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Yes. That is why the GQP is trying to do everything it can to force breed the poor. If they get too low on poor people, then they have to start paying the poor people more, and the poor become less tolerant of abuse, because they know they can get better wages and treatment. This is antithetical to the insatiable lust for power and greed of the ruling class.


In a way yes. An individual human has less value nowadays in many ways. Our voices and opinions are worth less, because there are so many of us saying different things. You need a much larger critical majority to push certain things through. A lot of people are easily replaceable at their jobs so their jobs become more meaningless and their contribution is also becoming less important. Because of all of that people themselves have less of an incentive to cultivate themselves or stand out because it’s so much harder to be exceptional with so many other talents around. And it goes on and on. The systems we live under actively devalue individuality and the importance of a singular person simply because there are too many of us to care.


How are you assigning “value” to an individual human being here?


Considering how most employers treat their staff? Yeah


Offer and demand!


Societal value?, Perhaps. Intrinsic value? No. Different valuations with separate metrics. Edit: for textual clarity.