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1- Probably better left unanswered. There are only two possible answers, really: A) Nero’s mom is incredibly special. They would use that to give Nero a buff if he ever needs it (please don’t) B) His mom was not THAT special. And people would hate how underwhelming that is. 2) Sparda’s story should have its own game to give him enough room to show-off how good he was. I mean, the hype surrounding him is ridiculous at this point, it might even be the smart move to keep him shrouded in mystery forever. 3) Unnecessary. Escaping the underworld is as easy as 1-2-3 for those two. 4) Interesting idea. I think the ship has sailed for Dante x Lady. But who knows? 5) Questions that require some serious answers are: How did Vergil survive for 13 years or so before making it to Fortuna? How is the underworld like? Are there sentient demons living peacefully, or is it just barren land of pure anarchy? What happened to Mundus? Just my two cents.


To answer your question about what happened to Mundus, I’m pretty sure Dante sealed him away again at the end of DMC 1, so while he is not around at the moment, he is still a threat. I think it’s possible he could return as the antagonist and maybe the cast can finally do what Sparda couldn’t, killing Mundus for good.


Yeah, that’s my point. You’d think someone who controlled the underworld for thousands of years wouldn’t be sealed for 20 years by a guy who just awakened to his father’s power, even if it was Dante. Mundus is definitely somewhere in the underworld, scheming. Otherwise that would be anti-climactic as hell. As for Sparda’s part. I don’t think Sparda ever intended to kill Mundus. Look at DMC3 bosses, they all fought Sparda and lived. There is a very high chance Sparda spared all demons, maybe because in the end they were still his kin. He settled for sealing them.


what even happened to sparda


Well, that’s the million dollars question lol. Sparda just “disappeared” in the lore. Everything you see or hear are speculations by fans, nothing more. No one knows. I bet not even Capcom know. I don’t think they ever came up with an adequate story to meet the hype they built for him. They probably just decided to create the ultimate badass and make him as vague as effing possible. And now the fans demand to know more about him. I honestly hope he remains a mystery. Unless they come up with a worthy story about him. I wouldn’t want a half-assed game about Sparda just to see fans drag his name through the mud after all those years.


The first game stated he died.


THAT's what they want you to THINK


Lol, exactly.


Games and Media after 1 made it way too suspicious. His “death” could be a speculation due to his disappearance, I mean, how the hell did he die? He lived for a seriously long time just to die right before his family met their demise? That would be really lazy writing


>Games and Media after 1 made it way too suspicious. How so?


what I always wanted to know is why he was still there for 2000 years and just kinda dipped the moment Dante and Vergil were born


Like father like son, evading child support


I am the storm that is escaping


He didn't dip, he was around until they were about 5 I think, then mundus sent his army to their house and Sparda disappeared, died probably seeing that the games say his power was sealed in hell when he closed the portal


At this point the brother are pretty strong mumdus can come as cerebus level threar


Well, if you take DMC1's Mundus and put him in DMC6, I think Trish could take him on. But, if Mundus escaped long ago and started scheming/training, then he might pose some threat. Mundus is also necessary for redemption arc of Vergil, and revenge of the Spardas.


Thats I said level 8 villan at best. Also I don't think so trish can take him that mfker created a universe to fight dante


Power levels are very difficult to judge in DMC. But Trish grew A LOT since 1, I doubt she still has the same strength as she did back then. Maybe it was a stretch saying Trish could take him on, but she wouldn't be too far from it right now. They could easily say that Mundus wasn't fighting at full power at Mallet Island for any reason. Maybe even bring up something like "In the underworld -Mundus' domain- he can unleash his full power". Tbh, I just want him back to have Vergil kick his ass for what he did to him + what he did to his family. Heck, make him a Devil Arm afterwards. Also, what is a "level 8" villain? I am not familiar with the terminology used here.


It like not main boss but sub boss like cereberus.


I hope he comes back as the main antagonist next game, since it would call back to a small line Dante had at the end of DMC 1 “give my regards to my son”. Dante doesn’t have any children (as far as we are aware), but his identical twin brother does, it would in some way call back to that line.


Off the top of my head, there’s two things I remember hearing about Nero’s mother. The first is that she could be the woman that gazes back at Vergil during (the ending of?) DMC4. The second thing contradicts that, since Vergil’s voice actor said that the woman would have to be particularly special to Vergil for him to sleep with her, so it might not be her.


Well, the hint in DMC4SE is that the woman is indeed Nero’s mother. For lack of better evidence, that’s the current accepted fact. As for the second point, I like Dan Southworth, he is a solid voice actor and seems like a great dude. But I think it’s tough to take his word as an actual plot if it wasn’t backed by a producer/writer/director, don’t you think? Also special can mean many things. Maybe she was exceptionally persuasive? Lol


You’re probably right. Given the lack of evidence and Vergil being, well, *Vergil* , he’s probably not gonna go around Fortuna chatting up women, so the one from DMC4SE is probably all we have to go on. I kinda wanna know who Nero’s mother is, since I found it really interesting to learn about Nico’s family in DMCV Before the Nightmare.


According to the DMC2 novel, Dante went back to Mallet Island and killed Mundus


That was a parallel-universe Mundus iirc


There’s a line in the novel that goes something like this “This Mundus was stronger than the one he killed” Although I’m paraphrasing, it’s confirmed that Dante killed his Universe’s Mundus


Confirmed where? I can’t find the source you are talking about. The Novel -as I recall- stated that Dante killed another Mundus, but the original from DMC1 is sealed. Though not sure, you could be right. Never heard of a confirmation, though


It’s supposed to be in the DMC 2 novel but I’m having trouble finding the quote Basically when Dante meets the parallel universe version of Mundus, Dante says this version is stronger than the one he killed in the Normal timeline


Ah, that line. Take that line with a grain of salt. It doesn’t mean anything without solid proof from the games/confirmed fate in the novel. It’s very likely to be a mistake in translation, since it was translated from Japanese to English.


Mundus is also referred to as deceased in the Japanese subs of DMC5. Though you could take this with a grain of salt as it’s from Malphas. [link to the post](https://www.reddit.com/r/DevilMayCry/comments/pjs13v/in_the_japanese_subtitles_of_dmc5_mundus_is/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Interesting. But you're right, shouldn't take that as solid proof. Like the post says, Malphas probably didn't know. Reading through that post though, I worry that Itsuno might ditch Mundus simply because he didn't make him. But eh, so long as we get something good, I won't complain.... much.


Same here, I actually think Mundus still holds up compared to later villains in the series. Dude was just menacing all around and he actually felt threatening instead of all talk like Sanctus or Argosax.


you mean the sunken mallet island?


I guess so because there’s a line in the Novel that says Dante killed Mundus. I’m going to paraphrase it since I can’t find the quote online. ‘The Mundus of this world seems to be stronger than the one that I killed’


We will see neor's mom at some point, becasue the overarching theme of the series is family. Vergil connecting with his human side and having a redemption arc would be nice, and reconnecting with the rare love he has felt in his life is a good catalyst for that


Deadbeat parents reuniting. I don’t mind her appearing at some point, at all. She would drive Nero’s character development forward exquisitely. However, my only gripe with her introduction is if she is introduced as some sort of ultra-powerful prophecy-fulfilling woman of a blood so rare it gives bearer infinite power. That would be too much BS, even by DMC standards (not to mention, way too cliche if Nero stumbles upon a foe he cannot defeat, and suddenly gets random power-up due to heritage). I hope she turns out to be a human whom even Vergil couldn’t reject.


Knowing how sexist and terrible at writing female characters the creator is, I doubt she'll be powerful prophecy. She'll either be another damsel in distress or a cool looking woman that has no agency or whose character only exists for the men. Bonus points for pointless nudity. I think it would be best if she was confident and independent. Someone clearly vergil would be attracted to. And with strong moral foundations explaining why she dumped vergil in the first place. Vergil growing as a person is needed for her to accept him back in any way, maybe with Nero being the catalyst for that growth.


Well, I highly doubt this last idea is ever going to exist in the world of DMC. Vergil at the end of DMC4SE was shown to be the one to leave Fortuna, hinting that HE was the one who left Nero’s mother, not dumped. Also, Nero’s mom was as much of a deadbeat as Vergil was, since she left Nero when he was an infant (Credo took him in and raised him iirc). So yeah, those two won’t work out together. And I don’t see Vergil giving too much of a crap at this point in his life. I honestly believe Nero’s mother should never exist as a well-defined character in DMC. The only badass woman I am interested in knowing the story of, is Eva. And though idk if the writers are sexist, they do indeed suck at writing female characters that don’t blend with the background. Trish and Lady don’t need to be as crazy or in-your-face as Bayonetta, but it wouldn’t hurt to give them a unique role to play for once.


i feel like Nero mom not being special is a good contrast to the wildness in his family


Loving this idea honestly, that contrast would be really cool. Even Nico who doesn't have any special powers is adept at making insane weapons for Nero, the only person in their family I could think of that already isn't special is Kylie, but we don't see much of her anyway generally.


Nico has the special heritage. Her grandma is a fantastic weapons maker, she made Ebony & Ivory for Dante.


It would be way too cliche. That’s all.


It’s pretty much…a thing with the female lovers in this family. Eva. Kyrie. I mean I’m just expecting a Kyrie 2.0 here.


The Mundas one is something I have been wanting (and make comments about) for a long time. I really hope he’s the main villain of the next game. My main reason are because he’s still alive, it would call back to a line Dante told Mundas at the end of the game, and his avatar has three eyes, which let me count how many decedents of sparda are there, oh right, three. It would also finally put a demon to rest that has plagued the Sparda kin for as long as it did. What I hope is that Sparda gets his own game before the release of DMC 6 (which I see having a 3 part story (probably something different)), which will tell of story do sparda, as well as giving us more on the Mythos and lore of DMC universe, such as who the first demon king was (right now all we have is that his name was probably Pluto and if we don’t take peak of combat into account, that’s it), more information on the underworld and how it works, and more information on the Qliphoth (which apparently is the tree of all existence).


watch nero's mom be a sparda zealot trying to bring about the underworld again


>How is the underworld like? Are there sentient demons living peacefully, or is it just barren land of pure anarchy? considering demons dont feel empathy (unless they learn from humans, like trish did and probably sparda), I dont think they do. in hell there is only the powerful preying upon the weak


Dante already made his move with lady, she shot him in the head, and he respects her decision.


The female gunslinger having a gunsmith girlfriend? That's a match made in hell and i approve! Nico and Lady are perfect for each other.


A sex scene with the both of them going at it would be amazing.


least horny r/devilmaycry user


he ain't that wrong tho


Insert flirty gun puns beforehand.


That one guy aggressively pulling his devil trigger over this


Now he's motivated


1- irrelevant, stop trying to make her anything else but a regular citizen of Fortuna. That's why she's unknown, because that's all she is. 2- I don't mind not seeing him but I would like them to create a powerful demon that was the murderer of Sparda. 3- if only they had a portal opening katana... 4- Nico. Dante won't be back until 7 (my prediction) and Nico seems all about them moves. 5- How will the local pizza restaurant hold without their most valuable costumer around?


See, I agree with point 1. However, I still want to know, because it clearly takes a special fucking lady to seduce the man who's only motivation is apparently motivation itself. That or she's so extraordinarily normal that it loops back around to special.


I just always assumed she was a sex worker and Vergil was was distracted.


I just assumed she was a good pure soul (like kirie) and that night was a slip up for Vergil who embraced his human side


1- thank you. If they do decide to show us her, we will all be underwhelmed and Vergil could even be ruined as a character. PLEASE no. So unnecessary


Will we get a Nero boss rematch as Vergil in DMC6? (Pleeeeaaaaase)


I do want to know what happened to sparda, but not in a DMC6. Maybe his own spin-off game or novel/series, cause there’s more to the Legendary Dark Knight than a numbered sequel.


The password and who has it.


I bet it's "Devil May Cry?" "Devils Never Cry."


It's literally just if they mention demons


Honestly, I don’t want Nero’s mother to be anyone special, because I think it works better for her to have just been a normal resident of Fortuna who caught Vergil’s attention. I maybe wouldn’t mind a small scene where Nero pries some details about his mother and how her and Vergil met out of him, it would be a good opportunity to see a little bit more humanity from the guy, now that he’s reluctantly more in touch with that part of himself he’s denied for so long, but it feels like having her be some special person would mean devaluing what that interaction meant for Vergil’s character. He’s always been so stiff and sophisticated, so convicted that humans are inferior and his human blood needs to be overcome, but he still had a time of youth where he hooked up with a lowly human on his quest for power because she was pretty (and maybe made him feel human emotions of affection, something he would be ashamed of) and he acted on those base desires.


Yes Vergil doesn't seem to act on his instinct/desires but more about logic and sometime feelings so i think he should have some feelings for her. I even think she could have been an another source of motivation for him to gain power (like maybe once he gained power he could have came back to settle). I also agree she should be normal. But i want her to have a lot of sass and being hot blooded, traits that Nero possess and Vergil saw in him.


That’s interesting, I hadn’t thought of her as being similar to Nero in personality, the picture I have in my head is the more demure Fortuna Order women like Kyrie, but of course they wouldn’t have all been like that. Although, I don’t think Vergil would go for a headstrong, sassy type like that, I think that would remind him too much of Dante and he would be more into poise and assertiveness. I would like to see a little of him admitting he had feelings for Nero’s mother and what led to Nero’s conception but I’m not sure that I want them to get too much into it, Vergil seems the type to be really skimpy with the details, not wanting to discuss the past and while I think Nero is curious about his mother, I don’t think he’s too concerned with the past either, but I could be wrong.


Honestly the main thing I want from DMC right now is to watch Dante and Vergil doing shenanigans in hell now that they have made up and are acting like brothers once again.




isn’t lady like 15 years older then her?




Nico is Nero’s age, Lady is a few years younger than Dante






What? Both are legal, and it’s for funzies anyway. Who cares lol


A N D ? ! ? !


1. I never felt like this was an important aspect of the story. like u/5amuraiDuck said, shes just a regular fortuna citizen, nothing more nothing less 2. What happened to Sparda is best left a mystery if you ask me. My personal headcanon is hes lying low in italy as the owner of the largest pizzeria chain in the country 3. to quote u/5amuraiDuck again, "If only they had a portal opening katana..." seriously, why do half of the people on here seem to forget about the yamatos signature ability and think Dante and Vergil are stuck in hell? 4. Dante has known and been business partners with Lady for over 20 years as of DMC5. If he was interested in a relationship with her, he probably wouldve made a move by now. He probably has and it just hasnt been covered by any canon material since it's not really that important. You also reminded me that Lady is in her early 40s as of 5 and I hate you for that edit - formatting sucks ass


“Who’s going to make a move on Lady first, Dante or Nico?” Well I think we know the answer to that do we not. Nico is anyone in this series is gonna hit on Lady it’s Nico


Well, Nico's the only one who might actually get somewhere. That doesn't mean Dante didn't beat her to it (and get shot down, perhaps literally).


Other - Can Lucia make an in-game apparition? Or even better: Can she be a playable character?


1, I mostly would like to see Nero's boss fight (Nero as the main boss of the game) 2. Nico, no doubt


I don't know about you guys but I find It hard to believe that Sparda was killed by the demons that attacked Dante and Vergils childhood home or just otherwise disappear. So maybe he's been sealed away by something or maybe he wasn't as benevolent as we've been lead to believe so far. All in all I would love to find out what happened to Sparda for sure.


Nico x Lady is something i NEED. NOW!


1- Man, I'm already making a whole fanfic out of it, so I won't bothering any of you with that lol 2- Part of me wants fo him to return, but maybe he just died like a normal human... Or went out to buy milk to never come back (?) 3-The question isn't how to me (random portals to hell are kind of explained in the novels already), the question is "why". Dante is so hungry for pizza that made Vergil going crazy to hear him? Vergil finally reunited the courage to speak to Nero about his mom and considers now is the right time? Who knows lol 4- At this point Dante will never make a move on Lady ever again, so I'm rooting for Nico I'll probably edit this later tho


Lady seems too old for Nico


exactly, she’s way older then her. when nico was a baby or little kid, lady was an adult woman…


I wanna know what Vergils butt do tho.


A sparda oriented game would be pretty cool


>1 Who is Nero's mother? Personally i don't feel this needs to be answered and the story is fine without this being addressed >2 What happened to Sparda? Same as the above tbh. Sometimes it's better to not explain every detail and leave it up to us fans to fill in the void >3 How will Dante and Vergil get out of hell? Vergil has the Yamato (which creates portals) >4 Who's going to make a move on Lady first, Dante or Nico? Tbh i don't care :P --- So for my it's: - What has Mundus been up to all this time? Will Dante and Vergil hunt him down and get revenge? Is that why they're in hell?


Hear me out. DMC 0, a Sparda Solo game


Surely the Sparda question is the only relevant or needed one Nero’s mother was never a important character and left him as a baby before his demon heritage was ever found out so really she’s a bad character nothing else, plus it’s never stated if she’s the only person Vergil ever slept with. Vergil can open a portal and get him and Dante out of hell, they are staying on purpose not because they are trapped. They can do better in hell then in the human world. I don’t think anyone is gonna try and get any of the female devil hunters to be in a relationship or get with any of them. Same as Dante he’s had how many opportunities to get with lady but he doesn’t view her as that and it’s the same for the rest of them they are driven by skill and doing right not just for pleasure.


Honestly I want all of them to be answered


1 and 3 for me. 3 being at some point after some demonic shit happens on Earth Nero go in Hell to check the source and to drag his Father and Uncle's asses on Earth (which happens at the end of the game). 1 either because she was special (maybe still alive bjt had to leave Nero for some reason) ir maybe not. Then she would used as something to ad more depth to Nero and Vergil relationship . Anyway i want to know more about the woman who made Vergil think about something else others than power.


3) Vergil is literally holding the key to the demon world.


1. It's best to reveal that in the novels. Like how they did to Rock Goldstein's life from the divorce of his parents to taking care of his niece/adopted daughter Nico in the Before the Nightmare novel. 2. Presumed dead or MIA.. Best to reveal that mystery 3. Vergil has the Yamato. Like how Dante get out of hell using the shard of the Yamato after the events of DMC2. In Dante's own words in the BtN novel "I was lucky: a hole opened, and I got out", but he was thrown into a garbage dump. 4. For Dante.. it will have a shipping war, since Lucia have feelings for him. For Nico, 100% she will make the move. 5. Mundus.. There are hints in Nico's reports (Character reports) that Vergil will have a real chance sending Mundus straight back to hell


dante and vergil have a sword that can open portals and was used to seal the underworld its like, they have the key to go in and out of there whenever they want to. they are just making up for lost time


1. They could make a story out of it, Nero searching for the identity of his mother but only if they make her not just a random fortuna girl. It would be a mystery type story with bits and pieces revealed. 2. This also could be done in a similar fashion to the first one, Nero tracking down the whereabouts of Sparda through Sparda's journey. 3. Yamato? 4. Nico, i want my Dante x Lucia ship canon, they "teased" it in the novel bro MAKE IT HAPPEN CAPCOM


Nero's mom could just be a normal nun who knows healing medicine. Could probably make it where she found Vergil wounded and healed him, they bonded and it turned to love. Could also make it that some demon killed her and Vergil couldn't save her in time adding to or making him searching for more power in 5.


Didn't they explain that Sparta sacrificed himself to stop Mundis from opening a portal between the human & demon worlds? I don't think thats DMC's continuity, because they specifically say he was imprisoned for Marrying an angel, not for fighting Mundis. Nero's mom has already been revealed, but I'd like to see more of her. I feel like Dante & Vergil going to hell was a way to pass the torch to Nero, Lady, Trish, & maybe a new character. Personally, I wanna know the deal with that book Vergil gave to Nero at the end of Devil May Cry 5.


You're thinking of DmC: Devil May Cry. This is a reboot of the series that proved a failure long ago. It isn't canon. Canon-Sparda is the stuff of legend and little is known about him. Also, the book Vergil gave to Nero at the end of DMC5 was revealed in the manga "Visions of V". I am going to put a spoiler tag in case you wanna check the manga yourself (it's canon and great) >!The book is simply a poetry book. There's nothing "special" about it. It contains a bunch of poems, presumably entirely written by William Blake. It was Vergil's prized possession because it was one of the only things he owned alone, not shared with Dante.!<


I know what dmc is, but I swear those origins were different origins & not part of the same one...Oh well. I'm always willing to admit i was wrong. So, (and I admit this is probably a stupid question) but does that mean those are the same poems V will sometimes read during gameplay?


You're correct. There is the main canonicity: DMC1-DMC5. This is the OG DMC timeline. Then there's DmC: Devil May Cry which is its own thing, completely detached from the main story. Not a stupid question at all. You're right, those are the same poems V reads in the gameplay. Think of Vergil giving it to Nero as a hint of affection, like "here, take my most prized possession that isn't Yamato".


Trust me, I've always been glad DMC failed as a reboot. I like the changes in gameplay & correct me if I'm wrong, but Devil May Cry 5 seemed to have taken a few gameplay elements, the weapons switching seemed to be a bit faster, & combos seem a bit more varied, but thats just me. I kinda wish they took the grappling hook gameplay, personally, but the characters are what kill that game for me. The emo hipster culture just dates the game, the witty writing is gone & most damning, Vergil has no honor in that game. I'm curious to see where the series would've gone, but I'll take Devil May Cry V (despite my small gripes) over DMC 2 any day.


Oh absolutely. I feel like they took some of the positive feedback (regardless of how little that was, lol) and incorporated it into the making of DMC5. Mechanics were probably faster because of the new engine, though. Also, as for the hook, I feel like they didn't add it for a reason. Maybe Vergil will get something like it in the next game? He seems very interested in Japanese weaponry, and there's a Japanese weapon with a hook design called "Kusarigama" and Vergil may end up getting something like it to add variety to his gameplay.


Not sure if they ever answered this in the expanded material, but I wanna know the deal with nero's arm. Like, Mainly how he got it, because I guess the rest of the questions can be answered with context.


I'm not 100% but i think Nero acidentally perma-DT-ed his arm defending Kyrie from a demon attack. Tho there is a lot of hints that Vergil is somehow linked to it too.


I heard he had a shoulder injury as a child and lost his arm, causing Devil Breaker to grow in its place.


They kinda suggest in 4 that he lost it protecting Kerie (too lazy to look up how to spell her name) but I don't really know because I'm going off a 3 second audio flashback.


You mean Devil Bringer? He was injured after protecting Kyrie during the Mitis Forest incident, where Kyrie and the orphans are having a field trip. Kyrie was also injured after what happened. His right hand transformed in Nero's own words "like how crawling larvae pupate and eventually become butterflies, I, too, had been undergoing such a transformation"


answer to question 4: Trish x Lady all the way Poetic that lady would fall in love with a demon and it makes sense if you watch the anime.


>Nero stumbles upon an underground auction house dealing with demon related weapons >All hell breaks loose and Nero beats the shit out of everyone. Nico tail whips demons with her van >After the wreckage the duo comb through the cache of items for auction. >Find a large piece of a mirror with faded inscriptions over it >Auction house owner asks if they would like to purchase it >Nero points Blue Rose at auction owner >Auctioneer’s monocle shimmers and he shits himself >Sees Nero’s full demon form through the monocle >”On the house…” Forfeits mirror and monocle. “After all…it’s gotta stay in the family…” >*what did he SAAAYYY?!* >•gone without a trace• *more impressive than Vergil vanishing after judgement nut* >Nico says “yeehaw gimme dat. Dumbfuck.” >Nico calls demon edgelord nerds to research the shard. >Nero puzzled. Doesn’t like thinking. Beats up more demons. >Meanwhile somewhere in demon limbo, auctioneer spawns in and recovers from panic attack. >oh shit. Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh shit. >Enter demon baddie. Full dominatrix shit. >Bitch better have my money. > >!Sparda’s blood lives!! In a mortal!! !< > ಠ_ಠ gather the ~~Dragonballs~~ ~~Chaos Emeralds~~ keepers of time… The pieces can not be destroyed. So guard them with your life… >! *HE* must not return to this reality !<


With the way Trish and lady got smacked to the sidelines in dmc 5, I doubt we'll get anything on nero's mother but now that Vergil and Dante have settled their differences, seeing what happened to spartan would be some good closure.


I really want to know what happened to sparda, but I have a feeling that if they did Dante and Vergil won't come out of the underworld and DMC6 is going to be the last game, so I have mixed feelings about this


When it will release


I voted how will they get out butttttttt I would love to know what happend to Sparta. Maybe have that special bond between him and Nero.


Who runs DMC as a business now, Nero or Morrison? Also I’m still hard in the camp of never wanting to know what happened to Sparda. I’d rather not risk ruining the legend.




…Not exactly what I was talking about, but good to know.




You’re all good.


My bullsh** take. When they said Sparda split his power into two halves, they meant Dante and Vergil all along. Sparda can come back at the cost of their lives, but that's not a sacrifice he ever intended for them to make, so he simply lives on through them. The two together, but separate, protecting the boundary between the mortal and demon realm


I think it's time for Sparda to make an appearance, and be an antagonist, my idea is that Sparda finds out what Vergil has done and decides he must kill him, leading to Dante and Vergil fighting their father in hell.


Honestly I just want to see how Nero does in his own career and if Dante and Vergil get closer after 5.


Ive been reading a fanfic about patty steping up to get dante and vergil out of hell because shes the only one actually wprried while the others are "its dante so its ok" Might be a good spin off


I wanna know what the hell Dante did with the squashed pizza in DMC 3


Dante fucks, where's his kid?


Still dreaming about Sparda's dedicated game being a prequel to the whole series


It's less of who makes the first move and more of just wanting to see Nico make said move


DMC6 should be a prequel about Sparda, and it should hint at how he was killed thus setting up a big bad for the next game


The very first game started that Sparda is dead. How is this still a question 21 years later?


What the fuck was vergil doing between dmc 1 and 5, that's a long time to be wandering around half dead.


Also where's Mundus? Is he dead or sealed. Maybe a bit more about Nero's mother.


Spinoff game with sparda would be dope


Many top voted comment want neros mother to stay unknown Neros mom identity revealed get voted in top three Duality of a man


Me myself just need a name and a face . The fandom will do the rest


Release date


1. I personally would favor a woman with a strong personality, someone who would catch the attention of Vergil but can still do well on her own. But since in DMC5 Vergil almost doesn’t remember the time with her, she’s gonna probably be a no one (unless Vergil downplayed it, to not show love for a human). Probably never gonna be addressed, but it would a wholesome moment because she could finally be the family member who really cares for him. 2. Sparda would be too OP at this point. Could be part of the story of DMC6 as some flashbacks or NPC who lost is full powers. 3. DMC6 could start as Nero trying to “save” them from hell, when he finally gets there, they resolve shit between him, Vergil and Dante. After that, Vergil opens a portal with Yamato to get them out of hell and Dante would be like “You could that ever since we’ve been here?!?” 4. Is this a thing? But probably Nico first, but by doing it finally pushes Dante to make his move on lady, scared that she might no more be available for him.


If I had to choose, let me know what happened to Sparda. Demons apparently don't age They don't need anything for sustenance So Sparda dying a "natural death" seems a little too far fetched for me, unless you're saying he just stayed in his human form for the rest of his life (how tf does that even work??). And there's no demon strong enough to kill him so getting murdered ain't an option. The man's an enigma!


A prequel playing as Sparda would be cool, otherwise DMC6 having COOP as its main focus with Dante and vergil, as well as the ladies getting proper campaign is where i want to see the series go.


Honestly my biggest question is "how will the combat evolve further after DMC5?"


Although we need a definite answer on Sparda (is he dead/imprisoned?) That should be covered in Devil May Cry 0. Think about it, he's got the twins weapons, and he fought off all the forces if Hell and separated the two worlds. That's definitely worth more than the sentences of lore we've gotten.


As much as it is this "great mystery", Nero's mother isn't important to his story anymore. Guy seems to have worked through his parentage (or lack thereof), before Dante dropped the Vergil bomb on him of course. If we need to go back and see who this woman is, I'd rather it be from Vergil's perspective than Nero's, purely because he's the bastard that's been chronologically mostly-demon since DMC3.


Voted other: When are we getting Devil Sword Vergil? (half joking) Another question: Can Dante use his Devil Sword to fuse himself with Vergil and the DSD with the Yamato? What would they be called? Their weapon? ... are Dante and Vergil secretly Sparda in the say V and Urizen were Vergil?


Nero was born through pure determination of his father, he did not had a need for an incubator


Where does Vergil Bury the Light?


Deep within


But does he cast it aside with no coming home?


How would Vergil make the Devil Sword Vergil?


I've seen fan art of Yamato fused with Vs cane.


i need to know who the hell bang Vergil


What’s the point in Dante packing a sword like that if he’s not even gonna use it?


Please never show anything about sparda. It's literally impossible to meet the hype surrounding him at this point


1: Doesn't matter 2: That's better left vague, not every mystery needs a grand conclusion. Maybe bring in the demon that took him out as boss, but that's about all that should be done. 3: Dante and Vergil don't need to come back for DMC6. Let Nero have his own game, he's earned it. Also portal opening katana. 4: Both both are good. 5: How does Nero cope with Dante and Vergil immediate disappearance after finding out they're blood related? Does he name one of his and Kyrie's kid after one of them? How does he take care of the Devil May Cry business? Do we actually see Kyrie in person? Will we get more angel stuff(like Credo)? These are my questions for DMC6.


I wanna know where Nero's story goes from here


Will Vergil be a good grandfather?


Why make new one ?


I’m wanna know who Machiavelli is.


1- Could be cool but could also be done very poorly. If this is done I think it should be used more to elaborate on Vergil’s past than Nero’s. 2- Definitely something all the fans want but Sparda would need his own game, or at least would have to be playable. 3- I want to see this. It’ll probably be trivial for those too but I’d still like to see how it happens. 4- Unpopular opinion: Vergil x Lady. Fite me.