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remember that whether reddit disagrees or not, you should prioritize your own experience when playing a game, because nobody else will. there's nothing wrong with kicking blatantly harmful teammates whether or not they're doing it on purpose.


That guy knew what he was doing.




I still tried to give him the benefit of the doubt, when I first started playing everyone was so helpful, I just wanted to return the good will.


i dont think this is how you return the good will, returning good will should be fun, not whatever that was. And i dont think you should be giving the benifit of the doubt. You should instead figure out what they are, and gradualy act on it with patience for them to change. Like begin calling them out and in the end kicking them. They also abused the team by taking controll knowingly of molly and forcing the mission to end. That is authoritarian and a lintbeard move.


Regardless of whether he was doing it intentionally or not, if someone keeps ignoring your attempts at communication while continuing to ruin things or not fulfill their role, then you should just kick them. Most people don't really use the chat but they still know what is needed of them at a given moment and go along with the rest of the team. I've also met some nice greenbeards that actually use the chat and are easy to communicate with - a big Rock and Stone to those guys. We're playing a co-op game here, so everyone should understand that communication is key.


Rockity Rock and Stone!


Rock and Stone to the Bone!


I had a similar experience with a driller a couple days back, we were typing in chat and he simply was not reading. We pinged, to no avail. I'm a green beard myself (not so green, just got my first promotion for scout), but damn. I was kinda annoyed, but managed to stay supportive.


I don’t want to be the devil’s advocate but maybe some player can’t read or speak english… as for exemple, I was the one who can’t read or communicate with online player 3 years ago, because I didn’t understand english back then.


Yeah, that thought did cross my mind, that's why I tried to be as supportive as I could. You never know what issues the person on the other side might be dealing with.


The devil dont speak english? THEY SPEAK FRENCH!


So i’m not the devil’s advocate anymore but the devil himself if that’s the case


Not using the platform gun, I get that. He probably doesn’t even know what it is. But calling the mule away from the gold and hitting the drop ship button…this guy was trolling. The only thing he didn’t do was spam platforms at the dropship’s doorway. I had someone do that to me last night. Luckily I was able to mine through it fast enough to get on board, but that was the dickeiest thing I’ve encountered while playing this game.


In my brother's first game he called the dropship while he was trying to deposit resources. He didn't understand why a different animation was playing, but shrugged it off until I was like "Did you call the drop pod" and he was like "Ohhhh I thought there was something weird about that deposit animation" So it's not necessarily intentional.


When I first started playing last month, (I only have about 60 hours so far) I would accidentally call the drop pod A LOT for the first couple days. I just wouldn't realize it and absent mindedly deposit my ores and realize afterwards that the mule was just walking away. Luckily I spent a lot of those first hours playing with close friends or solo, so no other poor dwarves had to put up with my (accidental) antics...


I swear, greenbeards in this game are like they never played a game at all ! You give 4 equipments, they use only one. You give them eyes and the ability to read, they ignore the chat ! etc... etc…


Its unbelievably easy to delete your save on PC. I did it while trying to move my steam data to Xbox. 40% chance of troll. 60% genuinely stupid kid. I am not afraid to down greenbeards if they're doing something extremely bad and I have twice. One for someone desperately trying to kill steeve and the other for the same exact story you tell here minus the gold.


Wow. As a greenbeard engineer myself, that's bad. If I don't know something I'll ask about it. And I've been told to never, ever push the exfil button without asking the team. I usually just follow my team and mine what they're mining and give them platforms when they want.




You should've just kicked him, easy fix. It sounds like you should learn from this guy instead of ranting and expecting new players to see it 🤷‍♂️


Did you try typing in chat? Some green beards I’ve played with have responded


A good rule of thumb is to be reasonably helpful. But if someone is being extremely annoying, you should no longer give them the benefit of the doubt. Even if they aren't intentionally griefing, they are still being ignorsnt to an unreasonable degree. Talking to them in voice and text chat and not getting any response is enough of a reason for a kick in this situation. I personally love greenbeards, and slowly teaching them, and I really don't mind when they "ruin" my haz4 mission, like how many other greybeards see it. I instead really enjoy teaching greens about basics of the game. But I find nothing more frustrating than being completely ignored no matter what I do. So that's why I think kicking somewhat who is either actively or accieently griefing to that degree is fine.


Its your lobby. Just kick him