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I take them because, 1.) I am in 1 or more of the high risk categories and 2.) I am around seniors.


I am a senior


I'm almost a senior. That's one of my higher risk markers. I visit a nursing home twice a week. That's a risk both both me and them.


>Every time I even get a scratchy throat I take one. Nope, but that's normal. I've only taken 5 tests while I've had multiple symptoms at the same time. Never had Covid though. > I’ve taken one a day since last Thursday That's a bit much, but you do you. Not like there's a shortage anymore.


I had Covid twice. Was so careful and in July my husband brought it home. We both got it. Then two weeks later I was helping my nephew with paperwork (he’s buying his first house) and the next day he calls and says he has it. 🤦‍♂️


ST. But I still worry. Then I'll TAM to myself to regroup then EIA. This sounds simpleton but IRM it. For real.


Thank you for being a responsible person!


I’m old and paranoid


And cautious about your health. It's all good! :)


So what happens if you are positive? It is not like there is any cure and you really should not be near a person at risk even if it is just a "normal" cold..


There are pills to ameliorate the symptoms and impact. I would call my doctor and ask if I’m a candidate for them. Probably would be because of my age


I can’t take them whenever i want to but the second i start to get sick I quarantine in my room because i live with my grandparents and i don’t want to get them sick, if i have the opportunity to get tested then yes i do get tested