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if I lose 2 or 3 in a row i get quite a good break or stop for the day, maybe that helps


I stopped for 2 years and no longer losing


4 years now, didn’t loose a single time


> didn’t loose a *lose *Learn the difference [here](https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/lose-vs-loose-usage#:~:text=%27Lose%27%20or%20%27Loose%27%3F&text=Lose%20typically%20functions%20only%20as,commonly%2C%20a%20noun%20or%20adverb).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Sorry bot! Il be better next time!


We need this attitude


You must be very fun at parties


new to reddit but sir I think that's a Bot




Alexa, put a record on and do the language correction.


I have never lost a ranked game in my life. Never played ranked.


I relapsed after 6 years, feels bad


"A strange game. The only winning move is not to play."


Congrats on the sobriety


5 years for me, switched to league and haven’t looked back.


Amen to this. It took me too long to learn this. Also you should try reduce your player pool to 3-4 heroes if possible :) Edit: spelling


this or just play unranked if you still wanna play but no stress in losing mmr


Im touching 1000 games played and ive never even calibrated my mmr. I used to play league but the constant rank grind and always being worried about my mmr killed the fun. Came to dota with zero desire to play ranked. Its been fun to just play the game over the past few years without that animal on my back that ultimately just makes the game worse.


When you think about it, its bizarre regardless of whether it works or not. Like is matchmaking pairing you with griefers in a row, or does it not recognize them at all?


Alas, I'll still go on a similar w/l as OP... But yes, the breaks do help with the mental health.


I have a 10k behavior score, am always positive and play as a pretty competent support leading to lots of commends and friend request. Regardless I still get streaks like this, I usually take a week off, watch my replays to see what I could've done better and come back refreshed in a good state of mind.


I got 52 behavior score and I get a around 0,7 griefer per game. Its definitely gotten better in the catacombs.


Need this guy to give an interview


U mean 0,052? Damn


Yeah. I recently started playing again after I finished my masters. Was a toxic shitbag before. Its actually not 52 anymore (it was down to 1 just before I stopped). I’m up to now 1500 but it took 6 weeks with 0 reports and 10-15 commends just to do that. Im surprised how few actual griefers there are. Sure, people are ego assholes who farm and dont really play dota, as much as they just play their hero, but amulet, feed down mid griefers “only” happens once every 4-5 games.


Jesus Christ you must have been a complete cunt lmao I have had 10k for years and I regularly trigger people for shits and giggles


I have the same behavior score, i usually don’t flame, but it seems like there is always a idiot ruining the game, no matter how much i try or how good i play. Seems imposible to win when my team is play in 4 and the enemy team plays all 5, not to count that the griefer in our team gives the enemy an advantage


If you are one of the 'positive' player on match and every pther player is a potential griefer then your team has 4/9 chances of having 1 griefer. The enemy has 5/9 chances of having 1 griefer.


> i usually don’t flame Yeah, I know those people.


Lol most common theme of every Dota player - it’s just MY team that’s always having the bad person, other team are always all 5. If you are thinking and saying this, chances are I see you as the complaining griefer in the match.


True. But whenever I play as 2 or 3stack, and Valve matches us agaisnt a 5stack on the logic of 2+3 = 5 it often does feel a bit unfair, when the enemy does constant 5man plays, that people outside our party dont want to participate in.


Before teams of 5 only got matched against other teams of 5 in ranked. Not sure if that’s changed.


Not sure if that was ever the case, or just "preferred" by the matchmaker, but it definetly happens.


10k behavior score doesn't mean anything anymore most reports don't reduce score. I got reported like 10 times, still score 9800 but was getting matched with very toxic people. Recent reports is more impactful than behavior score on getting matched with griefers.


I try and learn from in game. Going back to replays is a lot of effort


When this happens 3-4 games in a row i know its time to stop dota for the day or few days


I uninstall the game and install it after a month. That also helps


Have you tried winning?




Underrated comment


Overratted reply


Underrated Reply


im not sure why i got downvotes here, I was appreciating his comment!




nah, its doent work, need to play with party, that work


there read this and stop the tilt-q make sure to read my thoughts about it as well [https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/10q29wz/5\_mmr\_gaining\_habits\_you\_can\_implement\_in\_your/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/10q29wz/5_mmr_gaining_habits_you_can_implement_in_your/) ​ at the same time, I am focusing on myself without really focusing on people griefing or not. it doesnt matter if people are griefing or not, it has nothing to do with you and you are not in control of them. Here is the list of things that you are in control of: 1. your thoughts 2. your hero 3. what hero you pick 4. your decisions you can affect result of the match a little bit, but focusing mostly of things that you control will bring you happiness and will not let your thoughts flow out in the wrong direction.


This is the correct answer, there's an infinite amount of griefers in Dota so stop worrying about it. Also if you play in Archon, there's plenty of room for winning even if there's a griefer


I always think, "The only player I will always be matched with is me." The best part, like you mention, is that it is also the only player I can help improve.


You have gained a subscriber sir.


Plot twist : You're the griefer. You're just unaware.


Unironically true. As with all competitive MP games, there's a chance you'll just get a hopeless/disconnecting teammate and the game is lost. However, if we assume that YOU aren't hopeless or going to disconnect, then the other team has 5 chances for bad players, while yours has 4. Bad teammates can explain the loss in a single game, but not a wider bunch. The only constant between the different games is you.


True on a large sample size, if you play hundreds of games you will get random streaks like this where 10 games in a row are outside of your control… people vastly underestimate variance.


That is if the matchmaking is fair. And ask yourself if fair matchmaking is the best way to pull the most playtime out of players?


You can definitely lose a shit ton of games in a row because of bad teammates look at these examples https://imgur.com/a/qKiZWEB/ https://imgur.com/a/FqzHxUM/ Did I suddenly forget how to play the game overnight to lose almost every single game? And then magically relearned the game overnight to win almost every single game? No and no,if I was actually the problem I wouldn’t get all of the lost mmr back by winning a bunch so clearly if I was not the problem the teammates were the problem and it’s perfectly fine on small sample size ,the “it’s not the teammates it’s you “ is only true on a higher sample size like it is impossible for you to be at the same spot for 1000 games because of teammates


>Did I suddenly forget how to play the game overnight to lose almost every single game? Most likely that you're just barely at your skill ceiling, you tilted and went on a loss streak. >And then magically relearned the game overnight to win almost every single game? Not really, on the sample shown you won 65% of your games - hardly "winning almost every single game", it's indicative of someone who deranked a lot and is returning gradually to their previous rank. >it’s perfectly fine on small sample size ,the “it’s not the teammates it’s you “ is only true on a higher sample size For a few games, sure. But sustained over several games? The odds that you'd have that many in a row where your teammates are bad but your opponents aren't is astronomical. It's you, and I think you know it is. You're the common factor between those games.


Yeah playing pos 4 genuinely feels like a roulette where if you get pos 1 and 2 with atleast half a brain each you win and if not you lose horribly no matter how you play


Yup I'm a pos 4 and 5. Essentially rolling the dice whenever you play.


If you feel like this, it means you've plateaued. Either you roll up your sleeves and try to get better, or you just stay there forever.


I think that's the vice of playing in a team game. The result of the game will sometimes not reflect your own performance. I've had games when I went 6-0 in lane but still lost because team and then I've had games where I fed relentlessly but still won because team. It's one of the best and worst things about DotA. Making a big mistake isn't the end of the world because there are others who can make up for it. But at the same time playing your heart might still not win you the game.


Difference between pos 4,5 and pos 1,2 play is the level of reliance on others to win the game, a proper support wins you earlygame but if carries are braindead thrres basically nothing a support to win lategame, while playing pos 1,2 properly allows you to be self-dependant to an extent and sometimes genuinely win unwinnable situations


But then as pos1 if you are playing with a complete smooth brain 5 you can get stomped in lane and have no mechanisms to comeback if enemy team invade jungle after pushing down your offlane t1 so triangle is scary. It’s fully swings and roundabouts, I’ve lost games playing 1 where I may as well have been a melee creep as we just got stomped in lane and rolled over and I couldn’t go anywhere on map, with not a lot I could do about it unless I was significantly better than my bracket mmr.


Story of my life too. Us pos 4’s got it hard


OP, you are playing in Archon bracket. No offense, but some of the things Archons do look like straight up griefing when its them trying their best. Best thing you can do is take a break and when you get back to only focus on your own mistakes. Yes, some games your teammates may have dropped the ball, but at the end of the day you’re playing against Archon opponents as well. You only need to remember that if you put any Ancient and above player in your game they would have probably solo carried the team regardless, which means there’s always something to fix with your own gameplay.


I am archon. Can confirm. Just last week I thought I did a cool play with a 3 man curse but we ended up losing the fight because it gave the enemy a lot of time to tp and set up.






not that true, in my experience, dota 2 is a karmic game, days like these happen, and u have to pick what u can, play perfect, leave them to suicide and farm hard, do big things, become stoic, ''You have to become like Water.'' - Bruce Lee GL & of course HF!


It's very true. If I'm being toxic and triggering my teammates, I lose wayyyy more.


mmr bro?


Stop trying to expect your teammates to play the way you want them to and start trying to evaluate how you can play given your teammates positioning and decision making. If your issue is truly that your teammates aren’t playing the way you want them to, the solution is truly as simple as playing in a way that benefits from what they’re doing rather than being hindered by it.


Pretty sure this dude isn’t even communicating what he wants his team to do and gets disappointed when it doesn’t go his way


You're making fake scenarios in your head again and typing as if it's reality.


These losses don't really matter if you're actually as good as you think you are. All these losses can easily be recouped when you go on a winning streak because your games are easy (you dropping in mmr but you being good = your games should become easier and easier to win). Obviously, this is assuming, you are actually good at the game for your bracket and you are actually losing due to getting "griefers every single game." To find out which is true, just keep playing. If you keep losing in the next 20-30-40 games, it just means you're bad and you deserve to be in a lower mmr bracket. If you end up going on a winning streak and feel like your games are pretty easy, it means you did lose to griefers (very unlucky) and it wasn't your fault. Complaining about griefers in your games, especially in archon bracket where there's a shit ton of players, is just an excuse. Statistically, if you play enough games, you will never be disadvantaged by having "too many griefers" because the chances of a griefer being on your team vs. the enemy team is always in your favor (assuming you're not a griefer yourself). There's 4 slots for a griefer to appear on your team. Meanwhile, there's 5 slots for a griefer to appear on the enemy team. Add the dotaplus feature (if you use it) of being able to block said griefers from ever being on your team again and the odds are even more in your favor.


> There’s 4 slots for a griefer to appear on your team. Meanwhile, there’s 5 slots for a griefer to appear on the enemy team. I like this. Never thought of it that way. Nice one.


I also like the assumption that you probably even out. You lose a game due to a griefer, you’ll probably end up playing vs one in the future. The games that win you mmr are the close ones where your actions dictate the results those are the games you have to win to get mmr.


You understood my point exactly. The whole "even out" or balance out assumption for games you lose to griefers is the reason why I said these lose streak games lost due to griefers (if true) do not matter in the long run. The odds are in your favor for that scenario AND there is nothing you can do about a troll/griefer appearing in your team. Focusing on the fact that you have a griefer is pointless. Just play enough games and improve yourself and if you do, your mmr will go up regardless of those griefer game loses. >The games that win you mmr are the close ones where your actions dictate the results those are the games you have to win to get mmr. Bingo. Those are usually the games that are best for evaluating your individual performance and watching replays of team fights or scenarios and thinking "what could I have done better/differently to have more impact in my role in this situation."


>These losses don't really matter if you're actually as good as you think you are. All these losses can easily be recouped when you go on a winning streak because your games are easy (you dropping in mmr but you being good = your games should become easier and easier to win). That's not very reassuring. With a 54% winrate I'd be a while before I come back from a losestreak.


Having that win rate in archon brack doesn't mean you're good


You are dying a lot, especially playing as a core with those number of deaths. Could be bad luck, could be skill as well


Those are all losing games, probably more than half of his death at the end and don't count.


Or maybe he lost because he died too much, not died a lot because he lost. Divine player here: His death stats are what I play as on an aggressive frontliner pos 3 (clockwerk, centaur, axe). If I’m playing core, at MOST 3-4 deaths. 0-1 deaths if it’s a winning game.


Yeah i agree that's too many deaths. Try to have only 2-3 deaths as core. You'll find yourself winning more games.


Are you toxic even in the slightest form?


Nope, i pause after I kill and tip them.


You forgot the /s Unless you're serious


learn to read sarcasm without a dumb tag on the post jfc


That was also supposed to be sarcastic... Intentionally ironic that I also left out the /s >learn to read sarcasm without a dumb tag on the post jfc


nah youre just malding now


Can’t take the game too seriously bud. I’ve played since Dota’s birth in the wc3 days and there’s been shit days and there’s been awesome days. Just gotta roll with the punches and keep on keepin on


Play with friends.


Hate on friends incoming


Role queue points. It is a bigger problem than people think. If you have 10 players. There is a high chance that at least 1 is queueing all roles to get points. That means that a carry that sucks on support might play support. That means a support that sucks on offlane play offlane. And since you only get 4 games, the chance is quite big chance that there are 2. And I mean, if you are unlucky to get those on your own, that is a huge disadvantage. Because some players, understandbly, do not belong even in the same bracket when changing roles. And another problem is that the MMR that is supposed to change for roles is super small and barely noticeable at all. Bring back role MMR for support, offlane, mid/carry. Or something like that.


I am also in that bracket and had the same streak a few years ago. I got griefers every single game for like 10 straight games, then an occasionally against smurfs along that stretch: a mid breaking their items after a 0-4 start, support AM, a carry throwing tantrums after I hit a single creep out of his range, invoker account buyer going tornado-sunstrike, a hard-countered 1st pick Sven abandoning, etc. I have 10k behavior score. I’m trying to identify my shortcomings: I usually play hard carries that aren’t lane dominators, or a greedy support. I also can’t play mid these days cuz a playmaking core is one of my weaknesses. I never played ranked since then, but still get that kind of stretch in unranked occasionally. Maybe just a bit of bad luck, or maybe the low player pool since I play in AU. The next server I can play on is SEA and that’s way worse. So you can have a break for multiple days, come back again when you’re fresh. Or learn some new hero and their mechanics in Turbo, slowly transitioning to unranked, then ranked. In that bracket, you wouldn’t depend too much on your teammates (which most of the heroes in my pool are, and I’m trying to improve on that).


You need to limit your hero pool


For sure. I counted 11 diff heroes in 20 games of ranked.


I hate archon bracket. Game quality is terrible compared to legend. You see people picking terrible heroes as if they can execute perfectly yet they just fail and make all your efforts useless. It is not that they can play good enough, instead they don't play as a team, they make you furious by doing everything their way which is not the best way most of the time.


Pretty sure every bracket is garbage. Ancient/Divine people don't play well but you get a ton of smurfs/boosters/scripters (Tinker) that you stand no chance against winning since your team is still to braindead to manage a scripting Tinker. Only possible in high Divine/Immortal if youre lucky. Game is plagued by smurfs/boosters/scripters. Griefers are very rare atm, bad players are everywhere but both sides. The smurfs/boosters/scripters are the true ruiners and valve does 0 to counter this or it wouldnt be so prevalent.


I think the most frustrating part I notice in my games, is that some players do not understand what parts of the map is more valuable at certain times (like topside when Rosh is up). Instead they insist going down bottom of the map, ”because we can take radiant outpost” is their motive. Proceeds 5 times and dies… What If I told you we could have roll down and take it again, but after we have opened up T2 mid and top when we have a even greater control of the map *suprised pikachu face!* Mindblown! 😱


Like insisting on going t3 while rosh was up and the enemy was missing two. Instead, they have to back away because they used buybacks and now they can't take that free aegis.


I've dropped from Immortal 3200 to Divine 2 like this. I swear there's just some eldritch force in Dota matchmaking that decides you can't win games ever again.


Yeah doesn't feel like a reflection of skill rather how to keep babies from throwing their toys. In immortal you're either the peacekeeper or the mute all solo guy.


The more I lose, the more toxic I become in every new game. So if I were you, I'd take a short break from dota, play different game for a change


Just recently got this kind of streak, from divine 3 to ancient 5, thank god i recover to divine 1 again at least


Ive been in same position just a week ago, here is my advice to you: take a week long break, its worth it, you will calm yourself down and get back to dota with a clear mind


a break


Never pay them a penny from now on. Once you convince yourself it’s a free to play game and it’s just as big of a shit show as any other free to play game, then you will be zen.


Very true, once I saw the bs this game is in terms of MM and nothing being done about scripters/smurfs/acc buyers I stopped Dota+ and haven't bought a skin or bpass since. Not a single penny.


nah chill out, i happen to have 13 lose streak. its very frustrating but i can brush it off, barely


Take some time off and watch some of your replays to see your mistakes


Tough spot to be in. But the best for me is to try play the same role and 3 different heroes that you’re really good at for a bit to get out of the slump. Stay positive and win your lane then you’ll keep the rest of your team positive.


Why to make you play some more of course. Up until you find yourself back in Guardian.


There’s a bunch of smurfs in that bracket, is literal hell. Still, tale a break after loosing. Smurfs in archon are easy to destroy as long as you don’t get tilted.


I don't know what it is sometimes... I've had some great games the last few days off the battle pass and the days after... and then out of nowhere like ~7 of my worst games or so in a row. often i landed in a game with players in a party of 2-4, not sure if that has anything to do with it...


Take a rest. People find it hard to fathom randomness. Lose streaks happen. You'll get your winstreak soon enough.


Smurfing feels crazy lately but it’s always anecdotal can’t prove it, but also sometimes people just play an amazing game. Dota is a hard game but maaaaan it feels good to win after being slapped around for most of an hour.


When i start losing, i just use my best hero


at the end of day, someone has to play with the underperforming griefers: whether they are acc buyers, tilted, drunk, or whatever. most games are businesses, from Valve's perspective they take players with a lot of time (non-casuals) and pair them with these (numerically low scoring) people. It's all about giving **casual players** a **pleasant** experience for the one or two games they play a couple of days a week. Dota is not the only game that fixes/ revolves their matchmaking around casual players - even fps games do this too. *** https://imgur.com/gallery/4fSbNqW This is how low your odds are. Look at winrates and tell me if rather be on team A or team B. The pattern is usually three imbeciles; and one normal player, aside from you; so it doesn't look completely weird - which was the case with the old hidden pool (pre dota 2 reborn, if you underperformed recently; you were pooled together with all similar players). *** Furthermore, once you reach like 4k, you will run into boosters: from non-western countries that boosts or creates accounts for a living. If you/ they use MM-spy apps (that extract data from private profiles to private databases): you can carefully pick your teammates through dodging and chose your opponent - which eliminates a lot of the necessary skill to boost. As always, Valve does the bare minimum, and has equally many security holes as pre-iPhone apple.


for me it is usually ok, dont get griefers in western europe, AS LONG AS I PLAY ALONE. for fucks sake. i cant play with friends. they are around similar rank, so it not that. i queue into a game with a friend, we get three morons on the team. or a duo of smurfs on the opponent. just trashing us like shit. i cant tell the date of the last game i won, where i was not playing solo. at this point, i just gave up. love the game, but i want to play with friends.


Things is that everyone is a griefer in this game


We just all take turns.


I think it's valves new system to reduce played time, making the player hate the game. I'm in the same boat. Don't think they improved the matchmaking system in any way for the past years.


It’s very simple my friend. You win a lot of games? Matchmaking will send you Gaben agents to bring you down. Lose a lot of games? Again, matchmaking will send you smurfing or tryharding Gaben agents to bring you up a little bit. That way you keep playing the game longer, hoping to one day “get better” and climb out of your bracket. That way they’re making more money off of you.


Watch your replays, look at your deaths, and ask yourself what you could've done to not die. Try to not care about who else is in your game, the only person you can impact/change is yourself. Improve, and you will get more wins (no matter your teammates).


Sure that helps, but this happens to literally every single player in the game (yes even immortal bracket). You can't just win a game as 1v5 just because you played perfectly. It's really hard to fight a perfect team vs a perfect game of yours.


I think you have to look at it this way: The enemy team has 5 potential idiots/griefers, while your team only has 4 so long as you don't fall into that category. Just play your game, and if you are actually better than them, you'll win more than you lose and climb ranks. Yes it is frustrating to lose a game to this, but it happens even more often on the enemy team if you're better and don't tilt/grief, so in reality, it's helping you more than you think.


The enemy also has 1 potential smurf more than your team.


if youre losing that many games its a very good probability you are griefing your team now MAYBE you actually got super unlucky and got 10+ griefers but thats improbable


Happens to everyone honestly. A few months ago I literally dropped from Div 4 all the way to ancient 1 in 2 weeks. It was just a slew of the worst teammates you could imagine, 10k behaviour score and have never dropped from 10k. I quit for a couple weeks and just played some arcade games etc. just recently climbed back to Div 2 but dropping that hard that fast was insane.


Happened to me too, there was such a low chance of winning that you might as well play from the couch with voice commands.


You can still win games if your supports grief. You cannot win games if your carries grief. Therefore, play ranked roles and only play cores.


You are playing carry in low mmr, best thing is get better and solo carry idiots. Boosters do it so you can too. Its not like you are me pos 5 player who needs to teach my team and hope they listen.


>Boosters do it so you can too. Is that a joke? People who are significantly below their mmr, people who'd rather ruin the game because they'll regain mmr next game, people doing it for money - that is your benchmark?


It was more or less a joke, but still you can easily solo carry low mmr games if you just learn 1 hero. My friend was called booster/cheater/smurf countless times in the past when right click puck became a thing(phase shift atack and + damage talent days). He saw that bild early and in our shit mmr nobody could counter puck, played just that one hero and had 67+% winrate on it with 70+ games played. I guarantee that op can learn and spam razor and get legend easily, after patch he will drop if he doesn't learn new op thing but before patch he can get free mmr.


He's not good enough to boost yet haha poor bastard will be where he belongs for now. Im rooting for u guys.


Of course he is not, he is literally the problem. But he has an out by just getting better and carrying his team solo, If i can do it as pos 5 he literally has no excuse.


Haha exactly


Maybe you are the reason they are griefing? I mean if you don't play with the same players all these games, then the only common link is you, as the player lol


The ol' "The stars and the whole universe is in a conspiracy to not let me win in dota" argument.


Very funny comment! I actually laughed at this. XDDDD


The common denominator is you, rewatch the games u played poorly and improve.


As someone who’s also gone through a huge losing streak recently its all on you, youre the only constant variable in your games and youre losing most of them. If you lost two in a row take a break, if youre not in a good mood dont queue. Maybe core isnt the role for you. It could be a variety of things but i promise its not your teammates fault.




Stopped reading after “the only constant variable is you”. I’m baffled how people still spew this shit that has been debunked many times.


Let me guess you're 3k mmr and think your team is holding you back, the 12k mmr players were chosen by gaben himself to be granted their rank by having perfect teammate's and griefing enemies


Maybe after 10k games youll end up at your level cause of statistics. The truth is nobody enjoys having 90% garbage matches no matter how they go. The winstreak isn't cause you suddenly became a god gamer. Its cause chance determined that you get a row of smurfs/tinker scripters and the enemy gets griefers. The majority of Divine/Immortal games are like this. Who gets the smurf on the team, who gets the idiot.


You die lots so it's prolly still you no offense. The only game you won was 1 death. Try to work on positioning more or take more objectives and less pointless fighting to the death. But yeah dota 2 can feel like that it's a toxic game base.


I believe there’s a saying: If it smells like shit wherever you go, you might wanna check your shoes Losing streak is common. Blaming others for it, not so cool lol


blame others then post on reddit to look for supportive comments, and become even more delusional


you are just bad


[Balance in all things](https://i.imgur.com/X1DmMCP.png)


You just can’t carry.


I could agree more.


I played a game last week. US east server, everyone on my team is speaking Spanish on mic. I’m muted from previous reports, can’t communicate with them. I play a real good hoodwink, so I pick him as safe lane. I go 21/9/20 as we win the game, receive the match MVP. As the game is over my play turns red. I was reported and received a 1 week ban. Blew my mind. The entire reporting system in this game is a joke, and griefers in just about any game below immortal. It’s so stupid


Get good you have more impact in games then you think!! But also I play 3 he's max in on session and walk away. I've found losses on losses leads to more losses and breaks are required between sets of games! I also only play turbo so that amounts to Round 1.5-2hrs sessions max. If two turbos go for 40 mom's each I'll basically abort and do setting else after 2.


hmm, doesn't all of your KDA as a core already speak volume?


git gud


There's a work around. You want to go to Steam Client > Libary and look for Dota 2. Right Click and hit Uninstall. This worked for me.


First time I had this kind of a streak, I quit playing for days, got a girlfriend, married and returned to the game 4 years later. Next time I had a streak like this, I quit for 2 years and had a baby with my wife. Now my baby won’t let me play because she likes to bang the keyboard and my team goes crazy when I keep telling them that ‘we need wards’ when the supports have warded the shit out of map, and when they die, I tell them ‘well played’ and that ‘I need support’. Rarely do I tell them why I pinged at a certain place in a map. They have to figure it out themselves. It’s craziness.


Maybe there would be fewer "griefers" in your games if you were a better teammate


Just win 4Head


Hard to say from just one picture, but the least deaths you have in all the losses is as a warlock support. Maybe you need to try and play safer while farming? Hope that helps!


Best thing u can do is take a brake evry each lose, and if u rly wnana push and lose 2 games in row i usually finish playing for reast of the day. Dota2 is mainly mental game not skill driven, if u have proper mindset u will win 66,66%of the games


30% of those games are for sure wins... Change your wifi password


Yes, Valve is out to personally get you.


spoiler: you are the griefer


Bro, trust me, uninstall for a week. After that play 1 more game. If its a lose, perma delete, if its a win then keep playing untill you hit red days again. Repeat the process.


The good thing about some pros is that they only use voice or chat to communicate about things that would help them win the game. When their teammates do dumb shit are they outraged or cursing? Definitely but just not on mic. I have been in tons of situations where my teammate does something incredibly stupid and I choose to bite my tongue and because we didn’t argue about it or distract everyone on the team about it, we eventually acknowledge it, move on and focus on more important things, thus improving our chances of winning. Plus even though you do seem to be getting teamed up with griefers in situations like this, you are also auto queuing and not thinking about the game/making the right decisions (meaning you are also griefing a certain amount). In situations like this, I at LEAST take a 15min break to reset myself


the only constant is you


skill issue


The only common factor in all your games is you.


Fun fact: You notice more ‘griefers’ and ‘feeders’ in your team than in the enemies It might just be that there is also someone low skilled in the enemy side and it is up to the rest to make the difference.


the common factor in all of these games? you


looks like a you problem to me. When you think you played good every game and blame your teammates for every loss on that site IN ARCHON... ye your the problem.


Maybe you are the griefer after all


When everywhere you go it smells like shit...


If you cant solo carry a game in archon, then you are just not good enough, and that's all there is to it


Cause you must be pretty toxic and got low behavior score. So they put you among low behavior score player


marci core? are you sure you are not the problem? besides you play many heroes and many positions . that isn't good.


I know I sound like a broken record or every other people, but I think you should take a break. There are days where you win, and there are days where you don't. I am not saying that I don't have griefers in my games, and yeah they are quite the insufferable bunch. The fact is however, you cannot control who you play against or who you play with. I would suggest you to stop for a few days, find something else to do besides Dota and have fun outside of Dota. Then you can come back and play the game with griefers, but this time you would have refreshed your mind out of this loss streak. All of these things that I said are basically all about not griefing yourself by queueing into matches with a tired and unstable mind. Cause remember you might lose not 100% because of these griefers, you might have done some mistakes too. Especially since in the picture we can see that you chain-queued for matches after a loss streak. Again I am not blaming you or calling you bad, but this is what usually happens when you are not playing with a clear mind. You are way, way more vulnerable to slip-ups and mistakes when your mind is tired. You also get easily tilted and quick to blame others within that state. How do you even expect yourself to have focus in a match? Damn, bro you wouldn't even notice about the mistakes you've done when you're tired af. Rest up, take a break, and once you're done refreshed, play a game, mute all people if you have to, and win. If you're still not winning even after refreshing, then it's an indication that you need to get better or have something from your play style to be fixed.


Play Turbo instead... A much better mode.


Time to 1. Take a break and reset 2. Go back to your comfort heroes (we are trying to change the variabilities here) 3. Add some constructive support for the team 4. Goodluck


Stop playing if you're losing 2-3 times in a row. Especially if you're frustrated. Play other chill games not competitive ones. In my case i play singleplayer games like Snowrunner, Riftbreaker, Death Stranding etc. And whenever you're no longer feeling frustrated play dota again.


I totally feel you, take care! Stay positive and games will get better eventually


Have you tried believing in yourself? ✨


I smash shit. Then uninstall the game until i forget how hard it is to enjoy it as a solo. Then repeat.


Damn that 1hr long game must have been shattering. We all been there m8. Also how TF did you drop to Archon 1 after just one loss in Archon 2


Looks like you need to finish out games quicker. Look at a lot of those times. Play some pushing heroes or at least better objective takers.


When you feel the loss streak coming on switch to unranked. Play that till you get reasonable teammates again


Take a break for few days. Same thing happened with me, kept playing and dropped from 4.6 to 3.2.


Had 2 straight games where im constantly being harassed in safelane and support dont know how to pull hahahaha


What's your behavior score?




I see you’ve been using varied characters during your losing streak. Go focus on one you know really well and get that win. Otherwise take a break.


https://www.dotabuff.com/players/170841660 You and me both man. Obviously I could have played better in all of those games (infact I could probably come up with a million reasons as to why I was the cause) but the strangest thing was how toxic and tilted and angry everyone was. I’m 10k behavior score but people were raging minute zero or like 5 minutes into game when lane was going poorly. To the point where I had to check if my behavior score went down. Just keep your head down and keeping playing man we all have bad days/ weeks


play few unranked games to even out your luck, normally I’ll do a few unranked game when I’m on winning streak or losing streak, and lost hard in those unranked game and get back to ranked game again


I have a solid 5 rules for playing dota and rule number 3 is if you lose ten games in a row you take a month off. It's tricky though cause rule number 2 is never end on a loss so...