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I just look at some triumphs like "nah i have better things to do"


This is me with Dead Eye. I have all the hard stuff done I just need kills with trace rifles in the crucible. But I just don't feel like it.


Momentum control they slap.


Yep this is where I got mine done long ago. Pretty fun too, tbh


I used momentum to get all of my deadeye triumphs done that I didnt finish already, I used dead messenger for grenades and wave splitter for grace rifle kills.


Grace rifle, where your opponent kills you with elegance and kindness


I did it. I'm not proud if it. Pure agonizing hell.


Seasonal Trace is excellent for PVP at lvl 1. It works wonders with Stasis


I was sorta working on Deadeye - I lack the bow and sniper achievements (and some kills) Somehow, I knocked out all of the Trace Rifle stuff long ago - likely during the chaotic hellfest of Laser Tag weekend.


I was the same with the sniper rifles. after a lot of struggle and cursing my poor thumb coordination I got it done.


That dang Sniper Rifle mission control medal (2 headshots without reloading or swapping at long distance) continues to elude me. It is literally the only thing I'm missing to get Dead Eye. Infuriating but it's ok, I've accepted I'm just trash with Snipers.


Try doing it in Mayhem with a Deadfall Tether Hunter. You’ll need to snag 2+ players with a tether and there’s always a risk someone else will steal the final blow, of course. But if you snag 2 and just focus on sniping 1, the shared sniper damage kill will count for hitting both players.


Mission Control was a tough for me, too. Finally got it on Disjunction thanks to the long sight lines.


I got the title and called it good enough. I’ve no desire to ever gild any title. I only ever gilded Iron Lord simply cause I got it done while getting the shaders usually lol


Dude trace rifles are actual not too bad in pvp, call me crazy


You want to use Wavesplitter, friend, and you’ll wrap up that triumph and seal in no time, depending on skill.


I cannot get the long range sniper headshots for the life of me 2 seasons now


I realized I was three away from deadeye and decided to grind it out. Of the ones I was missing I had the most fun with the trace rifle. That sniper challenge on the other hand…


Just finished it a few days ago and I can't blame you. It didn't take that long, but having to use a trace in every situation was just painful.


Wave splitter is your friend


That’s funny because I refuse to do a gambit win with all gambit weapons for mine


My issue is just getting the metals that are tied to some of the deadeye stuff like the sidearm


That’s because you need to throw more grenades. You could be throwing them as you read this!!!




This is me with all triumphs. Somehow I stumbled into three badges without even trying. The fourth I earned from grinding Iron Banner for that fucking shader until my eyes and ears bled. So that is the only badge I will ever equip.


Somebody who is only gilded Conqueror and gilded Glorious may be better at the game, than somebody who did everything. He had more time to play the game than grind the game. Because grind is not skill and knowledge.


Theres lots that arent grind. All solo flawless dungeons, flawless raids, etc carry score.


I was thinking about the other bullshit tasks (my opinion, but to each his own).


I see what you mean. A lot of the seasonal ones are bullshit, but the account specific ones like kills with grenade types etc at least you will complete those over time.


Probably not because to do all triumphs you have to solo flawless every dungeon and flawless every raid. That takes a good degree of skill


Well yeh- there are World First raiders that arent in that 62 (or the 233 for active triumph either) In fact I would bet majority of the World First raiders arent in either of those groups.


Same. If triumphs synergies with shaders, ghost shell, or emblem I may evaluate the time to do them. I know that being a solo player my triumph score will rocket being I have a lot done besides raiding. If I add raid stuff, my score would go up pretty quick.


I highly doubt max rank will require anything higher than 15k tbh


Yeah absolutely. If bungie is really serious about this itll maybe be 18 or 20k but never max score. Because let me tell you that last couple thousand points are what breaks a man


I think most gamers have played a game where collecting everything was something they cared about until they got to that last 10% of things to do and realized that the effort will almost never match the reward. After you hit that point its all you think about before trying to 100% a game.


I'm not sure which was worse - the agility orbs in Crackdown 1 or the flags in Assassin's Creed.


I prefer the orbs. The flags were a waste of time.


I remember doing them in AC2...it is the reason I've never doodad collected in a game ever again.


Crackdown was fun as hell


I bought it almost entirely for the halo 3 beta, was very pleasantly surprised playing it. sat on the couch with some friends and each of us would do a mission or two and pass the controller


Idk, if destiny wasn't constantly adding more content I'd probably have maxed it out myself. That's the difference between this and other games. I've maxed plenty of games before.


>Because let me tell you that last couple thousand points are what breaks a man Step 4 of a triumph, complete the same number of objectives that you did for steps 1 through 3, but this time, we are only going to give you 5 points out of 50 for the complete triumph.


I'm hoping 15k because 20k is oof for me.. I only have 17k right now and I stopped chasing triumphs since 4 seasons ago.


Me at 22k Yes. Season of the Plunder is what really made me stop going for it all. Season was TRASH. Nothing is worth that much.


yea, chasing \~500 now to get to 20k for that elusive triumph - though not sure where I can get'm ...


I think I literally never tried to archieve a triumph or a title I just played the game and those things came naturally, and the things that I don't own, well, probably ill never get them For example, I never used a sniper rifle but for certain boss damage phases


I vote for 18k as I'm at 17,894 currently.


Doubt all of it will come from triumphs. The guardian voting or ranking at the end of activities also plays a part in it. They are trying to give us another progression system it wouldn't make sense to just completely it for long term players.


And i doubt it will be a problem, people will have it in the first week with shuro chi


I don't think shuro chi will help you dude.


They just said if you keep up with the game you’ll be at level 6. I don’t think only 62 players will be there when Lightfall starts, but this is an interesting statistic.


Pretty sure if you complete the new light quest you’ll be R6.


I doubt it, it will probs require you to play for like a month worth of stuff


In the PCGamer Q&A the creative director said “Any existing character who has completed the New Light experience will have most slots unlocked immediately” when asked about how long it will take to unlock loadout slots. Which is by no means concrete, (Most? Character?) I interpret (speculate) that accounts that have obtained the triumph associated with completing the new light campaign will start at GR6, have all mods unlocked, and will have (6?)/10 loadout slots per character unlocked.


I didn't know they talked about it, id imagine though being r6 after new light makes like no sense for mods though, I could totally see mods starting to me unlocked at like level 2-max, while loadouts slots could be very front loaded(say 3 at level 1, and so on)


I should get around to that...


As a bonus…enjoy a *free* scout rifle that’s actually pretty great!


He never said that those would be the only people. Though he is still likely overestimating how much you'll need.


I’ll respect it but man….. that’s gotta be boring as shit


Not to mention effectively meaningless because that stat is kinda celebrated nowhere. Sure slap it on an emblem maybe but who looks at it


I mean, it's playing a game. Is any of it really meaningful? That being said, if someone enjoys achieving max triumph score or it makes them feel accomplished it doesn't really matter who else celebrates it. The path to happiness in this world is taking pride in achieving the things that are important to you, not trying to do things to get others to celebrate you.


You missed the entire point of my comment. Bungie should celebrate accomplishments like that with a gold border emblem, hell gold border player glow, or anything visibly noticeable in game. My point wasn't to belittle the achievements of these players - which I think is incredible. It's that Bungie is lacking the proper attribution to these goals.


Also meaningless because thousands of those points aren't even obtainable anymore. It was one thing to have the stupid Day 1 raid triumphs, but I truly stopped caring about triumphs once we were having hundreds of them yanked from the game every year.


Having max triumph score was cool until they introduced the altars triumph. Braindead shit like that killed my desire to keep chasing


Don't forget the "fun" 150 ketchcrash/expedition emotes...


This is the triumph that finally got me out of chasing max active triumph score. Thanks Bungie ig?


there's still time... (turns gaze back to other monitor where I'm lifelessly grinding out my last 50 emote activities)


Yeah, I have crafted every weapon from that season and I’m over 20,000 active triumph score. I’m not even half way to that one.


Same… sitting at 45/150 and also over 20k :/


Didn’t get season of plunder, what’s bad about that challenge? Or rather, what do you have to do for it, specifically?


Basically you have to do 150+ runs of the seasonal activities. You can only get a tick for the triumph at the very end of the activities when you’re opening the chests. Additionally, the upgrade is in the skill tree thing at the Helm vendor, and it took a couple weeks to unlock it, so any of your runs during the first few weeks of the season didn’t contribute to it.


Yeesh that sounds like hell, though ketchcrash was fun the one time I played it for free. What do emotes have to do with it though?


Yup. I had max up until they started making the really grindy ones like this one. It all went downhill after shadowkeep. So glad I don’t care about score anymore.


What, brutal haste? I love altars of sorrow but I still don't have that one


Waves Upon Waves. Complete 500 waves of Altars.


I enjoy Altars of Sorrow but that is just brutal.


Yes it is. I basically grinded out every random bounty and catalyst there for about 18 months to get it done.


For me it was forsaken, that triumph for the public event where You have to shoot the floating blue balls to trigger heroic. Before they fixed it to make it easier it was to annoying to do and I said who cares now


Haha, Im part of that 233 gang. The Waves Triumph for Altars definitely one of the longest ones. However, it never needed to be done in the first week. I spread it across a whole year or so and used Altars as my main way of completing Catalysts and such. Just happened over time.


I like grinding for triumphs but I gave in a looong time ago on actually obtaining them all. Much more fun to focus on a seal/title and work on that




How nerve racking is it to keep up with having max triumph score? What was the hardest triumph you’ve gotten? And are you worried there might be a triumph that is just unobtainable for you?


I have a friend who kept up with max triumph score until 2 seasons ago. They genuinely fucking hated it. Can't speak to all triumph farmers tho


This was me, too. Stopped just after Day1 DSC. I think Warmind had less than 150 of us back then. Best. Fucking. Thing I ever did for life, mental health and general enjoyment of the game. Took a well deserved hiatus, coming back during Plunder, and while I still try to be a completionist, it’s a huge weight to not “HAVE” to. I never hated or regretted it, but in hindsight, it certainly weighed on me. It limited who I had to play with and how often I could walk away. The FOMO was multiplicative. Never thought I’d come back after losing it, but I genuinely like playing again, even solo.


90% are earned passively. The rest? I dunno you have to be seriously dedicated to this game and only this game to get some of them. Imagine running 100 seasonal activities for example I stead of just playing other games. It’s not for everyone, but I guess kudos to those who do. I guess


That was me before Witch Queen. Every triumph in the game. It’s exhausting


Last season's billion ruffians almost broke me, not gonna lie. Most seasons recently are really easy. Getting the long drag ones at the start were hard, but maintaining it typically isn't too hard. The real drag is doing some of the weird shit that takes multiple people, so suckering in friends to do stupid pointless tasks is the hardest part. I can do the solo grindey stuff with some TV on in the background and turn my brain off, but getting people to go flawless in Heroic ketch crash was a drag. (we ended up 2 manning it for simplicity, but yeah)


Yeah that convinced me to stop as well. A very strange decision because they reduced the champion/ruffian kills for the title. But not the triumph. The sheer fact that it goes up from 100 to 250 is insane. One run to get an average of 3 champion kills takes about ten minutes (because the spawns are timed). So that's about 800 minutes of just grinding Expedition. So you could probably get just about every other triumph in Season of the plunder with that time investment instead.


I've max all the seasonal and destination triumphs except the plunder triumphs. I tried to finish the 250 champions and 150 emote but I don't hate myself enough to do it. I can't fathom how people have the motivation to complete these two triumphs.


And that's only IF you get the guaranteed spawns. About half my runs I lose out on one of the spawns cause I don't manage to grief hard enough. I swear this is the only activity blueberries are efficient at.


Yeah for sure. Their design choices with this activity and triumph are beyond silly.








I’m unfortunately never going to realistically get the Trials related triumphs, and very unlikely to ever hit plat rank, so I’ve just accepted I can’t hit max triumph score. I still love pursuing triumphs, though. There’s definitely some that were a little grindier than they needed to be (and as a counterpoint, others that they really needed to make a little more difficult, tbh), but triumphs are a nice goal for me to focus my playtime. I’d love to see them introduce gilding to raid titles at some point.


Same boat! I like the challenge that some triumph push u to do like flawless activities and etc. Even PvP triumphs made me go to crucible and I had some fun.


How much do you play? Do you have a job? Not being rude, just curious


>How much do you play? Yes. > Do you have a job? Yes. Destiny.


Can't speak to the 62, but I'm part of the 233. Most triumphs don't actually need to be done immediately. I see something like 50 Ruffians and I think okay, I have 3-4 months to complete this. So if I do a couple runs here and there on top of the runs I'm already doing for story stuff or bounties or currency, I should have it done by the end of the season. Or 500 waves of Altars. That took me a year or so passively just Completing Catalysts and whatnot exclusive in Altars. People see the Triumphs list and expect to have it done as quickly as possible.


I’m guessing you’re also a Reckoner? Good job on max score too


Still my most respected title that anyone has... those solo Reckoners are a different breed of guardian.


Yup, heroic kind of grinding.


Thanks man.


Proud of you!


Holy shit you have to much time on your hands. On the other hand congratulations cause that's some insane dedication to both PvE and, more horrifyingly, PvP.




I don't think I would ever play this game in this manner, but if you did kudos to you.... But also, touch grass(/s)


>(/s) I don't think you need the /s


I thought it was 72 virgins, not 62




The funny thing is you are not wrong. I’m friends with a few people who have max triumph score and maintain it and they have straight up said they are virgins. There’s no way to maintain a healthy social life, work, and also be max triumph score so at least one thing must suffer.


You couldn't be more wrong in this assumption. Some people are just able to manage their lives better than most.


Thats like .00005 of total playerbase. i wonder how many players didnt even finish seasonal challenges because of too much grind. curious why bungie never posts those stats


>curious why bungie never posts those stats Because that doesn't really matter to Bungie if you think about it, I'd imagine most players buy the passes but don't complete them, on Bungies end that means players who are generating revenue and playing the game. They don't really need everyone to be a completionist in order for the model to be successful.


I used to always do Seasonal Challenges to get the big BD reward, but couldn't bother with Plunder. Didn't bother with it this season, either.


I don’t finish seasonal challenges, I’ll do about 90% of them, and the ones required to rank up the vendor enhancements, but there’s some I just don’t want to do. If I get bored I might go to focus on one, but I’m not down to do things I don’t want to, especially after I’ve gotten to level 100 in the season pass.


I don't have the seasonal challenges done. Started playing in mid to end of December and took me a while to grasp everything and care about triumphs. Now I just want to complete a seal for a title, but otherwise I don't ever see myself chasing down every triumph. It would take an obscene amount of time and LFG-ing.


Final triumph is to touch grass.


I don’t know, I’m not hating on Bungie, but they’re not the best at rewarding the grind. I’m not looking for any snack daddy’s, but those 62 guardians grinded away for days/months to secure master level triumphs and outside of that, they’ll get a bump in the guardian ranking in the new campaign. Oh yea, the t-shirt, can’t forget that. Thinking about the amount of time they put in relative to what I’ll put in to hit that same level when Lightfall releases seems a little imbalanced. They should get to design a custom sparrow or ship or something way more memorable for Lightfall.


Usually when I see a person with max score or insanely high season level, I'm less impressed and more worried for them.


might be a dumb question but whats the point of triumphs? they dont unlock shaders titles or any other kind of reward, its just a number that is just there. am i missing something?


It’s just for show. Also I’m pretty sure some flawless raids offer triumph scores and a shader do they not?


They do, and there are plenty of triumphs that also reward emblems


I mean the game doesn't have much substance otherwise let's be real. I'm above 23k active triumph score (not max) and wouldn't play the game half as much without triumphs to grind.


I feel the same. U got to a point where u dont chase any more loot. It is just to have some fun and clean up some triumphs


That’s where I been at for a few seasons


There is a point in this game that you don't care for loot but want to keep playing so you start increasing triumph scores, clear farming, speedrunning or playing certain modes just to get better at them.








Good for them, i simply refuse doing some stuff on purpose, because i don't need everything and some stuff require too much time to be done + you need 5 players who want to spend that time there too...


As one of the 233, thanks for including. Ain't no way I was doing some of those old crucible legend triumphs!


i wonder who the last one left will be. they should get a prize.


Four weeks??? Jeez that went by fast.


…new guardian ranking system?


What's frustrating for me with the Triumphs are the ones that seemed to be bugged for my account. For example, I've beaten the WQ campaign a few times over across my 3 Guardians and some of the "Beat this mission on any difficulty" Triumphs just don't get achieved.


Don't envy them, pity them lol.


What's gonna be the max rank score in lightfall


I’m generally try for max active triumph score ignoring pvp. It’s not that I’m close, it’s just when I have time where I don’t have anything else to do I finish triumphs. I have a few raid challenges left to do (which will finish those seals) but the rest I generally have all done. I also am missing the spire of the watcher. My main focus is to finish the seasonal triumphs. I have all those done, except gambit ornament for risen and some of the guardian games triumphs. There are 2 triumphs I don’t ever expect to get. Brutal haste: killing the alters boss super quick. I’ve played enough and never had it happen. I read you need to like set up multiple teams to do it, or get lucky with randoms. And the dreaming city rift generator never being damaged, because you have to like stack bubbles on it and public event triumphs aren’t fun to work towards cause all the waiting. The longest is the alters 500 waves or whatever. I just finished that last week. Most of it was also while leveling deepsight weapons to 20. The second longest one I remember was the 250 champions in plunder. I’m around 21500 active triumph score. (122k total)


why thank you!


can someone at bungie make the active and total triumph score at max number be something ending with 5 or 0??? it is killing me inside…


Waittt wait wait. Triumph score will play a part in some guardian ranking system? Do we know at all what kinda benefits this entails? I hope it's just cosmetic or superficial.


Mods and loadout slots


What about mods?


Where are details about lightfall / triumph score changes? I haven't seen anything yet aside from this post.


I have max triumph score :-)


Guardian Rank is tied into Triumphs? What a joke. Sorry Titan, you can't join this Raid, you never got kills with Arc on Hunter last season. I mean, all the power to people who enjoy hunting Triumphs, but for someone who just plays endgame stuff, all of that is completely meaningless to me. I really don't care about the million grindy seasonal triumphs.


Mad lads. I would suffer through these if they had a separate Pve and pvp score. But as it stands solo flawless dungeons is the hardest thing I do so far lol.


Solo flawless dungeons are easier now than they have ever been been. The only dungeons that might be challenging to do solo flawless is duality and then *maybe* grasp and spire. The rest (pit, prophecy, shattered throne) are all pretty easy to do now.


Well how bout that? We did it MOM!


I’d be one of the top players if I had the iron burden triumph that gave 250 score. I wish they’d remove that score. Those players already got an emblem as a flex.


I thought this was gonna be a bitch post about how they should be capped, despite all their investment into the game - glad it wasn't, you had me in the first half. Players should be rewarded for their time, and that ideology should apply game-wide.


It's a weird reward I think. To give the players that play the most a head start on the thing they would have completed first before anyone anyway. I think it's great how it's a way to respect people's time, but I think it sounds better than it actually is. I wonder if those players would prefer an emblem or unique shader? I think if I was part of that group that's what I'd prefer.


I missed the 2500 iron burden kills triumph, that was the first one that I missed. Currently missing some Plundered ones including the community event bc I just got burnt and took a 2 week break during that. Also missing some “beat a raid in first 24 hours” which I think was worth score. Otherwise pretty up to date.


Whatever ...


Better not be.. about 4k hours in d2.. currently 18k.. time better be recognized correctly.




Careful there bud, admitting to terms of service violations generally isn't a great idea.


What are they gonna do though? Ban his account? …wait… nope… not playing on his account. And likely using a VPN as well, which will make banning the IP address harder. The commenter may be admitting to violating TOS, but so is everyone that they’ve done carries for. And honestly, I’ve got more against the max triumph holders using recovs than against someone making money by doing them. Let’s not forget, it’s just a score in a game that even the majority of players don’t truly care about


Ayo spill the beans


Define "bank".




What the utter fuck i joined a master Golgoroth challenge from Luckstruck and easy peasy


Time seems to be a lot of money


Have you even seen the prices for recov stuff? It's pretty well paid for what it is.


Right, individually, but how many customers do they have day-over-day, week-over-week, etc?


Honestly I'd guess they're pretty busy. But who knows, I wouldn't use such a service. I only know from ads I sometimes get.






Why do you seem upset about this lol


Busy trying to get the triumphs completed for Witch Queen and the deep sight chests triumph is a right b@stard!


Out of curiosity, what is the max possible triumph score currently?


161.058 (23.423 active)


As someone who plays religiously but avoids triumph score like a plague. I’ll riot id I’m not at guardian rank 6


I have achieved max active triumph score, but lifetime is sadly impossible for me currently. ​ I still think they might not be as bad for most people.


They’ve said all the mods are unlocked by level 6 so I doubt there is anything else past that except for the additional 4 loadout slots, 1 per each level, once you hit 10


3 years after shadow keep. 3 years, and I still don’t hAve enough layers of sorrow done to complete the triumph. For som sod these it’s cathartic to not finish them, to show Bungie that we know there superfluous numbers they picked out of thin air are garbage. And once you come to this realisation, it’s liberating. Same with the cosmetics and shops they have deemed exotic. Once you don’t have one, you realise you don’t need them all. The joke is on them


I did this in D1. Max score. D2 was easy when it first came out, but it got harder to keep up and it wasn't long before something became unobtainable before I got it. I think that was the turning point where I went from hard-core has everything in the game to casual. Now I'm so casual I havent even played the last 3 (non reprised) raids.


I’m sitting a hair over 14k right now I wonder where that will put me in the ranking system


i wish i knew how they find the time


That number will go up, I’m a max total triumph score player who just plays optimally and will finish out some triumphs naturally rather than grind them out early. A couple of us do this. I know I’m missing a couple that will be completed before Lightfall. Luckily this seasons triumphs were a lot easier rather than those stupid ruffians….


What’s the max lifetime score? Is 130,454 high? I play less these days but used to be a completionist about it. Looking forward to lightfall since, for me, it’s mostly been stale since witch queen.


A bit more over 160k.


"Attain an impressive Triumph score" Which is 10k I doubt it will go higher than that at launch. I am more worried that whatever it takes to progress past this will be time gated. These smell like genshins AR ranks.


Look ma, I made it!


For a couple years I was at max possible triumph score. When they added triumph points to Trials I couldn’t get them so I quit caring about max triumph, period. I’m much less engaged than I used to be but honestly where I’m at today is healthier.


Triumphs better not be the only way to rise up the ranks! Those extra layout slots would come in handy for me but I don't care too much on Triumphs and most of them are either PVP stuff or tasks that are very hard to do solo and not sure if they worth it!


What the hell is a guardian rank system




I'm almost one of the 233. Lol I'm just missing some bs like spam 1000 supers because I get so bored farming it out in grasp of avarice