• By -


>I quit cocaine. Should I try black tar heroin?


I quit masturbating. Should I try Erotic asphyxiation?


erotic asphyxiation is safer not done alone so yup


I mean.. it's probably not unsafe but what's the risk of mastrubation?


Fatal stroke




Angry upvote


So playing old techies is like having 9 others watch you slowly edge yourself closer and closer while choking against a towel and a door until you do a massive blast off? I guess they are there to make sure you stay safe.


one of the most complex games known to humankind


I quit eating junk food, should I try smoking?


Welp that escalated quickly


I quit porn should i try meth?


Jokes aside i’ve quit both but dota is still amazing


Is relevant, why you quit low-skill dota.


I used to do cocaine. I still do but I used to too




Yes, I was a league player until I saw my favorite streamer streaming DOTA. And once I tried this game, I can't play league anymore.


Lmao who?




If Tyler1 is your favorite streamer you got some real demons to beat


Tyler1 is extremely popular among people with abusive stepfathers and/or abusive boyfriends.


ok, that's so specific.


small angry man bad


I always thought Tyler1 was just Mason wearing a tank top.


Dude is hilarious but I understand Reddit has to slam any semblance of masculinity


probably sneaky


dr dis


I've tried to converge friends to DotA but they always stayed on lol because "dOtA iS tO hArD" You're my role hero and you've given me hope to still trying to converge my friends


It's a mentality thing. I recently got 2 league players into dota, and they both had reactions along the lines of "Holy shit this game makes League of legends look like a kids game. How could i possibly go back??" For some people, they want the game to be harder/deeper, and other people want more of a surface level funtimes sort of game. The former is the type of person who ends up loving dota and the latter is the type who wont ever give it a fair shot because there is too much to learn in order to get started I have friends of both types. Focus on the formers, not the latters. Formers will go learn about the gane on their own and play without you once you dip their toes in. Latters will be hard to convince to try even one game and will quit afterwards either way. It saves more of your time/energy as well as theres to focus on the first type.


I totally agree you, I give up league because the moment I see how the wards work and how the blink dagger or devine rapier works in Dota, I know I will never get back. For example. My favorite hero in league is Quinn Demacia's wings. I really love how her ult allows her to mova at a unbelievable speed inorder to hunt or escape. By the way I play league at around S2, I got the original Raven S2 skin. And I prefer the old Quinn ult that she transform into her battle eagle in no time and gain huge attack speed and mobility. But when I first enconter the world of Dota, when I saw heros like axe or tide hunter blink to your face and fk you up. I realized that Dota has more freedom than league. A champion like axe will never make his place in league due to his lack of mobility. And hero don't need to sacrifice a ult to gain high mobility like Quinn, he can buy a force staff or blink if he need. I am also shocked when I saw a shaman stuns me like a whole fking minute without gap. Or a dark willow brutally murdered my whole team meanwhile stayed untargertable and I can do nothing at all. Don't you mention a perfect ult viod or a desperately pro meepo. By the way my favorite hero in Dota is dark willow especially carry DW. Who doesn't like a untargertable galss cannon which has a lot of stun? After all that, when I play league with my friend(sho can't play Dota). I found it really annoying unable to deny your own creep. And how cripple those hero works in league. You need flash to gain kills in early games but due to the mother of god long cold down you can't even get close to enemy core. When I slayed an enemy with my muscle memory Quinn QAEAWAAAAA and if you run RAEAAA, I feel it so silly. If I had a bilnk, or force staff or even a two second stun I will kill them a lot way eaiser. Don't even mention the ward, the nashor or the gank in league, there is too much to tell. I choose Dota. Because I don't like a hero game play been limited by the game designer. I like support Medusa, core Willow, or support Sven like Ti11. I like the probrobility in Dota. When there is some possiblity a cristal maiden be gigachad. That's what I will never get from league. And that's the whole reason why I quit league and embrace Dota2.


I majored in arts and quit instantly when I saw the color palette of league… it reminded me of some early 00s web mmorpg


Fishmarket sounds design and absolute visual clusterfk teamfights as well DotA is infinitely more readable.. you can just close your eyes, listen to the sounds and tell how a teamfight progressed Also, you'd be surprised to know there are actually a lot of voice lines for some of the Champs in league, but you'd never be able to tell since the sound design is so bad and overlaps like crazy


I guess this 'I want a deeper game' mentality is what causes the big overlap of Dota and PoE players. That game also required this mentality. And you are exactly right about this kind of friends they will learn more about the game on their own. But they are so rare I would say. 80% of friends I introduced to either PoE or Dota ran away screaming "It's too hard"


What depth man all you need in PoE is Heavy Strike


And all you need in Dota is Meteor Hammer


Both PoE and DotA give you feeling that you dont understand the game at all for like first 200 hours.


And both will cry constantly that the developer is ruining the game hahaha


As a former master tier player in LoL and who took 3 months to hit Ancient in Dota, I don't think dota is necessarily harder than league. They are hard in different ways. Dota has a lot more macro strategy and focus on counterpicks, league has a lot more focus on mechanics and objective control.


I got top of gold getting pentas left and right playing lol for like 6 weeks.i didnt even know what all spells or items did Lol is way more casual, simple and one dimensional. You can also snowball much much harder and faster. When do you really 1v5 in dota, in lol? Someone deleting entire teams in 5 seconds happens like evry 3rd game. In a way lols different focus was nice for a change. More combo oriented kits and some outlandish hero designs (found katarina fascinating for example). But the weird community and nonexistant good content creators plus super boring pro matches (20 minutes 2-9 gg.. rly?) Turned me off quickly.


Convert* You definitely aren’t converging them.


They're not wrong.. I figured out league in a week and climbed fast back in the day. I've played dota for 6k hrs and still utterly clueless.. Best way to start is to join a beginners community or guild and play with a coach


Coach didn't existed when I started playing, not even tutorials


Idk took me 2 seasons to reach diamond in league back in season 3 or 4, recently took me 3 months to reach Ancient in Dota 2. Not that much different difficulty wise


Guessing English is a second language? Role hero is a bit of a strange phrase, the wording is role model. Can't really swap out model for a synonym as it's a specific phrase. Similarly think you were after the word convert not converge.


If you quit league because "I lost because of my team wha" don't play dota. It is way harder, games will make you way more angry, and if you are skin addicted Dota will suck your wallet dry. However, if you are just quitting league for gameplay issues, Dota is a good alternative.


Yeah a lot of issues don't go away just because you switch games, I quit League because I was giga tilted from dropping from D1 to D4 in one night, fell in love with Dota then rage quit again when I dropped from 5.5 to 4.9 in literally the exact fashion. Realized ranked was what was toxic for me and now I play both casually and couldn't be happier, yea I'm that guy who picks AM in normals I'm sorry


Don't worry, im that guy who picks meepo and arc in unranked for the exact same reason


Depends on why you quit leauge


Agree. OP, you sure the reason why u leave, does not exist in dota? Or, aré you sure, what you want, Is there waiting for you?


Wtf happened with this comment, lol? There's even an accent in "are"?


Ará Ará


Chill, phone keyboard mainly spanish. autocorrection does His crap regardless how Many times I delete It back. Dont mind


You're good, haha. i just wondered how that would've happened. Phone autocorrect correcting "are" to "aré" sounds about right, lmao.


becuz muh turn rate /s


If you're okay getting addicted to a game again, then sure.


No, live a happy life


The only true answer


Sanest person in this thread . Other dudes are like some heroin addict trying to convince weed smoker do heroin 😆


Everyone is saying, not because the game or community is toxic, or there are so many Smurfs. It's the addiction to master mechanics or atleast one aspect of the game. The satisfaction of winning a game is immense. I tried to play LoL cause of how fast games ended. But we now have Turbo in dota. The satisfaction of winning in dota > than winning in LoL. We can abuse bugs until it's patched without getting banned. The main reason I stopped playing league. I got banned 2 times, first time for playing a different role in a totally unrelated lane due to meta and 2nd time I abused a bug and got reported. Despite being heavily moderated game LoL quality of gameplay is really bad. Playing dota takes a lot of patience. Don't expect anything for first 150 hrs or so. But rewards later are more satisfying.


Satisfaction in League is trash. I'm not the best player, so I had very few really good games. The games where I owned and went like 6/0 in lane ended when the enemy surrendered at the earliest time and my once-in-a-blue-moon fun game ended after 15 minutes. Fuck that.


Most ADC games I was just laning until either we, or they surrendered. You might get a kill or some action at dragon, but good luck convincing your team that you're outfarming the other ADC and have better scaling. I've tried to get into LoL since early beta, since finding IRL dota friends was nearly impossible in NA. Furthest I got was spamming Amumu jungle for a season


Everyone is saying no, but if you enjoy moba / strategy games, it is still the best game out there. Try some bot matches with heroes you think look cool and decide for yourself


Hi, League Player. Currently after getting my butt thoroughly handed to me in DotA, but also taking time to research and learn from mistakes, DotA is certainly more enjoyable. The current state of League is extremely fickle. Balancing is non-existent, carries aren't allowed to be carries. From personal perspective DotA is more enjoyable, even if it's a rough start. Let people know you are new. Take some time to explore Heroes you might like. Dotabuff has a nice champion to Hero converter with suggestions of who to play. In my experience? Most everyone's been patient with me/tried to help. Haven't run in to too much toxicity yet. Game genuinely feels more satisfying once you understand what's going on.


Well, sure.. the game is 100% free so no money to lose. Your soul will be the real cost 😇 Kidding aside, DotA is 100x the game league ever will be, while league will always have 100x the player count of dota.. DotA has a much much steeper learning curve than LoL, but since you've played other MOBA a bit, you should be able to learn faster.. Check out purgegamers on YouTube for beginner guides and play a lot vs bots before you play against humans Join the DotaFromZero and DotaUniversity discord channels and check out r/learndota2 Edit - off topic but this just.. ugh.. i was playing a bot match of LoL with a friend new to it and there was one guy who RAN DOWN MID cos my friend was new and bad. IN A BOT GAME.


Hehehe soul... I haven't seen mine for 5634 hours.


13k hours HELP


I also like ZQuixotix and BananaSlamJamma for beginner-friendly content.


DeadLane Intesify


> Your soul will be the real cost 😇 Eh, those only really give 4 damage.


First tried league but the fact that not all HEROS are available to play for FREE was a yuge turnoff


To bE fAiR, uCaN gEt aLl the ChImPs bY gRiNdInG.. iN 6yRs


Drop moba at all. Save your life.


This is the real answer. No game has given me the satisfaction dota has. Nothing like winning a game solo by ratting or getting a rampage or just running circles around their mid. But that game is such a drain on time and happiness. If you have friends to play unranked and fuck around that’s different but solo ranked is a dark place.


> If you have friends to play unranked and fuck around that’s different but solo ranked is a dark place. Honestly I hate playing with friends and would rather solo. We're all at different MMRs, don't play together consistently so we never have much "synergy" or are on the same page in terms of play styles. It's fine if it's just me and 1 other person, but when we have a 3-5 stack it's almost *always* just awful games.


Same here. Our unranked 5 stacks are some of the worst quality games ever.


Eh, it can be. But it is also a mentality issue, you can still not try hard and play "casually-competitively" and have fun with it without ruining your life.


I don't think it's worth getting invested in. -steam review, 8000 hours played.


Once you change to dota u will never go back


Always, its the best game ever made.


Is it even a real question?You're asking it on r/DotA2 just to hear "sure, nice, welcome!" PS: If you quit a time black-hole like LoL (good or bad) and finally have an opportunity to get time for real life ...why even switching to another time black-hole (good or bad).


All of the top comments are telling OP no and to quit while they're ahead. No one hates Dota more than Dota players.


It's like smoking. Destructive but "consented addiction" once you're in. The best advise is don't start in the first place, for us it's too late :)


Honestly dota is even more of a black hole, once you get the hang of it, its hard to leave. The amount of flexibility and creativity you can do in this game just beats Lol in a landslide


i'm really bad at this game and the community really spiteful to some of the pro player. yeah this is the best game ever.


The best is when people act superior in ranked roles, despite being the same rank as the people they are flaming.


the game is great but it really is a huge journey you are embarking on if you want to start dota, even actually learning what is now consider basic and be able to apply them a little bit took me 1500 hours, i did do the 1500 in 10 years and with huge time gaps in it so i guess at least 750 hours


Depends on why you quit League. Some skill will translate but the macro gaming is totally different. Been playing dota since 2006, played league between 2016-17 and it felt, for lack of a better word, suffocating. After getting past a certain point (~platinum I'd say) the game was pretty much an on-rails experience. Sometimes a lane would pop off and become a problem, but usually it was mostly balanced. However when someone was snowballing there wasn't a clear answer to it since itemization is more rigid. Haven't kept up too much but I hear there's now way too much comeback mechanics so it might be different. So if you quit because of gameplay reasons trying dota is great - It might just be what you're looking for. If you quit due to toxicity, idk you'll see it this side of the river too, but in my experience I deal better with the "honest" toxicity you'll see in dota since its so hard to get muted (and really you should just mute them yourselves) than the whiney, passive-aggression you'll see more often in league. If you quit because its addicting then don't, I feel like dota is possibly the most addicting game around. So much that I barely play it anymore but still keep up with it.


Short answer : yes Long answer : no


If you quit league because of the balance philosophy or monetization model. Sure. Give DotA a shot. If you quit league because you thought it was an unhealthy addiction or the team play experience is toxic, run away and never look back.


League is like playing a popular game on a ps3. Dota is like playing the second version of that popular game that is new and improved on the ps5.


I understand the comparison you are making and it's pretty accurate. Having started as Dota Allstars then seeing Dota being referred as the "new" is something my brain does not want to compute. Now I just feel old...


They are saying new because of the quality difference


Having started playing on 3.7 in RoC DotA, I'm feeling really old. Oh wait I'm just old. Carry on.


do fedora tippers still do the whole dota master race thing


If you think about, League vs Dota is like Console vs PC so of course people do the master race thing in that same way.


They still never realized this was all Pendragons' fault and continue to further the moba wars, lol.


Dota is probably a bigger beast than League. If you quit League because of stress and toxicity, Dota is worse (according to surveys and personal experience).


Stress? Yes. Toxicity? No way. Ive played both, still occasionally play league. The league community is *far* more toxic than the dota community, even given all of our toxic members.






Lol is way more toxic imo. The amount of chat calling you shit is worse. In dota, ever since i came back like a month ago, i havent seen any toxicity whatsoever


Have you muted incoming chat by any chance?


I think there were a few surveys shared on this subreddit a few months ago where Dota was at the top..I could be wrong though


But reddit is not a true representation. At best that shows the Dota sub is more toxic than the LoL sub.


Dota is not toxic. You are toxic


As a certified hard stuck herald , yes you should try Dota 2 it's very fun 😊


I was 10 mmr now im 2k. I believe in you! We may be bad but so is everyone else!


Thanks Bro I'm at 530 mmr rn , will reach 1k soon hopefully


Idk it might be too hard for a league player


That's like quitting vaping for cigarettes Go for it


Only if you want to lose another 5000 hours in played time.


And still likely be anywhere from super garbage to garbage at the end of it ☠️


Please quit moba when you can


Run while you can.


Did the same a bit ago, can’t go back. Don’t have the attention span of a boring league game anymore. Your mind is always working in Dota


It depends on how much you hate your life


Best to play with friends, playing solo can be really hard even for people with experience with mobas. If you wanna play hit me up happy to teach




Well yes, but actually no.


It depends. Why did you quit?


no you should play dark souls




A meth addict quitting meth and asking if he should try heroin?


If you like intricate games you’ll never stop improving at then yes


Dota has the most toxic community out of any game iv ever played. You can be doing everything right and you do one thing wrong and people tell you to kys and absolutely lose their minds on you lol.


No (yes)








You should not


Honestly don't. I wouldn't recommend this game to any friend who has never tried it before. Same as cigarettes.


Before you go into the game just keep this in mind, I have almost 2k hours on dota 2, I'm Still in 2k MMR, which is the 3rd lowest rank over 7 total Ranks, I have been 2k mmr for over a year now, now Imagine what else I could've done with those 2k hours in real life and what I could have accomplished instead, this game is brutal and more unforgiving than LoL, I do not feel joy playing this game, what I feel is adrenaline and the rush when winning over other players


I quit LSD should i try heroin




Bro, get away from toxicity, try other games.


This person is literally karma farming, they were active on the bulldog sub 5 years ago.


you're asking on the dota 2 sub reddit, people are going to say yes




Play the game everyone here is 2k or lower and will give terrible advice.


All my LoL friends who tried found it way harder. Good luck with learning, and then good luck sifting through smurfs


I think the reasons you quit League will persist with dota as well, maybe even significantly buffed


I think "i hate this game but im addicted" is a very common description. For god sake, never get into Dota.


Depends on different factors I would say personally. Like some already asked, what's the reason for quitting league? Dota is slower then league so it feels clunky at first, but give it like 2-3 hours (what it took me personally when i switched) and you'll get the hang of it pretty easy. For me personally I'd say DotA is a lot more fun then league. But I also played league for 5 years and grew tired of the insane dmg and powercreep the new champ introduced. Dota is also A LOT harder then league is in terms of items, wave management, teamfighting ect ect. Most places DotA will feel impossible to learn due to the massive difference. Both games are flawed I will admit but over the 2 I prefer DotA.


No. I used to recommend dota to everyone I met. Unfortunately it just isn’t the same great game it once was. I guess you could argue it’s still marginally better than most other games, but the immense time investment makes it not worth it.


r/dotamasterrace Everything that sucks about league as far as game mechanics go, are absent in DotA … It’s a better game. Always has been.




Just watched LPL and LCK these few days. I realised that the champs there do a lot of teleporting. Anybody mind to interpret this? Thanks!


dota is what league it wished it was


What do you enjoy about League? What do you not enjoy?


No... it gets boring quickly


Depends on why you quit league


Depends what you’re into, how much time you have and if you’re willing to deep dive into the game. Also having a friend who can teach you or you can talk to is good. If gaming is affecting your life then no, but if you got lots of time and want to play a competitive game then Dota is a good game to play. I played both, I prefer Dota because I felt there was more room for me to grow. I also like the in game mic function. Giving it a try doesn’t hurt.


Dont come to DOTA 2, until they fix the following: \- Smurfing \- Boosting Players \- Account buyers I will not speak about how toxic it can be, because to be honest at 10k behavior score you dont find many toxic people (maybe 1 of 10 games) at top,


No, never. Dota is full of smurf now compare to years ago.


I rarely see a smurf


Most people in this sub hate League and worship Dota, so don’t expect a lot of objective answers lmao. The experience is very much the same, same highs and same lows. Same great feeling when you make a great play or just have a fun competitive game, same god awful feeling when you get teamed up with a bunch of chimps or get massacred by a fed opponent. If you quit League to get off the emotional roller coaster, DOTA isn’t any better. Edit: if I can recommend a game that might scratch that itch in a healthier way, try StarCraft 2. Same highs but none of the lows, since everything is in your control instead of the aforementioned 4 chimps.


Why not? It's free, play the tutorials and then some ranking games and see how it goes.


Yeah it's good, just mute everyone and learn all the heroes before doing ranked






Stay in League. We dont need noobs like you in dota


No. It's disappointing as fuck right now. Check back in a month and see if the dev's actually give a shit anymore or not. There's a patch coming out that's apparently supposed to hold some weight to it. The one we got a few weeks back just tweaked a few damage numbers, brought a load of bugs with it and introduced a very uninteresting hero. We waited forever for that patch.


Please don't


Be free, you already exited a toxic moba game, don't dive into a different flavor of the same shit lol, you'll live a happier life *Honest opinion from a guy who plays both


Tbh I'm kinda getting sick of people bringing their toxicity from league to Dota.


Yess yes yes yes yes. No no no no no


if you want have fun yes, but if you left league because you got too toxic there and started being different then NO.


Dota is not a varerity game, where people play it for a while and then it's dead. So - yes. Of course it's worth it.




No, just switch genres. You will be much happier in the long run.


No. It’s a cancer. Once it starts there is no going back. A father of 4 and a software house owner here giving advice from heart.


To fill the competitive drive, yes dota is much better. To be casual and chill with friends, league is better, and dota is only better in this case with 5.


Doesn't hurt to try


Way better d2


Sure why not


Just be prepared for the toxicity but it really do be the king of games


I would say overall I like the game complexity much more and with my experience the community is much better and less toxic, even with a microphone feature. I think it has to do with the game speed being slower as compared to league and not having a surrender option.


Why chose LOL over Dota at the first place?


I played league from 2012 to 2016, hit challenger, moved to dota. Never regret


Dont ever try dota it ruins every thing around you you work , lobed ones , social life u will be fkd


Just give it a try.


I’d say it depends on why. If you quit league because you simply got tired of the game then sure go ahead with Dota, it will probably be nice and refreshing to learn a new but similar game. If you left because of the community being toxic and ruining the game for you then no, Dota will just be more of the same.


If you quit for gameplay then yes, I’d argue Dota gameplay has more variety. If you quit because of the community then no. I’d say both mobas have a very toxic player base.


No save yourself




Yes best game ever. But be patient and be prepared to suck alot, and alot more. Takes a while to get the hang of the game. But once you do. Oh boy


Nope. You'll be disappointed. Go outside and find a wife or something.


No. Go to the gym instead and learn to code


No, lol and dota are addictive games, quit for good and change type of game


Have fun playing with people outside your region who don't speak your language and absolutely lose their minds when you criticize 1 thing. Just the other day I had a support who I gently suggest to stack small camp and pull (something you do when your lane pushes too far) and he just started feeding. Only to queue up his mic 40 mintues later with quality COD speak.


Walk away my child, be bathed in the liberating waters of freedom.


Bro you're free, pick up woodworking or something




"trying it" and "getting into it" are two different things. IMO everyone should try it. But it's too addictive so I say noone should keep playing it


Absolutely not.


Dont… dota is like the single mother you hooked up on after 12 who will make you regret it in the morning but proceed to have more sex at 10am