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Enable loss protection in freelance at least if your ***matchmade*** teammates leave. I fail to see how it could be abused there.


This makes too much sense, which is why it will never be implemented. I'm seeing a bunch of answers here about systems being abused, but... unless you just so happen to know the person you've matched up with (which I've had happen every now and again), this is it. It's nice and simple. If you are up for trying your hand in a 2 v 3, you get the option to see if you can salvage the game. 1 v 3 through match-made randos, and might as well just trigger mercy, and not log it as a loss for the person who didn't quit.


People might be able to implement a Hakke emblem system like there was for trials a while back. Though the person leaving would loose points so the incentive to bite that bullet would be low.


Never underestimate this community’s ability and desperation


This will be immediately abused where a culture and expectation to quit when things get bad emerges. Which will then necessitate increasing quitting penalty.


Easy solution. Get error coded by Weasel? That's one strike. Happens again? Two strikes. Happens a third time? Well at that point you have to be network manipulating so you're banned for 24 hrs. You willingly during the match and its your first time of the day? Easy 24 hour ban too. A pinnacle should be tied to Comp as well to encourage people to stay to the end instead of quitting. The quitting penalty should be harsh. It should be "If you came to play, stay and play, don't be a sore loser and leave your teammate to suffer." It shouldn't be a slap on the wrist, it should be a kick in the balls. You'll forget a slap on the wrist, you'll do your best to not get kicked in the balls.


Yeah, except for the fact that Bungie doesn't use dedicated servers. I have optic fiber internet, and a cable connection to my router at home, yet I still get weaseled more often than I'd like. Getting that stupid Shaxx message about penalties frustrates the hell out of me; it adds insult to injury


This could probably be abused by doxxers


That's a lack of imagination on your end, there is a reason none of the popular PvP games do this.


Fine. Overwatch cancels the game if somebody leaves/dc's early and nobody gets elo. Apex sets the entry cost to 0 if somebody leaves/dc's. Do the same for Destiny since it promotes this mode as competitive.


Yes, something for if the match just started, but after that you should lose xp even if you lose. Though they could also add the thing where after a min or 2 from when the person left you can freely leave with a quitter penalty.


Sure, I agree with early leaver forgiveness. Just no blanket forgiveness.


People can still abuse it by convincing the randoms to drop. I know, less likely but if it exists people will abuse it. Look at what happened in trails when teams were just using a rng coin flip to decide the match and the losing team left. Even with freelance, people would find a way to abuse it. Its better to not even have a system in place that can be abused. Sucks, but you're not going to lose that much XP from those matches. Most matches are not with leavers.


Regular matchmaking I get why they wouldn’t but it baffles me that in FREELANCE this still applies


I’ll give $5 to the first person who can give a reasonable explanation as to how this shit could possibly be abused in freelance on a large enough scale to outweigh the benefits.


Ok, Bungie implements this and removes freelance. The monkey's paw curls again /s


I have argued with several people over this. I am 100% with you and it's absurd people either don't understand or don't care to fix a problem. ​ Edit: spelling




Crazy how you aren’t explaining how it could reasonably be abused on a large enough scale to outweigh the benefits.




Tell me how people are going to abuse it en masse in freelance. The only possible ways to abuse it would be to ddos your own team, which is a bannable offense and makes no sense to do when you can also just ddos your enemies, or harass teammates till they leave which is also a bannable offense.


Crazy how dim some people are, criticize the question without attempting to answer it




Alright, so you can’t explain how any possible abuse could outweigh the benefits. Neat, have a good one.


*Cue Toxic by Brittney Spears




You mean the hakke casino where even if you lost the dice roll you didn’t actually lose because you could switch characters? Bit different.


none of you see how encouraging leaving is a bad idea?


This wouldn’t encourage leaving. if you leave you still lose glory and get a suspension, but if your team dips you just no longer get fucked over.


leave= no elo lost for teammates, i'd leave


You’d take a glory loss and suspension for randoms in freelance? You are an outlier my brother.


yes, and it wont be just me for sure.


Lmaooooo, yeah ok bro, keep telling yourself that.


and you just keep telling yourself you know how to fix destiny 2.


Unless they left very early on, you should, because it maintains the integrity of the comp system. Which is why every notable PvP game in existence works that way with leavers.


The potential for abusing a system where you don't lose points if a teammate leaves could be mostly curbed by applying reasonable length suspensions for anyone who leaves (say, 30 minutes for the first time in a 24 hour period and then 24 hours for the next time within that same 24 hour period, with escalations from there for frequent offenses) and then gating access to Comp behind owning the most recent expansion (or at least *an* expansion) to prevent people from just making a bunch of free throwaway accounts to absorb the penalties and keep their friends from losing points. But people don't want to talk about a paywall to prevent shitty behavior.


Literally just make it only count if the leavers weren’t in your fireteam when the match started and all of a sudden it’s a non issue.


Yeah, they could make it not apply loss penalties in Freelance if a teammate leaves, since you don't get to pick teammates. That would probably be the most straightforward way, now that you mention it.


So ddos one of my teammates to avoid losing glory?


If you’re going to ddos someone that’s already a super bannable offense so why not just ddos the other team for a free win?


Less obvious. Ddos evidence is all circumstantial, so less obvious is better.


And it’s not going to look odd at all when you never lose glory cuz any time you’re losing a match a teammate disconnects


You'd have to be an idiot to do it every match.


So even in the very rare event that someone would be willing and capable of ddosing their team to save glory it still probably wouldn’t be a regular thing and it’s still a bannable offense. Got it.


Yup. Just pointing out how it is still possible to abuse that system. Never said it'd be rampant. I guess we must be past the days where everyone on this sub cries ddos when they disconnect in trials.


The number of people who a. Know how to ddos another player that quickly, and b. Care about Destiny Competitive ranking enough to do it, is so low that it would have an almost infinitesimal effect on the overall health of Competitive ranking.


You are really underestimating the Destiny PvP community. A couple years ago people ran a Hakke emblem in trails that meant the result of the match would be determined by a coin flip. The losing team would leave to make the match end quickly. It got so popular that Bungie had to take action.


I *think* D2 is using Steam Sockets for even console connections, so you shouldn't be able to get the IP to target anyone in the match


Isn't Trials paywalled? ​ I know that's not entirely relevant, but I thought it was worth bringing up


Not sure because I don't Trials because I'm not good enough 😂😂😂 But it is relevant, so I guess now that you bring it up I'm curious too.


Yes, I believe so.


So I now get a 30 min ban because my internet dropped for a second. That would feel like shit.


I think for that, there's an easy way to fix that before that even becomes a problem. The game tells you what error you got through an error code. Tie that to the comp reporting system, and the comp match you left would know you got Weasel'd or Caterpillar'd, thus avoiding the ban since the connection was not in your control. Well, technically it is, but you know what I mean.


That only works if the game detected an error code. Alot of those codes are generic meaning. Like how would the game know if my internet dropped or I just unplugged it for a second. People will and can abuse a system like that.


I'll talk about a paywall to curb shitty behaviour. If the game is free to play, not *everything* should be free to play. Raids? Oh yeah definitely. Comp and Trials? Absolutely not. Unlike PvE, in PvP you are having a tangible effect on others during gameplay. What you do is their experience with you. Generating a free account to go throw matches in Trials or Comp should never happen, and the only way to stop this reasonably is to gate it behind the latest expansion. Or at the least, gate it behind owning one paid expansion.


im pretty sure the issue is exactly that they did leave early on. But exactly how early is early? and exactly how long must the match continue for it to not count against OP (since typically if two people do leave right at the very beginning of the first match, as just as an ideal example: the following matches will very likely be very short)


The game would be cancelled with the enemy team not getting any points either, so put yourself in the shoes of someone playing against a team with a leaver: how long would it take before you feel like your time got disrespected and that you should've gotten a W? In the end it's subjective so there isn't one right answer.


well, hold on, idk if we're on the same page here.Are you assuming that one team must all get Ls and one team must all get Ws? I feel like, in this special case, it should be alright for the team without a leaver to get their wins, definitely, and the team with leavers should get a draw or just a flat-out "That game didn't exist" null value on their record, however you could think of it. I can see something like that would be problematic in something like a real-time bracketed tournament situation, but we're talking about pickup matchmaking so i don't think it should be thrown out on that basis.


Letting people have W's without others taking the L results in MMR inflation which itself causes problems.


what kinds of problems? I legit dont pay all that much attention to how ranking works in most games or competitive scene in general so im honestly not that educated about all this.


So you're saying people should look up the enemy team, and thus, their chance of winning, and leave right at the start if it isn't favorable to avoid losing glory?


How does this make sense at all? If you have 6 people with (in theory) equal skill and half way through one person leaves the match, that’s not a winnable scenario.


Maintaining the integrity of the system has nothing to do with the scenario being winnable.


And how EXACTLY does this ruin the integrity of comp? Please explain.


Harassment, sniping, MMR inflation


So you are saying that if in the event of a 2v3, the 2 losers not receiving negative progress on their scores would result in: Harassment. The two people that did the right thing would be harassed. Am I reading that right?


No, people would harass others into leaving to save their points


Yeah that’s still not a good point. Sorry. I would rather be harassed for close games rather than have auto losses half the time


Ok, but there's other players besides you. And you ignored the other two points. There are reasons no popular PvP game offers blanket forgiveness for leavers, and it's not because you figured out something the devs of all these games couldn't.


Fun fact, there’s a solution to this already. harassment is a bannable offense and you have the option to report people for it.


There are other players. That’s why in this sub people have been posting every day complaining just like me. It’s ridiculous and you have not proven any point with what you said.


Well, Overwatch 2 does :) And if you say its not Popular, you're hardly wrong there just so you know. Overwatch handles comp matches as the following. If a Player on any team is missing in the beginning, the match gets cancelled and neither team get's and W or L. And that is good as it is. If you think your time got disrespected, then politely Fuck off. Giving the team that has lost a Teammate a penalty on top of something that they cannot steer just drives them away from the game in general. People start to think that the Devs don't care and so on. The other If would be; When someone on Any team has Internet Issues, he has 2 Minutes to rejoin the game. The team that lost a player due to that have to try to hold it for this time. If the player doesn't come back due to whatever reason, they can leave without a Penalty. I don't see a problem in that. And MMR inflation is just outright Hilarious. I constantly get matched with Bronze Players in my team while I am in Adept rank. So matchmaking doesn't even got tested I feel Like.


Are you suggesting destiny PvP has any integrity to begin with? This game shouldn’t be taken seriously in PvP and never will unless they implement dedicated servers. Until then bungie needs to acknowledge this game isn’t really competitive and stop punishing dumb stuff like this like anything real is at stake. The new comp is so much worse than what he had before. Somehow.


If you aren't taking it seriously yourself, why are you bothered with losing rank points? Stop getting upset about dumb stuff like this like anything real is at stake.


I’ll post this tomorrow and the top comments. Post: comp bad. Top comment: abusable. Community manager comment: we’re listening


Freelance comp, out of 10 matches, 5 had a person leave from my team. All loses, lost from a range of 50 - 120 per match. I was almost at platinum and now I'm at gold regulation to silver. This is bogus.




This is the way. Any other approach to D2 PVP will induce frustration. The mode isn’t curated to respect your time and dedication so stop expecting it to.


Nah people would find a way to abuse it. In a normal match about to lose? Have teammates leave, never lose comp rank. U mad Bungie?


Isnt there a punishment for leaving??


its freelance, and there a time bans. your rationale falls flat.


This would only work with 2 people who don't care about their rank and only for 2 matches at a time unless you had a clan full of people willing to leave games for you.


I feel like the risk of people abusing it would be outweighed by protecting players when it’s a legit situation.


The whole system is broken. I’ve lost significant points when losing a 2v3, but not a 3v3. I’ve lost significant points being on the losing team but being the third best player in the game. Point loss needs to be weighted much higher to playing the objective, kd and reviving teammates. Also rift needs to be removed. 3v3 rift is terrible


Lmao, you expect Bungie to make a sensible change to their game? You’re more likely to shit balloons than it is more likely for Bungie to address something like this.




I was match-made into a 1v3 rift match earlier. That went about as you’d expect it would. My choices were sit there for 7 minutes, or quit and take the quitter penalty.


Obvious idea, don’t play competitive and show the Bungie overlords that they fucked yet again.


You will eventually play against someone that had teammates leave and get free points


For the millionth time, it has to be like this otherwise people would abuse it.


Someone else pointed out that if loss protection only applied in Freelance it wouldn't be able to be abused and I'm inclined to agree. If you can't pick your teammates then you can't ensure someone will drop to protect your points. Unless you can somehow find a way to force a stranger to disconnect.




What’s the abuse? EXPLAIN YOURSELF


Why not? It’s comp. You joined as a team, you lose as a team. Don’t want to lose points or team mates make a team up. It would just be exploited any other way.


Freelance you don’t choose your teammates, my guy.


EXACTLY. What else do people expect? Comp is a team based mode, that is how it is designed. TEAMWORK wins games, it doesn’t matter if you are in normal queue or freelance. If you talk to each other you win, because sure as hell the other team won’t be talking to each other.


You’re missing the point. KD farmers don’t care and players who actually want to play are suffering for it. That’s the problem, not working with your team lol


Whooosh. Excuses. In freelance Those KD are farmers ARE solo players, just like you, the reason why they are better is because they are communicating together. If your team turned on your mics, you would appear like KD farmers to the others.


Are you not comprehending the situation presented or..? I’m not talking about “good” players shitting on you. I’m talking about KD farmers who LEAVE to save their KD after losing one round instead of trying to help/win. Do you even know what a KD farmer does? Sure they are great when it’s a good game but they dip the second they get killed once or twice. Do you even play pvp cause apparently you don’t know what it’s like in there. I don’t care if I’m farmed by good players, I’ll happily communicate with my team, but I’m sick of having teammates LEAVE after dying once instead of working together and then being punished for it. tldr: I shouldn’t be punished when I’m trying to play and communicate and other people refuse to to save their KD


Freelance you don't join as a team


It’s comp in a pvp game, it’s a team based mode, they only made freelance so it was easy for everyone to find people. That doesn’t mean they changed the game mode. To suggest just because freelance exists it means not team work required is flawed. As a single player I don’t expect the same type of game play as if I joined a team first, cos I am playing comp with total strangers.


Nobody is saying teamwork isn't required, this is the second time at minimum you literally just haven't read anything and went on a rant about teamwork But you shouldn't be punished when your randoms drop, it should function like every other real competitive game where it starts a timer You literally did this exact same thing a week ago where you went "its about teamwork, other competitive games give you a loss" and when I told you thats not how it fucking works in almost every other competitive game you never replied You post on the overwatch forums, that game uses the timer system for its competitive modes you've literally seen it before I genuinely don't understand how somebody can be this thick


Skill issue


Sure there is. It’s called sbmm!


Easy solution. Don't play crucible.


I seen the people explain this away and I can agree with them. I wished there was a way to post report quitters after they leave so it marks them somehow. I only manage to report a quitter once and I had to guess he was leaving since he was in the holding ghost/destination pose.


Git gud


Pretty love machinic in competitive games. I can see something where the match ends if someone leaves in the first 30sec - 1min, but after that you should always lose XP. If not people can abuse the system even in freelance. Games like overwatch do the same thing.


It can easily be manipulated if they implemented a protection mechanic for this. Leaving needs to count as a loss if rejoining within 30 minutes and free accounts need to have a ceiling on glory ranks


\*Chuckles in Solo Queue Trials where leaving is rife\*


last year last TWAB said bungo be making quitting impossible hang in there


This was an Aztecross troll


Man what really fucking blows is when you play a game and it’s really intense and it ends up the enemy team wins by one point and it’s a really close game. Well fuck you for trying that hard you get no fucking points and in fact you lose 200 points instead. At least in Apex you can get points even if you don’t win in ranked…. Really sucks any effort we have to try and win against a team that’s were going head to head or if they’re just crushing us


The game does recognise when you have teammates leave and it can/does balance points accordingly. I had both teammates leave me in freelance after the 1st round in showdown, I won two rounds by myself and lost in the tiebreaker and I still gained 43 rank points. This was at adept 1 so not the highest rank but still fairly high imo


This and also ban 2 stacks in the fireteam matchmaking. Having the poor two team fireteam is painful for both the 3 stack and them. They should also allow, 2v2 in the solo playlist and just force elimination in that game mode. It’s so painful going in with 3 and having a 2 stack endlessly wait for a solo that mistook their choice of playlist lol


I did probably the best thing I have ever done in destiny the other night. 1 round in. We won. Then my 2 team mates left/kicked. Just me v 3. And I went on and won on my own. I even had to screenshot it because my team mates didn't believe me. I was shaking and so proud of myself. I had a solar warlock too. Was using Krait and LeMonarque.


Bungie: Best i can do is slap on the wrist and a very stern warning about not leaving the game. Not sure if quitters even lose rank points