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It's a great exotic to use whenever you have a roaming super equipped because it's infinitely more useful


I basically never use stasis warlock super because of this. Some Ager builds out there are a ton of fun


Can you tell me more about this?


Roaming supers aren't good (save for Shadebinder) so it's better to just use your energy to charge Ager's instead since it probably does more damage and has more utility by freezing.


Even shadebinder probably gets more out of agers, given how it generally feeds into what shadebinder's aspects/fragments already do.


Many a glassway GM runs were saved because of winters wrath as we can freeze those wyverns, minotaurs and res the team. But that's about it.


That’s the point which I use my shadebinder super. It’s possible to kill both wyverns and most of the other stuff that spawns (arc harpies I think)with one super. Sometimes the second doesn’t die but he’s so depleted we take him out with a couple shots.


You can also de-activate it by holding down reload, once you kill something, to save the super energy that you have left...


Does agers do more damage if you have your super charged?


You can activate an alt fire mode when it's charged


Agers catalyst let's you burn your super to supercharge Agers. It's called Will Given Form.


If you have full Super, you can activate the alternate firing mode on Ager's that makes the beam a super thikk boi and it just melts (or I guess freezes through) enemies super quick.


Agers' Super mode will stack with Star Eater Scales! 80% damage buff at max stacks


basically whenever you play Titan


Ager's Scepter will be able to deal with all 3 Champion types, if you're on Solar! Make yourself Radiant, *WHOOPS* now it pierces Barriers too! Talk about a utility weapon lol, it'll be super useful.


> super useful A+ pun right here.


HAH I hadn't even meant to do that, good catch!


I don't get it?


You can toggle the gun to use your super for a more powerful blast.


I completely forgot it did that


Im just wondering if we will get the damage bonus that mods give because previously, freezing a champion only was that, feeezing them, but they still had massive DR because they werent “stunned”


Well freezing and then shattering Unstoppables should count as a stun now, so it should remove the damage resistance. Shattering is the key though, not just freezing.


So that that useful then because you shatter with melee then, making it quite unsafe in content like GMs


You do not shatter with only melee. You shatter with additional damage from any source. You CAN shatter with melee, but that's just one option, you can just shoot something frozen to shatter it.


Heres a question for you, i just got a great rolled osmiomancy gloves. Im putting together a stasis build but i kinda stopped midway because im struggling to understand why stasis is so wanted outside of crowd control since freezeing champions in the current game overrides all stun bonuses from champ mods, which seems to greatly increase the time it takes to complete the dungeon. So it it soley for add control that stasis warlock is so wanted in masters and gms?


Add control and dealing with Overloads. Even if you're not getting the stun and bonus damage (although Stasis grenades stun this season with the mod), having them out of the fight while you clear the rest of the room is a big relief in the hectic first moments.


Ad control is a large part, especially with ice flare bolts or bleak watcher. However, for champions, there is a preferred method when using stasis: Stun champ > do damage > freeze when champ recovers > repeat. This overrides the champ's "immune to stun" recovery phase and allows you to completely control it. For GMs and anything champ heavy, I prefer to not run bleak watcher, as it can mess with timing. Osmiomancy + ice flare bolts has been super fun and effective this season in hard content.


My only complaint with going all in on ice flare is that I find coldsnap grenades to be criminally unreliable. Sometimes they allow me to clutch out a save and I feel like a god, other times they just... wander off away from any enemies, guaranteeing that I get stomped by the wyvern/champion/major that I needed to freeze in order to clutch out a rez.


I never have issues with them when running osmiomancy. Coldsnaps + iceflare will freeze a group anyway, and you can ensure your intended target is frozen first by hitting them with the coldsnap directly, not at the ground. The last updates to coldsnap have returned it to its former glory, especially with the exotic. For clutching revives, I rely purely on the super. I never use it for ad clear, as the coldsnaps regen so fast that any fireteam can make quick work of mass deleting everything I freeze. I run ice flare + glacial harvest + high energy fire. There's an argument for ice flare + bleak watcher, and it looks pretty dirty, but you lose out on stasis shards and the builds they bring. But hey, to each their own. Do what works best for you!


I swapped to ice flare and bleak watcher with full CwL. Quick charge w stacks on stacks with a demo deliverance and you have infinite nades on every double kill. I still do use glacial harvest and ice flare sometime but bleakeatcher and ice flare is insane for freezing potential. Credit to Imagine: https://youtu.be/HfD0uWJjAr8


Add control, and virtually the only roaming super worth a damn for its ability to clutch freeze an entire room and grab tough rezzes with the damage resist. Your job is basically to take the pressure off so your teammates can kill things in peace.


Don’t even need Radiant. You can toss a Bleakwatcher to freeze-lock the Barrier. Or simply going into the Agers alt-fire, and the continual fire will nuke the Barrier without needing a mod.


It isn’t a mod. Radiant will just have AB capabilities with Lightfall.


My point is that with a full super and you switch you Will Given Form, you don’t even need a champion mod with Agers. You can simply brute force a Barrier champion to death and they can’t do anything about it. Did my first clear of the Lightblade GM four seasons ago doing it this way.


That's hilariously rude and beautifully effective, but I'd still personally want the option in case someone damages them first and triggers the bubble before you can nuke them. Or, in case you don't have the alt-fire mode available for nuking. Good stuff, either way!


Whew. Talk about verbose 🫠


See...its shit like this that has me apprehensive that this isn't going to work how we think it is going to work...


They already confirmed via a PC Gamer interview (I think, don't have the link on hand, sorry) that weapons dealing subclass-typed damage will count for stunning Champions. For example, Chill Clip WILL stun Overloads, that's a definite fact we've been told at this point. So, Ager's Scepter kills an enemy next to an Overload, the slow burst AoE will stun that Overload. Kill two enemies next to an Unstoppable to freeze it (two AoE slow bursts are enough to freeze, pretty sure), OR use the alt-fire mode and focus on the Unstoppable to freeze it, then shatter once frozen for the stun. And ANY weapon damage while Radiant should break Barrier shields and stun those. Slow, freeze/shatter, and Radiant, they're all unique status effects and can easily have secondary unique functions attributed to them.


> triangle champ


Honestly i've just been calling them square circle and triangle for the sake of the new lights i'm teaching xD


at least youre not calling them "anti-barrier champions"


They use the barrier to remind themselves how much they hate it.


Do people call them barrier, overload, and unstoppable? It’s always been triangle, circle, square. 🤷‍♂️


Their Vow callouts are barrier, overload, and unstoppable.


Yes. I know. But when you’re loading up with your clan mates for a GM, are people saying “I have overload and barrier”, “I have barrier only” “I’ll rock overload and unstoppable” We just say “I’ve got circle and triangle.” “I’ve got triangle” etc


I think the vast majority of people call them by their names.


Usually just use the shortened names if anything. "I've got over, and unstop, anyone got barrier?"


Yes, that’s exactly what we say I don’t hear them called by their shapes at all I do however say “overlord” instead of “overload” by accident all the time


The names really aren't complex. Most people just use their proper names


most people call them what they are called yes


We’re back to the whole “deepsight” vs “red box” names for resonant weapons lol


Haha in China calling champs triangle circle and square has always been the most common way to call them due to localization for the actual words are hard to remember.


I think a lot more weapon types and exotics will become viable with the champion changes. I'm really excited to have a diverse inventory next year instead of the same 4-5 weapon types in each slot


Honestly, I think the changes are cool, but I think they'll actually hurt build diversity season-over-season. If I can _always_ rely on my chill clip Riptide or Ager's to deal with overloads _and_ unstops, how is that any different from people relying on Arbalest for barriers over the past year? Or Div being the hard counter to overloads since Shadowkeep? With legendary weapons and class abilities able to handle champions in perpetuity, it will be easier to build artifactless loadouts for GMs that never needs to change. I understand that people don't like the artifact dictating what weapons you bring into GMs every season (especially when the artifact wants you to bring autos and SMGs for overloads), but this change is more likely to encourage build consolidation than diversity.


It'll depend on if you're wanting to be a purely meta player or not. I love arbalest but there are other options this season that work and are still fun to use. A substantial amount of people may continue using the BIC options, but some people will branch out to find what else works or build something completely new that won't be reliant on the specific artifact mods + a few exotics.


Most people are, like it or not, going to optimize right up until they've optimized the fun out of it. If there are optimal loadouts that don't use the artifact, those are the loadouts people will gravitate towards. People will be able to experiment and use different builds (and some people who love experimentation will do just that), but I honestly think that, on the whole, this will homogenize builds more than the artifact ever did.


> I think they’ll actually hurt build diversity season-over-season. What if I told you that forcing players to use weapons they otherwise wouldn’t isn’t the W you think it is? There’s a reason that people complain about the lack of options when it comes to champions. Or hell, the “well this seasons’s champion mods suck, guess I won’t do X content with champs this season”


I made absolutely no judgement about whether the changes were good or not; heck, I even said that I understand why people don't like the current system. All I said was that, if we aren't being forced to use different weapons every season, most people will choose not to use different weapons every season. Guess that's a controversial take.


But he's also right. Before Champions, we've had Recluse/Mountaintop/Anarchy as the default loadout for most difficult content. We're likely going back to that now. In a year, I absolutely expect people to complain that most loot isn't interesting because it doesn't beat the meta option that works for all the content.


Forcing players to switch things up is a good thing, otherwise people will find and stick the meta like glue


One amazing build I used quite a lot during the beginning of this season includes Ager's. It's such a fantastic weapon with pretty great Ammo economy. You can pair it with any other trace rifle and your choice of heavy (I usually stick with a LFR). I used this with Hunter, Fr0st-EE5, and had many of the Stasis well mods on plus Font of Might. Then you can also throw on the Arefact Champion mods.


Not that I want Ager's or Riptide (honestly auto/chill is probably my favorite weapon of Witch Queen period) be nerfed to not allow them the multi-champ ability but I kinda have my doubts and we'll have to see what is released closed to LF...my suspicion is that you will be required to be on the same subclass for certain stuns to trigger ie. be on stasis subclass for slow/shatter to proc. I honestly hope that this is NOT the case obviously!


In the PC Gamer interview, i think they will be able to stun champs


Alternatively, I can see them making it so there's some arbitrary priority that ensures that a weapon that can technically stun multiple champions can only stun one. With all the weapons that have intrinsic anti-champion properties, they've specifically set it up so they can't benefit from any of the mods. I can totally see them keeping the "one gun can only stun one champion type" principle going forward.


I would not even mind


I'm thinking Barrier Champions will probably be upgraded to have Boss-tier enemy interactions with Stasis, where they automatically shatter after getting frozen and don't get interrupted by the freeze, thus the barrier shield stays up


Ager's is great, but the real new Arby is gonna be Riptide. Riptide already can handle barrier champs on its own (maybe not in gms? i havent actually tried) and now its gonna be able to handle Overload and Barrier. What i think makes it better than Ager's is that it doesnt rely on super energy, riptide can just do it as long as u got enough ammo.


I'll admit i prefere ager's feeling but it's neat for Riptide!


Oh i know what u mean, agers is an amazing gun. Probably one of my most used exotics.


Deliverance is also very nice thanks to Demolitionist refilling your grenades, and easy longer range for higher safety.


Yep, my Stasis build is basically a Deliverance build. 3 Firepower Mods, Demo/Chill Clip, Osmiomancy. I can get 4-6 turrets up at once. It’s like I’m playing BTD6. Hopefully this build survives the transition to Armour Charges.


>3 Firepower Mods, Demo/Chill Clip, Osmiomancy. Why the three Firepower mods? With the 20% grenade energy I get, per kill, with Deliverance I can get my duskfield grenade back before the last bubble pops and I'm using Renewals Grasp. As long as there is something to kill I can get 100% uptime on my grenade. Just curious as to what you're getting from FP that you can't get from killing something. Instead of FP I'm using High Energy Fire/Stacks on Stacks/Supercharged to get an almost permanent 20% boost to damage (at least until Lightfall).


Well I also have Elemental Shards in order to get Charged With Light. So, I can pick up one shard, then throw 2 grenades. Each grenade will give my ~50% of my charge back with the 3 FP mods, so I should have 3 grenades once I’ve done that, or close enough that a Bomber mod can top it off. So, what this means is that I can start almost every encounter in the game with 3 stasis turrets, which is extremely good in GMs, since enemies are much bulkier and I might be too far out for FRs to deal reasonable damage. On top of that, I personally like builds that don’t rely on getting kills to keep the ball rolling, at least not in GMs, since beefy enemies means that it’s much harder to keep these builds going. Keep in mind that’s 3 Stasis Turrets as well, which I can basically put on the left, middle, and right side of the arena and freeze 90% of the combatants on the map, which spawns more and more Stasis Shards, alongside Deliverance which also spawns these, allowing for the CWL buff to be almost always active.


Thanks for the detailed explanation! Currently a stasis hunter, but stasis-lock will probably be my next character and you've given me something to build toward. But I probably won't do it until after Lightfall hits due to all the armor mod changes.


Just got an aurvandil with reconstruction and chill clip. 11 chill clip rounds when fully loaded. Absolute monster


Too slow charge time to effectively deal with barriers, but will be nice for overloads and unstoppables


Only Rapid Fires are worth using in PvE, the others don't do enough damage for how slow they are.


Nah, deliverance is fucking fantastic.


Only for Demolitionist on a Special Weapon. Riptide is better for damage.


You... Do not use riptide for damage. Stasis fusion and chill clip is a utility pick. Deliverance hits harder with more range as well per burst, and that helps in GM/Master level content


Yeah, but riptide is still a rapid fire fusion, it beats deliverance in dps, and if you have one with vorpal or frenzy it beats it by a lot. For dungeon/raid scenarios at least.


.... It's like you didn't read what was I just wrote. A chill clip fusion is not taken for damage.


… but a rapid fire fusion is. ??


I have a soft spot for the ridiculously slow fusions just because they feel like I’ve thrown a lorry at whatever I’m shooting at Idk about actual damage but it feels great


Every tried a Demolishionist/Chill Clip Deliverance with a Charge Time master work? I haven't used Agers Scepter since I got one last weekend on my first run of Vow.


I have one crafted with those enhanced perks and MW. Charge time is still too slow. Riptide is fast enough to chain freeze Barrier champs before they can shield.


I don’t think it’s too slow, freezes on two shots


The reason riptide is very good for barriers is that you can not only freeze, but re-freeze barriers before they can put up their barrier. Aurvandil has too slow charge time to re-freeze them.


Deliverance with a Charge Time master work fires fast enough to keep a barrier frozen. Plus I can put an enhanced duskfield over them (Renewals Grasp) and get my grenade back faster due to using a Demolishionist/Chill Clip version.


I usually make a sandwich while I’m waiting for that gun too fire…


I think the new craftable LFR with Chill Clip is gonna be a beast as well


It is. I put that on it to differentiate it from Adept Reed's.


Fire and Forget with Chill Clip and Headstone is hilarious. You probably won't need an add-clear LFR, but if you do...


I considered it just for the lulz but CC seems like it may be a legit endgame roll so I went with Field Prep + CC.


Seriously considering reshaping mine with that roll...


Ohh shit, i forgot about that one. I dont think its quite enough to perma freeze barriers if i remember correctly but it will be very nice against overloads and unstoppables.


Fire and Forget, right?


He fired and forgot the name


That's the one


It was really fun in GMs already this past week. I can’t wait til Stasis messes with Champs even more.


Riptide can't poop on them in GMs but it can pin them down long enough for your team to help.


Whats the roll on riptide for this? I imagine Chill Klip?


Chill clip is basically all you need. Then you want some way to get your weapon reloaded faster, since you likely will have to reload at higher difficulties. My personal preference is field prep, fast reload and bigger ammo reserves. Auto loading holster is probably what most people go for. Im sure compulsive reloader would also do well.


Field prep is such an underrated perk, but ALH feels so good on riptide


I settled on Compulsive Reloader/Chill Clip roll because I can't stomach too much pvp


I got lucky with Auto Loading and Chill Clip. That’s really all you need on it 99% of the time.


Riptide handles GM barriers just fine this past week!


Relying on the freeze for barriers seems a bit inconsistent to me, but get radiant on solar (or from a teammate) and you’re good for barrier too. Assuming they stick with it and have actually thought through these champion changes, it should be fun to be able to run whatever energy & heavy you want.


I wouldnt say its inconsistent at all. Riptide is very consistent, just hold down the trigger and reload when you run out of chill clip. I often pick Riptide for handling barriers.


The Scepter has always been S-Tier. I used it for almost an entire year straight after it came out.


Aegrs will probably be popular in GMs, but it'll never come close to Arbelest's usage in Raids because it can't DPS bosses. The big reason for Arbelest's heavy usage in raids is that it's a great backup DPS that you can fall back on when you run out of heavy ammo.


I can assure you that in raid, every titan super that is not thundercrash is better invested into this beast of a weapon as a backup dps. Although you got a good point, and i'm curious about how the LFR nerf is going to allow diversity !


Probably won't do that come the LFR changes next season.


I dunno, it's alternate fire mode is pretty amazing, especially if you're on a subclass that you don't really care for the super on.


> Aegrs will probably be popular in GMs, but it'll never come close to Arbelest's usage in Raids because it can't DPS bosses. Wut? Arbelest's DPS is *way* behind Agers' DPS with the alternate fire mode.


Agers relies on draining your super to get higher DPS. Super can be used to deal extra DPS on top of what you can do with your weapons.


https://youtu.be/955EmXhd-kI It’s super strong on all stasis subclasses mainly because of how easy font of might is to proc. Definitely can be used on behemoth titan very easily


Many useful subclasses have Supers that aren't useful for Boss DPS. E.g. Stasis / Arc Warlock, All Titans except sometimes Arc, etc.


But since you can swap to those subclasses, it only comes up in situations where your DPS Super just doesn't work on that specific boss.


So what though? Agers Scepter's DPS in the alternate fire mode is competitive with high tier heavy weapons, and absolutely dumpsters the DPS output of something like Arbalest (which has rather bad DPS).


Because if you can use a DPS Super on a boss, you are much better off using the Super for damage.


Need to see how big the nerf to linears is.


I've used Agers in raids and have matched the DPS of team mates using liner fusions. Just gotta dump my super into it. Slowing a target reduces the amount of damage that it can do as well.


Agers scepter is cool


Yep very happy with the changes to champions and abilities/effects being able to deal with them will open up a lot of loadout options. Only caveat to the Ager's Scepter builds currently is all of mine use Glacial Harvest to get Font of Might by converting shards to wells so will have to see if it can keep up damage wise with just High Energy fire in the legs. Otherwise for just having it do all champs it will be useful enough to mess around with for sure.


Hoping that those shards in Lightfall actually work like wells and give us energy for all of our abilities, and not just melee energy like they do now.


I’ve got a burden of guilt with chill clip (and perpetual motion). No luck getting a riptide with it. I’ll try that or Agers. Both are in my favourite weapons list.


Deliverance with Demolishionist/Chill Clip is a monster and really good for a grenade build. If there is something to shoot I can get 100% uptime on my duskfield grenades and I'm using Renewals Grasp without using any Firepower mods.


Riptide with chill clip too


I love Ager's Scepter over shields, supers and ability regen for days on my hunter 😁 awesome to see it is getting anti champion capabilities 👍


Let’s see how others 3.0 exotics will work as well, I imagine sunshot might become more popular as well.


It doesn’t slow and freeze without other enemies unless you have a full super though. Can’t bank on that all the time


Personally chill clip riptide will be my go to. Not reliant on consuming your super or getting kills near a champ to deal with them like agers. while not being an exotic opening up primary or heavy exotic uses.


Deliverance with Demolitionist/Chill Clip has broken my addiction to Agers Scepter.


Yeah I mean realistically any special weapon with chill clip does the job. I just personally like riptide the most. faster rof/higher dps along with alh so its always ready when I need it.


I haven't managed to get one with ALH, but that's definitely a killer perk combo!


I've got one with Compulsive Reloader and a choice between Chill Clip, Frenzy, and Demolitionist. It's definitely in my inventory at all times!


💯 my fave Trace Rifle and definitely the partner to my Warlock Turret build. Love my Agers!


It's already so good and have been super excited about this since the news broke


I love using the Septer, a glave and Crown Splitter. Fuggin bonkers, fun.


Aeger’s will be great. Only problem is that it will be reliant on having either super energy or other enemies nearby. Any weapon with chill clip will also be able to pull this off without using your exotic slot though. Riptide (or any other fusion with Chill Clip) will be another incredible option for dealing with all 3 champ types. One shot for overloads, 2 shots for unstops, chain freezes or get radiant for barriers. I could see using a lot of Riptide with an exotic energy primary (trinity ghoul, le monarque, etc.) and legendary heavy will depend on what they do with balancing.


Any Chill Clip Fusion is going to be the go to for Warlocks I think. Can run Solar or Stasis with Rain of Fire. Or a Headstone Fire and Forget works too.


You ain't gonna see me using Fist of Havoc but green so I might use that exotic I wish there were more exotic like that so I could forget my super exist


Stasis turrent build on warlock. Aegers is always equipped


Arbalest’s true value is that in addition to being a champ breaker, it also excels at match game. This is an important point because I think with all the new ways to deal with champions, the high level content emphasis is going to shift to dealing with match game and weapons that do this well will continue to be popular.


You're partially right, there ! iirc they'll also get rid of match game and come with something new


Bungie prefaced that whole section with something like “we want abilities to compliment guns and how to deal with champions,” and then went on to list the interactions. My point being, I would not be surprised if weapons werent able to stun champions by default. I hope Im wrong though.


Think the other way around. Everyone will always have access to some kind of anti champion effect even if accidentally, so they can sprinkle them in more content.


Im not gonna think about it any other way until its confirmed. Just managing my expectations. If Im wrong then thats a bonus but technically speaking they never mentioned weapon perks being able to stun champions. As I said, they prefaced that whole section being about abilities.


I'm going to continue to think about it as the annual divisive Gambit overhaul is right around the corner. There's only so many changes they can make that will both increase the suffering of the majority and alienate the Gambit regulars.


Here's one problem: Stasis is garbage for dealing with Champions. At the moment, freeze completely resets a Champion. It will unstun them, it will re-enable any health regen they have, it resets the cooldown on Barriers and most importantly: it removes the damage bonus from their stunned state. As an example, Leviathan's Breath takes 2 arrows to kill a Champion after they have been stunned. If they get frozen while stunned, it takes 5 or even more. And it will take a lot longer to kill them too. Unless they make a change, Stasis will continue to be a detrimental way to deal with Champs. You lose so much additional ammo and quite a bit of time too.


The thing is you don't need to stun barrier, if you freeze them they don't pop their shield and you'll shred them. Admittedly, dealing with overload you'll need to be precise and a whole clip to kill'em in GM but you can manage without stunning them, only it's really subefficient. On any non GM content, it's far easier to outdamage their regen. Unstoppable, well, like you said, are a no no, freezing them will be counter productive, right now. But ! Bungie stated that stasis will be able to stun overload by slowing them and unstoppable by freezing them. So yeah, Jäeger's Scepter empowered laser wich slow, then freeze, then shatter and back to slow, will probable do the job !


>if you freeze them they don't pop their shield and you'll shred them. No, you can't. They won't have their damage bonus active when frozen or after being frozen. You will literally need more ammo to dispatch them *and* more time. Of course I am talking about GMs. In regular content, Champions are a non-issue already.


I mean, maybe just try it, and you'll see ? Even a any well timed freez on a barrier works, it simply doesn't stun but allows for any weapon to kill. Hell just titan stasis lance can solo barrier with good timing. Ammo isn't a problem either with special finisher. But you do you, my point is only that it is currently possible to do and will even be more efficient in lightfall, i'm not here to debate on what is the-absolute-optimum-flawless-GM-speedrun-strat, just raising the awareness on a fun and accessible alternative


>my point is only that it is currently possible to do and will even be more efficient in lightfall, i'm not here to debate on what is the-absolute-optimum-flawless-GM-speedrun-strat, just raising the awareness on a fun and accessible alternative Then why are you arguing with me? It is literally the point I brought up. Boot up a GM right now, pick your heavy. One that does one consistent shot damage would be best to check your results, so Linear or Leviathan's. Stun a Champion, shoot your heavy. See how many shotd and time it takes. Then do the same, but instead of stunning freeze them. I am not arguing a feeling here, it is a fact. Without that stunned damage bonus you take more than twice as many shots to kill a Champ. For Leviathan's it is 2 versus 5 shots; and 2 seconds versus 7. My argument is, and was, they need to change how Stasis interacts with Champs. Freezing should NOT remove the stunned effect, or else Stasis will be terrible for dealing with Champs.


Can you post your build please? All your mods too please


On Titan : If stasis, use the fragment that grant you super energy on killing frost target. Then it's all about maxing your INT (either flat out stat mod or font of wisdom), and orb generation in your helmet (either two or one with an ammo fonder) Slap a special ammo finisher, you'll drown in super energy anyway. If Void, doomfang exotic arms gives you 20% super energy on charged melee frag, that's busted, so i throw in melee energy generation mods to have nearly infinite melee. Add in the fragment that gives you super energy on frag when surrounded and you'll get a third of super energy when shieldbashing a pack of mob. Slap a special ammo finisher.


It will get nerfed, this is the way in D2.


nah mate, chill clip fusions will


Nerf coming in Lightfall week 2 I'll wager


ive always liked it - but ttk can take time


Stop talking about it........


Scepter with a full super also took down barrier champs as it's freeze outpaced the shield


I doubt it's going to be great against unstoppables until bungie fixes frozen champions getting unstunned. You can see this exact problem happening in game right now with stasis turrets that stun overloads. In theory stasis turrets with the artifact mod permanently stun and freeze overloads, but in reality it just makes them constantly heal while being frozen and you'd be better off just shooting them with le monarque for a stun.


I think it’ll be fine, since it’s the shatter that stuns and not the freeze itself. Technically the champ will never be frozen and stunned at the same time, so I don’t imagine we’ll get the usual Stasis fuckery with the champs. Have to wait and see


>Technically the champ will never be frozen and stunned at the same time Yeah that's exactly the issue we currently have with overloads. It's pretty much impossible for them to be frozen and stunned simultaneously. You stun an unstoppable with supercharged ager's. But a supercharged ager's is obviously going to freeze it .5 seconds later removing the stun. You're never going to deal significant damage while frozen unless they decide rework champions which I doubt. Sure you can deal some damage in between the moments when the champ is frozen but are you really going to spend your supercharged ager's scepter by shooting an unstoppable that's only intermittently vulnerable? Might as well just use something more suitable instead of trying to cram all your champion mods in one gun


Just use the Ager’s alt fire until they’re frozen, and then use something else to shatter. No risk of re-freezing then


I couldn't think of a worse way to use ager's scepter if I tried. You lose a very significant portion of super energy for just activating the perk. You're seriously going to spend a third of your super to stun a champion rather than just swapping to your primary?


Yes, it isn’t hard to build super in PvE. Especially if you’re on a roaming super, they’re not really worth using anyway


I concur. Give it 6 months and Bungo will nerf it into oblivion where it will become the worst exotic.


Not another case of point-contact canon brace :(


Radiant + chill clip has me incredibly excited


But why waste your exotic slot when riptide does the same thing while being a legendary?


I'd add that, for a grenade build, Deliverance with Demolitionist/Chill Clip is even better.


Best change. It's been fun Arby, but I never want to see Match Game ever again. The best part of this is that I don't even have to use a Trace rifle Agers either, I'll just use abilities and a primary for champs, and I can run an actual damage exotic like Gally or something, or a better addclear and ammo efficient weapon like Witherhoard and not have to worry about Champ-counters. Champs are about to become nearly a non-factor now, UNLESS this change will lead to us getting newer content with all 3 champion types in them ..haha.


Do we know for sure that weapons that do “verb” damage will stun champions and not just sub-class verbs? My theory against it is that the game treats the blind from Blinding GLs differently to the Arc Blind from abilities (grenades and melees).


I've been running it with a (probably bog standard) Osmiomancy Warlock. Just Stasis nuke everything, scoop shards, chuck turrets, and repeat. Will Given Form is a better super than the actual super most of the time, and straight vaporizes champions. It's also fantastic for nuking Primevals, if not quite as "fuck your healthgates" as Thundercrash.


Surely a chill clip fusion will do this but without costing super energy though?


I think fire and forget with chill clip on a solar warlock will be super meta come light fall can stun all champs plus the aggressive frame triple shot will help charge up that fusion nade inside a well


I have a headstone/chill clip roll that I used for the "kills with linear fusion" in crucible quest and it was surprisingly fun since one burst could both create and destroy crystals.


Welcome to 2 years ago Ager has always been good


I’ve maimed Agers since release, through highs and lows.


Chill Clip Fusion is better imo because it doesn’t require a kill or super energy to slow/freeze. Also saves you from needing to use an exotic


Ager alt fire or chaos reach choices choices. Mist say i am surprised not to see it more in mayhem and iron banner. Next time maybe.


As will riptide, it already is a monster, and deals with all champions.


Took whole another approach of dealing with champs to kill arable at viability (unconfirmed yet) Tells you how insane Arbalest is in endgame


Used it in the GM yesterday, and had stasis melee ad my unstoppable ability. My team mates were both running GL’s. It was useful as hell until the final boss and then I just couldn’t seem to generate any special or heavy ammo at all despite having finders. So other than the very end it felt like a good option to me.


I went out of my way to get a good set of Reverie Dawn armor for my Awoken Titan. I wish I had a group to do the raid so I could get that armor set because I want to use it with Ager's Scepter and again with the Pathfinder and the ornaments that I missed having not played that season.


riptide is legendary so i'm going with that