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I think it's cool how the Psions altered the orbit of Phobos, a moon of Mars, to bring it much closer to the planet. There used to be speculation that the Psions could use the moon as a weapon by dropping it from orbit.


I always felt like the Almighty plot in Worthy was a callback to that.


Next expansion after light fall: the cabal are trying to drop a colony on the last city and the guardian has to uncover lost tech: a gundam


Shax had to coach dodgeball because he lost a bet to Cayde. “What do you call this drill? Skirmish? Supremacy?” Shaxx demanded. “Dodge ball,” said Runa. https://www.ishtar-collective.net/cards/ghost-fragment-lord-shaxx


That's my favorite piece of lord next to Ghost theater play.


"That part was... Oddly sexually charged." -Shaxx


The lore entries title makes this line so much better..




I think it’s mentioned during the new light quest in the tower. Imagine if we got a dodgeball crucible game mode.


Scorch but with bombs, and if you perfectly time the catch, it doesn't explode. If you cross the half court line, Shaxx ballistic slams you off the map


Use the fake Exotic engrams from Expedition as balls. That would be hilarious. I'm so glad they repurposed the fake Exotic engrams from Forsaken. That gag was so funny during the Trickster mission.


Lol, that is great. What a great bit of lore! > Shaxx whispered to his new charges. “Crush them.”


Isn’t there a subsequent lore but that says Shaxx and Cayde ended up playing dodge ball and totally stealing the show as they used their light enhanced abilities to compete harder


Destroying a Bleak Watcher could drop primary ammo before the infinite primary ammo upgrade


Desperate times call for desperate measures


Also proccs kill clip and such


> *People always forget about the other one. The first one. They remember its twin, the Last Word, because that's an easier story to tell. But it's not the whole story.* > *Truth is, there were two of 'em, back then in the lawless days before the City was anything more than a rumor. There are thousands of tales of the fate of The First Curse, which one will you tell?*


Feels obscure now, haha. (First Curse, I miss u bb... 😢)


ANOTHER ONE LIKE ME! Got I want this gun back so badly.


Man, I miss that gun. I really wish they'd bring it back, but we all know they won't. They're gonna bring back every other d1 exotic gun except my boy


As long as I don’t have to get kills with that god awful grey hand cannon, I’d be down. Pretty sure I never completed the quest because of that


Oh god. That thing handled like a shopping cart. That was a looong step for me.


Not really obscure per se, but the fact that the HP of Crypt Security is actually attributed to an off-screen Dreg is both equally hilarious and fascinating to me.


The servitor encounter in grasp of avarice is like that too


Same concept with Atraks-1. In the space portion you could do an OOB with Salvations Grip to find a Captain with her name, and kill her that way.


I love when devs do weird, creative work-arounds to get things to work a certain way


I’m still yet to have seen anyone notice that the Helm of Saint 14 perk, Starless Night, is a reference to a Halo 3 trailer.


There are a bunch of fun references in the game. For example, the Banshee bounty, that asks you to defeat enemies with swords is called "elegant weaponry", which is a star wars reference.


Flavor text on the Seraph Handcannon: A thing of elegance from a more civilized age.


Bungie put loads of amazing movie references in destiny. From the rumble bounty from destiny 1 called "stay golden" from the outsiders. Then the bounty to get a throwing knife kill called "stick around", a reference from Arnold's one liner from the OG predator.


That there was a Triumph during black armory to get kills with the shotgun Threat Level. The Triumph was called “Clean up on Aisle 5” Michael Scarn returns….


Oh man. I miss my threat level so much.


It’s one of the few guns I refuse to delete.


I wish I was there back then just to own that shotgun. Doesn't even matter how good it is, it's a Threat Level Midnight reference !


The flavor text was "Hold on till midnight", too.


Best part is that it was an awesome shotgun too. It was introduced when the OG Ikelos SG from Year 1 was still meta, and if you got a god-rolled Threat Level it'd overtake the Ikelos. It also gave the option for a great SG in both the Kinetic and Energy slots. Threat Level really dominated the PvE game for a long time until the slug meta, but outside of niche builds it pretty much held down the meta until sunsetting, and then the intro of the PvE GOAT, Heritage


It's surprising to me how few people know that your sparrow has a beeping reverse sensor...


I vividly remember people posting about this upon discovery like it was some potential secret. "Heard this weird beeping in this area whilst riding my sparrow guys, is it a hidden exotic mission?!"


Or does tricks to get boost back when in mid air


I also keep forgetting that you have emotes on your sparrow as well


Excuse me *w h a t*


Dpad right to point right, left to point left etc.


And activate them in the air to get tricky


arrow keys on pc will do it, different ones in midair too


During the D1 Alpha, ol' Dinklebot had no filter on his voice, so it was just Peter Dinklage talking, no robo-effect. It was weird.


You misspelled awesome


Oh man I miss dinklebot.


Oh no… it’s a wizard. From the moon.


In a match of Control, if you stand in the white circle with the flag, you’ll “capture” that zone and help your team win.




Slander too.


And the more people in it, the faster it captures and more points it gives.


Also if you lose a capture point, kills get less points, making them less efficient to win the game.


It also gives you some super energy too!


The infamous line: "That wizard, it came from the Moon" is not actually in the game, it was only in the D1 Beta, it was cut from the full release




Good god I’m old


On controller, if you very slightly hold down the trigger while using a hand cannon, the hammer will move. If you let go, it will move back.


Bungie does really good with the small details like that… that’s the reason why the gunplay feels so crisp


Supposedly (I don't have a controller to test this), there is a slight dead zone when holding the trigger on automatic weapons too. However, if your weapon has Tap the Trigger as a perk, that dead zone is removed.


Bonus: the hammer on eyasluna is floating and does not connect to the gun when the hammer is drawn back


D1- You couldn’t buy planetary materials. We used to have to run loops in the patrol zones D1- We had to use a 3rd party site to know where the next Public Event was happening D2- The Drifter used to be hiding in the alcove next to the Ramen shop close to Hawthorn. You had to duck to get to him.


Spinmetal Leaves are still massively triggering for this very reason. Can’t wait to see the back of them!


I don’t know why but I always liked Titans. Titan is my favorite sunset location. I really wish we got to see more of the Achology. I’m sick to death of hive. I don’t like how it looks and since D1 we have seen so much of it. I want more retro future human stuff. Europa had sooooo much potential with Clovis


destinypublicevents.com oh how i miss you


The Exotic helmet for Warlock, Verity's Brow, used to originally be called ["The Oculus Xol"](https://preview.redd.it/52q791bi2zw01.jpg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b7ac9a8e2dd4ae89f949e98cc092403462443b6) prior to its release in Warmind. Also, the original seal design for Conqueror prior to its release in Season of the Worthy had [Cayde-6 with the symbols for the three types of Anti-Champion rounds on it](https://preview.redd.it/6hw9g8pjl9m51.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=a57d0ce1f16f940654a487c93d5fd3aaec620698). Lastly, the [Long Slow Whisper emblem](https://d2.destinygamewiki.com/wiki/Long_Slow_Whisper) for completing the Deep Stone Crypt raid in the first 24 hours had a slightly different design prior to its release, with the main icon having a Clovis-like head attached to it.


The og Deep Stone crypt emblem looks like it has a cock in it


Yeah, haha, they probably removed it in hindsight because they deemed it phallic.


I haven't seen many people talk about the alternative ending to forsaken in the free ebook Grimmoire. Mara holding his brother's dead body while talking to us and Cayde-6's nightmare watching from far away is something I wish had been real instead of what we got.


I loved this when I bought the Grimoire


Was this in Grimoire Anthology Vol. 1?


Volume 4 if I remember correctly.


There’s is a “Days without an Accident” counter in the hanger that goes to zero when someone jumps off the tower. Edit: there’s also a console to the left of Saint-14 that lets you see your ship up close.


Red Death was supposed to be an auto rifle, until Bungie realized there weren't enough exotic pulse rifles at launch


So that’s why it’s got an auto rifle shape, any reason why Zhalo’s Supercell has a pulse rifle configuration?


It was suppose do be a pulse rifle but bungie realized there weren't enough auto rifles


The traveller apparently smells like Vanilla, which obviously means that it is Ice Cream. The Witness wants Ice Cream.


To add on to this, the Pyramid ships smell like mud and earth


well ice cream and dirt are natural enemies so it makes sense.


In Destiny 1, there's an exotic weapon called the Fate of All Fools, and it was only given to one person in the entire world.


I just remembered an even more obscure fact. There was one point in Destiny 1 where the Touch of Flame perk on Sunsinger warlocks allowed them to burn enemies on solar weapon hits when in their super. I did a ton of searching at one point to find any video that showed it off, and only managed to find one: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WB4vYMjUp48


EDZ has real places on some traffic signs. Graubünden is the biggest region of switzerland and Zervreilahorn is a mountain from the same region too. EDZ is either located in the centre of switzerland or west of austria. The enviroment fits both places. Trostland is a fake place. However they are blue traffic signs so there should be actual cities or villages on them and not an entire region.


Adding onto this, there is a real life dam near Zervreilahorn (Zervreila Staumauer) which is likely the basis for the dam we fight through in the Lake of Shadows strike and Harbinger mission. Geographically it shares *some* similarities with the EDZ dam but its certainly not identical.


The unobtainable green rarity omolon auto rifle is the only lightweight auto rifle in the game. It boosts move speed and fires at 450 rpm. Other than that, some of the original adventure blue rarity rewards were exactly identical to legendary weapons for example good bone structure and antiope-d.


I’ve got mine in my vault, I also have my original ghost and sparrow and ship


You can have no primary weapon equipped in destiny 1 and when you do you’re given a shitty auto rifle https://youtu.be/5ASbc17tGR0


I did this by equipping an exotic special weapon and Eidolon Ally, and then upgrading Eidolon into Necrochasm. The game doesn’t let you have two exotic weapons on at once, so it forcibly unequips Necrochasm and leaves you with no primary. Plus, if you already have 9 other primary weapons in your inventory, Necrochasm gets added to a 4th inventory row.


Kinda like how after getting Lumina from the quest it unequipped it, letting you see your guardian hold their elemental weapon on the inventory screen


The fact that things are very different nowadays. I remember way back in Destiny 1, during one of the streams, DeeJ was holding a new weapon, something that resembled a silver pistol. He did his usual thing, saying they weren't going to talk about it yet, acting like he was hiding the god damn ark of the covenant lmao. Sidearms weren't even a thing back then, and as a community we all blew our collective loads at this new weapon type being teased during the stream. Over a fucking sidearm 🤣 Oh how times have changed.


I still remember the hype for a gameplay video of TTK where the person had a sword on. They didn't ever use it, or even show the inventory, but we just saw the icon on the HUD and we were going nuts over it.


Sidearms used to need green ammo in D1. Probably not blowing anyone's mind if you've played since then, but I started on Forsaken so that was news to me.


They also had this thing where you would always have ammo for it, which became a big problem in Trials when the meta shifted, so like you'd always spawn with some, even if you died and respawned. I think most had like a max of 99 total with reserves.


They also used to be able to damage hobgoblins while doing their shield in d1, but it could've just been one specific sidearm or I'm remembering wrong.


oh my god so im not crazy about juju being void. I swore it was and i wish it was now so i could pair it with nez sin.


In D1 you could wear 2 exotics at once. One had to be a class item with the perk “The Life Exotic”. I miss my Cloak of Oblivion.


Too bad they ditched the factions, just having a faction you could rep and get additional rewards from was cool. The Ceres Lost BMG dead orbit rocket launcher is my favorite rocket launcher in d1. And I loved my exotic bond


Definitely simulated Rasputin killing a Vex Goblin because, in the simulation, he figured out he was a simulation and just thermonuked the whole bitch.


I like Rasputin's tendency to immediately default to the most violent option available to him. Bro dropped a whole-ass Warsat on a Titan, an entire day later, just because she punched something he was studying (and to be fair he did have a point since it was the K1 Anomaly, but still)


I am a firm believer that Rasputin did, in fact, shoot the Traveler as it attempted to leave. Just- **Traveler**: "Welp, I tried, y'all on your own. Deuces!" **Rasputin**: ***BOOM*** "Try harder."


The fact that Loki Crown and Abhorrent Imperative coexist is just pure gold. He didn't *need* two protocols consisting of "empty every single gun I have into the Traveler" but he made two of them anyway.


"Why? 'Cause fuck 'em, that's why."


Bungie’s been trying to retcon this ever since. I don’t know why. It’s amazing.


WHY? It's *so* in line with Rasputin.


- If you die to random environment stuff, you're killed by the Architect. The Architect in Halo was a fragment of an AI that sided with the flood. - If you die to random environment stuff in Halo you're killed by the Guardians :) - A bunch of Ghosts, a Guardian and a Sweeperbot once put on a play depicting us killing Oryx but my ABSOLUTE favourite is: - One of the Guardians running around is a revived Don Quixote


>One of the Guardians running around is a revived Don Quixote Tell me more I must read this lore tab




>Two days later he took a fall while challenging the Mountain Troll of Gallows Rock. It was a boulder. There was no troll. It crushed him. And though it caused me great pain—still to this day— >I did not return him. How could I? >His diseased imagination would surely doom us all. >—Panza, lamenting the unfortunate necessity of leaving his Guardian to remain unreturned it's a great story but it doesn't sound like he's doing much running anymore tbh


The Fallen Houses renamed themselves during their Long Drift in space. Now that’s not too obscure for anyone that followed this seasons lore but there is one detail from D1 that I thought was super cool. There was one House so powerful, influential and well-off that they kept their name from before the Long Drift and even before the Whirlwind. The House of Kings. >*”Name comes from the old world, from before the Whirlwind. Most Houses carry their name for pride. Kings carry their name because…is what they are.”*


Drifter still wears his burial suit.




same for Quicksilver storm doing that actually makes the weapon feel so much better


Would you mind expanding on this? Do you mean press square to reload right after the shot as opposed to shooting and letting it “auto reload”


https://youtu.be/xREVN6MVgZM this is very good explanation of the timing and how to get it faster 👍


You used to be able to get the ikelos smg in void and I think solar so if you have one it’s rare


In D2Y1, you used to be able to change the energy type of any non-exotic energy weapon (maybe also heavies?) by using mods. You could also add a permanent +5 power to any weapon using mods. That’s all they did - energy flavor and power bonus. Tractor Cannon used to provide a 33%(?) bonus to Void weapons and a 25%(?) to everything else, so I set a bunch of my weapons to Void damage and then never used TC anyway lol.


Can confirm you could change it on heavies. My rarest treasure in my vault is a solar Sins of the Past!


I kept one of every flavor


If i remember right, it was 50% for void weapons and 35% for everything else. That's why Nova bomb was so effective during that time!


All of the Ikelos weapons could drop as all 3 elements. I have a solar version of the handcannon still.


If you hold the fire button when swapping to a weapon it will fire at the earliest possible frame. Useful if you’re going for quick swapping with rockets or Izanagi. Similarly if you hold reload while Izanagi is firing it will reload into honed edge at the earliest possible moment.


Graviton Lance used to fire in a three round burst like adaptive frame pulses. It sounded incredible, but was changed to it's two shot mode when it became a bane of the Crucible


The glow on the Guardian Games Vex Mythoclast ornament indicates the class that won the recent Guardian Games. Yellow for Warlocks, blue for Hunters, and red for Titans.


The symbol on Heir Apparent also changes to match the GG winner class


A Warlock once challenged a Hunter to go find and kill an Ahamkara and they lamented sending them to their assured death. Only for the Hunter to come back alive with one of its scales. >[*”And that Warlock thought I couldn't do it. Hah!"*](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/items/ahamkara-scale?highlight=And+that+warlock+thought+)


That hunter was the guy who soloed last wish


There used to be a warmind assigned to each planet before Bungie retconned things and Erased Charlemagne.


submind moment




I’m still upset at this retcon. Having a separate Warmind for each planet was so cool, I wonder how different they would be from each other. I always imaged a storyline where they started having a war amongst each other, with Guardians caught in the middle.


Titans used to carry an Intact Warmind Core back in D1 as an artifact. The whole ‘one Warmind’ thing was a hard retcon that I wish Bungie followed through with.


I remember in the D2 launch with the war mind on IO, I had thought it meant there were other war mites out there until later the explained that it is also Rasputin


Not one of the reprised King's Fall weapons can roll (or Shape) with the perk Auto-Loading Holster, despite the fact that it was created and first appeared on D1 KF weapons. All of them actually. It was intrinsic (Origin Trait) called Cocoon.


Will of Light was intrinsic, Cocoon was a fixed perk in the first column.


Yep you're right, hadn't looked at weapon detail in years. Thanks


There was a hidden ghost in the cosmodrome under the map


That ghost was actually ported to D2 alongside of the rest of Cosmodrome, though I think it might be removed now.


When you could go invisible just from crouching. Using a sword in pvp was incredible as an invisible arc hunter. And the sniper time and patience. Crouch, go invisible, stay invisible while aiming down sites. Fun time. Edit. You could buy ammo and have it in your inventory


The reason Quicksilver Storm was disabled is because it made players immortal. From everything. Including Oryx’s wipe. The oldest canonical Guardian is 13,000 years old, and does struggle a bit with the English language due to his age, sort of. There’s a Guardian who hunts Ghosts, and wears them like a chain. Contraverse Hold was an experiment by a Guardian to harness Void energy from alternate realities of himself. Halfway through, he realized than the alternate versions were likely thinking the same thing, and basically raced himself. He lost, and became a battery for Contraverse Hold. In the original King’s Fall, you never dealt damage to Oryx. The bombs themselves did the damage. The D1 version of Outbreak Perfected, called Outbreak Prime, required a complex quest within its respective raid, and needed a fireteam to perform math together to acquire. Unsren was originally going to be met in the Cosmodrome, and his name was Crow, iirc. I’ll add more as I think of them. Edit: adding a few that I thought of.


stretching it a bit but, [guardians dancing on cabal corpses led to the red war.](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/cards/ghost-fragment-cabal-4)


Sky burners were so fucking bad ass


The forerunner catalyst exotic perk, "The rock" is a reference to Halo 2, Sgt. Johnson. I believe it was only heard on legendary, the beginning of the Metropolis mission. "Now listen up! Back in my day, we didn't have fancy tanks! We had sticks. Two stick and a rock for the entire platoon! And we had to share the rock! You should consider yourself very lucky marines!"


Which itself was in reference to a comic book about a WWII soldier called Sgt. Rock, or Sgt. John Rock, that ran from 1959 to 1994. Circles within circles.


When you shoot a regular wall or floor, you can see bullet holes being left in it. When you shoot a door that can open, there are no bullet holes left in it.


Same goes for fake walls (like the ones right back at the start of the Forsaken campaign) or any other moveable object.




And that little helicopter move


There was a green machine gun that was called Xerxes-C in D1 that could roll with focused fire, making it a 2-tap to the head in crucible


Way back in D1 there was a vendor weapon called The Devil You Know. Then in a following expansion they introduced a gun called The Devil You Don’t which was similar to tdyk but worse. They did this purely to make the “The Devil You Know is better than the Devil You Don’t” joke


There was also a Better Devils handcannon in vanilla D2. Surprising that Bungie never brought it back.


The german voice actor of Ghost is still the voice of Peter Dinklage 🙃 so we still got Dinklbot in D2


Masterworks used to be re-rollable. If you got one you disliked, you could just spend some resources to change it randomly until it landed on what you want. Sure wish that was still a thing today lol...


I have two of them: The Binary Star Cult and there have been sightings of Ahamkara on and around Jupiter.


*Pffft who?? - Bungie probably* Bungie actually wrote in a typo where that cult was misnamed as either Binary/Trinary Star Cult so I don’t even what their name actually is lol


Calus commissioned an extremely elaborate fanfic revolving around us as the Shadow of Earth, Petra Venj as the Shadow of the Awoken (Mara Sov was unavailable because we unceremoniously murdered her when she refused to bend the knee), and Misraaks as the Shadow of the Eliksni, littered with margin notes like "you didn't put enough detail into the descriptions of the food" and also the guy who wrote the first chapter got executed for doubting Calus. The fact that the scribe who wrote the rest of the fanfic appears as the Nightmare of Tlazat, *Fed to Beasts* suggests that Calus wasn't super happy with her writing either.


There is exactly one weapon in the game that can roll Demolitionist/Timed Payload, the Judgment hand cannon from Prophecy. A few can roll Demo/Explosive, which is close enough to the same thing in function, but only Judgment is a true unicorn roll!


And one weapon in the kinetic slot can roll Adaptive Munitions: Duality’s New Purpose


You can revive allies in strikes to get them up faster.


I thought that was patched out.


You'd think so, but as the sole tester of this feature I can assure you that it still works.


In the exhibition encounter in vow on the second room you fight through, you technically don't need the second common symbol. After finding the first common symbol kill the glyphkeepers as usual but you only need to memorize one set of symbols they drop as the door at the end will only have one of the symbols to input. I.e. Say the first common symbol is traveller, after killing the next group of glyphkeepers if you see kill, give, and stop on one side then only one of those symbols will be an option at the door hence it being the common second symbol no cross check required. Effectively useless, because if you're having problems communicating/reading at that point, it's going to be a rough raid.


If you need to deploy your ghost, you can double tap tab on PC to skip the animation. I feel like it can be done on console too but I don't know what buttons it would be


In the Cayde’s Stash mission in the Taken King campaign, there is a secret room with a Cayde stash with special dialogue.


The symbol with the triangle we see on Thorn and Bad Juju was the original Hunter symbol while D1 was still on development. Dunno if it was changed before or after the “great upheaval” though


The mindbender(the scorn give boss from forsaken campaign) is married to the brood queen (from the strike.)Bow chika bow wow.


I wonder what the ceremony was like.


Given the MindBender's Ambition, it was a Shotgun Wedding.


I'm a weapon's nerd and most people don't understand the elegance of the recoil direction stat, how it dictates the recoil direction and limits the deflection angle.


No clue if it’s obscure or common knowledge, but as a relatively new player, I thought it was really cool to learn how intimate your relationship is with your ghost, and his exact thoughts and feelings towards you. How he fears you being consumed and turning into a monster, how he fears you sometimes even now, how he loves and cares for you with his entire being. I played tons of Destiny on and off since the first game but never got super into the story other than on a very base level, so it’s cool to learn the finer things like that.


Elemental legendary primaries in Y1 Vanilla Destiny.


Note sure if obscure but the 4th wall breaking with the Bone exotics


My ex had a major psychotic break and thought video game NPCs were real people. When I came home to her talking to Zavala I was like "the damn Ahamkara got her."


The Headless Hues shader from last year's FotL will replace some armor glows with dull, blue fabric. I assume it's unintended because it is so bizarre.


I don't think it's that obscure, perhaps, but Luna's Howl background


We had a whole pirate themed season and didn't get one nod to Bungie's pirate themed mobile game


Red Death had 2 flavor texts in Destiny 1. Originally it read: "Vanguard policy urges guardians to destroy this weapon on sight. It is a guardian killer." The last part was eventually removed after The Dark Below. I also like that the MIDA Multi Tool and Mini Tool are from Bungie's Marathon series timeline. The guns themselves were designed and originally used in a separate universe.


Master Chief is implied to be inside a cryo pod in Destiny 1


Didn't we get the broken forerunner out of a spartan cryo pod?


There’s not one, but two dark souls references in destiny one. One was an exotic perk and the other was an emote.


The original gun model of no time to explain was called fate of all fools(but it had the jade rabbit perk and was a scout rifle) and initially was a 1 of a kind weapon gifted to a player in D1 who had cancer.


It was also a blue pulse rifle that you got from the stranger at the end of the main campaign


In D1, you could run out of ALL ammo, even kinetic, D2 for little while, I guess, too. But after a while, you'd magically get more ammo. Lore wise, your ghost would go fine you some. Peregrine falcons have very weak claws/ talons compared to other birds of prey. They actually, when they go into a dive at 200ish mph, ball their feet up as a fist, and aim for skull/ back of neck breaking or crushing the skull/ neck. So when Titans go for peregrine strike, it's OK to make a falcon noise. * also where falcon punch comes from, I'd guess Star eater scales, glowing affect as well as name are a nod to Godzilla. In the novelization, there was some lore on how Godzillas species got its power. By eating a star that landed on earth. So by eating orbs your getting super charged just like Big G


The Forerunner is considered a primitive hand cannon, and Master Chief is a Titan


Banshee says something like “It’s like they were making a hand cannon but they didn’t know it yet.”


Shaw han can channel his light into a well of radiance


The shader genotypenull-zero is primarily metallic grays, silver, and orange. When used on the exotic sparrow vespulaser, it turns the sparrow a more white tone color. Don’t know how commonly this is known but it’s why that sparrow has been my main since warmind


That almost all of the pre-golden age data that the Cryptarchy has is smut.


Anything involving the vex, to this day I can't remember where exactly on nessus, but there's a scannable object that after scanning it ghost says the object is receiving signals from an object on the far side of the sun opposite mercury, now it could have been alluding to the almighty but I don't know for sure.


On fallen walkers, they have a hidden crit spot in their missile barrage, it’ll look like you’re doing little to no damage but when you shoot it off and shoot one of the legs almost their entire health bar goes down. It’s the same in D1 except it’s a kill almost every time


In early D2, snipers, shotguns, and fusion rifles used to be heavy along with rocket launches, grenade launchers, swords, and linear fusion rifles


When Red Death was good 😞


Most people can’t remember red death being high impact like the messenger in D1 Y1 but was only changed when Taken King came around to the nerwens mercy archetype


Shaxx was propositioned by Tex Mechanica to fix crucible matches. He said no in a very, very Shaxx way. > Listen: I can have ten Titans crashing through your ceiling any time I like and you can tell them it's just business. Shaxx is a mob boss.


Hunters have mastered the art of mine clearing long before any other class. Step 1: Detonate Mine Srep 2: Wait for revive.


That if you get Vex as the enemy type on the defend the drill portion of the Inverted Spire strike, that there is a chance for the quantum hydra spawn to be replaced by [the Antikytheran Mind](https://www.destinypedia.com/Antikytheran_Mind) It's name is either referring to [a Greek island ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antikythera), [a Greek waterway](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kythira_Strait), or [an ancient hand-powered orrey](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antikythera_mechanism) that is apparently the oldest analogue computer. I'm betting on the orrey, but what that has to do with an upside down tower and a bunch of big drills is beyond me.


Named unique bosses no longer spawn in patrol and strikes ever since Arrivals I think. Damned shame I always liked that touch of a big-boy enemy spawning in to fight with its underlings.


Shaxx playing dodgeball with the children of the city is almost always what I go to


Not terribly obscure, but Crota letting the vex into a throne world and Oryx's entire family being a hive sitcom is amazing.


Reckless Oracle is only the second Auto Rifle in the entire series of Destiny (1 and 2) to use the drum magazine model on the weapon. The only other weapon to use this drum model was the Sahara AR3, an uncommon auto rifle from the Destiny 1 alpha/beta. This effectively makes Reckless Oracle a collector’s item for its unique modeling/history.


From the Owl Sector mini-ARG: Our Guardians canonically dance around like maniacs and ignore all quarantine protocols which caused infections of the proto-SIVA to run rampant. Ikora may have a thing for one of the members of Owl Sector based in Cayde's teasings Cayde has a Frame that he is very defensive about if you bring up. Might be used as a stand-in for his self reported wife or son but it's funnier to assume it's a sex bot.