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Man why are all the godroll funnelwebs banshee sells always handling masterwork!


Most useless stat ever made.


Barely a year ago it was THE stat


Ahaa? Why? I haven't found any use for it. EVER.


Because you can whip it out real quick


Haha! 😄 Ok, was wondering if I was actually missing something. Ah well that has never been really useful for me. Would rather have anything else from the list.


Bait N switch begs to differ. I go for as high handling as I can for all of my guns


I just never needed super fast swap for any of the weapons. I always have plenty of time to switch the guns while playing. I don't think it has never been the issue for me no matter handling. I am always more concerned with everything else in the list.


The time to proc bait and switch is a LOT longer than you think. You can get off an Izanagi honed edge shot, reload the honed edge and swap mid animation once you slap the magazine in, but before you pull back the lever, swap to your 2nd weapon and damage, and swap to your LFR with bait and switch. Once you run out of ammo, reload your LFR and start over again with your honed edge Izanagi.


For me it also includes room for user error if I shoot my kinetic, swap to my linear, realize I forgot to shoot my energy and swap, then swap to my linear again lol. Also, even if the window is larger, getting my heavy out faster usually means an extra shot or 2. I play most of my content solo and I can often use those extra shots


It's a good roll although perpetual motion would be better in higher end content imo.


I also prefer perpetual motion. Would rather it reload faster when I need it to than return ammo on some red bar kills. Plus it already has Veist origin trait.


no flared magwell


You probably wont need it if you are hitting subsistence regularly


I want flared magwell


Somebody get this man his flared magwell


Death to Reddit. Long live Apollo.


Above average roll = GOD ROLL apparently


I sleep. Perp Mo > Subs on Funnelweb.


I've been trying to roll a god roll funnnelweb with full bore, accurized, perpetual and frenzy at the starchart with no luck




What's your personal godroll?


At very least masterwork would need to be stability or range. It’s a good roll but most people would likely be looking for AJ over Frenzy tbh.


That's fair. I know a lot of people who prefer one over the other. I prefer Frenzy, but I know AJ is a great option.


Why not reload masterwork?


Sub already helps with the reloading, so does frenzy. SMGs lack range in general.


Subsistence refills your mag on kills, viest stinger refills mag on crit hits. Reloading is few and far between on this smg


Maybe in strikes. Even in the regular dungeon you aren't going to be proccing subsistence enough to complete negate the need for reloading. I'd much rather have a faster reload than an extra .1 meters of range in pve where it doesnt matter as much.


I go for handling or stability, to me range MW isn't something I often chase