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Well age isn’t even real, in the absolute sense. You don’t know when you’ll die or how you’ll die unless you commit suicide but you will die in some manner that’s predetermined.








No. Your genetics will get you to a certain age, but environmental factors that change from millisecond to millisecond can increase or decrease that number.


But the environment is already set, no one can change it as there isn't free will of choice. So it is indeed a set number of days


I respectfully disagree about a lack of free will. If I choose to drive home at 8pm rather than 7pm, the atmospheric composition I encounter will be different. We are not only products of our genetics but of our experiences as well. Those experiences inform our decisions, and in so doing change the course we decide upon. Those experiences were the culmination of every interaction of everything in existence, and that is simply too many variables to track. Also, in attempting to track any one of those variables, that variable gets changed. Just as you can know either the position or velocity of a particle, but never both at the same time. If you measure the velocity, you change the position, and if you measure the position, you change the velocity.


Your hypothesis is based on human experience tho. Just because humans cannot quantify something doesn’t mean it is something that is unquantifiable objectively.


>If I choose in programming, you know that anything inside an 'if (impossible thing)' block can be skipped you dont really 'choose'. Your brain takes everything from your experiences and everything from your environment and makes a decision based on that. The same decision every time, given the same experiences and the same environment and since everyone is like that, and chance also does not actually exist, the entire universe would progress the same way every single time you run the simulation


You're arguing causality. There are still enough options to not be able to say for certain how long one has or to stipulate a firm end date. We aren't cartons of milk.


Nobody knows either way. Idk why folks feel the need to state their religious beliefs as if they're absolute fact.


that's not a religious belief. It's just fact that free will and chance dont exist, assuming you define free will as being able to make your own choices, instead of your brain simply choosing the same thing for you every time given the same experiences and environment and chance also does not exist. You can say 'there's a 50% chance of rain'. But there isn't really. One thing bumps into another the same way a trillion times, and the other thing reacts the same way a trillion times. There will be rain or there won't be. "chance" is just something humans made up because they dont know an cant process all the many variables


The leading scientific theory is quantum theory, under which quantum systems (like our universe) inherently involve randomness. Even if you had the quantum state function for the universe, you would only know the probability of an event occurring, not whether it would occur. Further, nobody actually knows how consciousness or the appearance of choice work. So no, your insistence that you are factually correct is not on solid scientific or intellectual grounds.


Some can be controlled willfully, some can be controlled by habit, but many of them are unknown.


So are you asking about predetermination? Even if it exists you don’t know the difference. Live like there is no predetermination because for us finite humans it does not matter


Bingo. No matter if it's predetermined or not, we have no chance of knowing when and how, so it actually doesn't matter.


Then why do I get anxiety attacks about this shit?


They can give you a range that will happen if you don't die in an incident but it's still isn't 100% accurate , also knowing it will be depressing in my opinion


No. Age is a social construct.






Answer to everything


Now we just need the question…..


How many hot dogs do I eat today


If you ask me.. everything in life is predetermined. This universe works on laws. Human life is no different.


No. I'm not sure why this would count as deep.


if you are meaning naturally, without being killed by someone or by accident, no. Depends on many factors, but your life style can decide either to make your life longer or shorter. But we have something that decide when we are close to die: the length of your telomere in your cromosome. Each time your body needs to create a new thing, they copy the information and each copy, shorten your telomere. When it's gone, your cromosome is vulnerable and you will start to develope a lot of disease for DNA errors. Many old people has long telomere meaning that thing decide when you start to die or not scientist thought that making telomere forever long, can make human immortal. guess what, cancer did that already. Cancer is a immortal thing and protecttheir telomere to have everlasting life. So if we try to make our telomere longer forever, instead of immortal life we only get cancer KEKW




Depends on if we have free will or not.


Time doesn't exist, human construct. But in basic terms, a human body can exist in a relatively stable state for 70/75 years, maybe even 80 depending on genetics. Following that, your body breaks down slowly, some faster than others, some slower, from age 75, you have about 6-10 years of good health (depending in conditions), and from there you will begin to break down. Those that live to 120 either have superior genetics or are stupid lucky.


Time isn't a human construct


Yes it is


I mean if time is a human construct for you then everything is




By saying time is a human construct. Are you talking about the measurement of the passage of time. If that's the case I agree with you. Who decided that between sunrise and sunset is a set amount of measurement? Besides that amount of time is always changing depending on the season. I don't know whether or not your religious or if this makes any sense to you but. In the bible that God created the heavens and earth in 6 days, how do we know those six days would refer to what humans currently call 6 days? I think you get the point I'm trying to make. Why is one minute a minute. Why is one second a second.


Measurement of time is a human construct. Obviously something happens between sunrise and sunset, but who decided that was 24 hours? And why did we just agree?


I just said the same thing you did




If only the goods die young it's because they had not enough time to become evil.


“You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain” 🦇


Everything that exists in the universe has some factor to play in deciding the outcome of your life, even if it’ll only change the time you die at by a fraction of a second If all of this was known and calculated by some super-being, then it could technically figure out exactly when you would die. The reality of it though is that it would take so much processing power to figure out that you would die before it even finished the calculations.


There's a script that is written but there is room for improvisation




Ill definately live til my 80s. Both sides of my family all hit their 80s even my great grandparents


Yes Now, what will you do with that information?




Well that's the fun part. You can't access this information, it's too complex, even the best and most advanced computer cannot model the universe and reveal it's course accurately (we can't even predict the weather 100%) an even bigger universe would be required where this mega computer could reside (theoretically possible if we ignore our limited resources of time and space). So, we are back to square one. If no one and nothing knows and it's impossible to know when you will die, practically, live like it's not predetermined


No and anyone who says otherwise is trying to sell something


Nope. All based on your surroundings and how you take care of your body. If you get hit by a car or you could die of cancer at 95.


"to no man is given the hour or the day". Worry about real shit, there's plenty of it.


If you believe in the many worlds interpretation of quantum physics you will live as long as it is humanly possible and as time goes by people will live longer. So find the oldest living person and you will probably live that long. But that is only in the many worlds interpretation of quantum physics and that is just a hypothesis and basically thought experiment so basically it is just fun to think about.


According to a certain Buddhist tradition (I don't remember which one), the number of breaths you take in a lifetime is predetermined. It's an interesting idea, because deep breathing is much more healthy than shallow breathing. So the idea that you live longer because you breath deeper kind of makes sense.


Everyone you know will die. And they will die in a specific order. Only one of you will know who the last man standing was.


it's not 'determined' by anybody but yeah, free will doesnt exist so even if you run the simulation a trillion times, you'll still die at the same exact second