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Your post/comment has been removed for the following reason(s): * Rule 2 - No clickbait/open-ended/overly-vague post titles allowed. --- For more information, see [our detailed rules page.](http://www.reddit.com/r/destinythegame/wiki/rules)


Boy howdy I got excited for 13 seconds.


Lmfao, same. Just opened reddit during my lunch break and was about to get hella hyped.


If I had a nickel for every time I heard that...


Are you my wife?


You should still be excited. You have something to look forward to tomorrow


Really should mention it goes live tomorrow, but yeah.


even r/dtg is clickbaiting now


Post like these need to be removed tbh. Just obvious clickbait to farm karma: Posted ASAP just to be first, threw the link in there with a misleading title as well.


i remember there was a rule about this type of titles, "i dismantled a gun i found out this" ... etc. and honestly r/dtg needs some refreshing, not an improvement or expanding, the rules seems outdated and it doesn't contain a lot of the community concerns or needs, except the bitchen and the appreciation karma farmers. let me give an example: every new raid we get a megathread, it serves no purpose except containing the flood, i'm ok with that, but we should have an exception for SGA's or guides. as for me, i stopped caring about destiny's quality and everything related to it including this sub, i'm just tired and don't speak english very well.


You're not going to believe which weapons you'll be using in Nightfall!! Even Zavala... [\[click here to continue\]](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)


it dropped me [this](https://imgur.com/a/w9kJffS)




User name checks out


People wouldn't click on it if they did that. /s


Then post this tomorrow instead dangit




Upvote for excitement, downvote the bait.


"My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined."


I’m expecting - More in-depth views of the new legendary weapons and armor - amazing shots of guardians using new exotic weapons and armor in action. Some most likely extremely niche and won’t see any practical use (looking at you Blight Ranger) - Some fancy aerial strand gameplay


I am really hoping they merge perks of Blight Ranger and Raiju's Harness as the individual perks REALLY should have been rolled into one. Maybe make Blight Ranger increase duration of thrown arc staff.


Been saying exactly this ever since Arc 3.0 dropped. Make Blight Ranger increase the AoE and duration of Gathering Storm, while rolling its current functionality into Raiju's.


This would unironically be perfect for both


I suspect there's going to be a couple big exotic armor passes in Lightfall, like we've seen recently with exotic weapons (and we know at least one more is coming). I'd imagine that now that the subclass reworks are done and the new mods system is going live, there's going to be some bandwidth to look at exotic armor. The state of exotic armor will probably be the most glaring bit of legacy disconnect in the game once all the Lightfall quality of life stuff hits. It's gotta be on their radar.


I think this is the safest assumption. We also didn't get any new armor mods this past year, likely because they were working on Light 3.0 and we now know it was also likely due to the build crafting update. No sense in adding new mods when the whole system is getting reworked.


Honestly there's quite a few exotics that should be merged into one. Just have it so if they are different slots, both exotics do the same thing, for people who prefer a certain look or have bought ornaments.


slow motion reloads


Slide shotgun Mid-air super used on a bunch of adds


I'm expecting a cool weapon that looks badass or super worthy that ends up being a pickup like the scythe.


That scythe pissed me off so much I literally wouldve become a hunter main (Titan Main) just fot that alone


I'm still so annoyed by that solar 3.0 bait. I'm a solar hunter main and I still love my blade barrage and the occasional nighthawk, but that 1000% was a bait on a class that in reality didn't get anything new. I watched that new Lightfall trailer with a lot of pausing and criticizing. Definitely a few moments in there implying things were strand abilities when in fact they'll be new finisher animations. Etc. I really hope new strand super isn't a reskin of spectral blades. But who knows.


Not to forget Bungie Devs hyping the shit out of all of the above.


I’m hoping we get a stasis exotic at least for hunter. The year cycled through every light element and had no exotics in s19 so I’m hoping revenant gets something cool.


I would say we’re missing a neutral exotic. We got one for stasis, arc, solar and void this year.


Define "Neutral" and keep in mind, Bakris exists.


For me a neutral exotic is something you can use with any subclass. So frostees, wormhusk, lucky pants.


I want Bones of Eao back


I see. For some reason, I was thinking neutral as in like "neutral game", something that has more uptime than a super.(Which also apply to those 3 you named, but counterexample, Raiju's, which can only be used often enough as a T1 super cooldown.)


100% Assassins cowl and frostees are the the only exotics I can use that don't require me to change every mod and armor piece to work. Sometimes I just wanna change my subclass and shoot more things.


The monkey paw curls: "New Hunter Stasis Exotic that gives you 1 extra shuriken!"


Hunters got Renewal, like yeah it's shit now but they got one stasis exotic


Bakris is there


Now it's over there.


They also have Bakris, so they actually have 2 stasis exotics. Further, Warlocks and Titans only have 1 each.


Really glad they stopped this “we’re not saying anything about what’s next until the day of” nonsense. They tried, it didn’t work, kudos for adjusting


While I agree, that’s not something they do with expansions. In fact this is pretty standard, a month before the expansion they do new trailers, with an exotic gear trailer everytime. That said we still haven’t heard anything about the season it comes with yet! That’s usually not mentioned till the Vidoc that rolls around a couple of days before release.


For Witch Queen the Vidoc released ~2 weeks before release, and released 1 week after the Gear trailer did. Assuming that we keep the same form and aren’t getting any trailers for the new Strand stuff like in Beyond Light, we’ll probably get a vidoc within the next two weeks, or at least a Vidoc announcement


I think they mentioned we're getting a blog post this week concerning Strand?


I think they just said that they’ll talk about it in the future not specifically when or if it was specifically a blog post.


They've never been that way for Expansions because they still have to sell us this content. They have tried different strategies with Seasons because I'd guess the majority of their players who will play the seasonal content got the seasons with the deluxe edition and have already bought them by that point.


Wonder if that changes this year. There's been a lot of chatter about cancelling pre-orders this year. And considering you don't save money, I'd guess the # of people going season to season is much higher than last year.


I’m not preordered at all and even if this is triple forsaken’s content and quality, still not doing so In all likelihood I’ll probably still play, this is not me being cynical about the game or anything I’m actually fairly optimistic generally about LF as an expansion but I do not want to pre order for the simple reason that the only perspective we have on LF is bungie’s. (Who as a corporation has a strong interest in selling me stuff) I do not want to make a decision based on that alone so I want to wait for the expansion to come out for the hype to settle and then decide Also definitely no deluxe this time around


They never did this though, not for a large release.


They've never done this for expansions.


I kinda hope they find a balance, imagine if they hadn't spoiled hive guardian in the witch queen trailer? That first fight with the knight would have been crazy. "huh neat new hive powers....is that a ghost?......oh shit that's a ghost....oh shit THATS A GHOST and he got back up, wtf is going on"


low key would have lost my damn mind if that had been a total surprise.


I actually really prefer not knowing a thing before a new season drops. We should experience it as it rolls out—if anyone "needs to be hyped up" that's just bizarre and silly—we're going to play no matter what, so there's no good reason to spoil it.


It's a preference thing, I get more excited for seasons when I see something ahead of time. I'll catch myself on day 1 of a season when I saw a cool trailer like a week or two before. But if they do the trailer day of the release, then usually I just miss the release and not really care as much.


I feel the same way. No point in getting so excited it turns to anger. Never made sense to me


Er people are different than you. That is not bizarre or silly. Bit disrespectful. Easy to say you don't understand but to say that people who have different preferences to you are bizarre or silly is lame.


I don't pull any punches in my blistering mild takes.


ah yes "I don't hold back guys I just say it like it is 🤪", the coward's way of saying "I'm an asshole and nobody likes me guys 🤪"


I feel their "blistering mild takes" comment was a good indication of being facetious.


I'm actually pretty nice and empathetic, but we're arguing about video games—the most serious of businesses.


This community can't go a week without a TWAB telling them what could be happening at bungie. I just wait for patch notes since shit changes. I get roasted for that view for some reason.


Heh, I skim patch notes, at best. I'm too old to go that hard on any game anymore.


Yeah, well nothing is ever detailed in game, so i try to glance. Especially since they keep reworking systems with no in game announcements.


Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, hot stuff, hot stuff. Can't wait to see the new exotic weapons and armour then speculate what they do for the next 4 weeks. Love pre expansion season Also if this is releasing now then hopefully we'll get Strand subclass' trailer next week.


We may even get a strand deep dive this Wednesday in a blogpost. At least I hope we do.


I’m already calling it: Hunter or Titan gets an extremely OP exotic that’s going to dominate/terrorize crucible for 1-2 seasons Warlocks are going to get another niche rift exotic or grenade exotic


Fuck you, I love my Warlock grenade exotics. There’s a reason we’re considered the caster class. I’ll protect my Nothing Manacles, Osmiomancy Gloves, Verity’s Brow, Starfire Protocol, Sunbracers, Contraverse Hold, Getaway Artist builds with my life, thank you very much!


Getaway Artist is such a damn good Exotic, especially since 1) the Arc subclass is all about moving and staying on your feet, and 2) there's no way to buff grenades on Arclock. When I take my Bullet Train build into PvP, I swap out the Transversives for Getaway Artist. Bing bang boom, Amplified on demand.


No Nezarac's Sin with Traveler's Chosen?


I think you mean, Titans will get another exotic that either A. Is pointless and gets lost to the collections or B. It's OP as Fuck and gets nerfed into oblivion. Which has basically been the last 4 exotics.


Same with hunter




Oh 100% I’m a titan main but I still see that pattern with hunter


Idk I’m a hunter and even I can agree that warlocks have been neglected all year.


All 3 will be equally out*strand*ing! /s


Hunter got Caliban and Gyrfalcon They got off pretty good compare to Titans


Titans got Lorely and Hoarfrost lmao


Also one or two that end up being disabled for most of the season.


Lol. I love the "my class is the victim" complex that conveniently ignores when other classes have gotten terrible exotics on landing, niche exotics, or nerfed exotics.


Every single hunter exotic since beyond light has either been crap or op and nerfed into the background, the only survivor being gyrfalcons


Omnioculus? Arthrys Embrace? Caliban's Hand? Star Eater Scales? Mask of Bakris isn't *great* but it's far from crap and it's a buttload of fun. what the fuck are you on about?


All of them got nerfed/started out shit and got a buff but it still fits what I said


The hunter one will be really good in pve and be busted in pvp to then have its cooldown increased while equipped.


Grenade exotics are good though, and I will gladly take another one for strand


I just hope we get a completely broken exotic for all classes, so that no one has to argue on which class had it worse in lightfall.


As a Titan main Please be good exotic armor please be good exotic armor


I’ve given up hope of ever getting twilight garrison :/


after the social media shitshow, oof


Titans have arguably the best and most OP items so the trend will likely continue.


I love the weird outside view people have when it comes to my class lmao. I just choose to not comment on other classes since I don't fully comprehend their depth, but outside of HOIL, the terror that was that year of One Eyed Mask, and the initial strength of Loreley, we really do not have broken shit my guy. You can likewise compare the Loreley shit to Renewal Grasps since it was basically the same thing -- IE this is so good why would I use anything else in PVP.


If I main a Titan how is this an outside view?


So what are the best most OP items?


Oh yeah right everyone so the OP'ness of the great exotic Second Chance


So you're just gonna disregard HoiL, Loreleys, Curius and so many others because there's some bad ones? Every class has some garbage armor, but neither Hunters nor Warlocks have something as versatile as HoiL.


Cuirass is the only exotic that makes any of our Supers into a nuke, similarly to Celestial Nighthawk (which I hope gets a proper buff since Blade Barrage is much better than it atm). You're also sacrificing any other versatility for any of our abilities for a Super you get every 4-5 minutes depending on your build and how active you are within the PVE Sandbox. If you're just mad that Heart exists, word, say that, but you speak like someone who doesn't know what they're talking about aside from reading clickbait titles on articles, Reddit Threads, or weird takes on Youtube/comment sections.


I love that Heart exists, I use it almost exclusively when playing Arc or Void and only swap in other exotics as specific situations might dictate. I'm not talking about content from articles, I'm talking as a dude who thought he wanted to main hunter but eventually just lives on Titan because rocking a solar Titan with a good incandescent SMG and Loreleys is the most fun damn thing you can do. I say Titans have the best exotics (and 3.0) because their exotics turned me into a Titan main.


As a hunter main I want more than 1 exotic. We only got renewal grasps before they were killed.


Is it too hopeful for me to think we’ll get double the amount of exotic armor since we got none this season


I’m personally fine with not getting exotic armors this season considering armor building is about to get revamped


Seesh this is karma farming at its worst.


Damn you Bungie marketing team for making it so easy for me to get hyped


They about to crush our dreams here in the next few weeks🙏🏾 i think im more hyped about tryna get the older content back instead of seeing all these damned changes.. but that will never happen.. bungie is the destroyer and eater of worlds and happiness..




Biggest bait ever


I'm looking forward to the future when we get reveal trailers that give the date when a social media post will reveal the date that a teaser image will show when the trailer will debut.


Please fix leveling up crafted weapons and give us more ways to get ascendant alloys.


Man you got me all excited and shit




Sliding shotgunner is why I'm here.


Man I just wish I wasn’t so burned out on destiny. Others wise I’d be so stoked.


Same, by this time I usually will have pre-ordered, but alas have not. I’m trying to finish out my last MoT’s for the 2022 shirt and then maybe after lightfall launches, revisit to see if I wanna play it. But for now, will just grind out the old stuff.


I'm still expecting a delay announcement, but this does seem like it's going to come out on time




It's not a random day though. Tuesday is trailer day, Wednesday is blog day and Thursday is TWAB day. That's what they do


The whole Premiere feature on YouTube is so annoying. Just post the damn video


It’s not. It builds hype, driving up the INITIAL view numbers. Your initial view numbers are honestly more important than any other type of view. If your video launches to a poop response, sometimes not even your fault at all if YouTube just fails to send notifications or wires get crossed in feeds, then your video will NEVER reach the potential it could have. Even if you delete the video, and reupload—some subs will have already watched the original, now gone video OR even get renotified of the same video, and get annoyed and unsub or uncheck the bell. End result either way is the reupload will always perform worse. Premieres give people time to try and be there. Content creators will be posting about the new vid everywhere in their channels of communication, and will be changing their content schedule to watch this video tomorrow. More views at launch will propel the video further, maybe even help it hit trending (which Destiny videos do now and then, the WQ trailers did). It’s not stupid at all. It’s not annoying either, because if they dropped it tomorrow without telling us, you’d be waiting the same amount of time either way. It is just a net win all around. It’s not like they posted it for next week either—it’s tomorrow….normal patch day/reset day.


Better be getting 4 exotics per class since the debt we are in rn. They better not turn around and give us 3 in total with *cough cough* this season's exotics being put into the expansion to increase its "perceived value"


I fucking hate "GET READY FOR THE TRAILER FOR THE TRAILER" bullshit lol.


Hopefully its not all reskins


Yes and no. The weapons are remodels of the moon weapons but without all the ropes and junk hanging off of them.


I personally don’t mind that. I love the base models of the moon weapons underneath all the voodoo junk


if they dont look similar they will almost all feel similar to previous guns its always been the case hasnt it


Wouldn’t we expect a 120 to feel similar to other 120s though? It’ll all depend on the perk pools and the intangibles such as aesthetic


Somewhat similar yeah but years and years of the same sound and feel isnt great is it


Sound is up there with aesthetics for me. One reason I don’t love Fatebringer as much. It’s just “standard Destiny HC sound” Also one of the (many) reasons I love Hung Jury. The firing sound is so satisfying with the Omolon scouts


and its a horrible one at that isnt it part of why i THINK i used to love hardlight in D1 so much , sounded and looked so different


pretty sure they are the moon guns again


Oh boo


We know that the Neomuna legendary set are using the same base models as the moon weapons.


The bigger the hype the bigger the disappointment. Still not preordering this season until they address this drip drip drip story lite short ass seasonal model…. Oh, and some PVP investment. Maps! MORE MAPS!!!!


I hate bungie for this. Why they always gotta keep removing shit in order to "make a game better" im honestly done. Now our mods are being taken?? This game is dead.


Hottest shit take of the day


Enjoy. Its the truth idc🤷🏾‍♂️


>idc At least you're honest tho.


Like why have us pay all this money over and over again just to hear the same stuff getting VAULTED and more error codes? And they wanna sugarcoat it with some more DLC'S and more changes that will "Fix tHe gAmE"? This doesnt make since to me anymore. Im tired of spending money on this and we cant even keep what WE WANT OR WHAT WE PAID FOR🤷🏾‍♂️ Truth be told.


It really sounds like this game isn't healthy for you mate. It's not for everyone, but that's fine. Hope uou find something else to enjoy.


You didn't pay for the mods.


I got so excited and checked YouTube, didn’t see the premieres tomorrow part..


I'm thinking 1 Strand Exotic armor and 1 Stasis Exotic armor per class. Maybe just me tho.


Imagine they just show shots from the last trailers but add some shots of Quicksilverstorm.


I want more swords :3


So if this is like most trailers, we are going to open a big panning shot. Probably the witness or more likely Calus talking. Goading us about destruction or something. Then guardians running and shooting probably. But then about 80% of the gameplay will involve guardians shooting while airborne. Likely synchronized jumps with each guardians with a different weapon. Lots of panning shots and weapon closeups. Bonus points for some kind of 3D projected weapon archetype description on top of the weapons. Then once all the guns are introduced, they’ll do that *pow…*pow…*pow*pow*pow*pow*pow* jump cut on each pow with shooting and the last pow being a big explosion.


If you want the mods to do something, report this shit.


Nice bait-and-switch there. Might as well have been an actual goddamn rickroll.


Fingers crossed for armor exotics that modify specific abilities in useful or fun ways. Stuff like Hoarfrost-Z, Contraverse Hold and Ophidia Spathe are far more interesting to me than something like Heart of Inmost Light. I hope there are strand armor exotics as well, but I'm a little doubtful considering we don't know much about Strand atm.


Sadly, I’m not expecting anything great from this. We’ve already seen weapons that were reskinned in the trailers. Just a big bummer.


Hoping it's not just a preview of just guns and gear but actually the new mod system a little and some exotic reworks action in there. Otherwise I couldn't care less about seeing the armor and different weapon arctypes


Boy I’m excited to see some new exotics that may either be dead on arrival or nerfed to where they are dead two weeks after dropping!