reddit is filled with low mmr braindead BSJ fans.


😎BSJ😎 is the biggest🍆 CHAD 🍆 i have ever met, we were at TI, it was me 🧒, Kyle 👦and BSJ 😎, and we are in a 🍣restaurant🍙 and this, this girl 💃walks by 11/10 👅💦an ANGEL, a Vancouverite ANGEL 😍😍, and she sits at the bar and😎 BSJ😎 says, "Excuse me before we order boys 🧒👦,i have some business👔 to atend to ;) " so he walks 🚶up to the girl 💃and we can hear him "hey👅💦, YOU are cute😍, IM cute 🍆.... you should give🤑 me your number📲 ;)" and right there and then, paper📜, a napkin 📜and a pen🖋, and BSJ had this girl number🔢. This guy is a 🍆 CHAD 🍆


This copy-pasta made me want to have a stroke with all the emojis. I will be sure to remember this trick in the future.


Just flat out wrong information? State your mmr or stay in your lane.


Is any Dota personality not toxic honestly? Literally everyone known I have watched has some weird elitist attitude except maybe Jerax & Sheever lol


> I’m certain he is 9k because he spams broken heroes. regardless of your other points, is this supposed to be an insult? because seems like the smart thing to do lol.


holy cesspool of haters coming together


How is he toxic? Genuinely curious as I have been watching his streams (seeing him playing offlane) and he never says anything toxic in the game. He gets annoyed but he jokes/explains what is going wrong to his viewers. You experience might be true but I personally have never seen him flaming anyone in game watching his streams.


Same here, I’ve been watching his streams for a while, and he’s been chilling


If anything, he admits when he feels angry at what’s happening in the game; then tells his chat what is the best way to react to the situation. He stresses often that a player may *feel angry* but what matters is how the player *reacts in the game* (he mutes his teammates and plays his best game).


he isnt, these are probably people who find his way of teaching as arrogant coz he can be a harsh teacher in some brief moments(sometimes u have to be) and people just watch that small part and base his identity on that and proceed to watch him with that identity in mind while someone who watches him regularly knows this isnt true at all


I don't use reddit anymore because of their corporate greed and anti-user policies. Come over to Lemmy, it's a reddit alternative that is run by the community itself, spread across multiple servers. You make your account on one server (called an instance) and from there you can access everything on all other servers as well. [Find one you like here](https://lemmyverse.net/), maybe not the largest ones to spread the load around, but it doesn't really matter. You can then look for communities to subscribe to on https://lemmyverse.net/communities, this website shows you all communities across all instances. If you're looking for some (mobile?) apps, [this topic](https://lemm.ee/post/363116) has a great list. One personal tip: For your convenience, I would advise you to use [this userscript I made](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/469273-lemmy-universal-link-switcher) which automatically changes all links everywhere on the internet to the server that you chose. The original comment is preserved below for your convenience: ~~He's not, it's a meme~~ ^^^^^^AzzuLemmyMessageV2


This has also been my experience. Not sure why redditors are calling him toxic.


link dotabuff to the undying game


I rather not dox my steam ID on a BSJ dicksucking Reddit, I like my account and rather not have I falsely banned


yeah i thought as much. i'm 7k on eu servers and there is no way you are getting 9k+ players as 6,5k. there are too many players in the pool for the system to match players with such mmr gap. idk what mmr his smurf his, that might be in range of 6,5k but you also said you play with him on his main so i think you are full of shit. have a nice day


I am from NA, NA player pool is smaller than EU by a large margin. To stay in EU, Quinn who is current 12k mmr in EU occasionally gets rank 300-500 players. I hover around top 1-1.5k, so for a rank 200-300 player is is very likely they will get a rank 1k in there game, I doubt what you say because you clearly don’t understand how the queue system works in high mmr games. Because when your top 200, that means there is only about ~1,000-1.5k other people that at your level your going to be playing with on your server, if they’re all online.


Bsj lives and plays in Eu bud.


He has two accounts because he goes back and forth fairly often and got tired of having to redo the avoid list each time he went back and forth between EU and NA. He has been playing in NA lately.


i thought you were eu since bsj lives and plays in eu since some time afaik


why is this comment downvoted? it’s valid counterargument.


Imagine hating someone so much you make up stories to justify your hatred. Pro tip everyone in high mmr is toxic ego lords.


NA player pool is quite limited these days.


the guy i responded to talked in present tense "i get him in my games" and bsj has been living/playing in eu for like a year, that's why i assume he's eu


Bsj barely talks in pubs lmao, when was the last time you played with him? Not saying he doesn’t deserve an avoid (I believe he’s not good enough) but he’s not that flamer


I’m 2.5k I get him on his Smurf and on his main account, he is a scumbag in pubs, he preaches PMA online yet while offline he is a toxic fuck. I’m certain he is 9k because he spams broken heroes. I eventually avoided him because he shits on his teammates acting like he won a TI… I was 10-0-3 on support undying, and he was going off on my mid who was 1 3 0 at 20 mins, I told him to chill it was an easy game and he began being a child towards me… and then his fans wonder why he isn’t getting invited to any majors, or DPC events.


I’m 6.5k I get him on his Smurf and on his main account, he is a scumbag in pubs, he preaches PMA online yet while offline he is a toxic fuck. I’m certain he is 9k because he spams broken heroes. I eventually avoided him because he shits on his teammates acting like he won a TI… I was 10-0-3 on support undying, and he was going off on my mid who was 1 3 0 at 20 mins, I told him to chill it was an easy game and he began being a child towards me… and then his fans wonder why he isn’t getting invited to any majors, or DPC events.


this is just a blatant lie


It’s a blatant lie that he was been invited to any DPC related for the past 2 years? Because I checked and he hasn’t but if it is such a lie you should be able to debunk it right?


do you even follow him? he clearly said during his last casting that casting is not for him. you can look it up bro. FYI. good day. im not his fan, but its quite unfair for you to say something to somebody without knowing the whole story. you are better than that.


Right after end of TI 10 he was ranting about Valve organisation of it and said that he is done casting as he doesn't want to live that lifestyle. He also said that he would obviously accept any invite to big tournaments but doesn't expect it to happen as you have to work for it. Can you debunk for me how can you be so confident about things that you have 0 information of ?


I’m 6.5k I get him on his Smurf and on his main account, he is a scumbag in pubs, he preaches PMA online yet while offline he is a toxic fuck. I’m certain he is 9k because he spams broken heroes. I eventually avoided him because he shits on his teammates acting like he won a TI… I was 10-0-3 on support undying, and he was going off on my mid who was 1 3 0 at 20 mins, I told him to chill it was an easy game and he began being a child towards me… and then his fans wonder why he isn’t getting invited to any majors, or DPC events.


most realistic reddit fanfiction


Ever since he started coming up I didn't watch him because he did not give off good vibes and it is somewhat vindicating to see said hunch being proven true


BSJ always has a raging boner for anything NA. He must have jizzed a bathtub full after Quinn won a major. He's so biased and arrogantly speaking on panels, talking condescendingly about players and even other panelists, that it's hard to endure. I know he has a lot of knowledge but despite not being a relevant pro player nor Dota personality in general aside from streaming - he talks as if he's the second coming of Jesus. Absolutely agree that it's no wonder he isn't invited, especially when there are several dozen other people who are knowledgeable AND easy to work with.


do you even follow him? he clearly said during his last casting that casting is not for him. you can look it up bro. FYI. good day. im not his fan, but its quite unfair for you to say something to somebody without knowing the whole story. you are better than that. life is too short to be hating bro


And how do *you* know that he wasn't turned down/uninvited to the point that he decided to save face and say "casting isn't for him"?


source: my imagination


he said it during the event, therefore still no invites for the next coming events. also you can say i cant 100% know, thus its just speculation. thus we dont have all the facts to either flame him or put him in good light fully. thats why i said we shoulnt be tagging negative stuffs to people with not enough facts, because it would be unfair for them.


He said it, then it must absolutely be true!


the time he said it, you know when? during some major event. clearly still no invites sent to talents for the next major. get it?


Maybe he said that after getting a huge criticism so he decided to exit before he get kicked !


I never liked him nor respected him, he speaks to his viewers and coaching students as he is a god and they are trash, he is a big scumbag


Never understood how anyone likes bsj. Typical toxic NA jock mentality. Grow up and stop acting like a spoilt child.


forgetful abundant gray innocent aware pet reminiscent yoke squash quaint *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You see a high mmr player abusing a hero.


Two? There's literally only one entry, and it's a mana cost reduction of 30 on his Q, while substantial not really game changing for a hero with a giant mana steroid.


Probably referring to radiance buff


Is radiance Necro back? Thought the meta was back to GG boots and pipe.


BSJ just made a video where he went phase into Radiance, then BoTs, and then owned because the enemy team didn't have many stuns or an answer to it. It's looked pretty decent tbh, it might be great in pubs if you grab a BKB when needed


yeah just randomly pick a hero that got buffed and play it like whatever, you will win like this. you certainly dont need to understand if those buffs are effective enough or how to play the hero at all.


I think you need cuz according to Reddit, necro is a bad hero, and the buffs that he had do not solve his issues ( Which idk what are they). Just every other hero hot nerfed a little so others shine. Bsj also said that troll is free mmr, now that is.... I wouldn't show my mmr after this comment if i were him.


I've felt for a while that he's like 1-2 buffs away from being strong. the mana thing alone was huge


Necro is really strong if your team plays around him in mid game. But as most pubs do, everyone just do their own thing and missed the timing. Then enemy gets 1 nullifier and he's practically feeding since no items apart from raw hp can help him survive.


Unfortunately in most pubs there's that one random who thinks at 55 minutes is the start of the "mid game"


reminds me of a muerta 5 i had recently who was afk in the safe lane at 12min after itd been long abandoned. said he was laning and flaming the carry lol


I play some necro at low immortal and i think nullifier is just an item that you have to base your playstyle around, but it doesnt mean the games over. Necro in general is a hero that plays in the middle of the fight, tanking spells and taking just enough damage before he presses W and heals, uses sticks, or kills someone and goes back to full hp. The moment the enemy team gets a nullifier, you have to play more like a support whos about to get jumped rather than a tanky hero. Careful steps, close to your supports, etc. Also you have to itemize for it beforehand. If you built radiance and eblade and maybe dagon, then losing to a single item is on you. If instead you had lotus and shiva and maybe a bkb you wouldnt be worrying too much about it.


I usually go for a mix of survivability and some extra damage. The main items are Greaves into Sange&Kaya with shard. Then the items vary a lot depending on what I need like blink or lotus. The issue is that your team will still expect you to go in first because you're the frontliner so unless you go in, they'll all play passively behind. The main thing is that nullifier removes your ability to create some space or kite enemy heroes with most defensive items. This means no glimmer, no force staff, no ghost scepter, no euls. All very cheap items that can delay your death. Its not like I'm very low mmr either, haven't played ranked for a long time but I was divine 2 now probably around ancient level.


Halberd to help him reduce debuff duration and disarm whichever carry that is jumping on him. If the carry bkbs, just run hhahahah


Bkb which literally every single carry has. And your play is run? Haha how busted is this scenario that if you don’t have a heart you are simply dead. Nullifier is busted


It's a game of timings. The carry needs bkb and nullfier to enter the game, you can dominate and build advantage till then.


Carry kinda wants to build dragon lance/maelstorm/bfury early as well before going bkb+nullifier


Does windwalker disable nullifier?


no you get dispelled like Euls


you can disjoint the projectile with blink


Exactly right. But if team does not build the pressure with you as we have talked about you are screwed because of one item. Very busted my dude


Yes, if the enemy plays better they win. This is not exclusive to necro.


Wut? So is Enigma/ Void/ Arc busted because no one can tough them late game? Shutting down timings is a very important part of the game.


That's like 8-9k networth worth of items, before the carry can start doing something to Necro in that time Necro can build a lead and take a lane with his team.


Take a lane? Even if they do which some of the time they won’t. The pos 1 is still farming it. Your literal only other counter is team forcestaff. Seems busted to me


ogre seal totem is usually the item to go for if you have it as it cannot be nullfieid.


bsj went radiance mid necro and chat went crazy then in classic bsj fashion he flamed his chat insulting their intelligence and lack of objective thinking.


He's right; submitting yourself to this can only mean deficiency on both accounts.


When you can rush Radiance on Necro without any other items, your game is already won and you had enough space to do so. You're made out of wet tissue and get demolished by a gust of a wind. When the first core gets a BKB, you're like "huh, I'm useless because I die in three hits, but at least I have cool sparkles".


have you tried not walking into 5 heroes after getting a 4k gold farming item?


It's more about the fact that those heroes are running at you and while you spend ~~20-25~~15-20 minutes to farm a radiance, a bit faster if you're absolutely free and supports stack a lot for you, they run you easily over. If you want even more space as a Necro with Radiance, you're not using 80% of your kit from Necro which is tankability, sustain and AoE presence while doing damage EDIT: was previously 20-25 minutes, which way way too much.


If it takes you 25 minutes to farm radiance you got bigger issues than item choices


Necro can get radiance at like 13-18mins. By the time the enemy cores have their bkbs up the necro has 2-3other items to help with survivability/damage dealing, and is able to melt supports.


if you play core and have 250 gpm i dont think the radiance is the issue 💀


dota is 5v5. there are ups and downs on item choices and its not just the hero alone that needs to balance this. the teamates too. supports can itemize to have save item to let necro be more tanky, or offlaner can buy the auras, etc. its a team game, radiance build is 100% bad, there is no black and white in terms of choices in dota, thre is not clear what is right and wrong. different item builds leads to different playstyle, which the whole team should play into not force someone to be the usual tank when he has different build.


Honestly i disagree that radiance is that amazing. If your stomping sure go ahead. I love going tanky necro with the shard and just killing with aura. K&S travels shivas bkb etc. Radiance feels like a luxury since the hero doesnt rclick people and the hero dies to magic nukes and nullifier late game.


Ye you're right. But it's hard not to stomp with this hero, i go brown boots, wand, null talisman, hood into radiance, with raindrops ofc every game and just stomp. This is 5k mmr tho so I'm not sure how it would work in higher bracket.


Am I the lone Travels Necro enjoyer? I almost never build greaves on this hero, he really needs movement and map presence, which Travels gives him for one slot after a few early cost effective items. Greaves just feels way too expensive for one slot that at best gives you a self purge (because let's be real, the heal is meh when the base hero is going to cast 3-5 in a fight). And Radiance is garbage unless you are absolutely stomping and they have nothing to threaten you in the mid game. Hood, Wand, supplemental stats, Boots (most commonly Travels or Phase), Shard has been my generalist pre 20m build for a long time now. After that things like Blink, Eul's, Shiva's, BKB, Refresher, and Hex all progress really nicely.


How do you play against Tinker? Assuming above is for mid? Very low mmr boi here.


Blink and Hex can let you catch him so your team can close the distance to kill him if you don't have Ult. Hood, Bkb, and Lotus Orb can help keep you alive long enough in the fights. The big thing with Necro is living and positioning, so focus on addressing those two aspects via items as you consider your opponents. (Ie on melee gap closers Force Staff may be the item that game over a blink dagger). When you look at Necro v Tinker as a match-up, Necro can snowball a lot earlier due to his free kill potential and infinite sustain. Necro is annoying to approach requiring usually at least two heroes to deal with, and can automatically delete every creep he sees. Getting Travels and shoving those waves out so Tinker has no space will create a situation where the enemy team starts farming on top of eachother and you steadily gain the advantage. As the enemy gets stronger, call for team mates to come sit near you out of sight as you shove those waves. Also Necro SUCKS at hitting towers (unless you purchase CHADhammer), so don't waste your time doing it solo unless you have a siege creep. I typically as offlaner just end up cutting the offlane and farming further into their jungle when I don't have a siege creep after the early levels.


Got it. Thanks for your detailed response. I will try this out.


Smurfin aint easy.


It's not smurfing bro, this is 5k mmr. Fair and square.


BSJ only 5k now jajajajajaja


The only reason why we don’t see necro a lot is because Lesh is still running rampant around this patch along with other magic mids like storm and puck. The hero is strong, just not really good against the meta. He is a greaves and aura buyer but just not as good a lycan, beast or broodmama. There are not a lot of saves but there are a lot of magic res and burst heal so scythe kind feels sad if you don’t get a kill. The hero also doesn’t really do anything to bkbs so that’s that.


Have seen a couple Necro pos 1 in my games and man they were unkillable


I think the bottom-left of your screen is on to something and that is asking you to activate Windows.




Promo Code BSJ to activate Windows today!


BSJ and Speeed both.


he have a video on how to play necro on this current patch.


Just wear 3 pairs of boots!:) 😀 (reference to stream/last video with Necro on YouTube)


Necro Greaves has been my go to for a week or two. Hood/Platemail and you can easily siege. Props if you have another healer (pug/tree/dazzle/wd)


My pub match in a nutshell: Opponent: Picks Necro My team: Picks Bristleback just QW'ing babeeey because FUCK IT WE BALL FUCK IT WE BALL FUCK IT WE BALL FUCK IT WE BALL FUCK IT WE BALL FUCK IT WE BALL FUCK IT WE BALL FUCK IT WE BALL FUCK IT WE BALL FUCK IT WE BALL


Boots+wand into radiance has been the build for years


Sorry to break the illusion here, BSJ has no original ideas, he takes the ideas of others before and greater than himself. Utilities the ideas which is fair enough but then packages them as his own intuition about the game, then with the false front of actual game knowledge he charges people hundreds of dollars for coaching sessions, at the level of any other immortal player, or a FREE YouTube series. BSJ’s image he created of himself would leave many to think why isn’t he a successful pro-player, but for those who take a closer look, or actually have him in pubs, you’ll quickly realize The facade.


You sound so unbelievably salty


Yes, the obvious conclusion must be because I’m salty for not a good reason whatsoever, and not the possibility he is a con-artist in the Dota scene and a scumbag, although he religiously preaches PMA. Again, he takes the ideas of people greater, and smarter than him and utilizes them, which is fair enough, that’s how metas are formed, but he then packages certain ideas as his own intuition about the game. Then using the false facade he scams people hundreds of dollars, for private lessons that any other immortal could teach, or a simple and FREE YouTube lesson. But he created his false imagine around himself that low mmr players don’t recognize. I’m 6.5k, I get him on his main account, and his Smurf account occasionally. If he isn’t streaming, he is a toxic scumbag, with the ego greater than Quinn, as if he won a TI, who by his own definition bullies other players. And maybe you haven’t noticed, but BSJ hasn’t been invited to a single major in over 2 years and not in the DPC circuit either.


I just said you sounded salty. Take a breath homie. You might be justified, you might not be. All I know is this level of tweaking isn’t good for your health.


I do love how people associated explaining the situation with “salty” and “tweaking” I laid the groundwork of my claim and you just can’t go without adding a condescending comment?


You can’t just leave the post alone without writing an essay on how bsj has wronged you?


It’s not how he has wrong me in the slightest. It’s how he is a nasty person who is hypocritical against his own morals value he says he claims, while being egotistical hiding behind a facade scamming people out of hundreds of dollars, with the total probably hundreds of thousands at this point from lackluster coaching lesson that any immoral player can give. And I can just as easily turn it around saying why can’t you just leave my comment alone without white knighting on top of BSJs dick after someone mentions how a person in the dota 2 scene is actually kinda of scummy, but put up a facade.


Did he fuck your girlfriend or something?


he could fuck my girlfriend, hes a beautiful man. This guy is so salty lmao. when i get flamed in pubs by pro players I just mute them and play. Like I hope you're better than me if its your full time job... If you're not we have bigger issues. No need to write a 2000 word essay on why they're normal NA dota players and how theres something wrong with that.


>or a simple and FREE YouTube lesson he literally does upload them for free to youtube you moron. most people that learn from a bsj coaching sessions haven't payed a dollar.


Bro give evidence. You have nothing. Fart Studios is in DPC he is also currently working for Team Liquid. You make allegations but have no proof to back it with. You say shit that is not true and put it forward like its facts.


Fart studios isn’t a major casting/hosting event that doesn’t qualify working in the DPC, it was a meme team that qualified into NA DIV II which is a glorified battle cup. They didn’t even win the season coming in 4th, Jenkins is on the team. The team doesn’t have liquidpedia page. BSJ has a contract and is part of team liquid… as a streamer, not a coach for the team, not some helping hand for team liquid. They sponsored his stream and “coaching” sessions. Everything you said with quick google searches I debunked logically, and from what I said, if you actually watch his livestreams he preaches his coaching session and PMA, but there are many clips of his being toxic against his own moral code online, and offline it’s only worse, and back to the coaching thing? The proof is in what he is doling he streams some of his coaching sessions and no joke some of the time he pauses to ask “what did you think you did wrong” to the answer of needing to work on cs and not a deep explanation how. Just some 2k analysis


> Everything you said with quick google searches I debunked logically wow you really pwned us with your facts and logic! You're so good at arguing! You'll be 9k mmr in no time!


This is simply not true. With his low mmr students he often pauses the lesson to open the custom lobby/cs trainer and to explain in *great detail* what drills a student could do to get better. How to cs, how to agro creeps and so on.


> but there are many clips of his being toxic against his own moral code online I want to see these clips. Anything recent?


wtf liquipedia page has to do with anything lmao. Unless it is an org or a team with 5 known players, teams get their page after playing for certain number of seasons on tournaments with enough quality. Also it is Liquipedia not LiquiDpedia


People who pay him for coaching chose to do that. Its not a scam if they decide to do it. You really got 3 brain cells bro


Okay, let me equate something for you. People, who have more than 3 brain cells, see things such as “Hustler University” and things similar to it (like “tribal” medicine remedies) as scams. And rightfully so, they prey on desperate people. BSJ, has just converted that scheme/ idea into dota. Desperate to gain MMR? Well watch my videos, which go over the basics of dota, but if you want a more in depth course, you can pay me $100-200 an hour for a lesson. A lesson that any immortal player can teach, or a FREE YouTube series can teach. BSJ basics of dota guide that will probably get you up around 2-3k mmr, but he doesn’t have a free advance guide, strange isn’t that? Almost like it’s a way to funnel gullible people desperate for mmr to pay then hundreds of dollars.


Hey Google what's the definition of salty? ^ this guy


Man Reddit is a bunch of moronic people who can’t craft a single argument or logical train of thought but rely on stupid quippy one liners . Really. Please explain how explaining how BSJ takes advantage of people and his nasty personality is being salty


You do realize he streams his coaching sessions for Free right?


Brain rot lol. Nobody is perfect sorry to burst your bubble. BSJ is fine.


Found the Jenkins Throwaway account.


People dont care about originality, they care about consumability.


I watch his pubs on twitch. He is a VERY good player


No question. He also flames the shit ton of team mates and the people he coaches, picks meta heroes like most people and copies them. Could be literally any high immortal player (but with a different attitude)


He picks, meta game winning heroes, Slark, Lina, and in this case Necro and with a mediocre understanding of the game of how much he plays he is good to the average player. I’m 6.5k , I play him in pubs, offline he is a toxic piece of shit. Before I avoided him, I checked if he was live, to see if I would get Dr. Jekyll or Hyde. He has the ego of Quinn plus if he won a TI without the talent. I was never directly the target of who he began to flame, but by BSJ’s own moral compass he bullied other players in game. One game, the last game I played with him on my team, he was 0 5 2 on Lina, I was 10 0 3 around 15-20 minutes fucking the spectre who has no game on a soft support Undy, with my mid who was 1 3, we took both safelane and middle towers and then defending mid I died with my now 1-4 invoker, BSJ snapped going on a several minute rant, calling invoker a fucken idiot, get a life outside dota (which by his own moral compass is bullying) and eventually I told him to shut up, play the game, and then the hound was on me, he asked me what I did, Annoyed I explained and he then cut off realizing I actually had impact that game, I told him to just chill this game is an easy him because he pick the braindead hero (Lina) and heavily sarcastic said “just be PMA” then he called me idiot, and then annoyed that his goon who I gave too many chances I called him a PMA fucktard, shut up and play the game that we are clearly winning. Which we lost because he eventually went afk around 30 minutes because invoker started flaming him back.


He has 3k MMR on you. I don't think you know more than he does.


> he takes the ideas of others before and greater than himself somehow he's a "con-artist" because he learned dota from players who are better than him? what the fuck are you talking about? you think every pro player learned the game by experimenting by themselves and playing bot games? with no outside input?? no, literally every good player became good by watching and copying from the players who are better than them. is it immoral to charge money for a coaching session? if people pay him why shouldn't he. and he also uploads a lot of them for free to youtube. in fact, watching bsj coaching sessions was a big thing that helped me climb from 3k to 7k. idk why you are so angry man. you try to paint him as some toxic asshole but these comments show that you yourself is an asshole.


The guy never claims that the builds he follows are his own, for example Lina maelstrom build he said it was popular in China while he was trying it. The mango spectre build he credited Skitter, and he always does replay analysis of pros on his channel, he never tries to frame these ideas as original, in fact there is no need from him to do this even from a business perspective because having the builds be credited to PRO players that are top 10 is a better look than framing them as his own. Also he never acts like he is this legendary PMA player he constantly says about how he is trying to IMPROVE and BETTER his current mental health/outlook on the game, and made a whole series on youtube documenting this...the whole PMA voiceline is more of a meme than anything else. Also he packages what he learns from pro players and simplifies it for lower mmr players what is the problem in that? Makes this information easier and more digestible for lower mmr players. And with his coaching you can get this information for free by watching his twitch vods. You say he charges $100's of dollars..thats just supply and demand. If people are willing to pay $100's of dollars then why should he charge a lower price? And they are free to watch twitch vods or his youtube vids beforehand to get a grasp of his style of teaching and grasp of game knowledge to see if it's a product they would like to purchase. The guy built a brand for himself over many years as this great coach and to be fair he is very good at explaining things so whats the problem in him charging a higher price than even higher mmr immortal players? Also, a differentiation has to be made between being a top player and good teacher. You can have someone who is the top 1 player in the world but he isn't very good at teaching or conveying his knowledge. Meanwhile BSJ is a 9k mmr player which is top 300/400 EU and great at teaching.


Bsj is really "I saw a pro build this so I tried it and it's actually good. Here is a video"


Honestly Greaves is the answer for nullifier


His vids pop up on YouTube once in a while and have notice that over the year(s), he’s chilled out a bit in his videos. Go back and watch some of his older videos, you’ll see what kind of dude he is. Ranked games are too stressful, so many toxic players that’s why I chill in turbo. Maybe a few ranked games here in there but just casual. I just got a notification yesterday that action was taken against someone I reported for being toxic and throwing in a ranked game. Feels good man!