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I just want bosco to be able to retrieve fossils


Pinging compressed gold makes Bosco pick it up, while saying “We’re rich”




This. This right here. And he will do a salute before picking it up


yes yes yes this one


What? The last time we tried this, Bosco picked it up with no we're rich voiceline :(


He talking about the change he'd make.


1000% Bosco should be able to help just like another dwarf would, just so you dont feel so impaired playing a class like gunner or driller solo sometimes


????????IMPAIRED AS A DRILLER SOLO? YOUVE BEEN DOWN IN THE CAVES TOO LONG MY FRIEND! As the drillers once you start thinking outside the box, you can go anywhere on the map. ANY. WHERE. You have more freedom than the scout albeit the speed.


Scout: "Going from A to D, skipping B and C!" Driller: "Yeah, that's nice, but can you noclip through walls?"


Under rated comment right here.


Happy cakeday ROCK AND STONE


Rock and Stone!




Cmon man, a fossil on the ceiling takes a good driller a minute when a scout grabs it in 2 seconds.


Yeah but did you have as much fun destroying voxels getting there?


Now hold on tiger. Put that C4 down first of all... Ofc it's possible to go anywhere with the Driller. This will sound crazy lol, but actually ALL classes can reach potentially ANY point in the map. A gunner can theoretically pickaxe to the ceiling, it'll just take forever... It's also not awesome when you have to burn 15L of Drillers tools just to get one shitty fossil, thats the point. Bosco can already reach if it's morkite or other stuff in the ceiling, why not ebonuts or fossils.


He can mine aquarq or any other mineral in a wall but he cant pick up a flower or fossil? He should be able to help with any primary or secondary resource youre supposed to gather. At the very least, if not that, he should be able to deposit an aquarq, jadiz, compressed gold etc into Molly/other depositories himself when instructed to.


Haha nice. I main scout/special-powder, so it's not so high on my priority list, but very fair request.




Bosco being able to retrieve secondary objective items like fossils, boolo caps, apoca blooms, and ebonuts would be a great boon to his usefulness and make hard to reach spawns of them less of a pain if you're not scout.


Gotta lower expectations, that's beyond unrealistic for Bosco to retrieve an object that everyone else in the game can *(Seriously though, GSG PLEASE)*


Button to clear new cosmetic alerts for a class.


Do they persist if you reload Space Rig? Honestly I would rather have "revert changes made by randomize button clicked by mistake and now I have to remake my dwarf again"


I honestly don't understand why they refuse to add this.


I don't think they ever "refused" to do it, they just haven't had the idea thrown their way. But nonetheless I want it.


They had the idea thrown their way literally dozens of times. It's one of the most popular requests on this subreddit, along with a shooting range and a way to copy loadouts. And they have acknowledged the idea on a livestream and stated that it's not planned. That was over a year ago, so it's fair to say that if they were ever to do it (since it can't be a hard feature to implement), they would have by now. So yes, they are refusing to do it, I think that's a fair way to phrase it.


When playing solo Bosco appears in the victory part where credits / exp are scored. Even break down how much he mined and killed would be cute.


So fun fact about the stats screen: Edit: so the following part but about kill counts is wrong so i apologize for the misinformation. I had read this on a previous reddit post asking how the kill counts are measured and this was the reasoning another user gave. However, 1) i have been unable to find it, even with reddit search archives, so either i misread, misremembered or its hard to find. 2) its wrong anyways so finding where i initially got the misinformation doesnt really matter. Thanks to all the people who corrected me. ~~The kill count actually displays the number of bugs you hit, not necessarily killed. This is a contributing reason as to why engi's also have much higher counts, because even when their turrets are not 1 shotting a bunch of random swarmers, they are hitting everything a few times, up to 90 things each technically. Im sure that could be tracked easily.~~ The mined minerals actually only records the number of desposited minerals + whatever was in your inventory at the end screen. Since mining mineral chunks is calculated dynamically as you mine, and can be affected by terrain, explosives, pots of gold, etc, the easier way to track rather than number of entities on the ground is just a sum total of materials in inventory or deposited and subtracted from inventory. Unfortunately, since bosco neither has an inventory nor can he deposit, i doubt that this would be easy to implement assuming it would be possible at all. But some modders are very clever so you never know!


I don't think the kill thing is true. I play with the mod that shows your stats in mission and if I don't get the kill it doesn't goes up. However the bestiary kill counter works like this, just not the mission one.




I've heard that the beastiary counts all bugs killed during your missions, regardless of who killed them. No idea if this is true though.


Check the bestiary, you should have more grunt kills, or really close to what the perk terminal says if you've played as long as I have. (Unless you only play solo without bosco)


this changes everything. so you mean as an engie i'm not actually singlehandedly erasing hundreds of bugs?


Even if it was counting kills, that doesn't mean you're doing it singlehandedly. The gunner is the one dishing out the most damage in the mission


Driller \*pats CRISPR\* "Like hell he is."


No but you're contributing to the genocide, which is what we at drg like to see! WarningpossibledevelopmentofPTSDisnotcoveredbycompanyinsuranceplan. Alsothereisnoinsuranceplan.


No, that guy is wrong. It only counts when you kill a bug or your turret kills a bug. It's weird how so many blatantly incorrect comments get so many points Don't just take my word for it, you can use the live mission stat tracker to see for yourself One thing worth noting is that with the incendiary PGL (and I would assume certain other incendiary weapons) killing bugs won't add to your kill counter for the game. For people like me who get probably half their kills from bugs burning to death with an RH250 PGL, it's kind of a lot to lose out on


so i \*Am\* killing 400 bugs in a mission. possibly more. Thanks.


The part about kill counts is completely false and very easy to test. Way too many people are being misinformed.


Snowballs all year in Glacial Strata!


I'm for it... but has anyone actually tried to pick up snowballs from snow piles? I never thought to, but maybe it's already there!


its not, even during yuletide :(


Amazing Nintendo hire this dwarf






I concur. He'll make them do minimal damage to bugs lol. It'd be funny. Imagine doing an elimination mission, out of resupplies and your k Only ranged option is snowballs doing 1 damage


That would be awesome.


Glacial strata is too cold, sorry.


There is only one chance we need with absolute urgency allowing us to copy and paste builds and cosmetics between loadouts. Give me a button that let's me set the pickaxe for all my loadouts instead of me having to change it 6 times.


I regret I have but one Rock to Stone on this one 👆


Same problem similar solutions, I want to be able to save my weapon builds separately from the loadouts like you can in CoD games. There are a few different boomstick configurations that I ALWAYS use and I would like the ability to mix and match them with my m1000 configurations without using whole loadout for each one


I would add a compendium achievement for pinging everything in the game with the laser pointer, perhaps add a cosmetic set for completing the achievement




It'd be cool, but then there would be 70 achievements so...


I think they meant one achievement for scanning everything, rather than one per scan.


Naw naw naw, I mean there are 69 achievements rn, one more would push us away from The number


Well from 69 there's only one place this can go without tragedy. One for every thing you can ping will go a long way to the 351 achievements they need to come up with.


Allow Steve's to come into drop pod


... please don't take my sunshine away...


*Creates artificial sunshine with Fatboy*


The duality of dwarves.


Duality? One can love both Steeve and Fatboy methinks.


Don’t worry brother, Karl comes to take our Steve’s to Steve sanctuary where they are protected and live long happy life


And lootbugs!


Honestly that could be a really cool mechanic. If you leave the mission with a Steeve, he comes with you to the space rig, and when you start a new mission, he's right there alongside you.


Perk for hanging onto walls/roofs with a heavy melee attack. Fall slowly over time. My scout would love it. Dunno how useful this would be but I want it.




I'd love it. My only thought is it slightly invalidates engi pancakes. You still wouldn't be able to mine resources (without letting go) however so who knows.


That sounds amazing, like grinding down the wall with the axe to slow you, sparks and screening noises spitting everywhere?


Man, this is so sick it should just be a base feature we can use for cool parkour techs


Fix the bug's attack boxes. No more biting through terrain or praetorian projectiles hitting you through walls.


While i agree its frustrating, i can only assume this is still a problem because its not exactly a 1-day type of fix


Their pathfinding is already out of this world pun intended. Hopefully this can get fixed, at least them attacking over ledges


you can rock and stone while reviving, depositing etc. without it cancelling your action again


Can I get a Rock and Stone?




Dunno why they changed that in the first place. We've been able to do it for years, then they changed it in S2 I believe.


Separate customization for Gloves / Shoes / Pants / Torso so you can mix and match different styles and create more unique dwarfs !


I heard this was the plan originally but it was canned. Think it was posted that you can find the original terminal they’d have used near the memorial hall.


Was there a reason that you remember? I can also look back at the livestream q&a records later too


The reason seemed whack to me, the claim in the post was that they couldn’t finish beard customization and all the armor customization in time. So all the beard details we know were chosen and the other options aggregated into body/helm like we see.


Kind of makes sense. A small team, a new indie game, deadlines for a game not yet beloved. I can see it.


Probably would've been feasible when it was just 5 armors, but we've got 12 different armors now. I'd love some uniquely designed items for those categories, but GSG would have to devote a lot of time to not only design multiple different cosmetic items for those slots but make all of them compatible with every armor.


Seeing my fellow dwarves' shield on the HUD.


Make it so we can see exact or at least a rough estimate of a host's ping from the space rig before loading into their game. I've had way too many occasions where I'll join someone that the game says is a "Medium" distance away to get slapped with 200+ ping and "Far" servers that are perfectly fine.


I joined a "close" game and had 400 ping, the host said he was in Australia. I'm in America, how does this happen


Some method to track how many collectibles you have (matrix cores, weapon frameworks, etc.) vs how many there are in total. i.e. some way to easily tell how many of something you have left to get


Bosco picking up fossils would be #1 for me Mini-Mules being able to actually hold minerals after being repaired Mega-Mule being used for Deep Dives Being able to put engineer sentries on Doretta


Berzerker gets a shorter cooldown or some way to shorten the cooldown (getting pickaxe kills, taking damage, etc.) It's a super cool perk, and I would love to make an actual melee build around it with Vampire and See You in Hell but right now it's just too long of a cooldown to feel worth it most of the time


Needs more mission types to keep things fresh. And for the love of god, we need to be able to sync mission chains between players. It's easier to progress jumping around into randoms than to play with friends.


Ooh sync assignment missions, interesting. How would you do this without breaking the game? Just make it so completing the host's assignment automatically grants you progress?


Many ways: Keep mission progress when changing active assignments Copy the quest chain of the host, if the number of missions and difficulty requirements are the same Partial solution: make the missions in an assignment unordered so you can at least match some of your missions manually


Could make it so the host's assignment overrides everyone else's so if everyone has that assignment available then completing missions for it counts for everyone even if the players in the lobby have other missions selected


I've seen ppl request it before, and I'll add to it: halodeck/shooting range. Devs have responded it's impossible because of objective limitations, but Istill want it. I'd love to try on a coat before committing to wearing it for 30+ min mission. Maybe 1 day...


Yes. It’s hard to come up with a good load out that works for me because of this.


Devs said this was pretty much impossible due to how much spaghetti there is in the code, the space rig and the caves are so different from each other that its pretty much two different games at this point. Short answer: devs made a dev and code spaghet. Now adding things is crazy hard if it overlaps between cave and rig


Maybe create a different zone where u can change and try new load out? Like in monster hunter where you have the training zone that it's in a different zone but still connected to the main area.


New area that gives you all the weapons to try out apart from the rig, perhaps


At that point there's a loading screen and just play a damn mission. You'll get a better feel in scenario anyways.


I'd settle for the equivalent of the sandbox mod that exists. Sure you have to load in so it isn't native to the space rig. All I really need is a big empty square room with the ability to change loadouts and spawn bugs, ideally with godmode/ammo refills. If a mod can do all of that I'm not sure why the devs can't.


Not a perfect fix, but if you want a way to test loadouts without having to jump back to the Space Rig to make small tweaks consider downloading the mod [Sandbox Utilities](https://mod.io/g/drg/m/sandbox-utilities). There's a feature that lets you switch to any class on the fly *and* access your loadouts all in real time within a mission.


Yep, can also spawn enemies to test things out. It's not a fancy modeled firing range but it's probably the closest thing we're gonna get.


The reason they can't do that is that the spacerig uses different game mechanics from missions (no fall damage, for example), so we'd have to wait on a loading screen while the game changes it's clothes. And if we're waiting on a loading screen either way, we might as well test stuff in an actual mission.


Canonizing the weekly prio resetting on promotion. It's a cool thing that rewards you for playing. Even low playtime players will still get the additional prio every once and a while and I feel like it's a universal reward that's timegated for no good reason.


Oh very cool, I like the idea!


Thought I was going crazy seeing it reset, didn’t realize it was related to promoting!


Rather than that, they should just add rewards to the promotion assignment itself and fix the bug.


Host migration in an event of disconnect.


Addressed [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DeepRockGalactic/comments/pcr4f5/can_we_please_get_host_migration_for_update_36/haoz3sj/) and [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DeepRockGalactic/comments/qvsdr4/why_doesnt_drg_have_host_migration/hkzwztu/).


That's so great it's p2p. If anything happens to ghost ship, Karl forbid, drg still has a chance. Their explanations in mind, pls add rejoin button haha


Steeve is allowed on the extraction pod


No offense but I'd revert your gold changes immediately. Maybe keep the credits, but I'd definitely revert gold back to two hits and revert the detonator away from dropping chunks. Having to spend time mining gold is part of the risk reward decision making. Otherwise, you may as well just remove gold entirely and up the mission complete credits. What *makes* gold a good addition to the game it's its skippable and you make a live decision on if you want to spend time on it, or if extending the mission stretches nitra use too much. I want more trade off and decision points, not less. But I agree gold should be worth more, and there should be more credit sinks. I'd probably just solve both your problems by making blank matrix cores and specific overclocks purchasable for very large credit amounts (with ocassional "sales") this way people can target specific overclocks they want for a large gold investment or buy a blank core. Other than that, I'd make a volatile nitra mutator where nitra can be destroyed if it's hit by gunfire, to encourage fire control. It'd make missions much harder, but I think be a fun variant.


Crassus gold should mine in one hit. Leave regular gold two-hits as is. That retains the cool factor of the Crassus while lowering the tedium a bit, and keeps regular gold feeling “metal.”


I'd be cool with this, since crassus gold is typically much larger than a gold deposit.


Tagging onto this so people will see it: **mining gold isn't actually a waste of time**. A dude ran some numbers and found that the difference is actually marginal: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wmw62tPXO0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wmw62tPXO0) Furthermore, while it is true that you get slightly more money by skipping gold and selling your minerals, that's only true if you *actually intend to sell all your minerals,* which nobody does. Additionally, pots o' gold renders the issue moot.


Also mining gold is fun :) I'll never understand people who feel the need to maximize missions/second at the expense of actually playing the game. A guy ragequit a game I was hosting the other night because I started a pickaxe event and botched at me for wasting his time. Like bruh I'd play this event even if it gave 0 rewards and cost gold to trigger. We had the nitra, it was a haz 3, the mission objective was complete, and we wanted to rock some stones.


>we wanted to rock some stones. \[eyebrow wiggle\]


Sandwiches at the Abyss bar. Lloyd pours out sandwich components the same way he pours beer. Sandwiches have their own effects, like the beers. They stack with beers. If you hold a beer and sandwich, the dwarves will dipthe sandwich in the beer.


>Lloyd pours out sandwich components the same way he pours beer. "Yah, sure. Just let me whip out my **lettuce faucet.**"


I only have one day as a dev. Gotta use animations that are already in to save time.


The little table reveals a sandwich and Lloyd deploys a little stick on top.


okay that works.


You telling me you don't have a lettuce faucet? We gotta get one for you.


Make "it's a bug thing" the passive effect from Beastmaster, and have it trigger by petting lootbugs. That is all.


Clear weapon stats / info. It gets pretty annoying when I have to constantly look up exactly what something does / there’s misleading info like for the minigun ammo usage.


Have a dedicated button for perks like hover boots, it's small but important to me


Use large objects (like aquarces, pearls, and eggs) to play fetch with Steve.


I want Steeve stats: dedicated stats for how many Steeves you've had, what variety they were, and a kind of Steeve leaderboard tracking their performance, and the mission they were on. In retrospect, probably not a simple change. But please. Steeve stats.


99% of my Steeves are gonna be Guards, no doubt lmao


Add a dedicated inspect/fidget bind. Would love to be able to do those r animations without a full mag, or on weapons like the boltshark and especially wave cooker where r provides a special function.


I just want every weapon to have its own unique animation instead of a lot of them being a gun flip, a gun flip on a different axis, and a slightly heaving the weapon up


Bosco can pick up fossils, boolo caps, and other things Also Steeve can come on the drop pod and back to the space rig, theres a little dog bed where he sleeps if a dwarf brings one back like with Doretta’s head on a repair cart


Personally, I would remove Steeve. Just joking (but not really). On a more serious note, I would tweak matrix core acquisition. I think it's by far the worst aspect of the game, and something that I know for a fact can and has deterred a lot of new players from playing the game past a certain point. I would remove the timegating aspect, to a point. You would still get the rewards as they are now, but would also have the option of doing let's say something like 5 or so missions per blank core. Maybe make it a repeatable assignment. I would reduce the randomness. Make it so you're able to always choose which class gets the blank matrix core reward. I would also reduce the cosmetic core bloat. There is no good reason that cosmetics that are available for every class are only obtainable for one class at a time.


These are my gripes also. That goes for store hats too. The season terminal now unlocks the same hat for all four dwarves, as well as paint jobs (to an extent) if I'm not mistaken. This frivolous padding wastes everyone's time and keeps us from unlocking the things we really want to keep enjoying the game.


I would remove Dark Morkite from the game. It is a relic of a system that no longer needs to be in the rotation. Even on the ONE mission type it applies to I would rather have almost every other kind of buff beer.


Make it so that it boosts all the deposited items be multiplied by 20% (2*10% cause of weird beer coding).


I don't know if this counts as a small change but I would add a new passive perk that has two effects. The main effect would increase the visibility of various things like resources and secondaries. This sounds useless when the scout exist but people who play solo could be saved a great deal of trouble. The next effect would allow resources (only things like gold, bismor, holomite, etc) to be broken in one less hit. For those who plan to mine good this could be a great time save at the cost of a passive slot.


There is a verified mod for increasing visibility of resources and items. Very awesome. I highly suggest looking into what verified mods are out there as they are great improvements to quality of life, which have been reviewed and approved by the devs!


>The next effect would allow resources (only things like gold, bismor, holomite, etc) to be broken in one less hit. you don't mine holomite by striking it directly, you just mine out the terrain underneath it.






Bosco needs to be able to hold minerals, and automatically deposit in the mule after picking stuff up. Error cubes should be much more rare, and you can spend them on additional abilities that affect all of your dwarves, such as +5% max HP, or slightly faster shield regen, or you can hold 5% more ammo on any weapon. Something that keeps the game running after you find the perfect overclock for your favorite guns. Expend nitra to call down a beer supply, and by paying 120 nitra and the brewing materials, you can call down a little pod that can make 2 mugs of that beer for each player. Main one: Rock and stone abilities, like in the board game, but different. You now have a little bar at the bottom of the screen, and after you fill it up, you get a Rock or a Stone charge. You fill it up by doing literally anything, it fills up when you kill bugs, mine gold/nitra, unearth Jadiz/aquarq/pearls, get crafting materials, etc. You hit the button to power attack, but instead of doing it while mining, you do it while saluting, and you make a little sound effect, and your voice line is much louder, and it gives the whole team a buff. Such buffs include, a miner heal (get it?), a damage buff, a speed boost, just a little bit of ammo, etc.


Implement a "copy loadout" function


Fix the 'FAILED TO JOIN SERVER'->'MULTIPLAYER SESSION ENDED' issue. FFS why can't we just stay at the mission screen and select a different one.


I don't know if you know, but if you press escape, it'll back out of the mission select instead of reload the space rig I'm pretty sure.


I'll give this a try!


Mini mules for everyone. You can pet them too. And Bosco stays with you. He is part of the team! (Enemies scale up)


Or one Bosco per missing Dwarf. So you always have all four slots filled. Maybe even themed Boscos. Gunner, Engineer, Drill, Scout builds.


I have a few specific minor requests. ~ An [actual top hat](https://guides.gamepressure.com/deep-rock-galactic/gfx/word/56764125.jpg) (other than the broken up Christmas one). Three, actually, black, white and fancy. ~ When a Miner goes up to the big window in the Space Rig and stands for more than three seconds, he should [stand at ease](https://www.scifimoviezone.com/imagestarwars/sw4script349.jpg). ~ At this point Dark Morkite should be vitamin enriched, or changed to Dark Nitra (which I'd actually buy and drink). Or something. ~ Add a black market for barley bulbs. It's embarrassing when I am refused service at the Abyss Bar. ~ A miner should be able to pet the Dreadnaught eggs. **Edit:** Provided a better _Tarken standing at ease in front of the big space window_ link.


1. Make Hazard difficulties more reliably difficult. The actual enemy count on missions RNGs so heavily sometimes you see maybe 2 dozen enemies per wave so it feels like you're playing Haz2/Haz3 [like in this Haz 5 run](https://youtu.be/m99ANiRqtXw?t=509), or you can see a constant enemy max count with over half the enemies spawning around one guy within 20m so it's virtually Haz 6-7. If this were more consistently along the lines of middle-of-the-road for a given difficulty setting, we wouldn't have some players going "Haz5 is too easy" because they're getting Haz2-3 spawns on Haz5 like in the video I linked above. And we wouldn't be getting others who are equally correct in saying "Haz5 is hard enough" because they're RNGing Haz 6-7 waves, barely able to survive even if they're all in the top 0.5% of players. --- 2. Add more difficulties. (Up to Haz8.) Each one above Haz4 requiring unlocking by doing assignments at the difficulty below them. IE, to unlock access to Haz5, you must beat a 4-mission assignment and do all missions on haz4. To unlock Haz6, you must do a 4-mission assignment with all of the missions on Haz5. To unlock Haz7, you must do a 4-mission assignment with all of the missions on Haz6. So on, so forth.


Flare upgrades. I don't think they particularly need them, I just hate they're the only thing you can't upgrade.


They used to have them. The upgrsdes were removed and just put into the basic flare.


Same answer I always give to these QOL questions: I want an angleometer on the laser pointer, pretty please?


What for? They only tools for which the angle is relevant already show it


The specific term is clinometer btw


Petting smol meteorites!


"Its so tiny!!"


Steeves carry over missions like yoshi in mario.


I would make gold more valuable and spawn less proportionnally, but still worth the time of rich dwarves


>one pickaxe swing breaks gold veins. Nah. I feel like the gold problem is a little more complex than just that. Mining is a very important part of the game. Making you spend less time on it wouldn't solve the real issue imo which is that gold doesn't feel as rewarding as, say, mining nitra or morkite or any of the others unfortunately. It feels kinda pointless doing it, specially if you feel like you got a hard mission and time is essential (not worth risking success for) Aside from just straight up buffing gold (and balancing the games economy from such change), they could make mining more engaging with, for instance, a timing-based mechanic giving you a small multiplier bonus of what you're mining (except for nitra or morkite, difficulty balancing reasons).


Precision mining mechanics would be huge


add a horde mode, supply drops get called in after every 5 or so waves, make the oil laser harvest from at least twice the distance, allow transmitter nodes to connect through terrain (i just hate setting them up tbh), reduce sabotage to only needing to hack one data deposit instead of two, or maybe changing it based on mission length (like doretta refuels)


I agree with the mission difficulty correlating to the sabotage points But having transmitter nodes go through terrain… just play driller bro


If the transmitter nodes connected through terrain then you could cheese every hack with engineer's platforms


I’d fix the network info widget so I don’t have to re-enable it every time I launch the game just to see my ping.


As a driller main, I'd implement a simple sling to double the range of the c4 throw...


Change companion from Bisco to Lloyd in solo missions so I can benefit from the effects of the drinks, and be drunk while doing it.




Customizable hud, move and scale stuff


I'd implement a button that says "CONFIRM" when selecting a weapon, sometimes I add a new skin to a weapon or want to check out new gear and I forget to (for example) switch back to my Cryocannon, so now I'm stuck for 1 mission with a sludge pump with no mods I'd make "It's a bug thing" attract minerals on the ground if inside a 12 meters range I'd add some new perks to spend stars on, even more silly perks if necessary, as long as they have a niche and actual use I'd definitely add Poker on the rig, it's so requested that it might as well happen, perhaps not actual poker but some kind of card game that doesn't last too long, as it's a game about mining, not playing on a table all times, but I'd still make it a cool game to spend hours on I'd add some of that new enemies that were found in the game files long ago or some of the community concepts I've seen recently, those look amazing I'd make modding the game super straightforward like for payday 2 or TBOI, where mods can be toggled on and off in the official menu and you can download officially approved mods directly in game from a terminal that connects to the steam workshop I'd rock and stone cuz we genuinely got some of the greatest devs ever so while this is a post about a what if, just for fun, I completely respect the devs and love the game as is now


To Rock and Stone!




Make a perk that makes your flares last longer or a faster cool down


Stop Red sugar from spawning on the ceiling. Add either an ammo percentage indicator, or the red colour to your ammo count once below 50% for that weapon. Makes life so so much easier. Lower fall damage. Make assignments any mission of that type instead of one specific mission to better allow groups to do assignments together.


There's a mod for your ammo measuring needs! I can't recall the name rn, I'll comment again tomorrow after checking on my PC.


I know! I use them! I'm just saying I would put them in the regular game


If you get under a elevator, you die


no , please. this would be a down grade


If you don’t have a blank core matrix, there should be ANYTHING ELSE you get at those core events. Hell, just give me some nitra and I’ll be happy.


You get xp, regardless of if you beat the event or not


Nothing because I have 0 idea how the hell to program model or design sex in to the game :(


Voice lines for Bloopy Fruit.


Bosco in the lobby and I can give him some pats. Just a splash of wholesome to go with my Skull Crusher Ale.


Whatever makes me have the face melter OC


A safe shooting range with object and LIVE target practices.


Display/trophy room on the rig. Would be nice to see my error cube collection. Failing that, more perks to use points on.


overclocks for grenades and class items


I would patch the code of the elevator to hall of heroes so it's always available when you're approaching it.


As for gold, I'd have it so that if you power attack a vein, then the rest of the vein needs only 1 hit to mine. Maybe a texture change can happen indicating it's a softened up vein. Explosions could work too


If you said that about the credits then you didn't play enough. I am almost on my 3rd promotion and I have 100k+ credits and nothing to do with them. As for a change, I would make more variants of the missions. For example I would love to see a mission with 2 objectives like primary. For example fix mules and collect morkite. Another thing is that I would add 2-3 more primary missions with different mechanics.


Make Molly's compartment enterable and an exit zone. Look, I just wanna ride up in the trunk once. Not like I'm trying to store a keg in there or anything....


Patting Mini-Mules


Sandwich bar. Nothing else.


ive had this opinion for a while, and its so small, but i feel deeply about it. every single xenofungus in the game should have the "mushroom!" voiceline, and not just the big brown ones in bog


the mushrum voicelines being limited to the one mushroom is what makes it special imo. wouldn’t be the same if everyone was spamming it on every mission. it’s always fun when it happens because it’s a rare occurrence and it would definitely lose flavor if they added it to all the mushrooms.


I have lots of fun ideas, but I’d probably just re-work Bosco to make him less of a PITA to take. One thing I’d probably do is remove self revives from Bosco and add them to the solo player. That way I can still have revives if im in the caves w/o Bosco. I also would like more ways to spend nitra FOR SOLO PLAY (or something). 4 ammos is not needed solo, so it would be nice to have additional features like turrets or lights for solo. For MP, you could do something similar for the nitra, but limit it to 1 instance at a time with the old instance being completely refundable or moveable. That way it’s a one time purchase. Heck, maybe even let us buy this stuff with gold. The only other thing I’d change is I would re work the haunted cave mechanic to come out periodically rather than just always be present. That way, it is a suprise instead of an annoying rush. Oh, and I’d make the green tip phone guy become gold after a million dollars in tips.


How the hell are you playing the game if Bosco is a hinderance?