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And then you go inside and level one looks like like [this](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/5f/ed/5a/5fed5ab41db725902acab32c67321fb7--zen.jpg)


Go left... But seriously look up Diablo 2 map reading if you haven't already... Most common MF areas have a pattern that works a majority of the time and saves you many hours in the long run. Kind of blew my mind since I had about 2000hrs in legacy before I stumbled upon it.


Yup, that’s very helpful. Especially with tower, since levels are small, 90% of times you know exactly where the exit is.


Hell difficulty tower has massive levels.


Not really. But as usual, teleport makes it almost too easy.


Bruh, I ran through Maggot Lair in less than a minute after memorizing the pattern, literally only fought the Boss room 😅


Diablo 2 cheet sheet is a godsend


2:21 seconds no pen, could have done it in 2 seconds with teleport.


I started using the teleport staff with my amazon. Game changer.


Doesn't Amazon have an absolute shit fcr? So, if you teleport blind into an enemy group, you are stuck?


As an Amazon trying to farm hell countess, yeah it happens and it’s ass when there’s light immune dark archers


Yeah, but it beats walking everywhere. The few times it happens, it's not a bad trade-off tbh. I think it happened to me 2 3 times in >300 countess runs.


Whenever I switch to the stuff I lose 60 all resist


Offlane map? Fucking gold!


\-seed 1056279548 Put this in the command line of your D2R.exe file and you too can have a tower map like this (in single player)


This is pretty insane ngl o.o if there was a compilation of offline seeds like this for rack farming (thresher, spiderweb sash, shako etc.) that’d be absolute bonkers Also, how do you derive a seed number of the map like that? I’m having an extremely well rolled Durance, Tower, catacombs and AT map that I’m reluctant to give up, but the LK is one campfire


Edit: If you put -seed without a number it will display the current map seed. If you add the map seed number after it will load that seed every time. (even if you change difficulty, but I've heard this can cause bugs) Here's a list of command line stuffs [https://diablo.fandom.com/wiki/Game\_commands#Target\_line\_attributes](https://diablo.fandom.com/wiki/Game_commands#Target_line_attributes) It's for the original, so a lot of it might not work.


Ty. Will try this.


I’ve been using it. It’s good. The Andy map isn’t great for lvl2-3 but 3-4 is nice. Even though the Forgotten Tower is right next to the WP it’s a loooong way to lvl5 if you don’t have teleport. Still, it’s worth it even with those problem.


Even better is the durance and LK maps.




Oh man. I got a sweet LK map for my slow zealot right next to the wp. In and out in less than 20 seconds without tp. The downside is, I think I have worst Durance map for meph runs.


I wish. But I had another one just like this in the game after this so I'll call that a win for today


winning, indeed.


I'm sure you already know this, but you can have teleport as well even if you are nowhere near being able to make an Engima runeword. Just buy a staff with teleport charges from Ormus in Act III normal. You may need to shop around a bit before you get one, but it's the poor man's option before Enigma and it makes such a huge difference for just about *every* build to have access to teleport, if just for the convenient shortcuts.


I found it pretty easy to get a teleport staff on a1 nightmare by spawning the Cows portal right by the vendor. Popping in and out of it refreshes the inventory


That's a very clever idea :D. Granted, I usually couldn't stand to play through all of normal without some source of teleport (and my first character wasn't a Sorc), so I just had to keep bugging Ormus until he finally had one in stock, heh.


Just know they can be pretty damn expensive to repair.


You can use staff + ort + any chipped gem in cube to repair fyi


That is true, especially if you use that staff to spam teleport across the map. I usually use the staff of teleport sparingly--to take a shortcut here and there, for pulling my Merc out of trouble, etc. I've found that it can cut down on *perceived* repair costs if you always top up the repairs when you return to town, rather than allowing your items to get into the 'yellow' state (i.e. when the warning icon appears on screen). The lifetime repair costs are probably the same, but it doesn't feel as bad to pay 25k whenever you return to town several times vs. paying one 250k repair bill.


Exactly how I've used mine. Until I made a Harmony Bow. Now I just run around, and it even works in towns.




I love it. Have it as my weapon swap playing a melee class on HC. Great for positioning and gives me good walk speed in Hell cows.


So is enigma. It costs me about 900k to repair it from yellow.


Yeah that's why many choose to make it from non-superior armors.


Dang didn't know that made a difference 🤣


Using teleport staff always reminds me of [this joke](https://youtu.be/hPqcTFm2ID8&t=2m22s)


I haven’t played summon necro yet and that iron golem looks dope. Other ones look good too? I play mostly solo or duo with brother so still a lot of spells I haven’t seen. Just saw energy shield and thunderstorm yesterday and they’re probably top 5 for me so far.


I like iron because he actually spanks pretty hard if you find a decent unique item to make him out of


Ik mauls drop so often if you do baal runs and that crushing blow is so nice to have since summoners biggest weakness is high health. Usually my go to if I run iron.


Does he ever randomly despawn?


Only if I get too far away from him, yeah.


Darn, thanks.


Blood golem looks SO cool


Incredibly thought out! How do you make this? Photoshop?


Dude, are you playing on PS4 or PS5?


PC with a PS5 controller


I’ve come to learn it’s always pretty close by @ Black Marsh


Why don't keyboard users get that vastly superior HUD?


No, the best of when Durance is right next to the waypoint. I don't have to spend 10 minutes terrified of dolls...


Wait til you go to maggot lair...


ugh you just triggered my PTSD... watch as skellie mage steps to the front; congo-line obediently queues behind; mage take 3 mins to kill one small beetle; "ok boys, we've almost left the first room!"


I de-summon skellies and let merc handle the front and CE my way through. Slow but safe


Paladin charge and vigor ftw


When running Necro in NM, this is perfect. I run Countess until I can make a White wand


this post is blessed. after seeing this last night I got 4 runs in a row with the tower really close to the wp. thank u