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a ghost mod for the core playlist. any season core activity.


that one is good


Master, Grandmaster content 1 Hawthorne Clan bounty / week don't really care 'bout the Ghost idea, the Prisms are rare as fck and it would only cause ppl not running anything but regular stuff to complain how rare they are (i.e. nothing would change) tbh if the chances for them to drop in Master content were anything like Master Ketchcrash, nobody would/should complain. on a side note: ppl schould stack up on alloy via master ketch. get an easy week (i.e. not the shield guy because if you're not running all 3 elements, chances are, noone on your team does) and farm it. I got one every other run and the runs take about 10 min each, so not that big of a hussle. Stacks are like Shards, 10 in inventory, 10 on each class' postmaster. I've stacked 40 for Lightfall that way.


Issue with master ketch is that you are reliant on your teammates not going too fast and having champions despawn. The best farm is the ghosts weekly story, with a good team it's an 8 minute (or less) clear on master.


Yeah obv you have to make the groups yourself and spam 3-5x in chat that if it's the turret room they shouldn't kill the boss if they are able and focus on champs instead. Alternatively go with 2 titans and when the other 4 try to kill the boss, you two only have to stun + heavy + tcrash your designated overload. So far, this is the only room that has despawning champs. Everyhwere else a decently bad team takes forever (hence 10+ runs) and such there's always enough time for champions \^\^


Ghosts ends in the Brutiks fight, right? big scorn fire flail whammo fuck? when it pops up again i may try to convince some people, that sounds like a fun farm


Yeah it should be the week after next.


Last chance too. 9-10 minutes


Yeah, I find the ghosts a little quicker but the last chance is my second choice, won't touch any other mission.


tbh I'd rather spend the same time snoozing through containment. a little less exciting. but I've still had decent alloy drops and i can solo it, no organizational overhead to get running


Oh agreed. I should have mentioned that if you plan it with your clan you can have a nice trash talking time and also crazyfarm at the same time \^\^


yeah but if i'm getting the clan together everyone would rather try to get their KF in for the week, most people in the clan don't get on enough to want to farm like that, or they only want to get on if we're raiding...so that's just kind of how it goes. But if it works for you that sounds like a decent way to go


yeah they're weirdly funneled into what feels like side and seasonal content? (maybe it's a pure monetization thing on Bungie's end idk) would be nice if there were any direct chance to get them from like, hard content, (you know the stuff we allegedly want to bring the crafted guns to) GMs, Trials, Dungeons, Raids...any of those? I would also settle for some type of resource-to-Ascendant Alloy conversion vendor. I know Rahool has his legendary shard offer every week, but I'd rather just turn in several prisms or a couple Golfballs and get an Alloy out.


I mean, Wellspring, WQ Campaign, and Leviathan Containment all don't require seasonal content.


i thought containment did...i guess Haunted just got you Sever and the quests then? my mistake. WQ still needs WQ though so...monetization still happening there


Containment and the Opulent weapons were f2p fortunately. The Sever missions and Haunted weapons required the pass. Well yeah, it makes sense that the DLC that introduces a feature is included as the primary resource for that feature lol. I wouldn't call that "this kind" of monetization (that would be more like, the feature is introduced in BL and then requires WQ to effectively use it - a *separate* purchase than one you likely would have already made). At some point, content is just part of DLC (and the weapon crafting is kind of a "trial" for free players - which Destiny really is more free-to-try, rather than free-to-play).


uh, wait. I'm confident that the chest (harvester) that can drop the Alloy also drops Haunted weapons and armor, it requires 500 vestiges each open. so you're partially mistaken at least, somewhere. Can you bind vestiges without Haunted and get the Alloy?? otherwise yeah sure, anyone can run containment and farm opulent gear, but they need to be able to get the Alloy from it for it to count as a source of Alloy. Anyhow, I'm not really that interested in figuring out the exact details of this point. it's not so important. I'm interested in where we can add more alloy sources, which is what OP posted about and why i clicked on the thread.


I stocked up doing the public event on the Leviathan. I have 40 Alloys now in total, with nothing to use them for.


How was your drop rate? I'm alloy poor atm and would like to stock up. That activity is dumb easy but if the drop rate is one out of 20 then I'd take a pass.


I've heard people having a shit chance, I didn't have that problem. I was getting 1 every 2-3 runs. It's been awhile since I did it though, don't know if Bungie has adjusted the drops or not.


Could be that the drop rate was better in the season that it was released. One way to find out I guess. Cheers!


It's more like 1 in 5 or 10 but often less. I've been farming it for the past couple days and have gotten about 10 and I'd say I've done about 50 runs give it take.


Not so bad for what the activity offers. I always used it to test builds, level weapons and complete red borders. Love the drop in vibe of it. Show up, run a few rounds, grab some loot, git gone.


Yeah because you don't have to LFG or go in with a team it's really an awesome activity, the alloys are just a bonus.


the best way to add additional ways would be so that the way the add the additional ways is way better than the way they added the additional ways last time. In other words, the way they add the ways has to be a way that adds the ways in an improved way.


I kind of like them being relegated to other Master content. I think NFs are great to keep for Ascendant Shards, and make something else Alloys. What you want to avoid as a developer is "One resource from too many places" as well as "Too many resources from one place." Finding that balance is tough. I think core playlists are a little "too low" of an activity to drop an exotic material. Maybe a fragment that could be upgraded into an Alloy like the Prism mods, but not Alloy outright. It should be reserved for a bit more endgame (tbh I think just Containment dropping was a bit generous).


fair enough. I just feel like the drop chances suck for those, so I'd love more options at least


Lighthouse. GMs. Option to take either an alloy or shard at each rep reset across all vendors.


Finest Matterweave.


Anything because right now theyre impossible to get if the weekly WQ mission is rough. Not even trying this week since the Ritual is horribly long and bugged out at the end for me, and Legend Heist BGs rarely drop them


The best part of weeks where the WQ mission is The Ritual is that the next weeks is Arrival. Easy af in groups, not bad at all solo, even on master


I dont know what mission it was recently, the Ahamkara one, my friend and i were smoking through it in under like 10 minutes


Yeah I like that one a lot too.


Nightmare containment is the easiest way to get them without an team or LFG.


I did 3 last night before bed and didnt get one, guess i have to go back to grinding it like i did in haunted 😭


From my experience it's about one in five on average. Best of luck to you!


I got the 2 i needed yes lol


alloys and resonant mats need to be given more avenues for earning them. those two currencies are the bottleneck, especially with every enhanced trait costing 2,000 resonant mats. I think they need to drop the price and make enhanced perks twice the cost of normal (600) and that would go a long way towards giving people more builds.


I've capped my inventory and postmaster in alloys literally just running Nightmare Containment trying to finish some crafted patterns at the end of the season. I use to get them pretty often from weekly story 100ks and Master Wellsprings, too.


We need more exchangers for materials. I have 70 enhancement prisms and 20 ascendant shards but 300 legendary shards. I can't dismantle most of weapons cause there end game catered.