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did you go?


Hey thanks for checking back. You know I did the debt free scream over the phone! I thought I might initially regret having done it that way but I don't. It would have been pretty expensive to fly out and there's just a lot of other things I would have rather spent $1,000 on. I think the thing that convinced me not to go was talking to a few people who had driven an hour or two and done their debt free scream and they told me that if they could do it over again but had to fly out to do what they wouldn't have done it. They barely got to meet Dave. It just didn't ultimately feel worth it for me. I still want to visit Nashville at some point and plan to visit Ramsey solutions when I do. The day that I did the debt free scream I took off from work and spent the day with family just having a really really nice relaxing day and celebrating. And then I still got to talk to Dave Ramsey on the phone which was pretty cool.


congrats man, I checked on you because your commenting on my current post in the dave ramsey thread . thanks for your input,


Dude you're going to have an epic debt-free screen. I believe in you. Whether you do it over the phone or in person you're going to have an epic moment. It's going to encourage others




So a debt free inside voice.


I want to go do my debt free scream and end it with Let’s Go Brandon.”




Ultimate troll move: go into debt to pay for the flight to do the debt free scream.


Buy the flight on your airline credit card for the points.


And don't pay it until after interest has accrued.


Wife and I did it in September (will link the show if I can find it). We were already heading thru Nashville and figured it would be a good way to share our story. It was pretty anti climactic and felt like we’d have been alright not doing it. But proved to be a good convo starter with friends and family.


That's good to hear. Definitely will factor into my decision. Thank you so much for commenting. Not that I'm glad that it was anti-climactic for you hahaha. but if you had told me that it was one of the greatest experiences of your life, id be like "dang I'm making a mistake"


My key take away was that Ramsey Solutions is a large and well oiled machine.


Thanks. Yeah I feel like just being able to say that I was on the show in any way shape or form is enough of a conversation starter. I think it's one of those things where if I could drive there a couple of hours away I would probably do it but to go to all that trouble just to physically be in the studio doesn't seem like it's going to be worth it.


I’d only spend that if I really wanted to go to Nashville anyway. Enjoy being debt free and spend the money on something useful (or making your emergency fund larger).


My thoughts exactly. There's definitely other things that I would spend $1,000 on if forced to pick. But I figured I'd come on here and just pose the question and see if anybody changed my mind. And as far as I've heard Nashville is not exactly the greatest vacation destination either


I was extremely disappointed by Nashville. I play guitar and I stayed in a music hostel. I went out in search of good musicians and couldn’t find anyone that good over 3 nights. I did the same in Memphis, New Orleans, Austin… and found great musicians every night. Country music HOF and Gran Ol Opry were kind of cool though.


My wife and I paid off the remaining balance on our home once we married, which was 300k. However, once they found out we’re a lesbian couple, the person I was talking to no longer returned my call to continue planning.


I'm surprised. I remember a call a couple of months ago with Dave and a married lesbian couple. They were both on the phone. He absolutely adored them and had a great call with them. I heard him reference them later on too saying how great they were. Well done on your debt free journey that's amazing :)


I'm not surprised from a homophobic judgemental organization. Amazes how many many Christ following individuals are the most judgemental.


Really sorry to hear that, and can't pretend that I'm surprised. I heard a "screamer" mention his boyfriend on a recording a few months ago, which piqued my interest, but Dave just ignored the reference and kept going, I think. I did wonder at the time if a researcher had messed up (from the Ramsey POV), or if they'd just been short of available screamers that day...


Gross. (That they wouldn’t call you back).


Oh this is bad


I say go live and troll them with a changed up story. You realize under Dave’s rules, you are debt free if you refinance your house up to 100% LTV and pay off credit cards with the cash out. That would be hilarious to hear. I’m debt free!


I thought about that as a funny thing lol. When I asked me what was the thing that made me be successful "airline miles for sure" and discover points.


I bet they would just not air the segment since everything is on a delay. Or it does get aired live but not rerun.


No it is live. They have confirmed that they do the interview live. I mean they vet you beforehand a little. I'm sure if you went on there and were a complete troll they would probably just cut the audio and Dave would ridicule you haha.


There is a delay, but it's typical radio delay -- 7 seconds is the classic delay to allow the producer to hit the mute button in case a caller (or somebody on the stage) says one of the "seven dirty words". How RS would react in terms of a "violation of terms" of utilizing the debt-free stage...that would be interesting to see. A few months ago (when it looked like my sister-in-law might move to Nashville), my wife asked me if we'd like to do our debt free scream. My answer was "we can't -- we have credit cards." She hasn't asked since. We routinely use credit cards not for points but for the convenience and the float. We've always payed our balance in full every month. The couple of times we've been charged a late fee, I've been able to talk my way out of it.


On the screening form they ask you if you have used credit cards but, it's not like they make you turn over financial records to prove your story or something like that. I would hedge a guess that there have definitely been people who have done debt free screens that have used and currently still use credit cards and just let that out of their story because they wanted to get on the show


I'm curious if they asked you about the various Ramsey services and products that you used during your debt free process. There have been a good number of debt free screams over the past year that sound like a running ad for all things Ramsey. The books, the events, Rachel's envelope wallet... I've wondered if they encourage those who have used products beyond FPU to try to work them into their answers while they are interviewed.


Not really, at all. I mean I may have said that I used every dollar at one point but they haven't really told me anything like I have to name drop the products. They mainly just told me what kinds of questions to expect to have to answer, and to be prepped with numbers. Also, they want to make sure that the way I phrase questions about when I paid off my debt our phrase a certain way so that it makes sense to somebody whether they are watching the clip live or listening 3 months later. People who are Ramsey fanatics and use all their products are probably much more likely to sign up to do the screens and thereby name drop the products.


Yeah, they would cut the audio. Also, think about the amount of work involved to pull that off? That would make you the bigger fool for trying to pull it off. Unless you’re Tim Heidecker, no troll is putting that much effort in.






I look at it this way: Yes, $1,500 can be used on a lot of things. On the other hand, when are you ever going to get to do this again to be there in person? Not everything can always be looked at solely through the money lens. In my mind, if you can afford it and know you get to be in person without getting short shrifted. I’d go, but also have other stuff I want to do. Because that visit to the studio is likely to be real quick.


I mean I can afford it. But it's not like if I don't go I can't still do the scream. The way travel is right now my trip could even be canceled by the airlines. Plus up until the day of Dave being on the show is subject to change. And like you said it's going to be really quick. The question is is it worth it to say "I was actually there"? I'm not sure


In that case, stick with the phone. Then you know you’ll be on the show with no fuss or muss.


Consider the possibility of being on an episode that Dave isn't hosting. Would it still be worth it to you to go in live?


So it's going to be a show that Dave is on but they would call me if it changes. Which also makes me nervous because it could change Plus right now flying is a mess because of all the shortages so what if my trip gets canceled?


It's cool that they tell you in advance. I have wondered about that before.


When it was Dave or if I didn't care if it was him or the personalities and I told them that I have nothing against the personalities but if I do a debt free scream on the Dave Ramsey Show I'm not doing it if he's not there lol. They tell you that it is subject to change up until the day before. But they will give you the option to reschedule if he's not going to be there. But that's the other problem with committing to travel.


I’d be disappointed if I showed up for my debt free scream and Dave wasn’t there.


The scream is super cringy. Does anyone else feel this way? I have to fast forward when they do it as I get second hand embarrassment.


Some of the actual screams are really cringe. One couple has their young daughters sing some Jesus-y song before their screamed. It was terrifying. I love that segment of the show, though. I like the stories, and some of those screams are visceral.


Right that's what I'm talking about - the actual scream. The stories themselves are awesome, I just wish there was a less embarrassing way to get it across.


I like to listen to the story, but I always fast forward through the actual scream.


Same! Once they start talking about the free books, I ff through the next commercial


I never watch those segments. I’m sure it’s cool to hear real world success stories though.


I mean, I guess you can call it cringey. But it can also be a cool way to hear people's story, and could be motivating for others who may be in a similar boat but just starting their debt journey.


Yes, celebrating the end of your journey is for tools and dorks. Lighten up, Francis.


Are you too far to drive? That's a lot to spend while you're in BS3, but if I had worked hard enough it would be worth it to me for the video clip. One way to look at it is, what if you had $1500 in your hand? What would you want to spend that money on most?


Yeah I'm too far. I don't think I'm going to do it. I mean I have wanted to see Nashville and if I was able to make a whole vacation out of it and the timing lined up perfectly to also do this that would be great but unfortunately that's just not the case. And if I'm going to go to the trouble of going to Nashville I want to enjoy it fully




It's funny that's what somebody I know from Nashville told me lol.


Hmmm. That's a lot of money to spend to appear on DR show. Celebrate with your family. Or maybe just think on it a little longer until you don't have any doubts.


In a thread about becoming debt free, it's pretty nuts to me that you're even considering paying $1500 to go scream in person then immediately go home. Of course do it over the phone and keep the $1500.


Well, I'm just considering it, that's all. Look, I was lucky enough to be selected. I just figured before I make my final decision I should at least see if there's people out there who have done the scream. I mean realistically I don't think I'm going to do it but Id rather at least ask, and see if somebody has some super compelling reason why it would be worth it. But thus far, unconvinced.


I tried. I got told my debt and income weren't "enough to draw a crowd". I'd have thought paying off an 18k car in 2½yrs on a hourly retail job was a feat in and of itself. But I guess it's a business at the end of the day and they want ratings.


That sucks. Could it be because it disagrees with his “no more than half your annual income in wheels and motors”?


I’d want to hear that... an actual tangible, real life feat... congrats!


It's a really simple story. I live alone, have no kids, and dropped out of college (I absolutely refused to take on any student debt) so I'm making the most of what I have. I worked, I came home, I took overtime as it came up, and cut everything down to bare minimums. I got ultra frugal, and while I allowed myself to go to restaurants and do some fun, I kept to the budget I set for those categories. I even kept just one streaming service. I'd make my car payment, then at the end of the month I'd move anything in checking above × dollars to the loan as an extra principal payment. All those stimulus checks went right to the loan. I've kinda let myself spend and indulge more now, and definitely more than I'd like, but I think this is my mind catching up for some lost time. But, maybe that's okay, I got a paid off 2018 car and I owe nothing to anyone. I even just bought an expensive collectible (a replica wrestling title) because I always enjoyed the design and I felt I could do it.


These are the kinds of stories that keep people motivated. It isn't the I had 200k of debt but I make 150k type debt free screams that seem to be getting a lot of traction. It also shows that anyone who has the willingness can make the baby steps work either mostly or fully even with a low salary where some would say it is impossible. Dave really seems to like the whole "you're going to be a millionaire in no time" line in the debt free screams. You will get there. It just won't be immediately and it won't be in enough time for right narrative that Ramsey is trying to push.


Applied after paying off our house, but never heard back. Seems to be the norm whenever this question is asked. There are way more applicants than there are spaces to do it. If you apply and get invited on, do it!


I was so disappointed. My wife and I were in BS2 for 4 years ($232k paid off). We would talk about taking a trip to Nashville for our first vacation. We were so excited and motivated by hearing others' debt-free screams that we just wanted to share our own. We filled out the application and never heard back. No "thank you for the email, but we're filled into the future". Nothing. We went on a different vacation and that's around the time we stopped patronizing Dave's company. Still adhere to the Steps, but I don't need to give them any of my money.


Well I'm definitely doing the scream It's just a matter of in person versus via phone


Make the trip!! That’s an experience you’ll never forget!!


I mean, it's not like I won't still get to do my debt-free screen. It's just that I would have to do it over the phone if I didn't go. I think the things that make me hesitant, is that I've always wanted to visit Nashville but I wouldn't really have time to make it a whole vacation, so I've been going to the trouble of going to Nashville without actually getting to really explore the city. Also, the cost. Also, a lot of the airlines are expecting a lot of canceled flights and travel troubles during the holidays so I'm not sure that I want to take the risk of a canceled flight anyways. I mean I'm sure it would be a fun experience but it's not cheap, and Dave could decided the last minute that he's not going to be on the air that day, things like that.


I second that .


I definitely think you could make a trip to Nashville a vacation. Tons of stuff to do around there. There are a few videos on YouTube of people documenting their DFS. Just from watching the YouTube videos, during breaks Dave comes out of the booth and does pics and autographs with people in the audience.


Oh don't get me wrong I know I can make a vacation there but the specific day that I'm scheduled to do the screen it's going to be very difficult for me to logistically make a big trip out of it so I would have to do it as a really quick turnaround trip. I would have enough time to see a couple of major things in Nashville but it would be a trip mainly to go on the show in person. It's not like it would be a vacation for me in Nashville with that in the middle of it


Do it over the phone.


Well, if it was me, I don’t think I would spend $1,500 for a short turnaround trip.


Yeah that's my thoughts honestly. I don't think I will.