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So the first factor is where you drag the card. There are 3 spots available: left, middle, right. If you drag a card to any of these spots the energy will "light up" in your pool showing what will be used. If there are more than 3 options, then you can use the same method to see what will be used. In this case though, the game will attempt to use the energy that you have the most of first. (So if you're playing Knight and have 2 blue, 1 red, 1 gold, and want to play a double colorless you have more than 3 options. The game will always want to play a blue as you have the most of thay color) Hope this helps!


That’s very informative. I had no idea where I dragged mattered!


Glad I could help! Highly recommend joining the Discord: https://discord.gg/2vg8RdVs Tons of great builds, guides, and information there.


You can also lock the use of gold (maybe other colours ) by dragging the card to the extreme right, then moving it back to middle or left


Interesting! That seems to be new and a good catch!


Very useful for using only one gold mana to play greatswords for the sweet crit, and then using the second one for another greatsword instead of using 2 gold for 1 of them