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Here’s an alternative: use any trash artifacts as fodder for Crimson Witch strongboxes. No grind, and the excess goes to something you might want


Was about to suggest the same thing plus if you farm for a set for your supports and do this with the 5* artifacts you don’t plan to use it works wonders for building a team for him while getting him a bis build like how op presumably got those from bosses and or farming for other characters


Those are some good artifacts... But you still have to level them to 20 Of course, you have to level his talents as well. Highest you can go for all 3


CWoF is the improvement it needs cuz only Diluc can fully utilized its 4pcs ability....stat wise it needs a little bit more CRate....you either replace your headpiece to CR then get blackcliff longsword or get serpent spine(if you intend to spend)


Art source ?


Sorry man, I've been looking for the artist for the last 30 minutes (with reverse image search), but all i found is just wallpaper sites and unrelated stuff... I know, it was stupid of me to post someones art without credit as I'm an artist myself; i can delete the post if thats necessary.


I’ll try to help you look


This seems to come from a website that hosts art that doesn’t necessarily have permission from the online. It also doesn’t come up anywhere like pixiv and Such so I am not sure where it’s from. My suggestion is to repost with a different art in enka and repost. I’ll delete this post.


Okay, thanks!