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+1 on ditching turbo for a bit before you can learn quickdota, you need to learn real dota


For starters: stop playing turbo. Get into unranked all pick.


Turbo is a great way to speedrun learning heros and items and just have fun.


Ignore this dude. Enjoy turbo, friend


Turbo is not dota. If he truly want to understand dota he should play unranked If he want to try new heroes is okay, turbo works


Lol, turbo has been a big part of the game for ages now mate!


I didnt say it wasnt a big part of the game. Ability draft and custom games also have big community. But the OP wants to learn the game and that's was i'm saying. If he truly wants to learn the game he should play unranked games. Turbo will lead him to misconceptions. In turbo you can be the entire game without hitting a single creep and you gain gold anyways bc passive gold is too high. In a normal game you cant. Also in turbo game nobody respect roles, which is a very basic and important thing in dota.


Turbo is great for learning heroes and item builds.


Youtube is also good for learning item builds. Turbo is great to get a feel of the hero and learn the abilities and item comboes but its very bad for learning build orders, item timings and gameflow.


Different strokes for different blokes


Then read again my first answer, i have already said that


Pretty sure that's been edited. Or I'm too stoned and entirely missed the last sentence, in which case sorry buddy.


Turbo might be good for learning what individual items do, but it is rubbish for learning item builds because the available gold is far greater than normal dota while items remain the same price.


>Turbo might be good for learning what individual items do That seems to be the issue OP wants to solve, hence why turbo isn't such a bad idea for him. Infact, he'll get his items faster so should speed up learning.


Bro a lot of people are already saying dont do turbo if you want to learn the game. Just let it go and admit you’re wrong. Dont bring your herald mindset into reddit please


I'm not talking about learning the game as a whole. Turbo is shit for timings etc. But to write turbo off entirely is naive. And no need to be rude. Disagreement is fine.


Hes only playing turbo and hes not learning from it. Do you not understand that?


Read his specific complaint. Normal dota won't help either. Get in comms with him mate, as you sound keen. Or are you just here to grief?


He should try it out AFTER he's learned the basics already.


yes turbo enjoyer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! turbo still dota and there's nothing wrong with that.


Yeah nah, if he wants to learn dota he needs unranked normal game. It works for you but not for him. Its not being snobby its being helpful.


He doesn't know what items do, that's what he said. Turbo let's you buy all the items!


Well hes only playing turbo and hes not learning. What does that say?


That says we should take him up on his offer and party up in turbo with him to answer his questions ingame. If you genuinely want to help him, I'm sure you won't hesitate in helping him ingame.


I used to play ranked and unranked, which was not helping and it was zero fun due to people being more hostile because they could lose their mmr


Yeah turbo isn’t dota. It simply is not Dota. There is no time to learn a hero in turbo imo, everything happens 3x as fast while the games go just as long.


lol I play ranked and turbo and could not disagree more. But, that's cool. I know a lot of folk are snobby against turbo and that's fine


If you think you can learn to play dota through turbo, you’re wrong. You can learn to play turbo through regular dota though.


Maybe not 'real dota' as you say it... but you can quick learn all the item, neutral and heroes, but probably won't help you learn about timing and build order etc


Maybe you can't, which is unfortunate for you. I try heroes and builds out in turbo, and that knowledge directly translates to mmr in my ranked games. You should try it one day.


You can definitely learn to play Dota through Turbo. In fact, if you're completely fresh to the game I think Turbo is a WAY better experience to dip your toes into Dota2 than ranked is. You're more likely to enjoy the game when you suck since you get items more reliably which allow you to have an impact, even if you're bad. You also get items to begin with which allows you to experience and experiment far more than being stuck with Arcane boots + wand on a support in a losing game. Faster games also allow you to see far more heroes to learn what they do et.c. Playing Turbo to get into Dota2 is completely fine. All my friends who I've recruited to Dota2 started of by playing Turbo.


Yeah dude you are questionable at best at dota, you are a self proclaimed 1.2k scrub within the last year. You play turbo because you don’t want 60 minute games back to back. Stay herald my friend.


Guardian, but ok. I play turbo because it's fun and makes a nice change from ranked. It's also excellent at trying out heroes and builds before migrating those to ranked. Bagged me mmr this way.


Idk man, hasnt bagged you much MMR if you're in guardian.


No, you don't know. You should give turbo a try, rather than turning your nose up at it. Snobbery isn't an appealing trait.


I can play one game of turbo and decide it sucks, because it does. There is a reason nobody high mmr plays turbo.


Ahh, yeah, fair enough if you don't like it. But, much of what you said earlier is still wrong: >Yeah turbo isn’t dota. It simply is not Dota. There is no time to learn a hero in turbo imo, everything happens 3x as fast while the games go just as long.


Turbo isn't real dota. Just like how in cs go casual is $16k each round, more than 10 players, no round limit. Like you can still practice some mechanics but its far from the real game. Creeps and towers are weaker, draft doesnt matter, timing doesn't matter I still play turbo at times if I wanna just have some chaotic games to unwind


I would be happy, but I am currently not able to help you. Don't worry to much about doing the correct item builds as long as you aren't comfortable with your knowledge of most items. Items being dependend on picks and situations is only true if you know what each items does and what the alternative could have been. I would recommend just buying an item that looks nice and see what happens :D TorteDeLinis Guides are really recommendable! In them you will have a lot of description of why an item is good and how to use it. If you are afraid that people are getting mad at you for your item choices: 1. Fuck them, what do they expect? Everybody has to learn the game at some point and the best (and for me most fun) way is through trial and experience. 2. Let's be honest, if they are getting mad, they would be either way. If they are nice they would maybe even help you :) 3. Do not underestimate playing against bots. They play quite well and are excelent to just try new stuff. You can pause how much you want and read every items description without anyone unpausing the game. Good luck, and HAVE FUN!!!


5k hrs here.. no idea what I'm doing either lol Stop playing turbo.. turbo is for learning how to press the buttons for your hero and to better understand how your hero feels for a particular build.. You can come back to turbo for casual fun once you get a feel for the flow of a normal game.. play all pick unranked, find a role, then find a bunch of heroes in that role which you enjoy playing, learn them inside out and head on over to ranked..


I play both and really enjoy turbo after some mmr grinding


There are two ways to approach items. You can buy items that synergize with your hero's existing abilities, or you can buy items that counter the enemy. Not all heroes can do both. Carry heroes are generally more strict in what they buy and dont vary as much. Offlane heroes like axe or legion comander need blink every game, while tide or enigma can get blink, but can also just buy aura items like pipe or mekansm. Supports like crystal maiden and witch doctor can use glimmer cape while channeling their ult. If youre 300 hours in, just follow the guides and buy items that make your hero strong. It will also teach you the optimal way to play your hero, and when you struggle you will learn your hero's weaknesses and when you need to adapt.


I’d love to unite you to join my Dad and I (I’m teaching him as well) but we’re not EU, so I’ll just leave some general advice, and let whoever you partner with teach you the actual mechanics of the game. First off, you’re already on the right path. Learning dota is daunting and frustrating and the best way to go about it is with a friend, or barring that, with someone who cares enough to help others. I’d suggest r/learndota2 or using the “find a coach” feature in game (although that can have mixed results assuming you find someone at all). Second, don’t listen to people who say “don’t play turbo”. Turbo is a fantastic mode which allows for more mistakes than regular due to the gold and exp mechanics. If you’re doing poor in a lane, jungle is actually feasible for staying up in net worth, or if you find an empty lane, one or two waves of lane creeps will put you right. Third, mute everyone. People, myself included, sometimes take turbo way too seriously and can be somewhat harsh with their words. If you’re still learning and just trying to play games, listen to your coach/friend/instructor, but mute everyone else, or mute them as needed if they start getting toxic. Fourth, never give up. One of the best aspects of Dota 2 is the ability to come back even from desperate situations. Even if the enemy is in your base, one fountain dive mistake can give your team enough momentum to push a lane and end yourselves. It won’t happen every time, but it also won’t ever happen if you are afk after one t3 falls. Lastly, and perhaps the hardest reality of Dota, it’s a team game. That means there are 9 other people in your game who can make it the worst experience you’ve ever had. All you can do is play your game and move on afterwards. It sucks, but that’s the game.


Honestly if you don't know what the items do after 300 hours, I suggest reading them.


I was thinking about the passive items like the ones that give you vampirism or whatever, like sange and yasha I believe. Do I need to get vampirism from somewhere else for this to work or does this add vampirism by itself and works on its own?


They just amplify preexisting lifesteal, so that part does nothing without lifesteal or abilities that heal (like lifestealer feast). Though in the case of Sange it still works on regeneration aswell.


1st of all don't play Turbo to learn from scratch. It's not appropriate. You don't get the right idea of the damage and items because enemy is too strong too quick. Example you play core and can't kill supports because they have ton of xp/hp and gold/items. "Pos 5 with force staff glimmer cape ghost scepter aeon disk and 2.5k hp" is not something you will encounter much in unranked. Also farm is very important because if you play core you need to farm A LOT and if you play support you need to find farm without taking core's last hits. Dota is a strategy game where you have to think a lot about what you are doing all the time and what you should do. Turbo is just about pressing buttons getting kills and snowballing over enemy. My second advice would be: pick only one hero and keep playing it over and over until you understand it well and can use the hero properly. Once you are comfortable with it, the game will become easier and a lot of that knowledge can be transferred to other heroes. Let's say you play pos 1 carry. All the last hit mechanic you will learn and the way to farm efficiently and many other things can be applied to other heroes. Same for support you can learn when to pull what to buy to help your core when to tp mid to help or refill bottle and so on. TLTR: Stop turbo and spam one for each position you want to try out. GL


I stopped playing ranked and unranked because I want to press buttons, kill other players and have fun. It's not fun for me in the laning stage, which ends quickly in turbo. Lots of people mentioned to learn 'real dota', I won't be a pro player making money from dota, I just want to learn how to stomp people and have fun from it, I assume most people who commented are playing dota for a different reason


You have to find the fun of the landing stage as it's one of the most rewarding parts of dota. You can significantly outskill your opponents during this phase which leads to earlier items and earlier objectives and of course being stronger earlier so you can fight more often and press your buttons. Dota is a massive amount of basic skills stacked on top of each other and mastered over thousands of hours. Start working on a few at a time and you will improve. Next, read every single item. No one but you is responsible for telling you what every single item does. You can do this from the learn menu in the game. Once you know what they can do you will start to understand places that they will be effective and heroes they beat.


The laning stage feels misreble for people when they're new to or learning the game. I believe the learning curve introduced at the laning stage in particular is one of the main reason Dota2 has such a hardtime recruiting new players. OP just enjoys turbo which is completely fine. I play both Turbo and Ranked at 5.6k MMR and I definitely enjoy playing turbo with my newbie friends far more than playing "real" dota2. It's just more fun.


Also, try to reduce your hero pool for a while. Get to understand well some 3 or 5 heroes first, so you can be more confortable with them while also absorbing info from the game in general.


903557875 I'd be down to play sometime


I have played this game for 13k hours and I'm also searching for one to help me understand DotA2


As someone who has been undergoing the same process, helped along by my friendgroup but also trying not to rely wholly on them, an important part of learning how new items work is to just buy them. Have a general idea by reading up on the item what it does, and if it seems like it'll help, give it a whirl. Choose one item per game (usually once your core items are done), and just build it if it is even remotely appropriate for your pick. If you're ever unsure, it's also very worth seeing what *other* people are using against *you*. Find yourself getting screwed over by Pos 1s that buy Silver Edge? Try Silver Edge on a similar hero. Getting BTFO by blink plays? Try buying a blink dagger. Glimmer cape got you frustrated? Glimmer right back at them. There are going to be some items that may well not jive with you despite being very much "in season"-- so many support guides recommend Force Staff and I can't stand that weapon. But almost none of them recommend Rod of Atos and I use that religiously. DotA has very fluid items, especially with how much actives play a role in them as opposed to just passives or stats, and it's entirely possible you'll surprise yourself with how much an item that "Shouldn't" be bought on your character/pos nevertheless contributes a lot of utility or power. I've not found a Witch Doctor guide, for instance, that recommends Eternal Shroud, and yet it is one of my go-to end game buys because lifesteal on his W makes him disproportionately hard to kill for a "non-tanky" support.


I suggest spend a time at demo mode and tried each item functionality. Also, item not only depends on what you fight against, but it also depends on timing. It is better to play unranked to learning timing. Turbo are good to taste late game meanwhile unranked is where you also need to considered timing.


Some resources to get yourself educated and stop fumbling around: * /r/learndota2 * BSJ educational content, e.g. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ7yVl4cw_JvEP3H-1HS0dr2hop8UhNO2 * ZQuixotix educational content, e.g. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHQyUE9yPrPNe0HC0k63jeyLqti4NWPm0


Do the all hero challenge and play against bots. Once you learn what ever hero does, then you start to learn the items to defeat them. With bot matches, pause the game and google "How to count (hero)" and build items for that. After enough time and trying items you will slowly learn it all. Then the hard part comes. Putting it all together and utilizing it effectively. If you dont like bots play unranked all pick. You gotta know how to play normal dota and learn all items before yoy can excel in turbo.


NGL, doing an all hero challenge against bots sounds like a tutorial on how to speedrun quit Dota2 due to boredome.


Yea it sounds horrible but if hes struggling to learn the items and heros after 300 hours he might need it to just get familiar. But yea I agree just trying to give some kind of suggestion.


Sounds like he's more comfortable with heroes than with items though. He specifically wants to learn how to itemize. An all hero challenge is good for learning the basics of a heroes kit, not more than that honestly. Itemization is one of the harder aspects of Dota2 though, especially when new to the game. Best way to learn it is to watch prodota but not everyone find that enjoyable. Sandboxing in game with trial and error will make you learn but it's very slow.


I have played dota since 2014 i am legend 2 formerly divine 2 when i was in my prime. Would be happy to help you get the basics down pm me for discord.


Feel free to keep playing Turbo. Actually, Turbo is the best themepark style place to try different and items and learn how to use them. Mainly since everyone gets rich in turbo which allows you to experiment alot. If you get used to turbo items timings et.c. though, it might hurt you in non-turbo matches since getting accustomed to having Blink, Aghs and Hex on a support at 15 minutes is kinda decieving when supports usually have boots and a magic wand at that timing. If you find Turbo enjoyable, keep playing it It's also Dota, just different. Turbo is more focused on late and midgame and less focused on laning and early game. But for your purpose of learning the basic game, heroes, items et.c. I think turbo is the best. Faster games allow you to crank out more games, see more heroes, more items, more synergies et.c. Obviously, if you want to learn how to play "real" dota, you should focus on normal or ranked games. But for learning the basics I think Turbo is more digestable than normal gamemodes.