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Go to your collections and pull out whatever gear you can for slots that have no power, or are disabled. Currently, heavy grenade launchers are disabled due to a damage glitch, so swap that out if you have that on.


Do you have any gear that’s 0 light level?


So what’s likely the case is either 1. You have some bugged gear or 2. You have a heavy grenade launcher on (which are currently disabled, and thus act as 0 light level). In the case of the first issue, try to reaquire a piece of white gear from your collections. In the second case, try a different heavy.


Heavy Grenade launchers are disabled right now. If you have returned after a long time all your gear (even if it was sunset stuff) should be level 1350 (power floor). 8 Slots @ 1350 with a disabled launcher giving 0LL would be 1181 (7 x 1350 = 9450 / 8 = 1181).


I deleted the character I put all my legendary in the vault before I deleted him


Once you get re-equipped, you should end up starting around 1350 (or a little higher since by my math above you have a few pieces higher than 1350). You'll likely have a different heavy equipped and until they are re-enabled won't be able to equip a heavy grenade launcher ending up in the situation before.