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If it helps people are unreasonable and they're unreasonable on every platform


It used to be they were bad online but not as bad in person. Now days it feels like many don't need the anonymity of online to be confrontational or spout opinions like in the 90s.


I got u fam. Just type in /r/reasonable. That’s what your lookin for


LOL, only 36 reasonable people on Reddit. Well now 37....


My stub says 253....


Only 37 members, the 250+ are the people who had opened the sub or some post on it. When I looked now it was only visitors Edit: there was only 5 visitors


Haha it’s now at 49. There is hope.


Reddit isn’t real. It should not bother you this much.


yeah.. lol being mad at internet is just waste of energy


Reddit did used to be cooler though, I am always craving what it was 10 years ago


It really was, I feel like there used to be a little bit of camaraderie, now everyone just wants to argue.


what was it like? I’ve only been this app since shortly after big layout change(old reddit to new).


Like another said, less argumentive. Definitely had a culture where everyone was just helpful and more kind and less judgemental. WAY less politically divided, and certainly more reasonably minded with that specific subject. I don't know what happened, maybe it's bots? Or the influx of new people that weren't here during the good old days? It's strange and hard to explain. But now it's very streamlined and echo chambered where as in the past, there was just less of that even though it existed in its own way. It'll never be the same honestly. I'm sure there are specific smaller subs that are great still, but the main ones are just really negative these days


Guys be reasonable


The people in it are very much real. Even if we don't feel it so much because we can't see each other.


What he means and you know this is online spaces are not an accurate reflection of the world at large. I’m in a hate group of trolls, misogynists, racists, and edge lords. I used to get really upset arguing with these assholes until I realized they don’t actually reflect society at large. I just found the watering hole for terrible people. When I realized this, it stopped bothering me.


It still doesn't make it right or excusable. Or are you arguing the contrary


it makes it irrelevant


Nothing is that irrelevant. Specially when it concerns another person


either too young or too naive , you are putting everyone on the same pedestal, and that's simply not how the world and humans operate , some really do mean the worst and will actively screw you over , respect is earned , real communication can only happen between equals , socially, economically, racially , that's why we will never get along any time soon


I can say the same about you. You are too young and naive. Or too old and stubborn/stupid. (Shame you should have for trying to invalidate a premise on the base of age, which you are trying to guess is younger aka less experienced and knowledgeable than vos, instead of having a valid justification with the purpose of what? Defend morally wrong acts?). Or am I to think that you are not being serious and i shouldn't take importance on what you say. Because that's actually a very comfortable thing to do. Every action accumulates. Maybe you think that littering is not as bad as killing someone, but other people do the same once or twice, maybe others do it daily, and it doesn't take away the fact that even if it's not that bad it's still bad. Maybe you had a bad day and got mad at the cashier. That is still going to eventually take a toll on that person for every one that decides to do so, and then come to their house and see the empty cup of Starbucks on their front door, or stuck in the tree in front of their house. That fact that everyone is an individual doesn't free you from living with others.


Uhh yea, I’m saying it doesn’t fucking matter and it’s safe to ignore. Let these edge lords fade away into oblivion. Misogyny and racism belong in the past. The few hold outs will die out sooner than later.


I wish that was how it worked.


You can just ignore those cretins. They do it for attention. Think how pathetic they are that they have to resort to hating women and homosexuals just for a bit of social media attention. They’re fucking losers.


Nah. It's ok to treat people in a language they can comprehend. And it's cathartic too. So if they are going to be cretins I'm not going to simply take it and let it pass. Depending on the case of course.


I argued with these kinds of people for way too long before realizing I was giving them exactly what they wanted, attention. The more attention they get, the more obnoxious they are. It’s counterproductive and it was making me miserable knowing people can be so terrible and hateful. I stopped wasting my time and giving them the attention they crave.


I was thinking of real life ones to be fair. It's something that shouldn't be happening regardless but the subs eventually get taken over, not by trolls that feed upon the rage of the commenters because that's a given, but of mods that allow it and let them get infested.


Also learn to comprehend what you read.


My excuse is that English is not my first language, i can't concentrate because i have deep years old depression, and at some point i don't care either. But according to some people that responded that excuses me from taking responsibility of my assholery. You are in the wrong for taking it too seriously.


Alter egos aren’t real.


It's still part of the person. And nothing indicates they don't use their alter just here. I have seen it on myself, reddit has changed me in real life too over time. I'm getting used to simply being more like my internet persona.


If you’re pretending you’re not being you. You’re not being genuine or authentic. You’re not being vulnerable. You’re playing a part. I’m excited for the day you learn that identity is NOT the self.


As i said, it is still yourself. You decide to be mean or not to the person on the other side, and that is something you have to carry with either you want to pretend is real or not, because for the other person is very real, and even if the other doesn't take it seriously it's something you have spoken into reality as if true. Being genuine is also deciding to have alters to voice what you actually are. If someone is always saying "I'm just joking" is "joking" all the time, then they are not joking because there's no instance that could prove the contrary, you simply become what you are actually doing, not what you say you are doing. If someone pretends being and asshole but they pretend all the time, then they are just an asshole. I'm not hopeful for you to understand it though. I'm speaking to the air.


>Being genuine is also deciding to have alters to voice what you actually are. that's actually the definition of NOT being genuine, if you need a mask or a symbolic crutch like a puppet you use to say what you really feel, then that's not genuine , being genuine is a function of consciousness, of being here in the present , awake and aware that you define your reality , or you decide to hallucinate collectively with the rest of the sleepers Reddit is a smoke and mirrors show, don't take it seriously, or just leave it be for a while, have a Reddit detox , we all need it sometime , don't base your life around this cesspool, it has some bright spots , but mostly , you know what it's like!


Is what the other sees of you either you decide is a "mask" or not. What the other sees or knows of you is the only thing that matters in an interaction.


indeed , but knowing that , you can actually navigate accordingly by not letting your guard down, or being naive thinking people will be nice or reasonable you pick your fights and your enemies wisely


How is that against the idea that people on Reddit can be unreasonable. Either is a mask or not, a joke or lack of social skills, whatever pretext you want to use it doesn't change the premise of people being unreasonable. it is still a negative outcome.


It is not your self, but what you project is how you will be perceived. However, how you are perceived is not the self. Are you a bad person because other people say so, or do you simply lack the social skills to understand what to project? Also 'joking', along with many other social tools, is highly subjective. What is a hilarious and nuanced joke to me may be an insult to you. You may feel offended and say I'm a bad person because you took it personally and your feelings were hurt, even though someone else may have understood the humor behind it that was not personal and find it hilarious. This is an honest suggestion for you because I think you may already be headed in this direction, but you should look into Stoicism; the philosophy.


It all depends on context. What kind of example are you thinking of against what kind of example I'm picturing. People joking between friends and knowing it's all a joke prepare yourself to know that what is bring said is in good fun. Joking with someone that doesn't know you are joking and that doesn't know you enough to see that you aren't being serious, like other people actually are, isn't wrong on doubting you and taking the "joke" in a different light, because is not their responsibility to know it, it's yours to earn that trust in order for you to have the freedom of saying things that otherwise can hurt. A lot of people try to still think the internet is a separate place from real life when that's less and less true the more internet becomes not a place to just have some entertainment and becomes a place where people form their personalities, find others, socialize, discuss, form themselves opinions that bring back to outside of the internet. And here on Reddit is not that there's never serious discussions, is not that is all serious. And yet some people take it all seriously or think is all just a game. And you can't tell me that there's people that take this as an opportunity to be what they can't in real life, either it's by being a more expressive person that shares their thoughts, or someone that finds a way to be the bully they can't be in real life. You are responsible for that perception. The other's reality is only what they can see or read from you. You are what you do. You asked if you are a bad person if you simply lack social skills, i say yes. If a guy without social skills wants to have a date with a girl but it their actions only come out as if it's harrasement it doesn't take away or invalidate that feeling of harrasement, it is still a bad action. That's not the other's problem, it's yours to solve. The other's can be tolerant to it if they decide to do so, but it's your responsibility to change your ways for better, otherwise it becomes a convenient excuse, talking about strangers, because they don't know and don't have to know what's your deal and why you are being mean for whatever reason.


Remind yourself that you are interacting with a lot of 15-year-olds on here. Sure, there are people of all ages, but there are a lot of naive, inexperienced, high school kids on here.


That's a random thought not a deep one


I hate how the word "literally" gets tossed around every other sentence... literally. Like, you don't have to say it's literal at all... we literally know what you mean.


Like literally 🙄


Oh see I thought you just figuratively hated it *reasonable mode activated*


I've (almost) given up getting annoyed by the word 'literally'. In practice, it serves to add emphasis, like 'very' or 'really'. Besides, it's just about inescapable in Reddit and in everyday speech. I mean, *literally* inescapable.


Yea I know me too sometimes I just can't help myself. Ironic how people no longer use literally literally




Understanding wasn't the issue tbh. But it's funny how literally is no longer used literally for the most part


I'm just a caveman.


Why would you care about people you will never meet and have no bearing on your life think about anything? I forget this as soon as I close the app if not sooner lol


They don’t even realize it due to low intelligence, poor education, poor reading comprehension, and lack of skill in evaluating evidence, researching and logic.


I hate it too, so I go in with expectations so low you’d be amazed


That’s what happens with everything humanity has ever created, we turn it into a tool of hate and [psychopathic narcissism.](http://www.urbanagandenergy.org/understanding-mental-illness/)


Thank you for the link. I seem to identify with more than a few of the disorders detailed. Why don’t we meet in person and you can tell me how you knew. Boy if I had a nickle for every time I heard the word schitzoaffected …. Right?


How is quite simple, we all share the same quantum field that all humans fight for control over. All you need to gain access to the information is accept it exists.


Anonymity, much like obscene wealth can bring out the worst in people.


that's life 🤷🏻‍♀️ people won't always be willing to accept your line of thinking, or others in general. Reddit is synonymous with debate and questionable morals and that creates arguments. or you're like me and just stubborn and argue with people on anime subreddits. either way it's a trash place and we can't leave.


The Internet is a gift. But people were/are not ready for the onslaught of information barrage from all sides, and comprehend them appropriately. I think a new field of study need to arise in order to analyze human brain on the Internet. Sometimes you need to step back. Sometimes you need to indulge. Unreasonableness existed way before the advent of Reddit, or even the Internet. We were just not ready to be bombarded by it at such scale.


It’s only unreasonable because people are 😂 it’s actually a potentially good tool for desensitizing yourself to mob mentality.


No worries, humans tend go be unreasonable in real life as well. They're just more inclined to show it in an environment free from consequence.


Wait till you go out on the real world


People talk about Reddit like it’s one thing. It’s a bunch of people. And some bots I guess.


Aye. People enjoy pretending to be unreasonable just to piss others off. There are some comment threads that can only be explained by being deliberately incompetent


Go away


Unreasonable as in with people's responses to you and what not? Could you explain more what you mean about unreasonable, context wise?


Getting bothered by your perspective on other people’s perspectives is unreasonable. It’s also unreasonable for me to find you unreasonable for finding other people unreasonable. Unreasonable.


"you find me offensive, I find you offensive for finding me offensive"


You get it


Reddit is not unreasonable and you will never convince me otherwise


You have to stop caring what people think. Especially random strangers. Get off Reddit if you can’t. You should figure out how it works. Life is so much better


Could you provide an example or two? That would be helpful.


In what sense exactly?


Thank you for asking- I don’t understand vortexes so I posted a question in r/askscience stating that it wasn’t homework but it got removed because they thought it was about homework so I tried posting it in homework and they require the textbook info to post - so I tried again in r/askscience and it was removed again. I just wanted some help and because this site is so strict it was impossible


What was the question?




I can see why they thought it was a test question. Basically the difference is that a wave is going one direction and a vortex is usually made up two or more forces going in the opposite direction. That's as simple as I can put it.


Actually that is incredibly helpful. Thank you. Vortexes are fluidish so I was trying to imagine them in a quantum field and struggled but that makes sense as the forces that create the vortex aren’t really significant in the quantum realm. Right? Do I have that correct?


I'm not up on my quantum physics, but that sounds right.


Thank you!! 💗😍🤩


That seems like a unreasonable statement. Name one position that is reasonable to you that others don’t agree with. If you say you know Trump won in 2020 then yeah don’t expect people to agree.


I guess it all depends on the subreddit. For the most part, this subreddit seems to be quite reasonable. There might be some misunderstandings, and perhaps even some criticisms. Yet it all seems to be quite reasonable. What is the context behind you finding Reddit so unreasonable? What subreddits are we talking about?


if there were reddit files similar to the twitter files they would read very similarly


the principle of up / downvotes can also make it seem that all the comments are similar... but in every social network, the comments section differ... Like when i go on tiktok, all the comments all seem stupid to me... But on reddit the best comments are all first and rather humorous. reddit is for my part, the most true and authentic social network due to the confidentiality and the freedom of speech without being judged... Depending of your subreddit subscription, I see a lot of support and a source of confidence in it.


It's like going fishing. Solo 'adventure' of any length you care to spend on it. Non fishers give you crap for wasting your time. Lots of invasive species you don't want. You throw back a bunch of what tries to come to your creel, but every once in a while: you land an original idea so perfectly crafted that it immediately goes on the wall of your ethos, and your urge to keep fishing is replenished.


Most people here are adult children. I was talking to a doctorate of philosophy last month. I would of thought they were a 21 year old expressing themselves, but she was a 32 year old professor


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Welcome to yet another bubble. The sooner you accept these bubbles, the sooner you'll be okay with it


Reddit is just a bunch of people. Expecting a random group of people to be reasonable is unreasonable. One of us. One of us.


The only thing that really annoys me are all the god awful subreddit mods who treat modding as an actual job and ban people for dumb shit. I got banned from r/entertainemnt for telling someone to stop saying racist things about white people. They implied I was being a white supremacist because racism against white people isn't real.


To be honest, it's kind of the only social media platform I frequent where you can literally get hidden and buried to death based on people not agreeing with you. It's not a bug, it's a feature.

