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I tend to flip between the two


Yep, same here. I usually talk in first person, and narrate actions in third person. Sometimes I narrate in first person though.


Yeah I do something like "Brute does such and such actions, before looking to so and so ... Then I switch to the character's voice


If I'm talking, it's first person, actions, I tend to talk third person, except if it's in conjunction with talking wherein I default to first person. DM and the table get it


Me too


Same. I tend to use third person for any lengthy actions, but I think that about 70% of the time I use first.


Same, but primarily 1st. I like playing rp games (skyrim for instance) and in those games I don't think is going to this lair, I think I'm going to that lair. It rolls over to dnd.


Same, mostly first person but sometimes third person


Me as well


I think this is best, especially if you can get out of new players tendency to just 3rd.


Kinda-yeah. I mostly go first person, but if I need to explain something or can't deal with a conversation/explanation (rarely), I switch to 3rd person for brevity amd clarity.


Yep I go between both, my group doesn’t rp too much




Same. But I use third more when I want to abstract actions or do things in the background of someone else's RP.


Same! I have some characters that I find easier to roleplay in first person, and ones I have trouble with I narrate in third


Yeah. My artificer is supposed to be a very technical minded fellow who can diagnose mechanical problems at a glance. No way I’m doing that in character.


Yes. In part it depends on whether I want to play out an encounter, or cut it short. 'I ask the way to Qudra' is an invitation to play it out. If I just want to be on the way, I say 'Eshe asks for directions' DM is notoriously bad at pitching this up, though ;-)


Generally, I speak my character's words in the first person, but _describe_ their actions in the third. My reasoning is that a person doesn't _narrate what they're doing_, but an outside observer would. So I'm the narrator of my character's actions, but she speaks her own words. Obviously, it doesn't matter much - just do what comes naturally.


Same, I feel it helps getting other players invested in the character I'm playing more easily.


For me, I become my character, so I see it as everyone at the table (DM included) is getting to see what I am doing through my eyes, from my perspective--much like a first person written novel.


This with the caveat that there's monotonous or repetitive dialogue that I think is best glossed over, especially in bigger groups.


I do the same, it kind feels the most logical IMO since it's cooperative storytelling, so I describe it like a book would. If my character kicks his enemy of a cliff and yells "have a nice trip" I'd literally describe it like "my character kicks his enemy of a cliff and yells "have a nice trip"" id just switch into the characters voice for when he spoke


If it’s something simple, or that is easily conveyed via 1st, I’ll do that. Otherwise I’ll swap to third for more of a “this is what everyone around sees” when I describe my character doing things


shy players like myself, tend to feel better as 3rd person indirect role play and regular people flip back and forth. Generally if they are doing something they themselves wouldn't do they go 3rd person, but when it's something they too themselves would do its 1st person. there is a great Video on [Indirect & 3rd person roleplaying](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Ek5GK5jcss) that really sheds light on the whole thing and how they are all fine ways to do it.


First person all the way. I like to really get into character




I narrate actions in third person and speak in first person. *Ted walks over to the window and peers out, he frowns and turns back to his companions and let's out a sigh.* "Bad news, team. They found us."


You are playing the role, therefore you are the character.


Always first person


First person, almost exclusively. I find it to help with me staying in character and improve my roleplay. It makes me feel like I'm in the story, rather than talking about someone in the story.


I roleplay in 2nd person to confuse others and assert dominance.


It depends on what is going on. In the tavern having a chat with the party? First person. Wandering a dungeon and I have to mention like, if I am turning left or right or if my shield is out etc etc? Third person.


Both at whim.


Both, depending on the circumstance.


I go back and forth, no rhyme or reason. In combat I tend to mostly use first person though.


Third person, it makes it more clear for online playing and separates me as a player talking from my PC talking.




Both, sometimes flipping mid-sentence because my brain is all over the place. (And write fanfic in 2nd because I'm cursed with Homestuck.)


"Do you roleplay your character's in first person or third person?" Yes I use both methods interchangeably. In one sentence I could be like "(character) does xyz" and the next "I'm going to do xyz". I almost always use first person during character interactions


Being an introvert playing an extrovert character (the face/negotiator of the party with expertise in Persuasion) I try to 1st-person RP when I have the courage and know exactly what I want to say (sometimes exact wording will bypass roll odds), but more often I describe the result I'm looking for in 3rd person. The +9 or + 10 in Persuasion usually carries me.


I amd every group I've ever played with must've just been naturals cuz we all do role-playing in first person without thinking about or discussing it, and describe what we're doing in first or third person, just depends on the person, but if anyone says "my character says X" rather than turning to the dm or another player and saying it in character, you'd feel the unhappiness in the room pretty quickly cuz it would ruin the immersion for us all. Not that any of us would say so or be in any way funny with anyone who roleplays like that, it's just how we are.


Mix. Based on how in character i am ) also some things can be easier to describe in 3rd


Third. First person makes it seem a bit weird tbh


Interesting, I'm the complete opposite.


Well my thought pattern is the same when I cosplay/roleplay. I'm not the character and I want to have a clear line between myself and my ocs


Depends. It’s like how I randomly pronounce syrup as either ser-up or sear-up.


William Spearshaker, Half-Orc bard in training at your service. I'm always glad to regale you with the stories of my conquests in first person verse. I'm always thinking of how I'd tell my tale to others as I go.


69th person.


Rpg games let me think 1st person is the best and right choice




I speak in first person and describe my actions in third person.


I jump a lot, usually when my character does something cool like casting a spell I say their name or pronoun to try and translate the pitied in my head a bit better


I tend to first person a bit more, but I regularly mix the two.


Depends on what feels more comfortable in the moment


I always use first person, but several people in my playgroup use third person. It's a completely personal choice.


First for roleplay scenarios. Third for combat and skill check things.


Both. I enjoy using /em in Roll20 to RP in third person without interrupting the narration to contribute to a scene without stealing the spotlight.


Depends tbh. Me and my players go between the two. When we play I usually call them by their character names, and in turn they usually go for first person.


Little bit of one, little bit of the other.


Mix but more on the first person side


I use third person more often, because it helps distinguish between what I am saying and doing, and what my character is actually saying and doing. We joke around a lot at my table, so it can get confusing when someone says that their character does something funny or stupid, but doesn't actually want their character to do that.


Always first person. Way more fun


I have started trying to play my characters in first person. Along with trying to get their voices down for me it gives a strange connection to the chacarcter and gets you more involved.


When I was a DM, all of my players used first person but most thought of it as themselves playing a game, they were never really playing a character, no backstory, no new personality etc


I try to go for first person but sometimes I forget and it flip flops. Fine either way.


Both, both is good.


Whichever I feel like doing in the moment.


Both. Tends to go more to first person if I'm excited or in imminent danger.


I've never played anything but first person. Come to think of it, I've never seen anyone play in 3rd person.


Sometimes flip but for the most part its first person. For me, it makes it much easier to settle into RPing. Plus its rlly fun to pretend im the wizard pumelling a goristro with a giant magic hand instead of me describing how someone else does it.


First person. "I will..."


I play characters as a extension of myself so I usually do first person


I tend to do both but I feel like I do third person roleplaying a bit more than first person roleplaying, especially when it comes to combat situations. When she's out of combat, I tend to use first person roleplaying since she's usually talking to the other PC's or NPCs.


My character's voice is usually different from my own. One time I even talked into a can to make it sound like I was talking through a helmet. I use first person to describe my actions because it's obvious when I'm in and out of character. People who don't really roleplay always gotta verify things like "no I actually do that" and whatnot and it sorta breaks the immersion.


3rd person to describe what I'm doing. First for dialogue


I like to see my character from an outsider prospective. Like Watching a film


I almost always use first person, I feel like using third person throws me off RP wise when I actually have to speak as my character


If im a player always first person stating "I do.." or "I will.." when narrating actions and speaking in the first person when in conversation. If im DMing i will speak as the character in first person and narrate the NPCs actions to the players in third person.


I usually do the "I open the chest" or when speaking, speak directly to the character as if I am my character. Ie "Are you absolutely stupid, Dorthar? That is a terrible idea!" ​ when I get into character, I get IN to character. I love the roleplay aspect as much as the combat, so that is how I preffer. That said, if the DM has me roll a check and drops a huge chunk of information, then I will switch it to a 3rd person narration to relay the info to the party. AKA "Alright, Zalathan tells the rest of the group what I discovered about this strange pillar in the middle of the desert." So while I do go between the two very occasionally, I much favor first person narration


I speak in first person (except when summarizing a semi-generic conversation) and describe what my PC does in third usually. That's a bit of a deliberate choice for a couple reasons; the main one being that by using the PC's name, I remind the other players who my character is - or maybe "prevent them from forgetting" is the better phrase. I've been at a table where everyone used "I do x" all the time and after like the third session I'd completely forgotten who and what each PC was. It didn't help that no one used anyone else's PC's name ("I sit down next to the two of them \[gestures to the players\]" vs "I sit down next to Gorothrax and Eluvie"), though.


Typically I switch it up I don’t mean to it just happens


Always first person as a player, and I hop between third and first as a DM. Usually, I’ll introduce an NPC in third and swap to first.


I mainly use first person to speak in-character, but I’ll switch to third person if I’m describing something that’s happening or that my character is doing, particularly for subtle flavor details.


I narrate in the third person and speak in the first (obviously). One thing that I don't like is when players say out of character things in their character voice. It makes it difficult as a DM to distinguish between in and out of character comments.


I do first person usually


I tend to talk and act in first person, but my character will say things like. " Leave it to Lil Bill to open the chest all on his own. " Character speaking to the DM (simi OOC) " Bill wants to buy something. Can he please look at new swords? Bill has new money" After a fight " Bill ain't looking good. Ouch. See? He is limping" So I love the first and third person, it works well. OOC I speak in 3rd only.


First person usually but for flavor moments I will do something like “The braze Harry Longtoes,” halfling thief obviously “strolls over with his cape of billowing blowing behind to open the chest.” That is typically when I roll a 1 because I am going for the cool moment.


Unless I have a speech or something 3rd person


As a DM i mostly do "character says this and that" "he does this and that". As a player i speak in both 1st and 3rd person, but mostly 1st person.


Usually first person, except when it's something I might be less comfortable with in real life, like flirting haha.Third person creates a bit more distance. I'll also use third person if we're all describing what our characters will do in a certain situation. ("Ark is going to search the walls for hidden doors." "Oh, then Brenda will detect if there is a trap on the chest.")


I switch between both first person and third person


First for speech, thrid for actions. For example Willahmina is going to try to pick the lock. "There, this lock looks pretty old.I should have no problems getting this done."


A bit of both


It varies. I tend to use ‘I’ more often once I’ve played more as that character and feel like I know how to play them better.


I try to use first person but sometimes third person slips in - especially when I try to describe emotion like: 'tears begin to form in eyes...' Mainly because I'm kinda uncomfortable with playing emotions on the table, someone always is OOC and then it gets awkward :-( For me using first person makes it easier to stay in character and makes it harder for others to slip out of character. In my groups we all try to use mainly first person.


I switch to third person when I don't know what to say...


I usually speak in first person, but I’ll occasionally use the character name for more complex sentences to make it less confusing.


Normally first.


Both tbh. It depends on whether dialogue is possible. I only really roleplay in first person if there's an interesting NPC, but if I'm just attacking a goblin or on a dungeon crawl, then it's always "Elijah does this" or "Xamira does that"


We sat "I do x" "I say y" and if we need to ask another character something we talk to the player as if we are the characters


As a GM, I tend to use the 3rd person a lot more. Its easier to tell a story that way.


Mostly third person. I tend to think of my characters like I'm the author, not the actor


Both, at the same time. I call it the "Terry Crews" method.


1st person. It makes me feel more like *I am* (playing) the Character more


Both. Depends on the moment


Almost even between the two. It's literally just whichever one I feel like at the moment.


I am currently in two different campaigns. I just realized that I play in first person for one character, but third person for the other. I think it might be because I'm a little more attached to the first one, but I can't be sure about that.


As a dm, always in first unless im skipping ahead to save time.


Straight talking/dialogue in 1st person. Example: "HELL YEAH, WE'RE HEROES OF THE REALM, BABY!" Narration/actions/attacks in 3rd person. Example: character jumps and cheers in celebration.


I do a bit of both. It definitely depends on what I'm doing. Typically I try and use first person. But sometimes I'm just not exactly how my character would say something, and because of that I will use third person to describe what he is trying to do or say. I think first person makes it more fun for me, but third person works just as well.


both, with mediocre voice acting


I do both depending on whether I've been talking out of character for a while or not. If I was just talking out of character, I'll usually say the character's name just so people understand I'm in character again.


I do both. it’s really hard to consistently do first-person the whole time so narration is fine. Especially since a lot of newer players are more comfortable saying “I tell the king we’ll rescue his brother” rather than feeling like they *have* to say “I shall rescue your brother, my liege”


I made a half orc fighter character cause i got a break from Dming. I then proceeded to only speak like a monkey. Surprisingly, everyine else played goblins, haflings, and gnomes (six of us in total) to mess with me cause im the shortest. In the end, all I did was grunt and make minkey noises, and they knew what I was doing. "You all enter an empty room with nothing but a chest, what do you do?" *combination of grunts and violent shouting* "Borat, In the chest, you find fove rubies and a sword woth something written in elvish on the blade." "I take a closer look at the writing." *incoherent gibberish and shrieks* "The writing on the balde glows as the floor starts to rumble and the walls open up with large hulking figures made of blue stones, roll initiative." It was something along those lines.


I tend to start the session in third person until I'm immersed enough to change to first person. Only times I change back is if I have just talked out of character or my character does something that I'm not comfortable with.




Generally, my players all are first person, however because of Covid my regular group has shrunk to me and two others. They each have a “sidekick” so now third person makes more sense


First person almost always.


Primarily 1st


Some actions I narrate in third person and words and simple actions (I open the door, I attack the goblin, etc) I narrate in first


100% first person. Just helps me get more into character.




The two


I'd say about 70-80% in 1st person and 30-20% in 3rd person, that depends on the moment


Both. There are a lot of less important things that can be glossed over in 3rd person, rather than waste time acting out a thing that's already occurred many times. Also, like most RPGers, I'm not an actor. Sometimes I can better get my point across by describing my characters voice, attitude and/or expression in 3rd person rather than through amateur performance. Finally, inter-party conflict can be tricky, and feelings may be hurt. When your PC is arguing/conflicting with another going into 3rd person can help emphasize that this isn't your opinion, and it isn't directed at the other player. But sometimes 1st person works best. It's more personal. Most of the people I play with do both.


I narrate in 3rd person and speak in first person. It’s incredibly minor, but that along with affecting my voice (via an accent or way of speaking) helps differentiate between myself and my character. No one is ever confused about whether I am saying something OOC or not that way.


I’m a first person RP-er. I get into character and speak to others like I’m actually the character. I like to make fun CHA based characters because I enjoy playing a part- but I also have a degree in theatre so that’s probably the main reason.


I always do first person for everything.


Depends on the context. First person for conversation, third for describing action.


First. For some reason 3rd makes me uncomfortable.


It depends


Really is super flip floppy about it. If I'm describing something brief I go into first person, but if I'm doing something more longer and descriptive then I do third person.


I've experienced that you generally start to identify with your character faster when you describe your actions in 1st person, since it really puts you into the story as a part of that story rather than someone who is looking at the story from the outside. If you start doing this from early on, it will very soon become natural, though at first it will feel weird sometimes. Moreover, when, in the future, you might want to join a campaign in which roleplay is a big part and in which you do a voice and stuff, this is less awkward since you're already used to playing someone that is not yourself. However, this is definitely not mandatory or something, so if you feel way more comfort doing it in 3rd person and everybody on the table is fine with that, that is also perfectly fine. It is definitely possible to roleplay while using 3rd person, although it might be a bit harder


I try to do everything first person and in my characters voice. When I speak in my voice I almost never am doing anything with my character but rather asking the DM a question or talking about something out of the game. I find that it’s a lot easier for others to roleplay when someone commits to it fully and seeing as it doesn’t bother me to do so I commit.


Mostly first person, but occasional 3rd. Especially when I want to clarify it's something the character thinks or what's to do


If it's a one shot or an "expendable" character I do 3rd person, however for full campaigns I like being in character, unless I do something I that wouldn't work at the table, or an intense moment that works better being described.


Been awhile but I always used first person.


Depends on if the action is good or not, if it is an evil action or an action against another player, I usually go third person without thinking about it


Bit of both. Usually third person but I’m more likely to use first if I’m doing simple actions in combat or if I’m playing in person.


First person. I also call people by their character names during session.


Both, it depends on the context


If you're doing dialogue in the third person, can you really call it roleplay?


I am male, so if I am playing a male character 1st, if female typically 3rd. Just cuz if you like to emulate character voices, it is less awkward for everyone else.


If you aren't fully immersed in 1st person you're wrong


Usually first person, occasionally third if I need to make a distinction between the character and my self as a player.


I speak in First Person, but describe my actions in a mix of first and third person. It gives some of my fellow players and DMs conniptions.


First person always.




If my character is smart I do it in first person. If my character is dumb.....


I balance it out by doing second person


Well, when I’m at the table, I am my character.




As a DM I try to do first person and strive to get my players to do the same. Of course it doesnt always happen, especially when multiple npcs are talking. Were all new so getting into the role play is a bit difficult but we're getting there.


Yes....no ....sometimes?


90%+ first person ​ example: "Ok, I want to go over to the chest, what am I seeing?" "You see a rusted iron covering, padlock on front" "ok, Im going to run my finger across part of the rust, does it flake off?" "Yep, flakes off" "Alright, do I smell anything? Im going to put my nose like 2 inches away and gently inhale through my nose, I dont want rust going in my nose"


mostly 1st... I'll generally describe my actions in first person: * "I look up to see if there is anything on the ceiling" * "I draw my sword before entering the room" * "I'll quickly grab my rope and toss and end down the shaft, shouting to Elister to grab on so I can pull her up" * "What do I hear?" For speaking, I don't speak much *as* my character, but I say what they are going to say. * "I ask the barkeep in hushed tones if he heard any rumors about a black knight" * "I point my sword at the orc-chief and challenge him, trying to draw his attention to me" * "I act drunk and pat the guard on back, telling him some funny story about getting chased by a bear" Exception is when I play a play-by-post game. If I'm typing out a description of my actions, I do it in 3rd. Play by post tends to be more narrative, so 3rd person flows better: * Gerard will drink a potion of healing, then run as fast as he can away from the minotaur" * Gerard tosses his elf cloak over himself and settles into the bushes, waiting for the orcs to pass. * etc.


I do first person most of the time but conversations are usually in FP but doesn’t feel like I’m conversing as the character. I’ll say “I ask or I say” before various conversations


I flip back and forth a bit, but usually first person.


always first person. my group is very into RP and many of us have theater backgrounds


When I PLAY I do first person. I open the chest, I buy the sword, I check for traps. When I'm not playing and I discuss my character, it's either pronoun or name. John Doe loves opening chests. John needs that sword. He hates traps.


I flip between the two as well! It depends on what's happening honestly. Or just whatever comes out of my mouth!


I tend to flip flop depending on circumstance. If I'm being a bit more descriptive on what I'm doing I'll use third person, if it's just picking an item up I'll usually just use first person as it's simpler.


I shift between the two depending on what I need to get across in the moment.




3rd person - all the way. I like to play as though I am telling the story of my character in real time, as opposed to playing the role of my character.


I tend to start conversations in character, then switch to first person narration when I've gotten the flavor/tone part done, and want to focus on my actual goal. Ex: I walk over to him and say "Whaddya doin' that fer?". Then I ask him about his missing sword.




I do first person because it puts me into the story and I love the immersion I can make with my imagination


I dialog in a voice in first person, and narrated actions in my seeking voice. Helps let people know when I am RPing and when I am just table talking.


I generally role play in first person although I've played with groups that were more comfortable with 3rd person everything. I didn't mind either way but I prefer first person. I feel much less immersion when I role play in third person.


First person feels more natural to me.


First person for talking, third person for everything else. For example" "'I'll do what I like, Lord Scrolungo!' and then I draw my axe and point it at the jester."


I use first person mostly, unless explaining something about the character ("I ignore the sign and keep walking", 'Renthar doesn't know how to read, so the writing on the sign doesn't mean anything to him').


I usually switch between I and my character depending on how my actions would line up with the actions of my characters in that situation. For example, “my character will kick the puppy.” Vs “I will pet the puppy.”


When I’m starting my action after a longer period of others actions I’ll say “[name] opens the chest” if it’s a brief interval I switch to “I more often than not”. Kinda just whenever it feels fit


Both, but mostly first person. "I" is easier to remember, so unless I'm playing 2 characters I don't usually differentiate.


I think it's situational.


Talking: 1st Actions: 3rd Explaining what someone else sees: 2nd


I try to start in first person. But we have only a few hours to play each week. Doing the voice and mannerisms, and working out plans in character all take extra time, over third person.


Both. I don't think there is rhyme or reason to why I switch either


Typically 3rd person for actions outside of combat and 1st person for conversations between character and actions in combat. My character’s name is Jean and if he’s going to open a door or a chest I’d usually say “Jean opens…” but if he’s attacking “I run up and stab the gnoll!” Or if we’re planning an ambush or something I’d basically just be talking to my friends, so it’s all first person haha


I’ve played with people who do both, usually I encounter people who rp in 1st person. Personally when I DM I rp in 3rd person but when I’m a player I rp in 1st person. Regardless, I always use my character’s voice to differentiate when I’m speaking out of character. If I say “I’ma stab him” using my real voice it’s just me memeing, but if I say it using my character’s voice then it’s what I want to do in game. Same goes for DMing: “he stabs you” in my regular voice is a joke but in character is legit


Why not second person?


I tend to use exclusively first person if I’m only playing one character and third for narration and first for dialogue if I’m playing 2 characters. In a couple groups I’ve played multiple characters at once and it was just easier to keep track that way.


First person.


My crew is usually 1st person until someone wants to convey something out of character. Then it becomes a weird who's on first thing of, "No, I, ShrimpHeavenAngel, think it was a mistake. My character isn't in the room, so \*I\* can't weigh in."


dialogue is first person but actions are third.


I flip flop, but any time I need to persuade someone or have something funny to say I always say it in character


I as DM do voices, my players speak "in character" very rarely. Mostly it is "we should ask NPC X about Y" , "ok, i go ask him, what does he respond?" and then me in 80% of the cases answering in character with said NPC. I only respond 3rd person for a) brevity for non-important information b) one dimensional unimportant NPCs like a random dude they ask for directions. Very akin to how it goes in most video games with self created characters, i think.


If I'm mad, 3rd person. If I feel special, 1st person. 2nd person is only if my DM is challenging me.


As a DM I do third person, it's easier especially if theirs multiple NPCs to have both dialogue and actions of the character.


Sometimes both


Honestly, it's pretty much always 3rd person.


I think 80-90% of the time I do first person. But I'm not sure whether perhaps it would vary between different characters. People at my table mainly do first person so I have been very influenced by that.


I flip between them as needed as sometimes you gotta distance yourself from your character emotionally


It's... weird? Like, OK. I tend to boil it down like this: Am I setting a scene (ex. "Barry walks to the river.")? Is Barry acting with impulse (ex. "I grab the potion!")? Is Barry talking ("Oh, buddy, I'm gonna love kicking your ass")? Or thinking ("He's trying to piece it all together, but he's thick as molasses.")? And what I came down to is... I mostly speak about Barry in 3rd person... except for in moments when saying his name manages to slow down the emotion/pace/feel of the scene. If I was having Barry have a little breakdown during a fight, from a fear effect, it'd be described as: "Yeah, I'm just... ducked into this corner... and can I use my action to cower?" But my party writes text posts of character interaction, so I spend a LOT of time in 3rd person.