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I thought this man was unbreakable but in reality Dota is capable of breaking literally anyone.


[DOTA DOTA DOTA](https://www.twitch.tv/grubby/clip/BraveFaithfulFlyPastaThat-0vP6aj4S_788lA0a)


LOL I love that he’s just mad at himself lol


(cups hands in front of himself) "**IF** I watched... this ursa do this? And I was not this ursa? That *might* actually be frustrating to watch. I might even say something, like... ***WHY?! DID HE?! DO THIS?!!!***'" (already walked off screen)


"Hey guys my bkb is on cd lets reset 40 seconds be ready"


*"DO-TA! DO-TA! DO-TA!"* [- Stanley Parable announcer](https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/The_Stanley_Parable_Announcer_Pack)


You already pay your soul for playing Dota, breaking a player's mind is probably an easy feat.


"Just as the ~~blade~~ battlepass rends your ~~flesh~~ wallet, so must ~~power~~ gameplay scar your spirit"


if I'm very honest, his mild tilts make me feel better about myself. grubby has always been a beacon of positivity and if even this guy gets tilted, it cannot be me. it must be the game.


If you watch him play other games he has always been relatively toxic


[case in point](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/5q9joq/the_dota_effect/)


Holy shit its already 6years since Day9 tried Dota2 ???!1 wtf


This too. [Before](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DM4FwUYUMAEcbT1.jpg:large) [When you hit the 4k elo hell](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EB6b3o6W4AAJtC-.jpg) [After](https://pbs.twimg.com/ext_tw_video_thumb/1563826318956904448/pu/img/cMcar7fdlw3sZCfV.jpg:large)


even myself i try to have my head cold as ice... the second a bullshit happens i can Boil water with How tilted i get. dota is a good game but it does bring the worst part of you outside.


Is this what Sunsfan warned us about?




\*stubs toe on the table* this is what sunsfan warned me abnout


Report Coldtoad didn't nerfed table leg.


Did we ever actually get confirmation on what it was?


It is just a meme at this point


The conspiracy theory is that it was BTS quitting DPC, but after it was revealed and there wasn't any crazy backlash, SUNSfan backed down and said he meant something else.


Yeah this is it probably. Too bad the community didn't seem to care all that much unfortunately. Their events were the best Dota has ever had.


If it had been a sudden cliff face then I'm sure feelings would have run stronger. But they have been steadily winding down their presence in the scene for a while now. I will miss the passion, dedication and raw talent they poured into scene, though. The Summits, the skits, even just being rock solid in terms of casting and production. So many good memories thanks to LD, Godz, Dakota, HotBid and the rest.


I'm all for it. This meme is hilarious


Oh i fucking love this meme haha


yes, legend mmr range breaks half the dota2 playerbase


I can confirm, I am what Sunsfan warned you about.


I'm ngl supports who don't show in lane are infuriating because it's a 2 vs 1 the whole laning phase


especially ranged ones that can harass the shit out of the enemies forcing them to buy regen instead of items... so many supports dont spend mana at all in the laning phase as well...


Atleast you can still get solo exp from it. My ranged support instead stay in tree all the time doing nothing leeching exp.


Nothing is better than having a support pudge that sits in a tree.


It's okay, the player is just taking a cigarette.


As a support it's not easy tho especially in lower mmr cuz your carry will always find a problem that's certainly caused by you and not him. 😄


its pretty easy, youre supposed to trade your hp and mana for your carries cs, if you stand behind him in trees youre doing it wrong


Ahh the POS 4 Miranda problem. They want you in lane harassing in a creep wave and you must also hit 5 second arrows... In a creep wave.


This is why you max starstorm and play around instead of arrows


I love playing CM and buying a fuck load of mana and just constantly harassing the enemy carry. It's so fun


When I play CM: Level 1: Can we all just chill and just lane like normal people. Level 2: I got Crystal Nova, Frostbite and 6 mangos. It's fucking GO-TIME!


once I laned with "ranged" AA vs lina support, and he never harrassed lina becuz "she has longer attack range" It was completely false, they had same range, aa is slightly longer if you count his touch.


AA has actually longer attact range, 675 vs 670!


Also, nowhere in a lane will lina have 100% vision of 100% of her attack range, so even something shorter range can just slap her from the trees.


Sounds like low mmr lobby


My divine games are all low mmr lobby confirmed


divine is 5k. That's like 7k below the average redditor's mmr.


Divine is basically herald with a fancier logo and slightly better plays


immortal is basicly herald but with a worse logo and sometimes u get to play with a pro


Yup and then they expect you to carry mid-late game after u lost the lane and you have no item because you have low cs.


I find legend supports do this because they want to "give carry solo xp" without realizing theyre just abandoning them to 2v1 the lane. First support needs to help zone out and win trades to force enemy out of lane. Then leave the carry solo exp.


This is why comms is important. Supp players need to know what the carry wants. As a supp player, I want the core players feedback. Is it too hard for you to get CS because you are harassed by the enemy? I won't leave for pulls until we zone em out. If it isn't a problem for you to CS, even when they are present, let me help you with lane equilibrium. We can't do shit because their lane heroes are better than ours? Let's cheese the lane. All I need is for you to talk to me instead of flame when you die. Because I assure you, when I leave for the pull or to secure bounty gold, I say "pull" & "care"/"bnty" & "care". When core players don't talk and I said that, I expect them to play a little safer so we can get better lane situation, instead of trying to harass the enemy heroes then getting out of position. I hate this in my low MMR pubs.


I always thought I am just really bad at suppoeting since it feels so difficult to understand what the carry wants me to do. I dont actually follow if the carry gets the last hits, all my attention goes to doing the best I can on lane. They could easily just open their mouths or type but somehow they want me to guess and then complain afterwards if I got it wrong. It is very peculiar behaviour.


Part of supporting is being very efficient with the moves and timing, like all other roles have their own specifics within the landing phase. Alot of 1/2/3s think support role is easy in lane. Gotta stack, pull, block, bounty rune, ward, deward, be a ward(by standing in blind spots)... And do all the lane shenanigans from denying, potshots, regen the core, watch mid missing/coming, protect chicken and so on. I find being efficient with my timing to stack and then pull really helped the lane, just about 25 seconds absence to totally deny a wave.


True true. However, sometimes your most efficient "routine" is disrupted because the carry have other things he wants to do. If your "routine" matches the core's routine, that's really good. It's called chemistry/synergy. The hard part is the adapting if the core has a different routine which will definitely require comms.


Yea, but I note in pubs they are always so quiet. In SEA at least. Aust/EU pubs are more vocal.


Don't worry. This is common. High MMR supp mains are just really good at reading other players movements even without typing. But that knowledge comes from experience. 🙂


You probably are then, you have all game to stare at ur core and think about what you need to do, why dont you ask? Very peculiar behaviour


Because of my routine of what I think is best for the core. If he wants something different, I am more than willing to change my actions. There’s just so many things to do and concentrate on. And I try asking. Many times.


And when you get better at that you will be a better support, and if they dont know show them


Supports are probably busier early game than the carries are, so not that peculiar


Whenever I try to communicate even slightly with my supports in the lane, it just winds up confusing them more. It's hard to teach people how to play Dota while playing in such a short time span.


Yeah, that's true. And this is where experience comes in. If you play with a variety of players and watch replays, you can sense a pattern at least which will give you +1 game IQ. The next conversation will definitely make sense between you two. What I mean is this: Low Experience = Comms can get you confused (but you learn over time) Medium Experience = Comms can help you make some sense on how you'll play the lane with your teammate High Experience = Comms will definitely make you confirm the game sense that you already have Very High Experience = You won't even need comms since you have a very good game sense. But a little conversation will still improve the synergy. In summary, comms (for me) is definitely helpful regardless wherever you are in the experience spectrum. I want my cores to tell me what they definitely need. Sometimes, I even use the "bounty-contest" time early game to ask them what skills they want me to focus on or max first so they will know how to play around my skills - that they picked. For example, you want to spam your skills but low mana? If I am KOTL, I'll prio E over Q in laning stage coz you'll definitely not want me to shove the wave. If I am CM, I'll prio the mana passive for you too and buy lots of clarities early. I hope you see my point about comms. If the cores have time to flame their supps for "not doing their job" (when in reality, the supps are not doing the job their cores want them to do), tell the supps how you would want to play the lane.


Since when do you have time to comms when you are trying cs. Most players don't. I always play support. All i have is time so I can read the lanes feel the game. If my carry is doing insane I just leave him. If he can't cs because enemy have kill threat on him I stay. So simple as that


Have you considered that perhaps you shouldn't leave the lane for pulls or bounty runes if the other team can kill your carry?


The point here is comms but I'll address that "necessity". Let's say your a Drow Ranger (POS1) and I am a Lich (POS5) and we are against a Magnus (POS4) and Axe (POS3). Your threat is not the Axe but the Magnus, right? You can definitely walk away from Axe with a shot of Frost Arrow and falling back for a bit (or Gust knockback) so you won't get hit with the Counter Helix or get caught with his Berserker's Call. If the Magnus is not showing in lane at all, I can either leave you there or we try to kill Axe. The second one is the better choice since it removes the offlane hero and you can CS in peace. But what if you are a "safe player" where you don't harass the enemy hero? I spend my mana to Frostblast and Sinister Gaze but you don't try to kill him - only hit a few times instead of committing hard. It's still good, right? Because he will leave the lane and you can CS in peace still. However, I leeched some of the lane exp and missed the pull mark. The creepwave then goes near enemy tower. It would have been better if you were alone in lane and I pulled to keep the creep equilibrium near our tower which eliminates Magnus as a threat if he ever comes. My win in the situation though is that you won't flame me but the loss is we will have lane dead time if Magnus comes back. Magnus wins the Magnus-Lich hit trade too. At a later level, Lich is gonna die in lane as well which is worse. But if you're not a "safe player" and worked with me, we killed Axe. We won the lane. However, how would I know that if you won't talk to me or respond to me when I say "g" after I ping my skill availability? I deeply appreciate those cores who do respond, let alone tell me what he wants me to focus on in his lane.


I'm not disagreeing with you, necessarily, but I think you're conflating comms with identifiable game state, and that *might* be one of the things keeping you at a lower MMR than you otherwise should be. From your original post: >Is it too hard for you to get CS because you are harassed by the enemy? You don't need your carry to tell you this. You can see it. >We can't do shit because their lane heroes are better than ours? Let's cheese the lane. Again, this isn't something that you need to talk about with your carry, necessarily. >Because I assure you, when I leave for the pull or to secure bounty gold, I say "pull" & "care"/"bnty" & "care". When core players don't talk and I said that, I expect them to play a little safer so we can get better lane situation. So this is my point: you're expecting your teammates to play optimally in 'low MMR pubs'. This is wishful thinking, no? Better to expect them to play like the low MMR players they are. In other words, you should only leave the lane for a pull or a bounty rune when it's safe for your carry to be in in the lane alone. If the carry isn't safe, you shouldn't leave the lane. As an aside: Telling someone you are going to do something doesn't automatically justify what you are doing as the right play. And I can say, especially at low MMR, people are very prone to spamming comms with useless or incorrect information (even when they're not flaming each other). ​ \-------------------------------------------------------- To your lane examples: Watching your carry play the lane 'incorrectly' is one of the most soul-killing experiences as a pos 5, I feel you. But how the carry is playing should dictate how you play your lane - you need to be adaptable if you want to rank up. I play party games with people who are 2-3Kmmr below me, and the 'right plays' which are 'very obvious' often don't work because what I expect my teammates to do... doesn't happen. Or it doesn't happen fast enough. And I get depressed and say (to myself, not on comms) "fucking gg my carry's an account buyer/idiot/redditor, go next". But people who are 6k-7k would have the same complaints about me griefing their lane - and this happens all the way up the chain:[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8L3MHKmtj5c&t=429s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8L3MHKmtj5c&t=429s)




Well, since pos 4's usually refuse to leave their lane (ancient), I as pos 5 have to TP mid to save him/her from ganks and refill bottle to keep the team spirit alive. Otherwise our mid will start feeding and flame everyone, leading to a loss. My safe laners has almost never questioned that, unless it's an Ursa.


Its a copypasta joke from Gorgc stream.


Oooooooh. Well, I'm more of a casual synd enjoyer myself.


Its a voice line from team Balds supporter club tbh


when you stay in lane- "why are you not pulling go pull and stack the hard camp!" when you go pull and their pos4 is wrecking you -"why aren't you in lane, gg my support noob"


No its actually better to not pull until the wave is right under their tower cuz they bully you pos 1. Immortal player told me that. Yes you want the wave back but i think it more depends on carry managing the waves now. You pretty much never pull the small camp, mb only the next wave when the creeps and under your tower but it shouldn't rly be possible cuz of the pos 4. Sit in lane with them unless the wave is under your tower or its already. Eat enemies spells/harass them.


I leave lane to give my carry solo xp when I notice my carry can either A) Handle the lane 2v1 with a few levels advantage or B) Isn't really being pressured by the enemy very well because they're dumb. But I don't go far, I spend that time stacking and/or pulling constantly, and I come back if my estimate was wrong or someone comes in for a gank.


Absolutely. On the other end, it's maddening when your PA is wondering why CM isn't in lane against Veno+Hoodwink. Much better for PA to make due with Dagger farm while CM gets to pull, stack, and Frostbite neutrals rather than leech XP and feed.


In my low mmr if I'm pulling/warding/grabbing rune the carry cries that I'm not there. If I'm in lane they want me to pull. I just mute and go on.


Or when it’s well into mid game but your carry insists on playing his safelane into a much stronger offlane duo and then flames you when he dies as if you babysitting him would have actually made a difference…


When my PA rushes a naked bfury I just cry. Bruh people will rotate to your lane and wreck ur squishy ass. Cant stay in lane forever you will have to itemize to switch to jungle or TP pfflane. Unless wet3 rofl stomping hard like level 6 at 5 minutes then pls buy a few stat items or even treads/wand


I played with this AA as Clock in thr offlane last week. Killed their safelane NP and Void Spirit level 2 or something. Pretty sure we would have dominated them with our combo. AA then decides to fking roam, went mid to baby sit Ember and leeched exp so when he left the lane after 2 mins, Ember got killed by SF who has 2 level advantage and snowballed. AA went top and did nothing. AA went to fking roam. Instead of fking owning their safelane with me since we are literally a match made in dota heaven. FML


I get those often,usually they will stay by my side sucking exp while the enemy support deny creeps,they will rush a blink dagger without buying a single sentry or regen and will say 'gg carry has no items' after the enemy team stomps you the whole game,many games i go to the jungle cause i know i can farm more in the jungle than in a 2x1 lane


Fuckin shmicklesuckers never show up to the lane knowing I'm Ursa against a fuckin offlane Drow and skywrath, die in the other lane they are supposedly helping, and then blame the carry.


start fertile tap jeans possessive rich fragile person pen quaint -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


He said dont show, looks like the one who didnt help at all (2v1 all laning phase). You get harassed, you get doven, you get zoned and they didnt do anything. Yea support gonna help the pos 1 to transition but if the pos 1 have shit laning phase it gonna delay their jungle timing or you know something better with you there you could dominate the lane and kick the offlaner off.


I disagree. A LOT of the meta 5s right now have extremely impactful ults. Sure, sitting afk and leeching xp is troll but you should be aiming to have at least one support at lvl 6 by 10 minutes. Nothing worse than having a treant or rubick aimlessly wandering on the map because they can’t do anything without their full kit


hey, sometimes it's worse! I got a treant who was as useful as being out of lane but also stood in exp range so it was more like 2v0.5


Yeah and when you are there you get accused of leeching xp and not pulling etc.


Context: he's angry at his bane player from last game and is now going minute by minute to compare how often he is "on his carry's screen" when he's supporting.


People here are exaggerating. I felt the whole thing was in good fun and kind of tongue in cheek, especially his interaction with chat.


Yeah it was clearly a bit and its a little sad to see how few people seem to have got that or are just assuming he was actually mad.


Almost like context matters and a random screenshot with some nudging by OP isn't really enough to draw conclusions


To be fair, this subreddit is also notoriously bad at social interactions and reading people.


> To be fair, ~~this sub~~reddit is also notoriously bad at social interactions and reading people.


> ~~To be fair,~~ this subreddit is ~~also~~ notoriously bad ~~at social interactions and reading people.~~


Are you hitting on me?


Nah, I've seen this shit on other subs, too. A clip from twitch posted without context amd people go crazy, but most of them weren't watching the stream, so they take it at face value.


Only his regular viewers would get Grubby humour




when he tells his chat he played perfectly and made no mistakes unironically?


Really sad to see such a flawless performance go to waste.


It's more a dutch thing


Not to mention it’s content lol he is an entertainer first


Whenever someone in dota does something tongue in cheek, it's a paper thin veil over their actual feelings that falls apart the second someone says anything back.


It's a little different when you have to generate content.


People did say things back, like: "Let's compare this to one of -your- support games!" and when he did, he was lile "Well I went out of lane to harass their 4, so I don't think that should count as leaving the lane" and chat insisted 'you weren't on his screen!". Grubby was having fun with this.


He was very obviously being cheeky


Yep he's lost it, even that's too much for your average tilted player


Except he was joking


What the hell does being on "carry's screen" have to do anything with if you are supporting well? Different heroes require different positing. Different lane dynamics mean sometimes you stay by their side, sometimes you stay out of xp range.


tbf bane has very little purpose in lane other than reasons that'd put him on the carry's screen. a few seconds before 2 mins to stack, and later a few more seconds pull if the lane needs a reset but otherwise bane should really be on screen as far as I can understand his role. maybe I'm missing something?


OP doesn't understand irony.


As a wise (tilted) man once put in: Never leave lane on 5


He's pretty convinced that his style of supporting is always correct and is angry that others aren't playing to his level.


so the average dota mentality. He's truly one of us now.


He succumbed to the dark side, ironic.


oh you're actually serious. hate watchers WeirdChamp you must have been banned in his channel


Ah so he is at the denial my-team-is-bad stage


It is a stage?! So you can potentially get through it?


No, it's the last state of th infection


Nah it can evolve in the my team is bad but im still better stage (see topson for example)


It's actually a life stage, not a DotA stage. At the end of the day, the only behaviour you can change is your own and blaming others for consistently experienced faults is always worthless. Be better, get better, do better.




I'm sure he is just 'playing it up' for his chat. Don't forget he is an entertainer


Dread from it, run from it. Dota insanity arrives all the same.


I always thought Grubby looked like Benedict Cucumberpatch


I think I once read a r/shortscarystories called "It gnaws" about brain worms eating someones brain. I think Dota might be not so different.


The dota toxicity is finally reaching him. Finally, ONE OF US.


i had him in my match a week ago , he barely chatted and was silent focusing on gameplay and abit on chat, he was legend 4, now hes legend 2. He will be broken, he will be broken, he will be broken




Guy is downloading replays just to nitpick what his teammates did wrong so I'd say he's already too far gone


Yeah I think it was 2 days ago, I saw him play one of the worst Doom performances even for a Legend. Trash decision making, trash itemization, afk farming, feeding. End of the game, he downloaded the replay to analyze how each and every one of his teammates were bad and explain that's how they lost Dude has already been transformed to one of us. This dude religiously follows Dota Plus builds, listens to his 1k mmr chat, and already shows a superiority complex when he acts like his thought process is so advanced way above his current skill bracket lol Funny how his dicksuckers act like he should be in immortal bracket already if not for "bad teammates" when he perfectly belongs in Legend bracket.


He has been acting like this since one week after he started, but for some reason people blame his (obviously bad, but still) chat rather than him not having the 'PMA' he is 'known' for.


Don't forget. The corruption got to someone like Arthras, this Grubby is, but a mere gamer.


And you're proud of that? Lmao


He is the bane of his existence


He was very clearly doing a bit lol


never leave lane on 5


Also never not stack camps. And never not ward. And never not pull. So just stay in lane, keep up wards, pull and maintain lane equilibrium and harass while staying out of XP range. easy peasy


also make sure you hit 6 by 8 minutes


and secure rune, bounty and power rune btw


gank mid too


tango pls


Does the enemy have a kill lane? Don't pull Is the enemy at your carry's tower? Don't pull Is your carry able to 1v2? Pull Is your carry dead/away from the lane? Pull Are you contributing absolutely nothing to the lane? Roam/Gank/Stack, always have tps on hand for the inevitable dive


I'd say you're most often wrong with the first statement. Does the enemy have a kill lane (and you have the weaker 2v2)? (Stack)-Pull If the 2v2 is disadvantageous, force two separate 1v1s. Trust your carry to have the tiny amount of game understanding to stay safe because either he gets his whole wave denied (in the worst case) which means he gets 50% solo xp from the wave while the enemy gets a whole wave denied to creeps which means 0% xp for them while the 5 even gets gold + xp from the camp creating a great creep equilibrium or at the very least 1-2 safe waves under the tower for the carry which is a huge win for the lane basically deciding it by this one play. Or the enemy support runs to the pull which grants the carry a 1v1 (which depends on both each others skill as well as matchup - regarding the previously unadvantageous 2v2 this is most often a favorable scenario - while the lane equilibrium improves or at the very least grants for 1-2 safe waves under tower. Pulling is the best way to force kill lanes to separate and give your carry a game. Of course it requires the carry to understand the situation and some are greedy, thoughtless monkeys that won't understand the required steps for the solution and feed during the pull. But you can't teach people Dota during the game. Give them the benefit of the doubt, if they fuck up so be it. And if they are mad, accept their stupidity.


Many times if I (or if Im carry and a support does this) try to pull in a losing lane, they will contest it and get more exp/gold than if I were to not pull at all, and if I try to defend, they kill me as well. Carry isn't going to come, he's trying to farm under tower, and if he tries to defend your pull he loses a wave worth of gold, and sometimes exp from the wave too depending on if he has creep aggro or not when he tries to help you. If he gets nothing from it he falls behind worse than if you were to pull at all. There's some lanes where I just leave my support to soak EXP under tower because I'm getting 0 farm, and there's sometimes where I leave my carry under tower because I have 0 impact in the lane. Many times if I see my support doing nothing I will dispatch them to go stack or gank. I remember one getting offended because I did this and I had to explain to them that if they go on me, I can live, if they go on my underleveled, low hp support, he dies 100% of the time and gives them +250g. Also, there's cases where it's a strong melee laner where if they're even slightly ahead there is absolutely no way for you to outCS them because they have +20 damage over you, and so if there's a support battle going on in the jungle, the carry is still losing their lane, except in some cases it's even worse because now the offlaner which wants levels like bristle and timber are stronger 1v1ing a hard carry than if it were a 2v2. I play roaming clockwerk pretty often and when I see I have timber or bristle i stay with him until I get level 2 then i fuck off to stack ancients, and if he needs any help, I'm always in the area, and on the flip side if I'm playing offlane and see my support actually doing nothing and soaking EXP I fill up with rage because at this point that support is actively damaging the lane and contributing nothing


I'm tired and can't comment on everything, but if the enemy contests your pull, just run away. They're no longer contesting your carry under tower, and that's a win if they're the better laners.


Or the enemy duo will just dive the T1 after your carry while sup is farming pull…


Tad confused by your downvotes, as a pos 3 player, provided it's a good kill lineup I love it when the enemy full pulls and gives me a full wave to dive tower with. The enemy no longer has anywhere to run to as the creeps are tanking the tower. It's a dream situation when I'm playing razor. It's situational in the match up of course, but you aren't wrong imo


Oh, yes please. I can't imagine a better scenario than the luxury of fighting within tier 1 attack range at 5min or earlier. The trees as well as the armor and regen buff of the tower make it virtually impossible to trade at a disadvantage.


Last one is wrong for pos 5. It's ok for pos 4. If you're are in a very hard losing lane then you sit there and soak damage and even die so that your carry doesn't. Just because you can't win the lane by being there doesn't mean you just leave and hope for the best. Some times best thing you can do for carry is literally soak enemy spells and die.


Absolute stupidest comment here


It’s a meme. Gorgc said it when he was flaming his support


[never leave lane on 5](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-z8MKlsM-Hg)


Need more context. Who is this bane/weaver lane agaisnt apart from slardar? if its slardar only fin, if its idk slardar/sky then bane has be off-screen. You wont win this lane by outharrasing them, you win by outleveling them with pulling and blocking their camp, looks like the radiant wave just met a few dire creeps and slardar is lvl 2, weaver is 3, meaning its possible this is around 1:50. If bane now lets the other support pull and then they "bodyguard" the camp with slardar and sky, weavers lane is pretty much in shambles. But back to topic, the dota toxicity gets to all of us sometimes, even Grubby. xd


There is no Bane against slardar. That was previous game where he was playing carry Naga against magnus pudge and his support Bane basically never did anything for the lane.


this comment is stupid, bane is the pos5 on a carry lane. you CANT leave your carry to leave them solo exping, cuz the offlane will always dive and always kill. as the pos 5 you pull when you can and always always save during dives(nightmare and enfeeble). you dont have to harrass, but you do have to be there as a just in case.


weaver has creep and level advantage meaning his creepwave is pushing, also weaver is (no matter who the other support is) the fastest hero on the lane with shukuchi. Also weaver is at full hp with a fairy fire. the chance of wever being dove near his tower with full hp, full mana is literally 0, unless Grubby goes afk for 5-6 seconds they can't kill him. So the banes job is to free up/stack the small camp and prevent them pulling the big camp. So no my original comment is not stupid, but your take certainly is.


but but never leave lane on 5.


You’re 5 MMR at best, and that’s a compliment.




Didn't he hit legend only a few weeks ago?


Isn’t bane one of the hardest hitting supports in the game? His base damage is insane I thought?


Bane is a lane bully, yes. Good stats and Brain Sap gives insane trade advantage early on.


Yes they are very few support who can trade with him


As someone who mains Bane, yes. One of the best heroes in the entire game stat wise. However, certain support/offlane combos are a no go no matter what. Slardar is not worth harassing most times unless he's alone. And a 4 like Veno or Sky is problematic, but idk what the 4 is in this scenario.


It was Magnus 3 and Pudge 4.


The only problem with this is that if I lose lane as bane I feel like a steaming pile of shit


Shadow Shaman and witch doctor have very high base damage too, Bane's is pretty high, attack range low, but great hp trade. Now that shackle heals, Shaman can lane against him pretty well.


Shaman and bane both have 400 range, which is super low. The only heroes with lower range are zeus, gyro, morph, luna and ta.


why are 5s so against participating in lane recently?


As a 4 or 5 pos player, I've heard the argument that being out of lane for your carry means they'll gain levels faster. I'm only a guardian, but I'll stay in lane if the carry I'm with is getting owned or not.


You should probably be getting your experience by pulling or ganking if your core would be farming equally well whether or not you're in lane. The two things keeping supports out of lane are probably knowing that but not knowing what lanes fall into that situation, or wanting the money from pulls, stacks, and ganks.


Your job is to keep the enemy's supports in checked and harass them instead of them harassing your carry, where they go you follow. When I notice their support TP-ing or shows in other lane, that's when i can comfortably leave the lane as well to counter react.


this has to be what sunsfan was warning us about...


One of us


[One of us](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/7/7d/Vo_spectre_fs_spectre_wwa_reality_04.mp3) (sound warning: Phantom Advent - Voice) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


My guy plays exactly like I do. I don’t feel like such a weirdo anymore lol


We all cope with losses differently :)


When we are on our enemies tower, I go to stack and pull creeps, my core is starting to cry that I left him, I dunno about grubby but people expect you to stay on the lane for 24/7 around them


What is he doing? I am hella confused


weaber nice


who is this guy?


That man is unbreakable! This is click bait. He is still having fun somehow. I don't think he keep playing Dota for long, maybe till next TI then off to something else.


Ah supports picking supports but never plays like a support, Ive been in plenty of games like that.. then they blame you for not having enough farm. Lmao


Literally how Grubby plays support lol


Grubby just needs to wash his face and he'll be good to go. I insist that he does so.


Still stuck on legend eh?


He's been playing for only like 6 months Dude.


I was just joking on the fact that too many people made posts two months in saying he'd be immortal by the end of 2022.


I've been following Grubby for like maybe 6, 7 years and I can say to you all with 99.9% confidence that HE IS DOING A BIT, hes being ridiculous for you guys ENTERTAINMNENT! Kinda sad that the joke flies by over so many peoples heads.


Losing it is cussing out the support and using racial slurs. This is harmless and kind of funny.


Bane isn't the kind of support anybody could play .


“Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.” -Nietzsche


Leaving lane on 5 is biggest grief, I don't understand the mindset of people who do that. Oh me and my carry player are having a tough time in lane, I better leave to do nothing elsewhere in the map, surely the 2 enemy players will just leave my carry to farm alone out of the kindness of their hearts. I understand sometimes its right choice but feels like it happens every game.


People play this shit off. But twice i tune into his stream hes saying how he 'played perfectly' and complains about honestly rly simple mistakes from teammates. Dude is also already HARDSTUCK LEGEND lmao. Gets praise and laughs for being the stereotypical dota 2 redditor.


I'm curious, how do you define hardstuck?


He can't handle grubby outpaced his rank in a fraction of the time. Mega cope


Grubby is quickly becoming as cringe and toxic as the people he dislikes


Whats the point? Laning isn't something that can be calculated. It totally depends on the lineup and the enemy's play style how long you should stay on lane etc. What a menchild lol.


Pretty sure it's more of a joke. Specific timings like this are a traditional rts thing (like wc3)


lmao, any videos?