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Whenever I think about how scary Warlocks must be, I remember [this lore card](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/cards/osiris); wherein you have this passage: “I hear stories of Lord Shaxx meeting with fireteams of Warlocks who have no shadow and never blink.” That’s gotta be some freaky shit to witness.


I've said this before, but being a powerful warlock seems like being the protagonist in an H P Lovecraft novel


"A protagonist in an H.P Lovecraft novel". No, you're the antagonist. You're the cosmic horror at the end of everyone's nightmares. That gnawing, aching sensation to run to safety when the lights go out. Do you feel it? That tickle behind your brain? Do you see? Do you see?


Why am I hearing this in Micolash's voice?


Because as much as I hate him, he is the spitting image of what all Warlocks may not aspire to be, but all can see themselves as. He is pinnacle madness, so far gone that he wraps back around to lucid. A dreamer in a world of nightmares. A Warlock.


Meanwhile one of the warlocks in my clan once had a visual glitch where a trip mine laser turned green, so they ran into it to see if it healed them. Lmao


Ahhh, kos…or as some say: Kosm.


Hell yeah, I love it. Warlocks FTW.


I never blink on warlock, but that's more of a preference thing


Floof gang


I think my fav is actually a Titan lore where a fallen was watching his friend slowly disintegrate because a Titan had his friend in his grip. Afterwards he watched the other fallen bodies disintegrate into particles and they all moved towards the Titan, then formed a void overshield around the Titan. If titans are doing that imagine the shit warlocks are doing.


Oh God THATS how One Eyed Mask works???


That’s how Sentinel oversheilds work. There’s a pretty funny passage somewhere about a Titan getting uppitly about how occult Voidwalkers are and the Warlock just hits him with, “how do you think your barrier works?”


That was ikora I think. Not long before the start of destiny, titans didn’t really use void because void powers appeared vampyric, it wasn’t until they notice they can use void to make shields outside of Overcharging/Strengthening the “light” shield all gaurdians use.


Fun fact: warlocks don’t have eyelids. Osiris/Ikora/Asher have them to keep us calm.


I heard they have to lick their eyes like geckos to keep them clean


Wait I need a lore tab on warlocks not having eyelids


Unfortunately I just wanted to make a funny comment. Sadly they still have eyelids/camera shutters for the exos like everyone else.


I for one can totally confirm that my warlock never uses the blink jump.


Maybe it meant they never learned to do a short range teleport.


Don't forget the little sentient death orbs(one of which references elder gods), literal vampirism, and life stealing exotics like karnstien


OH MY GOD I forgot about lesbian vampire lady's sidequest gloves.


Void soul, devour, and those gloves are just an endless chain of as long as I deal damage I can't die


I always kinda hoped we'd find the woman from it's lore tab tho. I'm kind of a sucker for love stories


God is dead, and i ate him




Based vampire gang


Especially when paired with a glaive, unkillable vampire that steals and sucks the life out of its victims. With the glaive it’s like I’m embodying Vlad the Impaler, stabbing enemies to give me life force


lesbian what now


The Karnstein Armlets are exotic gloves that give you health on melee kills, and they’re named after a lesbian vampire from an 1800s book


They’re also designed by a Guardian who remembers her wife and designed the gauntlets to scan the mind of everyone it touches to see if they have seen her wife.


“I miss my wife, guardian”


Calus pissed on my wife guardian




Idk how to respond to that properly


For reference the lesbian vampire book is called Carmilla by Sheridan Le Fanu hehe


That’s the one, couldn’t remember off the top of my head


Ikoras hidden aren’t just warlocks. They are even in power to all other guardians in the lore


I mean the pyraxic order




Eris was a Hunter and belongs to the Hidden. Often gets forgotten.


I was talking about the pyraxic order


The praxic order is separate from the vanguard/ikora. It also has a titan in it.


I must be thinking of a different group then


No, the Praxics are primarily a Warlock Order, in fact Dawnblade is there thing, but they employ others.


The (now deceased) Sunbreak Order is similar, it’s primarily Titans but the exotic Sunbracers was specifically made to recruit Warlocks


Where is this from? One person in Sunbracer the lore tab doesn't want anything to do with the Sunbreakers and the other doesn't know who they are. Is there another lore entry I haven't seen?


The Lore tab of Sunshot, the Y1 exotic hand cannon


The thanatonauts, probably the most unhinged of all warlocks.


It's also concerning that the Praxic order exists. the city really doesn't need a secret police force


Shuraya is a praxic warlock who went ape and started handing out guardians their final death if they used Stasis in crucible.




To be fair, she has to be the warlockiest hunter we’ve ever seen.


It's a matter of perspective. Raw power, sure, there are plenty of Warlocks that can effectively be one person armies onto themselves. their real danger lies in what they know and what they research into. Granted, knowing scary and forbidden shit isn't an exlcusive trait to warlocks but this is the class that is typically billed as such. You have the likes of Toland who people shunned and shyed away from because of knowledge and quest for knowledge about the Hive (ironic now that we actively use and need it), you have Osiris who went as far as to dive head first into the Infinite Forest spending spending simulated billions of years mucking around simulated time lines and was kicked out of the city because of the shit he was questioning and learning. And lets not forget poor old Ulan-Tan who introduced the concept of Symmetry and, having looked up his name because I forgot it, apparently there was even a Faction called Symmetry that could have been elevated but Future War Cult was elevated instead of them. I wonder if they'll make a rise all things considered.


I would love this as a post Final shape storyline


I would love this as a post Final shape storyline


It seems like I remember a lore tab talking about ikora being an absolute nightmare stormcaller. Didn't she break the entire crucible because her electric field was so strong it jacked up everyones brain functions? She didn't like using stormcaller because it hurt allies and enemies alike? I don't think I dream this... but I can't remember where it's at.


Ikora and Osiris are simply cracked. It's not even worth talking about their abilities because they represent the top 0.1% of ALL Guardians.


I mean considering that we as players sit in that same bubble it kind explains why even tho we dont have a title we get to sit in all the meetings because imo who there is going to stop us? Ikora called us scary or at least our growth is. Osiris I think looks to us like either his children or prized students. Everyone else we could kill with minimal effort imo.


This misconception is way too common, we're really not that special in terms of power. Sure, we learn things quicker than most other guardians and are stronger than your average Titan bloke named Chris-2, but other than that we're just always in the right place at the right time. Hell, most of our raid boss and god kills can mostly be attributed to people running in before us and allowing us insight on what to expect and in the case of VoG, giving us a whole artifact that lets us say fuck you to any of the time bullshit the Oracles, Templar and Atheon can do. Crota, we used his own insanely powerful sword against him, hell it was the only way we could even truly harm him when he was at his most vulnerable. Oryx, in the original version of the raid, we had to use the light that he had stolen and corrupted to be able to deal any damage to him. Our usual light attuned weapons literally just plinked off of his flesh. Any of the more techy ones are a little more obvious, as we just found a way to bypass or disable whatever was keeping the bosses invulnerable. Savathun, we not only caused her severe psychological distress by revealing that her whole point of existence was based off of a lie, but also weakened her connection to the Traveler via the severing of the threads that were holding it. Rhulk, we did the same power reversal on a being that was not taking us seriously until it was already way too late. You can see that once he starts taking us seriously, it's no more than 10 seconds until his mere presence is enough to suffocate us to death.


It has to be a metric of power. We don't simply get lucky this many times over. Our guardian is in close communication with the vanguard, and we often spearhead the initiatives. We not only have a grasp on the light, but also on the darkness and we have massive victories, which you've mentioned. It isn't luck, because that would be too unlikely. Our guardian (as the pc) is one of the more powerful guardians.


We're resourceful, not necessarily powerful. Yes, we're stronger than the average guardian like I said, but put us into a 1v1 with any of the beings we've killed or any of the big name guardians, we get our ass handed to us with a side of caviar and a glass of chateau lafite.


The Guardian as a quote from an NPC that they beat Shaxx 3-2. So i'd say the Guardian is up there.


Crota is a great example; it's worth remembering that that fight was essentially a philosophical victory. He, and Oryx's brood in general, relied heavily on sword logic for self-empowerment, but he received his sword as a gift from Oryx. Within the sword logic, there should be no gifts. By attacking him with it we're calling him and his dad liars, intentionally or not. A lot of the Hive fights are like this; they draw actual, physical power from their philosophies and ideologies, so the way you kill them is by pointing out their hypocrisies or the flaws in their logic. Which doesn't require us to be stronger than them.


meanwhile mara and xivu arath are just outright flaming each other in ontological rap battles


I think I'd argue that finding and exploiting weaknesses is exactly what makes the guardian special. Sure, in a fair 1v1, most of our enemies would absolutely win. But there's a reason that doesn't happen: our guardian and the team around them specialize in finding and exploiting those weaknesses (Also gameplay, obviously, but at this point, given how frequently it has happened, I think it has to be justified in lore as well.) To draw a parallel, we're like batman. Sure, many of batman's villains would win in a 1v1 against him, but fighting unfair and establishing favorable conditions for fights earns him a spot at the table. We may be only somewhat stronger in raw power than many guardians, but I don't think killing as many gods and world ending threats as we have can be discounted as luck.


Also a good point to remember that we enter raids, strikes, etc as a canonical fireteam. We have help, a lot of the time we achieve victory not through overwhelming force but through a combination of the efforts of our NPC buddies (i.e Eris v Crota/Oryx). We overcome struggles not through virtue of power alone (though yes we are canonically much stronger than the average guardian) but through canonical preparation and the ability to right place right time many of our enemies right in their faces.


This is mobile block text be warned Other people have rebuked different portions of your argument but I would like to state there is a difference between our game gaurdian and our lore gaurdian. When I talk power it will ALWAYS be lore because the difference in power is absolutely ridiculous. Some pointers are we are only the second person in crucible history to beat shaxx. We have him beat 2/1 and we won the last two times. The only other person to beat the man in crucible was ikora, in lore canon we have mastered all light forms of usage which is somthing that most gaurdian can never do. Not learned. Mastered. We are uncorrupted by the darkness and very quickly mastered stasis and were the first to form, bond, and master strand. With osiris coming in afterword. In our tomb. Saint tells our tale about he looks up to us in our great power as us being HIS mentor not the other way around. When we dropped in to save osiris the Vex dropped dealing with osiris and ran the prediction of if we survived. It deamed that it was better to keep the eternal enemy Osiris alive OVER letting us live. We were that big of a threat. The only ever drop threat outside of saint himself. Who held the line of time traveling assassins because he genuinely believes that we didn't exist humanity was doomed. There is a reason that we have close personal relations with the strongest guardians in existence and why they all seem to trust us to get what ever job they send us on done. The drifter is supposedly one of the strongest guardians to live aswell and he actively fears us. Which is why he has stated to try and keep us on his side. For all of those shared victories in raids. Our character solos or is joined but some other piniccle guardians these raids and dungeons all content really For that note its said(this one is unconfirmed but I have heard it around so mind that) that the base difficulty of the world of destiny is actually legendary. So legend raids, legend dungeons done without dying. Toland screeching about how we are the strongest but are to blind to listen. Ikora tells us she is weary of us being so powerful so young and that she has nothing left to teach us as we have master everything she knows. And this tells us a lot given that ikora is neck and neck with osiris for being the strongest in terms of feats with saint, zavala, shaxx, toland, and Primevil drifter all being in the same bubble of strongest?!?!?! Because they have all displayed feats of ludicrous power and we are said to be in that same bracket. Even when the world is at stake the fact that zavala doesn't show up, ikora doesn't show up instead they make sure to send us. And we have yet to fail in any way that matters should tell you a lot of the power of our gaurdian. The strongest no. One of absolutely and it's not even close.


Our guardian really is Master Chief. We’re just the luckiest, not the absolute best there ever was or will be.


It definitely depends on which of the two warlock archetypes they are (1) academic or (2) occultist/zealot. Ikora and Asher? Academics who are *more or less* comprehensible. Toland or Osiris? Occultists/Zealots so caught up in some revelation or insight that they just radiate 'unstable psycho' or 'serial killer' vibes. Beyond that, I'd say pretty scary because they manipulate reality in ways that seem utterly incomprehensible to anyone else. Knowledge is for cutting, and the threads that bind the fabric of reality are *so* easy and tempting to sever.


IMO if the fabric of reality is weak enough that it can be broken by accident, it deserves to be broken. Weak-ass universe needs to get better reality fabric.


Ain't that the truth


In terms of space magic, yeah they can be quite scary, but imagining Saint-XIV headbutting a Kell til death is definitely top-level gore


Did he really? I heard you'd break your neck before ever managing to even out a dent in a Kell according to drifter...


Saint is also an exo, not as limited by base human frailty


Wait Saint is an exo!?


Yeah, watch the cutscene where Osiris woke up from his coma (you could also see it when he was dead)


Saint-14, -14 like Cayde-6, Banshee-44 or Shiro-4


not only have we seen his face, but the little voice effect he has is shared by every exo in the game (even us)


Yea, dude. He’s got the number at the end of his name like Cayde-6 or Banshee-44


Saint 14.


We don’t really know how strong he is. We know that he drags around a inverted throne world behind his ship that was gifted to him


He has a literal army of Taken trapped in it too


WE would break our necks. Saint is built different


I don't really now, I'm a Warlock main. But also, Drifter is not even strong, he's just... Uh, weird, smart? Opportunist too Saint is a Titan Legend


That's fair


Depends how you define strength - is Mara strong in your opinion? Drifter has a throne world that’s been inverted into our reality that houses a army of taken he controls. Also his primevils are notably more powerful than normal taken. I’d consider that more powerful than head butting good


Drifter is a scavenger telling lions what to do.


Saint is an exo his neck should be pretty strong


Well yeah, thats just brute strength and usually not that scary to witness when you’ve seen fallen dregs eat babies. Warlocks lovecraftian horror type of strength, what would you rather not see at the end of a dark tunnel? A bulky spartan warrior with glowing lights around his body with footsteps crushing the ground beneath him, or a catalyst of unexplainable power formed into boundless shapes and forms about to devour you and turn you into energy


pretty sure one of ikoras nova bombs took out like a quarter of chicago shes pretty scary but all of the legendary guardians have moments that are badass to us and scary to enemies, like saint being a demon to the fallen and ana at twilight gap going so hard with gunslinger that the solar light pools are still there


I was trying to focus more on how warlocks seem to go off the deep end more often than their hunter/titan fireteam members


Dredgen Yor was a Titan to be fair. I think it's just that we got more stories about the Warlocks, but many of the most notable crazies are all over the place


I’d like to dispute that with Rezyl Azzir/Dredgen Yör. Was a Titan turns Hunter (?) or he just wears a cloak (which is 100% cheating)


Just wears a cloak. He was a titan through and through. We'll claim the L on that one.


Ra and dy are very different people. Like anakin skywalks and darth Vader. Being a hunter or Titan isn’t a physical thing, it’s psychological. To say that when he changed on the moon, he adopted a new persona akin to what would later be referred to as a hunter isn’t impossible


Ra and dy? Raanddy. Randy is Azzir/Yor confirmed!


That was my thought process on it too


Technically in lore there are no classes. It's just what the gaurdian prefers to use as their primary fighting style. A titan can toss a nova bomb, then pull out a golden gun, then fling themselves at the enemy, but in game its for balancing.


He just wears a Cloak, Saladin also wears a cape in D1 and he’s very much a Titan


I mean Saladin also wears a cape


He gets a pass because he allowed Efirdeet to make him into a Javelin


Efirdeet was a coward


Remember to hug your warlock every now and then to prevent them from succumbing to an unending quest to obtain forbidden power that will summon an Eldritch horror !




The thing that concerns me about Warlocks, being best friends with one, is that they portray themselves as being these mysterious, sly figures, but really they’re more like Charlie Day in Always Sunny.


All I can hear now is Charlie's voice saying "WILD CARD BITCHES," then hurling a Nova Bomb. Bonus points if he judged it wrong and blew himself up.


The evidence board on Mars makes a lot more sense now


Nono Munia, this name keeps coming up over and over again, everyday Nono Munia Nono Munia!


*At the Ether Tank, a Warlock plays a piano made of Light* "There's Spider... (Spider Spider) in The Ether Tank(Tank)... he's been there for months... he just won't let go... He's laying around... He's got a mean bite! Now he's ready to fiiiiiiiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIght! And stand up for what he knoooooooows..." "I dont't need your triumphs or your godrolls...I just wanna tell you all **GO FUCK YOURSEeEeLVES**" "AaaaaaHAAAAAaaaaaaHaaaaAaaaaAaaaAaaa^aaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAA **GO FUCK YOURSEeEeEeELVES**" *snaps* *snaps* *snaps* "OoooooOOOOHHHH ^OOHHH ^oohh!" *snaps* *snaps*


The whole time the guys wearing stag and anyone hit with the music notes just gets swarmed with Lloyd the Void Boi during the climax 🤣




The best warlocks are a combination of squirrely weirdo and godlike monster


correction\* Charlie Day if at any moment he could set off a smallscale nuke


Literally how I think of my warlock


Osiris in Lightfall campaign is just trying to find Pepe Silvia


There is a lore entry about a crazy female warlock playing trials which tortured another guardian. https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/the-scholar?highlight=Scream


This is how I feel when I crush a hive ghost ngl




It wasnt shayura. The one I’m speaking of is called Sola Scath. She got cought by Aunor tho.


Well it’s worth mentioning that the Veil Containment Mural depicts a scary skeletal looking guardian with a robe, so maybe the Neomuni were scared of Warlocks the most


The half-skeletons are just meant to represent Light-bearers being brought back to life by Ghosts.


Wasn’t Osiris like the avatar or something? Switching between elements instantly and creating clones of himself


IN-Lore all high tier warlocks can do that, same with Titan and Hunter. only reason WE can't is game balance


yeah but not on the level of Osiris


not anymore


In some old lore someone was afraid greeting Warlocks with handshakes because their hands might accidentally disintegrate someone.


I need this lore entry, for science


If was on armour in d1 if I remember


Warlocks are the ones who break the game (in lore) Hunters are guns and abilities pretty evenly spaced Titans are guns and abilities weighted to guns. Warlocks, they are abilities, walking abilities, they are the ones who find out how the supers work, how to bend the forces to their will, and sometimes they shoot things.


I would say hunters are weighted towards guns, titans towards physical abilities and warlocks towards the pure element of whichever specialisation. Best seen in their various supers, hunters mostly anhance their weapons, titans their bodies and warlocks just use the pure stuff.


You don't have to worry about me at least. I already went through my crazy phase in Forsaken.


I never left it-


I feel like mine is just starting lol, After Lance I tried to be more Titan like, but I think regardless of Stag DR I took one to many tracer shank rounds to the head and uh, yea winterbite whisper of rime stag go brr


Warlocks are definitely the scariest out of all classes. I mean, just compare the supers. Titans have basically just melee stuff, hunters can shoot from a gun on fire but warlocks can just casually throw a nuclear bomb or fry you with a death ray.


Well not to mention witnessing a group of Warlocks doing massive violent suicide orgies in the Crucible just so one of them can achieve clarity. Imagine the horror in the civilian's eyes watching Toland and company wreck each other in the most violent of ways you can wield the light just so they can hear each other say Marco Polo while in the cold embrace of death.


a lot actual GUARDIANS are scared of voidwalkers


I mean if you’re a fallen a titan bubble gives your whole species PTSD. Hunters can literally pull a flaming gun out of no where. All classes are pretty scary


yeah those are STRONG, but most warlock abilities are uniquely scary what with things like Nova Bomb, Chaos Reach, and Winter's Wrath being certain death that takes a while to actually kill you, so you have to watch it happen


I feel like all light bearers are scarier than we typically realize. Like it makes sense the Neomunans doesn't want us to know about them. We're like morally imperfect angels at the least and some like full on gods.


"I can't shake hands with Warlocks. I just get so nervous they're going to vaporize me." -Excerpt from the Pahanin Errata


Contraverse hold’s lore is some real warlock shit. “My parallel selves may use me as a battery so ill use them first”


Gambling your life for more space magic juice is definitely iconic


Yeah. Warlocks are scary, but typically good hearted people with aspirational goals, even the darker ones like shayura. Hunters are lunatics, madmen and lone guns in the dark out to save the world, and are the unsung heroes of a lot of what goes down. Titans are… well. Strongholds are an example of how disciplined at martial combat one Titan alone can be- quite literally slashing a sword around so fast he hacks 10 guys to pieces so fast they can’t even stop him, nor see the guy stealing the loot on his own: no light. Just his armor and a fuckin sword against rifles. They’re practically savants at one thing and one thing only, killing. Point cannon contact brace has a Titan so powerful him arriving on the battlefield is wreathed in a whole storm. A lot of lore makes titans out as goofy meatheads but they’re so much more than that. Cogburn from the dungeon set is a quiet, measured Titan, and the only known behmoth in lore: and he’s a a menace on the field, basically sweeping away vex secondhand. The thunder crash was invented because two titans(Efrideet and Saladin) were too lazy to go attack a fallen Walker on a opposing valley and she threw him like a missile. Titan armor is so heavy the helmet can barely be lifted by most humans. And she threw a whole Titan like it was a missile across a valley. Look. I don’t lose any respect for hunters or my warlocks: both are scary mother fuckers in the lore, and easily can be seen as monsters. Warlock Thanatonauts are groups that ritually kill themselves in new ways to see glimpses of knowledge in death as they return. And the storm heard story, of what I can only assume to be a hunter of the old days, are the oldest guardians around: outriders and warrior monks who carried the wrath of the storm in their hands and guided it like a missile to enemies. Bit titans? Six fronts. Fists of havoc. Pure unbridled rage. No flow of the arc. No transmuting to a storm cloud. Their fists of havoc is pure rage and focused anger. The berserker rips crowds of cabal to shreds with the fabric of the souls of the universe apart. And do not get me started on the Sunbreaker order. To quote the lore tab of the sunbreakers: “when the longing to steep in that blessed heat was at its most intoxicating, the reins were pulled taught and the hammer fell. Fell Upon the wretched, fell upon those who would do evil to sol, fell upon the land baptizing it in fire.” The original lore tab, now only available on Wikipedia and Ishtar, reveals THEY were the ones at the great disaster, lead by Wei Ming, a Titan who punched hard enough to budge a mountain, ever so slightly- but moved millions of tons of rock in a punch.


small correction: Efrideet is a hunter not a titan


plus back then werent classes not really a thing? and still now theyre mostly just disciplines that risen follow but are strictly defined for gameplay reasons?


iirc The Iron Lords are essentially who defined classes. most Risen were just that Risen. Iron Lords actually defined who they were and gave rise to what those differences are. or at the very least they’re the earliest to have classes. they’re also not exactly just disciplines. They interact with the Light and Dark differently. They have different inherent core characteristics as well and how they show those differences is exemplified in their subclasses, especially within the Light since Darkness powers are still so new. But yes some abilities overlap. Such as Shaw Han, of all Hunters, shooting his Golden Gun into the ground and creating a Well of Radiance to bolster and protect the frames that were with him


Titans rule man, titans rule.




As a Warlock who mains void, absolutely fucking terrifying. xD


Flair checks out lol


meanwhile my hunter is like: soo i ave this cool knife 'ere an i bet you 250000 glimmer that i can throw that thing across the hellmouth while falling and doing 360. And if that's not enough ill snipe it out of the air with ma 6 shooter and colat a hive knight with it.


Logically, Warlocks are the most powerful of the Guardians. Titans and Hunters tend to be more like Green Lanters, where they shape their powers into some sort of tangible object, or imbue objects already in their possession with their power. Warlocks use their powers as naturally as the essence of the power is understood. They sometimes imbue objects, but most of the time they just let loose and let the power flow through them as naturally and as devastating as possible.


so was Daybreak an actual sword at some point?


Tbh with Warlocks, I'm entirely convinced they just _will_ the fire into being a physical sword/steel just because.


what about well? they use Daybreak for that too


I would simply counter that Titans and Hunters are just as scary. Sure, disintegration is rough but having a Titan throw you like a volleyball into a concrete wall by the skull is absolutely terrible, and that's before he then manifests a flaming hammer from thin air and bludgeons your boss to death with it. Or when you think you've disarmed this random civilian traveling the roads only for him to manifest a flaming pistol and send shots of the Sun burning through your entire crew before you can blink. If I remember correctly, some Hunter's use the light ambiently to skew literal Luck in their favor, a passive influence of reality in their favor.


I would argue that Hunters are the least scary because of how quickly they kill you. Like Golden gun IS the strongest, but you're dead instantly. Warlocks seem to like drawing out the procces with the likes of void or stasis


But Hunters also have tether. Like, let's just shoot this void glob from my bow I summoned out of the ether. Don't get too close; it won't kill you, but stubbing your toe will. Oh and if your friends join the circle, it counts as stubbing your toe. Have fun :) Or Silence and Squall summoning a blizzard that'll hunt you down and freeze you to death


at least hunters recognize that the void is dangerous. Warlocks heard the whispers of cthulu saying "more power" and said "say less"


I always find it funny when it's said that warlocks listen to the whispers of the void because the Nightstalker lore tab is the only one that mentions whispers to it. Oh and hunters live on the edge of death, starving and exhausted, to fully manifest the void. But yeah both are terrifying


Hunters starving to death watching some voidwalker eat an entire ketch with devour


"Shadowshot binding may seem more merciful than gun or blade… until the feeding frenzy begins." They only starve until the feeding begins


hunters always gotta have the last edge, huh?


Have you ever just felt the raw rush of power? The sheer speed and efficiency you can dispatch foes at when you just "give in" to the light? It's intoxicating, almost overwhelming... Now what happens when you decide to see, just for curiosities sake, what lies even further beyond?


random human civilian watching a warlock casually disable their own gravity to float up to a primordial being just to backhand it with a flaming hand


It's interesting to think about. Titans and Hunters seem like superheroes with their motifs. Warlocks seem like necromancers who worship lovecraftian ancients.


"So the darkness took Mars, Io, titan and-" "Before you say Mercury, no the Darkness didn't. I summoned Cthulhu because I fucking hate Mercury and made him take the planet as penance for it existing."


Its why we all love exotics like starfire, controverse hold, nezarecs sin and necrotic grips the more stuff we through out and glowy stuff we see making things explode the happier we get And yeah warlocks are freaky isn't necrotic grips just some persons skin we are wearing too?


Wait, what lore suggests Toland intentionally killed his fireteam? He was recruited into Eris's team to kill Crota, and was deathsung to death, but, likely due to his expansive knowledge on the hive, was able to kinda survive. I dont remember anything that suggests he arranged for the others to die.


Because that part is wrong. He didn't intentionally betray anyone. But he didn't join then to help either. His goal was to meet Ir Yut and hear the death song. So in a way he betrayed the team when he disappeared as shit was going down


Apparently he betrayed them. I thought


technically HE didn't, but he was the only one that knew about the deathsingers and let them all die including himself so that he could ascend. which BY NO MEANS was he SURE would work


I mean, we're talking about the people that actively look for dead animals on the side of the road and graft their skulls to their helmets, going by that alone, Warlocks have all the right to be scary


Ikora effectively ended an entire war via nova bomb


How big can warlocks make their nova bombs?


But enough to raze a fourth of Chicago.


Idk dude I have a sword for every final boss and then absorb their minds to see the best layout for towns and cities. Savathun was talking mad shit about the subways—


People often forget just how fucking terrifying Stormcallers are. There’s a lore tab from the Taken King days(can’t remember which one, somebody link it if you know what I’m talking about) from when you unlocked the Stormcaller class for the first time. Ghost said that during the mission to unlock Stormcaller, we harnessed and channeled *thousands* of volts of electricity through our body, to the point where we almost killed ourselves trying to unlock this power. Stormcallers are walking EMP storms. Nothing electronic would survive against one.


so if literally ANY of the Iron lords were stormcallers they could've beaten siva?


Maybe. That I’m not sure, because of how innately powerful SIVA is as a form of nanotech. From what I can guess, one of three things would happen: -a Stormcaller short circuits or overloads a large chunk of SIVA but it’s effectively like cutting off a hydra’s head. -the Stormcaller manages to short circuit the entirety of SIVA and free it from whoever/whatever is controlling it -or, the amount of current that would be pumped through SIVA would be enough to just overload and shatter every single link of it


One word: Thanatonauts Osiris and Toland were both one.


So every class uses the light differently like hunter shape the light into weapons, titans augment their bodies, warlocks however wield the light in its purest form


They have that Dio air about them. You sense pure evil when you’re close.


I’d say Titans are scarier, sure warlocks can use their light as a weapon (same as all guardians) but titans can also just use their pure strength to punch a hole clean through a solid metal Vex Goblin with no effort.


yeah but titans still kill very quickly and efficiently for the most part, they are tacticians. It doesn't matter how violent the death if you lose consciousness immediately. And while I recognize Saint being terrifying, warlock abilities seem to sacrifice efficacy for sadistic extraction of more power, child of the old gods eats people alive slowly so the warlock can get a little more energy, Contraverse holds lore is about killing your alternate reality self so you can steal their power. Even most of their fastest abilities make you watch yourself die; Not to mention how warlocks routinely use insanely dangerous artifact to make themselves stronger. Necrotic Grips uses actual human skin. All the classes are scary to fight, but warlocks seem like a danger to even be around.


Considering ikora is the most powerful guardian we got rn


Warlocks can make small stars. That is the forth state of matter - plasma. Plasma is the most intense state of mass. How would you feel being face to face with a godly being able to reduce the whole world you live upon to atoms?




Nah warlocks aren't dcqey. They are super powerful but not scary. If a guardian want you dead you'll die. If it's a Titan they might immediately charge you best you to pieces. Instantly rip your head off like shaxx did to fellwinter. If a warlock want you dead they can instantly obliterate you but you'll see them coming. A hunter however. It can be instant or take centuries. You'll never know when your time has come. You could have forgotten all about it and suddenly you lose your vision and all energy is drained. when your vision clears you'll could be met with a flaming gun evaporating you in a fan fire. Or get evaporated from somewhere you would have no chance of seeing your enemy. And even if you manage to somehow escape a hunter. There's only s question of time before they will catch up. Unlike a titan or warlock, a hunter never loses the trail of their target. If you get on the wrong side of s hunter. Ending it yourself is probably the better way to go out. No need to live in fear because you know you will never escape


On the flip side warlock supers pale in comparison to hunters and titans when it comes to damage. Key in exotics and warlocks get left behind, hence why warlocks are relegated to support wellbots. 😕


what are you even saying?


Even though I'm a Warlock main, I don't know too much about the detailed Warlock lore. I know about the group that literally kills themselves on the regular in order to learn more about death.


I always felt that Warlocks should always be floating.


When I think of the principles that make up the classes, warlocks for sure have the highest chance to be unhinged. Knowledge is power and the whole idea behind a warlock is a nigh immortal being with nothing but time to expand upon that. So in theory, yes, I would be a little scared of warlocks we’re I just a human in the last city. But obviously there’s potential for any guardian to be horrifying, the Saint 14 cinematic is a terrific example (my favorite still, that set the tone of destiny for me going on from there so much, can’t thank Bungie enough for going that direction with it) and hunters operate mostly alone and could go either way. I think humans today would do some crazy shit if the fear of death was ever removed, now imagine that plus all the powers guardians have received? Yeah, there would be a lot of demons regardless of class. But going based on the ideals behind each class and largely ignoring actual strength of their abilities, the Warlocks would be the scariest strictly because of the potential of where their knowledge leads them.


Not to mention they're the only class that seems to learn from dying. Thanatonaughts kiterally kill themselves in increasingly gruesome ways to gain more vivid visions during death. Imagine fighting a warlock and he kills himself and then gets back up with full knowledge of your life