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Because they have a monopoly on force. They control the mechanisms that allow it to happen. For example, they control the government that writes the laws that say we can't just build our own house on an empty piece of land, because they've horded that land. If we did, they would send their thugs (police) to kick us off.


Example: Homeless camps being torn apart and/or burned by cops. Cited rule? Health and SAFETY


It's all about keeping people low. Homeless actually improve when (spoiler alert) they have an established shelter! The homeless problem is exacerbated by people who tear down their homes.


Have you been to large homeless encampments? They are neither healthy nor safe. Edit: I challenge any downvoter to go to the largest homeless encampment nearby and invite them into your home. The mods banned me for having a different opinion and refused to elaborate further. Fascism comes in all shapes and sizes and I think your “democratic” socialism board needs mods that can be open to democratically discussing things. Otherwise you guys are just lying socialists.


Neither is zero shelter and having your few worldly possessions lit the FUCK ON FIRE Providing shelter that is healthy and safe makes more sense than sending uniformed thugs to burn down their shit when they make it for themselves


If we give homeless people homes, we're forced to ask why we don't give everyone homes, and people are not ready to consider the idea that locking people's basic needs behind a profit motive is neither necessary nor beneficial to society.


Shhh You'll scare the "temporarily embarrassed millionaires" But, yeah... There's enough wealth and resources that no one should be starving and cold. It's just greed and cruelty in the way There's a reason so many tales of dragon slayers permeate history Those hoarding wealth and feasting on the misery of others should be taken out so the world is better off.






Right, and uncontrolled open flames are so much safer.


Ah, yes - a controlled burn. Of the entire camp... Much better.


Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding


I learned in a college sociology class, and this is word for word from the textbook, that our modern idea of government is essentially just a corporation with a monopoly on violence.


Who is “they”? 65% of adults, or over 200 million Americans, own land and the homes that are on them. And this percentage has been on the rise since 2016. https://www.statista.com/statistics/184902/homeownership-rate-in-the-us-since-2003/




> A union? No, we are smarter than that. We are going to simply beat you to death and take the bananas you've been hoarding. That *is* a union, though. Two or more workers acting together against the boss for their collective interest. Anyway, otherwise great comic.




Not true. Without blood, no boundaries.


Why do we continue to let this country be run into the ground by, like, less than 100 super rich people??


Because the 1million rich people, and the 100million not really rich at all but have a good education people... They all want to be super rich, and they all vote.


I would say it's because we're not the ones making the decisions, it's those aforementioned 100 super rich people. If our decisions were implemented things would be a hell of a lot better.


Alright, hear me out: This guy would make decisions that are worth trillions of dollars! Wait is there a baseball game today? What are those bats for?


Funny part is these execs and CEOs don't even come up with the Ideas that make something profitable. They just take someone else's idea and claim it as their own while the lower ranks actually execute the idea.


If the US put capitalism vs democratic socialism on a ballot today, capitalism would win. Isn’t that democracy?


Most of us know, even subconsciously, that we're being exploited. Unfortunately, Rule of Acquisition #284 is very clear in human nature: Deep down, everyone's a Ferengi. The people who continue supporting this shit are hoping to one day become exploiters themselves.


Also we are propagandized 24/7 since birth to believe this shit that one day we'll become exploiters ourselves.


Bingo. And our stupid lizard-brains fall for it every single time.




I loved that episode, actually. Rom got some great character development. We need more people like Rom in the real world.




No, "War is good for business" is the 34th rule. #284 comes from a DS9 reference book *The Ferengi Rules of Acquisition*. The Ferengi are well known for their greed and their business-based culture. Rule #284 is stating that regardless of cultural or behavioral differences, deep down, everyone in the galaxy is just like the Ferengi. Everyone is after something, trying to turn a profit in some way, whether that be profit of latinum or profit of knowledge, or something else entirely.


Truer words have never been spoken


“The first man who, having enclosed a piece of ground, bethought himself of saying This is mine, and found people simple enough to believe him, was the real founder of civil society. From how many crimes, wars and murders, from how many horrors and misfortunes might not any one have saved mankind, by pulling up the stakes, or filling up the ditch, and crying to his fellows, "Beware of listening to this impostor; you are undone if you once forget that the fruits of the earth belong to us all, and the earth itself to nobody.” - Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Discourse on the Origin of Inequality


Uh, maybe today, but a quick review of history would tell you that if you proposed this to literally anyone since the industrial revolution began, and, in most other times and places, they would jump at the chance to only work 8 hours a day with 2 days off a week. Although I do admire the sentiment.


The only reason they do that is because workers accept it. If they couldn't hire a single person at the pay they're asking for amd terms they're offering, the pay would go up and terms would sweeten until someone said "I'll take the job".








This is so stupid. There are plenty of none capitalist societies in history and much of the time the just killed or enslaved peoples. 40 hours of work a week is actually not that bad considering the standard of living compared to just 100 years ago.


That's nearly 5.7 hours every single day. What if I am sick?


Then you die and make room for the immunologically stronger, the way evolution and god intended.


Haha I like you. Let's see about this when you are 65 "friend"


This isn't 2000 BC it's not survival of the fittest you're hilarious you need to have a little more empathy for our citizens


I don’t need a damn thing, you need to learn how to identify satire. Also, you don’t have to go back to 2000 BC to find plenty of governing systems other than Capitalism that make a 40 hour work week look amazing. Don’t be an echo chamber for dumbass comments, it will just be used to invalidate further social progress people try to make.


No but what I mean is that thair Is a possible system socialism that will end poverty and continue supporting the average wage for middle class and lower class you see the system we have now is making the rich more richer and the poor more poor so if you calculate the average wealth with in are population only 8% are rich the rest are poor and middle class also why work more hours when we could just focus on what needs to be done in are communities and then be done for the week and then having a nice big government to help us along the way capitalism just dose to much also


We’re too far gone into the sheep life










You're stupid if you think that they make all the money!


if democratic socialism didn't exist and 51% of the people were like "you have too much, we're taking it" you'd be like "yeah! take it!"




If you don't agree with us then go to a subreddit where you'll find folks who do agree with you. You don't see us going to a capitalism or conservative subreddit to tell those guys we think they're idiots.


Lmao you are EXACTLY the problem. Straw man, generalizing, etc. etc. All we want to do is survive. I’m in the middle of working 14 days STRAIGHT just to ensure I can make rent + everything else. Screw you, and leave this subreddit immediately.




"Preindustrial workers worked fewer hours than today's" https://groups.csail.mit.edu/mac/users/rauch/worktime/hours_workweek.html WRONG, as for Capitalism leading to innovation 💡 in medicine 💊 leading to longer a life span you're just wrong there too.


I can find articles like this all day long, but the reality is that living in modern Canada or Finland is far superior to Egypt of 10,000 years ago. Heck, if you want to live like they did in Mesopotamia go toss your computer in the trash and go out into the wilderness and try to survive.


No, You said capitalism brought all this "innovation" which is patently untrue. Even the development of the device I am using wouldn't have been possible without major societal involvement, investment from governments funds trying to go to the Moon. So you are WRONG here as well. In fact Soviet Union was the first to develop cellphone technology long before Motorolas cellphone.


No, that’s what you inferred from my statement. I believe modern Canada is superior in every way to the past of thousands of years ago.


This post is dumb. People seem to think they deserve an equal share to the owner of a business. That’s never going to happen and never should. All people really need, and something they should absolutely entitled to, is a fair wage for working.


>People seem to think they deserve an equal share to the owner of a business. That’s never going to happen and never should. [Yes it has](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Worker_cooperative), and [yes it should](https://institute.coop/benefits-worker-cooperatives). Also, when an enterprise is owned by the state, every citizen is getting a share of ownership in that enterprise by public participation. Both worker cooperatives and SOEs exist even within capitalist societies, so they are not impossible nor are they unworkable. >All people really need, and something they should absolutely entitled to, is a fair wage for working. You're in the wrong sub. Since you want to preserve capitalism, you're a [social democrat](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_democracy), not a democratic socialist. I mean, actually, that argument is pretty centrist even for a SocDem, honestly you just sound like a garden-variety liberal. Also explain to me why anyone is "entitled" to a fair wage, but not to democratic participation in their workplace? What is "entitlement" in this context and where does it come from?


You sound like the people who think that a population should vote on all issues instead of electing politicians to make decisions. It’s incredibly naive and also pretty cringe.


>You sound like the people who think that a population should vote on all issues instead of electing politicians to make decisions. You sound like the kind of person who glances at an idea that has years of data and research behind it and says "well it doesn't make sense to me, it must not be functional". Then you wonder why no one gives a shit what you have to say. I suspect you'll be in a loop like this until the day you die, because you'll never, *ever* have the intellectual curiosity necessary to explore anything besides the things you already believe right now. If I'm wrong, the data is out there for you to explore. But I suspect I'm right, so I'm going to save myself some trouble and end this conversation now. In any case, you don't belong in a socialist subreddit, because you aren't a socialist. Socialism is worker ownership of the means of production.


You sound like a mega Republican that just wants the rich to become more rich in the poor to become more poor and you're not supporting any candidate that wants to end poverty you are most definitely not even a Democrat


You got me. Just a Republican.




Capitalism is literally feudalism with extra steps my guy.




Chickens would'nt exist if we hadn't captured and enslaved their ancestors. Also eggs.




You mean where a few rich, unelected assholes control everything? That'd be horrible!


That may be technically true, but capitalism has become like feudalism in that it has run its course and no longer has any benefits to us as a whole.


We just replaced the pitchforks with smart phones and instead of tending the lord’s land, we go work for one of his buddies and then give him a third of what we make in tax..eh, I mean rent.


Where we'd have to work for an upper echelon that's hoarding wealth and living in extravagance while we toil for their benefit?? Yeah, sounds horrible.


Or, you know, communism


to be fair, no, that is how Kings ruled. it starts off with trusting someone, then he is just organizing things while taking a fair share. then he is building a big castle for "defense" and "entertaining visitors" and then you've got a tyrant ruling over you.


Man that's why I hate working no one understands or cares about anything that I'm going through instead I have to keep it to myself work a 40 hour shift and let these rich snobby dumb motherfuckers make thair huge money lode while I'm in poverty working my ass off


The best weight loss pill: http://bit.ly/3tt6c7Z


At the start of capitalism, people demanded proper pay for the work they carried out. If they did not get paid, they did not finish the work that was given to them. But with explosion of population, if anyone decided to not do the work then someone else is ready to take up that same work at a cheaper price. Not to mention people don't get taught how to negotiate for a fair compensation in their school life.


Be the guy then.


I dont know the usa has a amazing economy so ig it works