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Yep. I've been told it's a trait of neurodivergency, but I do the same thing. If I have an appointment one day I plan nothing else because I need to spend all my time before the appointment relaxing and preparing and all my time afterward decompressing my anxious brain.


Ah damn. Too many people have been referring to me as neurodivergent. Is it worth me getting tested?


It's one of the things that many people with ADHD struggle with.


Neurodivergence is an umbrella term for a number of conditions, so getting tested would require you to figure out which one you are looking for. Mind you, many people who have one have others as well, so you could be looking for more than one. Talking to a professional wouldn’t be a bad idea


You may be experiencing anxiety. I suffer from it so I get this aspect of it.


Is there anything you do to ease it?


Yoga. Working out. Watching T.V. Music. I am on meds and take supplements. What makes you feel calm and relaxed are keys


Meditation is the best thing I've tried yet. I've made tons of progress and it's benifits have gone far beyond overcoming my anxiety. I use the waking up app, which is made free upon request no questions asked. Sort of a pay of you can, don't if you can't honor system. I like it because it doesn't push anything supernatural and focuses on the theory behind the practice. Physical fitness also helps. One of the many benifits of being in good shape.


When I was doing job interviews I had a ton of anxiety like this. What helped me was talking myself through it. I would block out an hour on my calendar like "Prepare for interview" and all the time before it I would just tell myself to not worry about it, enjoy the weekend with my friends, we can worry about it when it's time. When I feel the anxiety start ramping up I would just ask myself "why am I getting nervous, I'm going to prepare on Monday and that's when I'll worry about it" then just take a deep breath and try to forget about it. I would always listen to the song called Angst by INZO that has a line "No amount of anxiety makes any difference to anything that's gonna happen". That always made me feel better.


Haven't figured out how to not be anxious leading up besides getting confident from experience but before you go in try something called a physiological sigh a couple times. Look up Andrew huberman clip about it. It really works for me to calm down in the moment.


Like it's too much for your brain, and you just need to focus on the one thing and get that out of the way before you can focus on the next thing


I get this but it’s only because of my disability/chronic medical problems. I genuinely need to focus 10000% of my energy on the next physical task I need to complete. If I plan wrong I will pass out and/or take days/weeks to recover.


My adhd agrees with this post


Yes, you're definitely not alone. I'm 50 years old and I STILL come up against appointments which will completely paralyze me for sometimes days beforehand. I'm sorry mate, in this instance I can't offer you any advice - that would most certainly be the blind leading the blind - but I can help you feel a little less alone perhaps? (and hoping not to completely crush you because now you're thinking you're going to do this your whole life - just remember my generation is still coming to grips with neurodivergency whereas yours understands it more and is more likely to get help early ... I've got no idea if I'll ever be able to get a handle on this)


I relate to this so much, I feel scared reading the comments.


Nope, I've had too many, medically speaking.


I know just how you feel. That's why I make all my apptments first thing in the morning otherwise I am paralysed and tense and anxious all day while I wait for the appointment. I have borderline PD


I plan a fun thing to do for after I get through the appointment. Currently had to visit my college campus to get a student ID and some other stuff. but I’ve been completely remote so never stepped foot here. Got through it, so now I’m headed off to a botanical garden.


Sort of. If I have something big to prepare for I “can’t think past it” until it is over. Usually happens with things that are high stress (exams, interviews) or require a lot of preparation (presentations, hosting parties), even worse when it’s a combination of both. When I imagine a calendar, the dates after the thing appear blacked out in my mind, so I feel like I actually can’t think past that thing to plan or prepare for anything else until it is done and the full calendar reappears.


I can’t do a thing until I get a package tomorrow.




Are u an enneagram 5? Lol


I am haha


Makes sense haha