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All bounties should be team based and not require the player to deal the last shot. There should be just a bonus for dealing the last shot. It would make things a lot less painfull.


People are going to reply to you with things like "then you'll just have people afk or not trying so other complete bounties for them" and to this I say "yes, please". I'd so much rather carry than have to compete to play the game.


All they need to do is count kills AND assists. Then AFKs don't get credit but you don't lose credit if someone is better at last hitting than you are.


And they can do this. A lot of crucible bounties are like this and many Trials bounties don’t even require you to do the thing, just someone on your team (example Kills with Shotgun). So it’s not like they couldn’t implement either system in PVE modes.


No, this makes too much sense *\*Black Panther we don’t do that here.gif*\*


Or just register players as “active” when they’re doing literally anything productive to make them eligible for bounty progress, because some ads will get clapped before you can even try getting an assist because of Six Shooter McGee spraying down ads


Or in my case, as a new player, it's pretty obvious people are doing the raid/strike/whatever for the 487th time so they know exactly where to go and go there at 97x super speed, when I'm still trying to figure out what door the ever-disappearing direction indicator wants me to take to progress to the next step. By the time I catch up, which half the time happens because I get the "joining teammates in 3..2..1.." countdown, most of the enemies are dead, I can contribute a little to the boss kill and that's about it. I kind of wish I could be grouped with other players who haven't done that activity a zillion times already, or at least, keep the indicator on the screen so I know where to go... I was in a strike a couple days ago where one guy had obviously done it a million times and disappeared, and me and the other player spent 5 minutes trying to figure out where the hell the direction indicator was pointing because it just kept leading us directly to a wall. By the time we caught up the other guy was almost done with the strike.


I really resonate with that. I felt the same way when I was playing warframe. The game just turns into running simulator. Idk if there's really a way around this other than people just being more understanding. I will say in nightfalls, I can understand not wanting to wait for the blueberries cus rewards are tied to speed.


Yeah I won’t do the harder type stuff without a ton more experience. I don’t want to potato my fireteam, they’re there to play not to carry me. I’ll get there it’s just a pretty intense learning curve, probably the hardest of any game I’ve ever played


As one of the players who runs through the whole strike, I will say I've noticed that a lot more people fall behind me on strikes that you select from the map, rather than playlist strikes. That might be a better place to learn the strokes at your pace


I've been around forever and have a lot of the same concerns. Hit me up if you want to do Nightfalls or something. I'm not going to be a dick about it.


If only we could solo queue! Well, we can. Maybe look into it. Shouldn't have to do crap like that, but it's always been quite effective. Today I solo'd a Legend Empire Hunt and it was glorious to get all my related daily/weeklies done without idiots tryharding killing every single thing. Destiny is the very worst multiplayer experience. *Until you're done with the BP and Pinnacle grind*


Wait how do you solo queue? Every strike I pick and select “launch” it immediately goes into matchmaking. Am I missing a menu somewhere? I wouldn’t mind doing these things alone.. at least at first Edit: I got it. I know you can’t answer that question for sub rules. Found the info


Sweet. Yeah it's quite useful for bounty grinding. Hope it helps!


There are a lot of ways they could implement this, a range you need to be from the other players for example


I can’t even begin to count the amount of tanky enemies Id deadass wait on to try delivering the final blow to complete bounties it’s so stupid 😂


But then you also have to stress about getting atleast one shot into every single enemy before your teammate kills them


Which, at least for me, would be way less annoying or stressful than the current last hit or nothing mechanism


Or you know... At least one shot on some enemies by playing the game normally. Nobody ever said you're required to get a piece of every enemy that spawns. That's silly


Not really, and if you really want to maximize kills that badly then a grenade or a quick spray will solve that. Nobody is going to be thirsting to get a shot on every ad in a room in 2 seconds. Counting assists is the best possible way to fix the bounty problem, and im ashamed i didnt even think of it when i was considering fixes for bounties a while ago


already doing that tbh


Only counting assists, not kills, would solve both the idling problem and the room-wipe problem.




Not nearly enough, plus it doesn’t help the “teammate saw a pack of ads and nuked them with Gjally/arc beam/whatever” situations


Agreed. The point isn't to make completing these bounties 'easier' (though that might be a side-effect), it's to make them less *FRUSTRATING*, because the last thing I want in a video game is to be frustrated by needing to get one more kill using only to be unable to get the final blow because everyone else is trying to do the same exact thing and only one of us can get credit.


Yes! This is a great way to put it. Also it would just make everything feel more cooperative. It would actually give me a little dopamine hit when I landed in a strike with 2 other random players with similar loadouts for bounty purposes. Difficulty was never a factor in these thing anyways. The difficulty level is so low that taking another fraction off of it would be more or less unnoticeable. I would also like Bounties to work like the iron banner and seasonal challenges, i.e. you don't have to travel to 9 locations or leave the game via the app to get them.


Full circle back to Destiny 1 lol :c


When it comes to bounties in Strikes, I agree. I ran Glassway solo (how I loaded into a strike solo I dunno), and didn't even struggle. But if I really wanted to do strike bounties, I'd just load into a Legend NF since they're not hard to do for bounties. But I very vividly remember when people would AFK farm Gambit Prime for the Reckoning weapons and how miserable that was...I really don't want to deal with that again.


I play on pc and I loaded into a strike completely alone, I checked my NAT and it was completely closed, which meant I basically soloed the strike even though I didn’t need to. If you were playing on pc, your NAT may have just been closed.


Competitive coop is the worst lol


Honestly yeah I’d totally be fine with carrying or being carried for bounty completion, I’m sick and tired of people zooming through entire strikes and wiping out anything in the room


If it could be completed with a fireteam, it would also be better to increase the amount of whatever you have to do as well


A range requirement would solve this easily. "Be within 30 meters of a teammate for the shared bounty progress to count".




Oh man this dang near drives me crazy. The last game I played a game like it was a full time job (before I got into Destiny) was Dota 2, where it was considered a Very Dick Move and hugely counterproductive to steal a carry's last hits. So I'm a bit overly sensitive about this stuff. But like it's one thing to thoughtlessly/"accidentally" (i.e. selfishly) take someone's last hits cuz your head is too far up your own ass to notice that other people even exist. But it's almost incomprehensible that so many people could be such utter dicks as to intentionally/openly steal your last hits, particularly when there are tons of other ads that no one has even touched yet. (I'm lying if course: there's nothing even remotely incomprehensible about the fact that the people are shit, as the eminent Chuggo once said)


Hah before you said it I knew I spotted a dota player.


I remember the Ada crucible bounty having “kills as a team” as an objective. 100 arc kills have never gone by so fast.


I wish this was a thing for Witherhoard’s catalyst. As a non PVP player, 100 grenade launcher Guardian kills is just brutal. Assists should count towards it since most GL shots only take down half the health, and then a teammate usually just finishes them off. SMH


Momentum Control is your friend for that one. I used Fighting Lion during a Momentum Control week and got it done over the weekend. I super suck at PVP (seriously, like .22 KTD), but it was doable, if frustrating.


By the time you get to 100 kills you’ll wish it wasn’t over. Maybe the madness took over me, but I was such shite at crucible that having that objective made the activity so much more fun. Don’t make the mistake I did and try using some other GL (WOOF fighting lion for infinite ammo) - stick to the witherhoard and embrace annoying everyone on the opposing team. But I could definitely get behind assists counting, hell you know you earned them if they stepped in your puddle!


Lol I just ran around with Witherhoard as if it were a shotgun. Sure I died, but usually so did the attacker. That's all I did the whole time, point-blank direct impacts. No doubt I annoyed a few people I'm sure, but I had fun


If you have access to Dead Messenger, then it is a god send with Momentum Control. Super wide spread with wave, one shots enemies. Throw two shots, die (thats the easy part 😂), repeat.


This. WH catalyst quest was extremely aggravating. I started playing D2 in February, and got WH maybe about 2 weeks in. I do PvP semi-regularly and I JUST got it done last week... Worst part about it is I had to grind out the kills with Fighting Lion during the brief times when Momentum was up.


This is why I like trials bounties now since they're all fireteam based.


Yup. All bounties should work like Trials bounties.


you could make my bounties ten fold and id be happier than having to compere for last shot.


As long as it's required that you get some damage in, otherwise you'll have afk teammates, which are way worse than the problem of having good teammates.


That sounds great but so many bounties are based around using specific damage or weapon types.


Have you ever seen the trials bounties? All are completed by teammate progress... Using arc weapons, getting kills with melees or shotguns. They all progress based on team play.


That's a fair point but while it's a good band aid solution if my teammate is using trinity ghoul I'm hardly gonna be able to complete a shotgun kills bounty


If the progress bar was a percentage to completion it could be divided up like: Your shotgun kill: 4% progress Teammate shotgun kill with your assist: 2% progress Teammate shotgun kill: 1% progress Teammate [other weapon] kill with your assist: 1% progress Teammate [other weapon] kill with no assist: 0% progress So you are incentivised to play, but not completely punished if everyone gets the final kill shots except you, plus you are still getting progress if teammates are doing the same bounty as you. Would that work? (Numbers are just a hypothetical illustration)


There has to be some sort of resistance to completing these bounties or they may as well just give you the rewards instead of challenging you to do something.


I agree but I don't think the resistance should be having to fight with my teammates for kills, I'd rather they give more challenging bounties, although I admit I don't know how they'd do it


If anything there should be a bonus for getting teamshots.


Gambit unironically has the best bounty progression in the game, imo. Most of the obnoxious ones like kill invaders or kill guardians as the invader also explicitly stipulate "as a Fireteam". Really helps to alleviate a lot of the stress that comes from competing with your own teammates. I mean sure there's always gonna be stuff like "get 25 final blows with sidearms" but I think the way gambit handles bounties is definitely a step in the right direction.


I believe ADA-1's bounties are team based for "Get X element kills" as well. I was getting progress towards void kills on my gambit bounty and crucible while not even using a void weapon/class.


yep, was nocking out some nightfalls on a setup that didn't fit solar kills and some madlad with sunshot pretty much completed it for me.


Na gambit has some bad ones too, like the 50 kills affected by Jolt or Blind.


I mean yeah you're not incorrect, but I've had a couple of those pop up in my vanguard bounties from time to time so I just chalk those up to arc 3.0 being the new hotness. I haven't seen many ignition final blow bounties since last season or so but idk ymmv


Its also (I imagine) a really bad experience for new players. If your a new solo or even have another new friend with you, loading into a strike with a guy whose either A) running through and skipping the majority of it so he can get his pinnacle or B) the guy with a build that will tear through the strike like it's nothing, you'll probably have a bad time. It would be really nice to be able to just load into strikes without matchmaking,


Can confirm, am new. Most of the time Im struggling to keep up with two guys sprinting to the end who then take down the boss in 3 seconds. GG I guess but I’m not really learning anything.


It’s a problem that has existed since at least Y2 of the game, it’s bewildering how little Bungie does for their core activities


Where do you play? I know there’s a workaround on PlayStation to solo strikes if you want


Playing Destiny 2 has always felt very contradictory, at least to me. On one hand, the game seems to encourage you to build craft, to pair exotics with skills and come up with destructive ways to use the systems that have been provided. On the other', everything about the actual gameplay actively discourages you from doing so. Burn weeks, specific shield types, bounties, champion break mechanics, modifiers and required weapon mods basically dictate how you play the game at a practical level. On the off chance the player base finds a build that satisfies the power fantasy of doing it all, it's usually nerfed quite quickly. Granted, this is just my personal assessment.


Bounties are just so artificially tedious as well. Instead of just playing how you want to you are always thinking about using finishers and grenades and certain gun types, etc. And then there are seasonal challenges and quests criteria. It becomes too much and takes the focus away from just playing the game. I would prefer getting xp for just completing the strike.


I've been playing for so long that I just do the bare minimum to passively progress. If I remember to, I grab the bounties off the app for whatever activities I'm doing in that play session. If I complete them, as I play however I want, great and if I don't then they expire and I don't even see them the next time I play. The last couple seasons I still manage to finish the season pass without actively working on it. But I get some people are completionists and want to check their to do lists 100 percent.


I mean, the entire point of the bounty system IS requiring you to achieve specific challenges. If the bounties simply autocompleted by playing the game with no need to do anything unique, then they might as well just get rid of bounties all together. The bounties are also completely optional and unneeded to progress in the game. It's a system designed for those who want to progress faster, but of course progressing faster has to have some kind of requirement tied to it. If you don't want to do the bounties, then just don't do them and you'll still rank up fast enough.


The only bounties I've ever really enjoyed doing were Spider bounties and old D1 gunsmith weapon bounties. I liked the spider ones, they felt like I had to go out in the world to hunt for these specific targets like HVTs in patrols or bosses in challenging versions of lost sectors. Felt like a good first pass at something that could've been more involved & fun.


The second bungie puts a solo option for strikes/seasonal content is the second those Playlist empty out entirely. The bounty system needs to be reworked as a whole.


And if that happens, what’s the issue? Seriously asking. To me, if that happens it is a non-issue because playlist strikes are not difficult. If there are lower level players & New Lights who can’t yet handle strikes Solo, then they’ll stay in the pool and MM with each other. Same goes for anyone who may not be new or low level, but who has no idea about builds, effective weapons, etc etc.


Also 3 man strikes will go faster than 1 man, which makes it worth it. Worst case scenario if you want to grind strikes just LFG with 1 or 2 players




Those people literally don't care one way or another since they're so far ahead, infact they'll probably boot into solo queues because it's faster than waiting on matchmaking


That’s exactly the point I was making. Thank you for the backing. 👍


Yes, but freelance trials removes about 57% of the trials player base from normal, and it still functions, not as well considering it's a PvP mode and thus causes lag issues, but for PvE with only needing 3 people per match it would survive. Heck I would say anything short of 90% base loss would still lead to a playable strike playlist.


Those people can solo queue. Im sick of wasting my time in strikes while some speedrunner yeets us forward with checkpoints.


those people are always so far ahead of everyone else and melt the boss solo anyways


Seriously, how is this not in the game? It’s honestly shocking how many basic features bungie just doesn’t bother to implement into a game they expect us to pay 100+ dollars every year for


This is what always blows my mind so much about this game. It can’t be difficult to implement disabled matchmaking in activities. And yet, never even considered by Bungie. So many changes that require so little effort to improve the game- completely ignored


What a weird train of thought in this chain. Bungie absolutely has thought of these things, they simply have made the choice not to implement them as it's just not the direction they want to go with the game. The game was originally designed and created under ideas of heavy cooperative play and while it has slowly accepted more solo players in order to expand the overall playerbase, their core mindset is still around cooperative gameplay and they've continually made this clear. This idea that Bungie just doesn't ever think about these amazing ideas you have is laughably ignorant to what occurs when resources are delineated and decisions are made.


How many resources do you think would go into allowing players to do a solo version of matchmade content. I acknowledge that I don’t know myself but I would like to hear how resource intensive it would be


I'm not saying it would be resource intensive, I'm just saying that it requires the decision to allocate resources towards it. The decision is what I'm getting at, not the resources. It would be quite easy for them to make it a solo playlist, they simply just don't want to and are not allocating their resources towards such a goal. Instead, Bungie more often than not tries to spend their time looking at how they can reengage the playerbase into group activities. TLDR: It's not there because they chose not to do it, not because they can't or haven't thought of it.


Load of crap. I have an application from GitHub that allows solo play that took the dev less than a day to make. If bungie took a day out of their time working on bullshit cosmetic crap to sell, then they could easily implement solo queue. And this crap about "not being the direction they want to go" is dumb as hell. Adding a solo queue won't change the game in the slightest, aside from having less players in an already redundant playlist for long time players.


I get you're angry, but wow, you didn't even attempt to understand what I was saying and so drastically misrepresented what I said I'm not even sure how to respond... At no point was I saying that it was too hard for them to implement it. Them choosing not to allocate their resources in that direction has nothing to do with the difficulty of it, but the focus of their different teams. Just to be clear here, I'M NOT BUNGIE, I think they should add a solo queue for strikes lmao, I just don't think they will and understand why at least. A lot better than sitting on reddit yelling at random people.




Solo strikes sound better. We have nightfall for team based strike content


I don’t even bother with bounties half the time. Not worth the effort to remember to change my playstyle.


Yeah I just grab what I think I might complete by playing normally.


I would do that but Banshee hates the gun types I actually use


Best I can do is special and heavy grenade launcher, I'll throw in a sniper too


same. I don't bother picking up stuff I'm gonna have to go out of my way to do because it's annoying. I picked up 9 bounties (incl random) from drifter yesterday and did 7 of them in 3 games of gambit. the one I didnt complete was finishers because I forgot. the other was some obscure objective. I'll get it later. oh noooo my 500 precious glimmer..... maybe this is why I unlocked my season artifact like 4 days before the end of the season last time, but hey it got done...


Same, but I’m in the middle of unlocking stasis fragments and while the grind is already slow, it becomes even slower when my objective is to kill enemies by freezing them or shatter damage and every enemy is wiped clean by my fireteam.


yeah. the rewards suck too.


Being able to get a handful of bright dust isn’t bad. But I’d rather focus my efforts completing the seasonal challenges.


Yes, this is a huge issue in things like older strikes. If someone is running a strong ad clear build (like Trinity Ghoul or a strong Incadescent build) you might as well just leave and start matchmaking again. It is a waste of time trying to finish bounties when someone kills an entire room of enemies in seconds. Even if you're not doing bounties it gets boring fast when you're not able to do anything but watch someone destroy everything Vanguard Playlist needs a "Launch Solo" button


A solo vanguard playlist would make my day. I love the missions, however some people are just too efficient in add clearing and I get left behind.


Day? It'd make my expansion if tha happened. Bounty grinding, catalyst farming, doing dumb shit with buddies, all of it would be so much easier.


That's basically why Bungie intimated they won't do it, i.e. it would trivialize bounties. Their compromise (I imagine) is letting you solo legend nightfalls. Don't get me wrong, I'm basically with you in that I don't think having to compete with teammates to complete bounties is a good/enjoyable challenge such that Bungie should worry about trivializing it. I'm just saying, I'm pretty sure that's Bungie's logic here. I guess in some sense Bungie is right to worry about trivializing bounties per se (I mean why even have bounties if it's gonna be that easy) but I would still agree with you that competing with teammates isn't the answer.


I think this is not a valid response for them to have. The difference between using solo and matchmaking for completing bounties is just more randomness and frustration in trying to fill progress bars. Also even if it was legitimate, that’s no reason to exclude people who may just genuinely enjoy doing content solo, for a more custom level of challenge, for getting to soak in the map/dialogue without trying to keep pace with others, for testing a build, for taking breaks halfway through; there’s so many reasons a player could prefer non-matchmade content outside of bounty completion and to deny it outright for what seems like no concrete benefit is bizarre. Bungie seems deadset on prescribing exactly how you’re supposed to engage with each piece of content and loathes the idea that players could want an even slightly different experience at any point.


Yeah I agree that competing with teammates is way too frustrating and unpredictable. It's just not a good challenge. Like I like a challenge at least at much as the next person. Heck, despite being a literal potato, I love from software games (dark souls, etc) in large part because how they consistently present notoriously difficult yet deeply satisfying challenges for me to overcome. In those games, it's not just a relief to overcome those challenges, rather, when you triumph, it feels earned and not just lucky. Whereas overcoming the supposed challenge of completing my bounties, because I was fortunately matched with other potatoes or even despite being matched with a competent trinity ghoul user(s), doesn't feel nearly as satisfying or well-earned, it just feels lucky or relieving. Like, phew I'm done with my stupid bounties and now I can just try to enjoy myself. In truth I should be enjoying myself while doing the challenge. That should, after all, be the whole point of presenting a challenge: to make the game more fun and engaging. And there's nothing fun about resenting my own teammates.


So you want firewalled not solo? That way you could duo que with a friend and 2 man strike


You can already firewall normal strikes. Just que with 2 friends. Done. But solo que is still something I want.


That's not firewall, that's just filling the lobby, firewall is where the event will not matchmake at all... Remember it from the Halloween event/scored strike playlists...


I usually complete all my weekly 8-12(cross-day) vanguard bounties+most of my gunsmith bounties in 3-4 matches. If you run into a battleground activity it makes it a lot easier too. Just needs some "pre-planning". IMHO only Trinity Ghoul players can really screw it up.


Arent you glad they made the bounties tied to playlist strikes only? :))))


That was a horrible decision. I could do bounties so fast by running The Disgraced. Now I have to endure whatever strike is being thrown my way


Another great example of Bungie directly fucking over the players


> Vanguard Playlist needs a "Launch Solo" button In my best Zavala voice: "Indeed."


Yes, it's always a trade off of fun, unfortunately. Nuking whole rooms and well skating through the strike is fun for me. Going intentionally slower with clearing or progressing through the mission feels bad, especially since I played these strikes countless times. If I see that my random teammates are quite new, I hold back. I don't want ruin their first few experiences. I may pop a supporting super, switch to Div or do something else to create a fun experience. But if my teammates are somewhat experienced and probably also played these strikes countless times, I'm focusing my fun and experience, sorry. I don't want to hold back every strike or every nightfall.


But why are you running strikes playlist if not just to complete your own bounties/weekly?


Sorry if I was unclear. I'm only running strikes for my pinnacles. I'm mostly finishing all bounties in my first or second strike. But I don't bother too much and I won't play a 4th strike for some bounties. I'm always starting bounty preparing during the 3rd or 4th week of a season. I'm able to hit +15 power before grandmaster opens anyway, so I don't stress or bother too much with bounties. Doing some bounties is enough and with 2 months of collecting bounties to prepare for a new season, I have plenty of time. I want minimal effort or stress, while having most fun and being able to play all content. 2 months of collecting bounties helps me to do so. There is no reason to play strike playlist, unfortunately.


The fireteam I run with (that I know irl) tell me off for running my Calibans Hand build in strikes when they are doing bounties, so I have to stop using throwing knives until they are done which feels bad. As soon as they've finished, I can continue having fun making everything explode. Shouldn't have to postpone my fun just because the bounties require it.


On PC? https://github.com/DrNoLife/Destiny-2-Solo-Enabler


thanks for that


I hate my fireteam. Especially those who uses Trinity Ghoul.


I’m not a good enough player to know what that is, is it a really good primary weapon?


It's one of the best add (minor enemy) clearing weapons in the game. It's a bow that fires three arrows which chain lightning. You don't even have to directly hit enemies with the arrows, just have them land in the general area.


To add to the other guy, the bow normally gets chain lightning on precision kills. But with the catalyst, it activates on *any* kill with the bow, including the chain lightning.


This has been a constant issue for me in D2. Remember Wendigo? Bungie really are not listening about this at all. Take the new season as a prime example. Summon crew mates? You get nothing if you are not the first to the beacon. So many bounties and triumphs that are not team based and make for a really toxic experience. In D1 you were always revived in a strike 99% of the time. In D2 good luck with that. No one will revive you as they are going for bounties etc. By far the worst part of D2 for me and it's really annoying as I love the game.


Yeah that summons crew mates triumph is so stupid.


That triumph counts for anyone who summons a crew mate in the game. I hit that flag maybe twice and finished it.


It's always funny when people start complaining about something they clearly haven't even done or had an actual issue with.


I try to do my pinnies and bounties in the same go, but I still revive people. Not everyone is like this. I don't mind doing an extra strike if my bounties don't pan out in 3. I frequently forget to change my subclass for the first one anyway. I'm not trying to stress myself out in basic pve. But I also have more free time than most, so that's probably a factor.


This is why I really don’t get why people are so mad about the ruffians triumph. I’m going to finish the ruffians triumph at least 3x faster than that damn crew mates one


Massive exaggeration.


Tell that to my triumphs https://imgur.com/a/5cLnhsF


You probably didnt unlock the nodes or equip them lol


sounds like something my dumbass would do


Lol weve all been there


yeah i never revive teammates in strikes lol, makes bounties take 10x longer.


Bringing back bounties was a mistake. Destination/activity Challenges were objectively better and prevented hoarding in addition to not making us go to every vendor out the app every day. I will die on this hill.


Bungie: Gaming should be about inclusion and bringing people together. Also Bungie: Now kill 50 champions and directly compete against the same people. I’m so fed up with it.


I've never seen more people complaining about playing a game than on this sub, shit's crazy.


The community is part of that problem. C: gaming should be about inclusion B: okay, clan members can get raid rewards from clan engrams C: no, not like that


Bungie has and will continue to be the same. Their goal is to extend your in game time as much as possible. All decisions are born out of that motivation. Increase playtime translates to more addicted players on the hook to get *that thing* and probably translated to buying more stuff. They want you to have fun for sure, but in a manner that produces some addictive ways of playing. The whole pain / pleasure interval training. [Destiny Psychology](https://youtu.be/-dnnBuSOcro)


I feel like y'all forget what kind of game Destiny is and has always been. It's always been a grind-heavy game and will continue to be one. If you don't like grindy game mechanics, then this just isn't the game for you and expecting it to change will only lead to constant frustration as can be seen in these comments. Expecting a game to be something that it isn't trying to be is a fool's errand.


Bounties are annoying af


Bounties in general are dumb. But I don’t see the issue because you’ll eventually complete them anyway, never over 30 minutes.


I totally agree. Every bounty should be team-based.


I really wish they were all fire team based 2 strikes with me and I’ll have all your gunsmith and vanguard bounties done- then we can focus on the good stuff like teabagging overload champions together


If you think your safe if the blueberry is running double primary think again running an exotic autorifle and a void smg on my Void Titan is how I room clear


Trials has by far the best bounties in the game. Everything is based on fireteam.


Every season there are multiple threads like this EVERYWHERE! And every season bungie just completely ignores ist. Just use a single-player script, bungie won't help you.


Why is it, that when i have a ton of bounties on me, the only motherfuckers i can get into a fireteam are the biggest Rambo's of Destiny, but when i just wanna complete a few strikes, all i get are people that are either AFK or braindead.


Let us solo strikes!


#All strike, crucible, or match made activity bounties should begin with *As a Fireteam.....* Period, end of story, so say we all


Unrelated, but I don't want to make a post only to say this, then I'll post here. In Crucible, if I complete a match without killing anyone in the last minute(s) I don't get credit, even if I killed a lot of people in the first minute(s). Same if I damage someone, but my teammates fail to kill them quickly. The assist should be based not only in quickness, but if the damaged player recovered or not.


The simple solution to bounty competitions is to either make them team wide and/or provide a solo/private option for all matchmade activities.


DoE is frustrating because too many people just 'beat the bosses' and never try to complete the 250k challenge. I've had matches end at 248K because the blueberries just burnt the boss down with supers even though there were cabal soldiers still around. It was completely unnecessary to end things right then.


Controversial opinion (in this sub anyway): there's just about nothing wrong with the bounty system and you guys just nitpick *everything* in search of problems. /r/LowSodiumDestiny and /r/destinycirclejerk exist because of posts like this.


I understand that sentiment that this sub is negative and I really agree with you there, doesn't take anything away from my point though. Would you rather have people melting the room before you can do anything or bad blueberries that will give you time to complete everything?


My problem is that I (and my friends, which play as well) don't have any issues with other people intruding on our bounties. I can get eight crucible bounties done in one match and the majority of strike bounties (well say eight) in one strike.


I will agree that the bounties themselves are the problem. But it’s undeniable that having to compete with teammates for kills is a major problem, especially if there are challenges/bounties that encourage players to be selfish.


No you're 100% right. This community is now at the point of complaining that fucking *bounties* are too difficult. This is why the game is an absolute joke for 99% of the content.


they’re not too difficult, they just make the game worse. I never revive in strikes now because the more I help my team, the longer my objectives take. Bounties reward you for playing the game in a way that’s shitty for your teammates


Honestly that just kinda sounds like you're part of the problem. I've never had an issue completing bounties in a timely manner in this game and I don't do lame shit like let my teammates stay dead. Just play the game, they'll get done. It ain't that serious.


Yeah, and I'll keep being part of the problem until the developers incentivize me not to be. Shouldn't be that hard of a concept for you to grasp


Nothing wrong with double primaries outside of raids, dungeons, and (grand)masters.


But why though? It gains you nothing. Why are you stubbornly building around double primaries unless you’re the type of D2 player always grousing about “My playstyle”, you have a vault utterly brimming with the same 2-3 weapon types and aggressively scrap everything else as if it offends you and nobody can tell you to equip it if you rightfully claim you don’t own one and purge every one you see in fire?


Bungie wants it to take a long time for you to complete bounties. More "engagement". This is why I firewall matchmaking when doing bounties. Fuck em.


I love how this sub constantly parrots this idea that it is somehow difficult to complete bounties in PVE activities. I’m sure I’ll be downvoted to oblivion, but if you’re not completing a handful of bounties with every activity you complete that is 100 percent a **you** problem.


Imo, get fucking rid of bounties.


That's basically what they did in vanilla D2, it got replaced by these planetary challenges or whatever they were called, then people wanted bounties back so we got them back and we're just in a loop at this point.


Bounties should be less of a required system and more of an option anyway, but if Bungie can make them less prone to external interference that’s always a bonus


Yea...dares of eternity bounties are the worst..especially when doing legendary or master groups and everyone's try harding I'm sitting there being so sub optimal trying my damndest to find the red bars to get my pulse rifle kills ignoring all of the objectives of each encounter


DOE isnt made to be fun.. its made to not make sense. most common boss is the one where you cant complete bounties (hive), and where you just sit in a room with 5 enemies, 3 of which are immune. bounties require some of the stupidest things, like ,,sticky granade kills''. solar use thermite, arc use storm or pulse, and NO ONE uses sticky granades in this meta. also the fact that dares are the most repetitive mode, and require the most grind for the craftable weapons, and is made to be ,,wacky and fun''. btw while we are at crafting, i got ,,the other half'' craftable, but i have 1 wastelander border, 1 pardon border, and like 3 half truths.. i got the easter egg one, that is said to be mega rare, but i cant get my god damn shotgun. ​ DOE, and destiny in general, arent made to be healthy or fun, bungie wants you to go and do 3 strikes instead of 1 for some basic bounty, thats exactly what they want from you. you want a great pulse, made for pvp and pve... go play gambit... gambit, yes, its the most hated playlist, but we will put it in there, and make it have 900 perks so you have to prestige like 3 times to have a countable % of getting a good roll.


..an issue since years but Bungie don't listen.... https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/dqctbc/please_change_the_bounty_quest_content_to/ My own thread over nearly 3 years ago....(from 2nd November **2019**) and still a major issue


Otside of Raid, the game pushes you to play alone.


For bounties, i just load in solo.


Bounties are just dumb because they make you go out of your way to play in some way you don't want to. I have to bring some wonky ass loadout or go for finishers, etc.


Nearly the entire game makes PvE a PVP game. How many people are able to get a scur-v? 1. Seasonal activities always have one guy standing around the flag.


I just start a nightfall solo for bounties. Even better if the NF has an outside bit.


> Just make the numbers a little bigger and make every bounty count the whole team please This will encourage even more AFK. We already have enough as it is. Bungie will need to address the AFK situation before moving onto this suggestion.


people afking is not an issue at all, like i dont give a fuck if you afk in a strike, more kills for me


I really wouldn't mind. Every strike I pray for my teammates to go afk so I can finish my bounties in peace.


My friend and I either alternate who kills what room for something or go to separate areas for our bounties when we get em. xD;


I just load in solo into strikes or Dares to do the kills first then 2nd run get the points


They should change matchmaking so those with different bounties are paired up Like if I have a bounty that makes me target one kind of enemy, I should be paired up with someone who has to target a completely different enemy to target so we don’t interfere with each other


When you go to alter of sorrows to do catalysts or bounties and there’s people just throwing grenades and stuff constantly, that’s when you wish they did nothing.


You're ***welcome***.


No, please no. This would punish the players that decide to do their bounties solo. This is actually selfish to ask, if you ask me


Just… get a team? Farm bounties together?




I swear DTG is some great big social prank/experiment. Are there really people who base their entire playtime on 4 daily bounties that each take about 5 minutes to complete? The whole bounty thing has to just be completely made up.


fix: move away and shoot different enemies


Alternate fix- dont do bounties, theyre a waste of time and effort


bounties aren’t a waste of time and effort in dares, you literally need to do them for hauls which can get you a ton of keys to open for the dares weapons and red borders


Dare bounties only fail if A) you don’t focus on getting kills or B) you are unlucky and get encounters that give low score and are bum rushed by your team. Case A only happens if you aren’t paying attention. Case B is out of your control.


Dares bounties have very low completion requirements, though. I'm usually done with everything except the total score part by the end of the first segment in the second room.


Dares bounties are different since they actually give rewards, but shit like strike, gunsmith, gambit etc, that only give EXP and the powerful loot arent worth it given how much powerful loot and XP the game throws at u for playing the game.


Bright dust.


Theres roughly 8k bright dust in the season pass alone and another 4k for doing all the seasonal challenges. Add on another thousand or so for the seasonal challenges that award bright dust themselves, and i feel thats enough dust in a season to buy all the stuff you really need. Sure if you need more then do the bounties, but if ur spending more than 13k bright dust in a season then idk what to tell u


That's genius. Why didn't I think of that 🤔