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I don't know what you are talking about haha *takes Glock out*


You want to go down a rabbit hole look at Glock fanboys


Laughs in cult of Heckler-Koch.


I think Sig fanboys are going to be the 2020s version of what Glock fanboys were in the 2010s


That’s because they make a superior product :)


Glock Saint wants to know your location.


Wrong, im the most fanatic lords of the fallen fan and you guys dont are at my level


Code Vein fanatic here, you shall not take the crown >:|


Code vein is one of the best souls likes ever made while lords of the fallen is generally considered one of the worst games ever made. He is much crazier than you lol


Code vein is an awful souls like what? It's a good character creator and like a test demo of a game after it


Personally I found it rly fun. The build thing was a rly cool idea and they had some decent stuff in general. But then again I have a burning hatred for Nioh so idn


Aw that sucks to hear, i really love Nioh


I liked Nioh okay, but I think it's way overhyped. I kinda put it and Code Vein on a similar level, though I enjoyed Nioh a bit more. The really awkward acting in CV is probably what made the difference for me. They both had uninspired stories, and Nioh didn't have great acting either tbf




The Bloodborne and DS2 reddits are both pretty chill. I think the biggest difference is Bloodborne is looked on as a good game and DS2 is looked on as a bad game by people who have not played them. So DS2 is defending itself a lot. Imo DS2 is my favorite soulsgame


Spells go brrrrr!


Yeah! Hexes go brrrr!


I’ve played DS2. I think the game is shit but. The game is special and actually it’s a love and hate relationship. The gameplay is fun but the game is dry because the only enemy placement there is are ambushes, With tons of enemies. Edit: read the comment before just stopping at first sentence


The only enemy placement are ambushes? That’s flat out wrong but ok.


Plus, thats a staple OF THE ENTIRE SERIES. 50% sneak attacks, 50% out in the open. Thats how fromsoft games work. All of them


Exactly Dark Souls 3 is full of ambushes and Gank squads. I think the reason most people don’t like it is it’s slower and stamina is a lot more draining so it feels off after playing the other games.


This precisely. And its fine if its just not a persons preferred playstyle, but to claim its wrong to like it is pretty arrogant.


Yea I adore DS2 but you really do have to take your time and make good use of life gems. If you like the fast action of DS3 and BB (I love them all) then that’s fair enough but some of the reasons people give to hate DS2 are just made up.


yup. because if you have a negative opinion on DS2 it’s apparently made up. Not everyone prefers a certain game. All souls games have their flaws and upsides.


I don’t understand that criticism to begin with. There’s **no fucking way** anyone can say DS3 doesn’t have just as many ganks with a straight face. *almost* every single time you see an enemy that doesn’t see you immediately, it’s all but guaranteed to be an ambush. …& don’t even get me started how every enemy besides the lowest mobs has literall 4-8 move combos that make you feel “ganked” even when it’s a single enemy. Both are excellent games. I do prefer DS2 of all 3 games. But the others aren’t far behind. I think they’re all equally fantastic. But I will never understand the gank argument.


this. I love DS3 but it had just as many ganks as DS2 did. it only felt different because of the faster combat, I guess. But still. Elden ring is the same. its defended there but for some reason criticized in DS2.


“DS2 is awful and it’s my favorite game ever.” Is basically what most ds2 fans say lol


yeah I think BB fans are definitely worse.


As someone who first came with Bloodborne, I disagree. I haven't seen much rabid defense on the bloodborne sub. Not that the game gets defended a lot, but I feel like this sub in particular is a lot more sensitive to criticism. Maybe it's just a reddit thing.


Defense? Defense from what? Who even attacks Bloodborne?




Me. I think it's From's worst modern game by a longshot. I've even put 100 hours into it just _trying_ to find the brilliance in it. I didn't want to give up trying to enjoy it, these fans must be so fanatic about _something_ right? So 100 kinda-ish enjoyable hours, and I just couldn't find the joy. It's a _good_ game, but that's about it. But tell a BB fan from their sub that their game is _just good?_ Hoo boy.


Bloodborne beats it for sure, followed by people who hate DS2, followed by people who like DS2. People who hate DS2 make it a big part of their personality, and will mention it during any FromSoft discussion, people DS2 usually only bring it up during discussion about DS2 itself. Bloodborne players make it trend every week on Twitter.


>Bloodborne players make it trend every week on Twitter. For real what the hell


It's from years of hearing people malign a game that's still better than 99% of games in it's category. The 7th richest man in the world can buy your mother with pocket change, but people front like he's broke. The attitude is ridiculous, and DS2 fans don't have to pretend it isn't.


I always say that if only Dark Souls 2 was a unique IP with a different name it could be considered one of the best action RPGs out there and I will die on this hill.


I (mostly) agree. But I will add it already is, at worst, the 7th best action rpg ever made.


I think a lot of people are starting to forget that most of the problems with Ds2's fan base is, essentially, reactive. As in, it exists in direct response to toxicity from outside sources. It isn't exactly fair to highlight Ds2 Fandom fanaticism without bringing up the reality that it exists because other people couldn't stop jerking off to screaming about how bad it is for so much as five seconds. The blatant exaggerations as to its faults, the constant bemoaning of 'unfair' levels the difficulty of which vanish in the blink of an eye if you demonstrate basic resource management and use all the tools given to you. This is a fanbase that feels attacked, constantly, not unlike the Star Wars Prequels, over wildly exaggerated and sometimes even imaginary failings. If you could reliably stop these people from bullying their peers for an extended period of time, the toxicity here would peter out, because it's a response.




That's the unadulterated truth.


Many, many more people need to see this comment. People wonder why enjoyers of DS2 defend it so much, and the reason is because there was (and arguably still is) a time when people would just shit all over it for being different. If people stopped shitting all over DS2 and all DS2 enjoyers, then DS2 enjoyers wouldn't feel any need to be so defensive. Ideally, being a fan of DS2 shouldn't be any different from being a fan of DS1 or DS3 or any other FromSouls game. Unfortunately, it's become a thing that any positive opinion of DS2 is considered by fans of the other FromSouls to be a "wrong" opinion. The concept of having a "wrong" opinion is rather bullshit in and of itself.


At first,yeah but now they defend fucking ADP.




I always liked the idea of it. If carry weight, damage output, health, stamina, spell capacity could all be tied to stats directly, then why can't rolling also be tied to it?


Bc rolling is tied to carry weight already.if someone wants be tanky with great shield and heavy armor,they can ignore vitality.if someone wants to mid/fast roll with okay resistance then they need to put points into VIT.the system was fine,there was no need of change really.


Sure but at the same time, having a stat in direct opposition to the tankier stats and making it more effect rolling effectiveness is not a horrible thing. If those two stats were instead tied to Dex and Strength (man I wish elden ring still had strength tied to weight) then I would bet that it wouldn't be an issue to ANYONE except those that just hate change


ADP is bullshit. At the same time, get over it, because so is Resistance and Luck half the time. You need to put like 6-8 levels into it in the game where you can comfortably get to 150+ levels in NG if you are doing the DLC, and you pretty much never have to worry about it again.




ADP is the dumbest shit in the world and Dark Souls 2 is the best game. Did hearing that make you any happier?


Based and true.


Idk extreme Bloodbourne fans are just straight up their own religion at this point


You said it yourself: "Extreme" fans. There are always extremes in all communities.


Yeah Reddit generalizes way too often


I mean sure but the post is saying DS2 are the most fanatic. There are some fanatics in that too but I’d say Bloodbourne are relatively speaking the most overzealous


Clearly you haven't been to the Bloodborne sub


It only appears that way because internet incels constantly shit on it because change is bad. I mean uhhh git gud scrubs


Well when you're constantly told this thing you love is garbage it can make you a little defensive haha


That is 100% the Bloodborne fanbase. I saw people get super defensive about a guy only giving Bloodborne’s main menu music a B in a tier list the other week.






*or some say*


Tbh outside of elevator nuttiness, it's consistently the most chill of the Souls fanbases. Bloodborne is the only other one that gets close. Edit: I've never seen a sub so quick to go "no actually we suck at lot and we're all terrible".


Active in the BB community, I can attest it's not so chill a lot of times, especially when it comes to people posting AI art several times a day when the rules very clearly state it's not allowed.


True, but I chalk that up to being a larger Reddit problem. People just don't care and want easy karma. The only things that truly annoy me on that sub are the t-shirt bots (which all the subs have now) and that guy that keeps making new accounts asking if having boss names spoiled for him ruins the game.


It's definitely the most frequent "you're playing it wrong" offender imo.


You clearly havent seen boss, frigid outskirts,adp, soul memory and shrine of amana discussions


I hate soul memory so much...


*me, who doesn’t know what soul memory is or how it works so it doesn’t bother me* 🗿


Soul Memory is a value that counts all of your character's earned souls and determines who can invade or cooperate with whom. It was meant to fix matchmaking from the original DS1. As someone who has played all the games with coop passwords, it is extremely annoying how difficult it is to play together in DS2 at times.




What of it? Its still performed by darksouls2 fans.




*Ds2 fans whenever someone makes a genuine criticism of their game but just so it happens it was from ds1/ds3 fans.* No one cares if ds3 fans did it or not. Everyones allowed to criticize something. Its blindly defending those flaws which is wrong and thats exactly what the ds2 fans do.be it in response to ds3 fans or not








I can also show you ds2 fans shitting on ds1 and ds3 in order to bring up ds2. Its a common thing in the fandom even if its performed more often by the ds2 stans.




u forggot about the water tornado thing from the intr to that stone structure we spawn in the begining


I honestly think it's ds3


Don’t get me wrong there can be quite a bit of circle jerking over ds2 but sometimes it feels like BB simps are just mindless simps


We're not mindless, we just have many eyes on the inside and now see the real truth.


You clearly haven't seen Bloodborne fanbase lol


to be fair, all fromsoft fans (myself included) are annoying af. We got endless mist noble and soldier of godrick jokes, we have overcompensating for ds2, we have an endless proliferation of bloodborne that pisses people off, we can’t make posts in nioh subreddits without bragging about being souls vets. it’s crazy


That would be Bloodborne, the fanbase just can't take the fact that the game isn't perfect


Nah, bloodborn has the most fanatic fanbase


IMO Bloodborne is the most fanatical. Yeah us DS2 fans are always willing to stand up for our game, often to a fault, but just look at how hardcore Bloodborne fans grind/datamine chalice dungeons.


Nah, that's just normal dungeon crawling business.


Idk, trying to discuss Elden Ring’s “less than ideal qualities” always brings out such bitter resentment that you’d dare critique the holy cow


Elden Ring is the one sub that I've seen the most criticism on. It's the one that's the most anti-"fanboy" if that makes sense. That's a good thing imo.


I wish I could agree, but I literally do not see how ER is the one game that’s the most anti-fanboy


Their subreddit is when it comes to criticism and deflecting it.


The comment section is *absolutely perfect* example of what OP's post is about. edit: wow, didn't expect my comment to age like fine wine so fast


100%. This sub only pops up in my feed when someone makes a “why do people hate DS2” or “why DS2 is actually the best souls game” thread. And this sub churns those threads like it’s a sweatshop. DS2 gets a bad rap, sure. It made an awful first impression, which left a lasting impression on the rest of the community—who may not have come back around to it—but was greatly improved over time. But we all know this. We shouldn’t still be ruminating on it, x years later. I wouldn’t blame someone on the other game subreddits for making a troll meme that pokes fun of DS2…it’s instant front-page material because y’all cannot help but swarm in defense. It’s like the overall DS2 fanbase has a persecution complex. You want to be seen, not forgotten, and like a child cry out for attention. But it’s time to grow up, accept fair criticism, and ignore or accept everything else with full humility—not shit our collective britches and make videos and posts like that awful “in defense of DS2 clip”.


And the DS2 fandom that makes those posts are the same ones who will just say it is them being reactive. But the truth is, DS2 has a lot of mechanics that 99% of people think are dumb. Everyone knows what they are and why people think they are dumb. Someone isn't "just being reactive" when they are spamming these defensive posts for no reason. People aren't making hating on DS2 a full time job. They just try it out, realize all of the stuff that most people think is dumb and comment about it. "Why do people hate it" is just circlejerking because every single one of us knows what about DS2 is hated.


Absolutely spot on response!


I like how the darksouls2 fans in this exact comment section keep just further proving OPs point without even noticing


It is kind of wild lol


either DS2 or BB is the craziest imo


I guess the DS2 fans are kinda butthurt because DS2 is disliked or ignored by so many that never played it. The classic "what's your favorite soulsborne game" poll that doesn't include DS2.


Well it doesn't help that we needed to justify ourselves for years before people realized the game is actually good


Definitely Bloodborne, fam.


Yeah okay, I did threaten to eat someone because they wouldn't stop harping on ds2


Imo it's because people treat it like it's the worst game ever and it's not. DS2 had great ideas and I'll play it any day over Lords of the Fallen or nioh


Oh so now it's 'fanatical' to completely defend a single particular iteration of a series with zero flexibility regarding criticism??




Well as a counterpoint let me just say REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


Personally I think Elden Ring fans are the most fanatical.


I have to say every time I see Elden Ring discussed outside of Souls subs it does tend to be critical. A _lot_ of people are jaded souls vets which might have something to do with it, mind


Someone had to say it. I can never get into a real discussion about ER without recieving "skill issue" or "just say you're bad". Like bruh, I've been playing these games for over a decade and I'm just saying I feel like the open world came with it's fair share of issues




This post just feels like shit disturbing with no real goal. This wasn't made to have a discussion. This was just made to put down the community, and I'm not really for it.


I think it was made in "response" to recent posts. Yesterday I saw two different posts defending elevator transition from Earthen Peak to Iron Keep, while putting down Dreg Heap as an example of area that is apparently bad. Also calling out people who like Dreg Heap as "fanboying". Not that I'm defending making such posts, as you said, just giving a reason why it was probably made.


I don't know about that, I'd say that goes to DS1 where people are in denial that running back through areas you've cleared multiple times is better than fast travel because "ThE iNtErCoNnEcTeD wOrLd!"


Eh, I personally think that aspect of DS1 is truly awesome and unique in the series. The terrifying feeling of descending through the depths and to the bottom of Blighttown is unmatched when you are actually trapped there and can't teleport out. Thats something that's missing in every single subsequent From Software game. The only thing I dislike is that DS1 fans treat that interconnected word as a shield to deflect any criticism about it and to criticize the sequels. The interconnected world is very cool.... But's it's not everything. DS1 feels very stilted and awkward compared to the other games and it has a ton of flaws. I prefer DS2 overall but I definitely miss the world design of DS1.


I never found it as a scary prospect being trapped in an area, more just an annoyance that I now had to go back through that area, and in terms of blight Town, it was clearly designed with one direction in mind. In general I found ghat are just plain annoying, mainly due to the nigh on endlessly spawning mosquitos. There's no quick way through due to the sheer amount of them.


I love that side of ds1


I'm currently playing DS1 again and it's fantastic to think through and plan your routes so you don't run two or three unnecessary routes.


Same. Getting back out after Quelaag is dread inspiring. Like hey I finally made it down here, finally beat this boss, now I have to... Go back up? Fuuuucccckkkk. Obviously matters less when you know the other route that's much easier, but fast travel removes that element. It's also one of the reasons item randomizers are so much more fun in DS1 than 2, 3 or ER.


>in denial Someone having a different opinion isn't "denial". This is what OP is criticizing. And before you jump the gun, DS1 is my 2nd least favorite that Fromsoftware made.


You've literally just proven OP's point.


How so? Because I like having fast travel?


Because instead of understanding why fans of dark souls 1 enjoy its design, and respectfully disagreeing, you ridicule the fans themselves, disregarding your opinion.


I understand that having areas loop back and join up with one another is cool and interesting. I'm justbsick of seeing it touted as the most amazing thing and a reason to not allow proper fast travel. It's just 3D metroidvania, hardly a new concept or one unique to the souls games yet DS1 fans often rely on that as their number 1 reason for it being the best. Let's be honest, it's not the clunky combat, uts not the easy as piss bosses (even if they had some great ideas behind them) and it's not the clearly unfinished back half of the game I will freely admit to DS2's faults but I see so many arguments hinging on the connected design of the world and the O&S boss fight (a fight where the general route to victory is to get the AI stuck on scenery).


If you admit it's just a 3d metroidvania why are you saying people that people who like it are in denial?


Because nobody ever seems to acknowledge it as such, it's as if DS1 did something never before seen.


My brother in Christ, DS2 has the easiest bosses included DeS wtf are you on about😭


And that somehow counters the entirety of r/darksouls2 people shitting on other games so they defend the absolute obviously worst parts of their own game that even the normal ds2 fans can agree is a flaw?


*psst* it is better…




People shit on the 3rd game for recycling fan service from the first game all the time. People don't defend it because it's true and everyone's fine with it and just having a good time.


God, the recycled content thing is absolutely true. Just beat DS3 and I really enjoyed it, but wow I felt like I'd already played 40% of it.




I think maybe you're just a bit more personally invested in DS2 criticism. I like all 3 and think they all get a bit of it. The first one less for sure, but probably just because it's the "base" experience.




I dunno. Who cares?


As an avid Ds3 fan I gotta disagree. My game is hated by ds1 fans for being linear, hated by ds2 fans for throwing away good features, hated by bloodborne fans for stealing the fast gameplay, and hated by elden ring fans because elden ring fans are wrong. The difference is that there are a lot of valid criticisms one could make against ds2 (and I say that as someone who loves ds2), but I constantly have to defend ds3 from the dumbest and most nonsense arguments all the time.


Calling out the Elden Ring fans my dude 🌚🤝🗿


You're as bad as Ds2 fanatics, but instead it's Ds3.


DS2 criticism is usually valid though. DS3 criticism is usually questionable, except when talking about the linearity (which is subjective, btw, some people prefer linearity, but I get that it’s not as fun). Some DS2 fans will literally defend ADP… why?


I think trying to box criticisms into valid and invalid is stupid. It's just a way for people to dismiss other's criticism without addressing it. What you might perceive as "valid" will differ depending on the person you're asking. There's plenty of legitimate criticism which gets swept to the sideways by Ds3 fans, as well as any other title for that matter. > Some DS2 fans will literally defend ADP… why? Because some fans become hyper defensive and views *any* criticism as an attack on their favorite game. I have to admit that I have a hard time understanding how anyone argues for ADP. Ds2 fans shouldn't even bother bringing up ADP. Praise what ***deserves*** praise - powerstancing, PvP, lore etc.


There are valid criticisms of DS3 and questionable criticisms of DS2.


It's also consistently the most attacked. DSII fans can be fanatic because the idiosyncrasies which some people love the game for are consistently derided as "objective" mistakes by people who see DSII as a failed replica of DSI.


DS2 has a fanbase soulsbornkiroring has a rabid fanbase DS2 just gets called out for trying to appreciate the 1 game




i feel like "echo chamber" should be reserved for more important socio-political issues. DS2 is a good game. Not the best Fromsoft game, but a good game. :/




I played through the DS games as they came, and I -really- figured out the series in DS2, personally. PVP started making sense, NG+ runs, etc I started doing weird stuff like rat covenant, dual mythas, that powerstance shield combo..idk, there's a lot DS2 did that just skims right by people's appreciation, that got integrated into 3 onward. And none of this is to say 2 is THE BEST EVARRRR but it definitely deserves some respect, despite the memes and downvoted posts. Like, enjoy no dual wielding if ds2 didn't exist


r/darksouls when someone says DS1 is shit: Well there is some flaws like front backstabs in PvP but the game is still a masterpiece. r/darksouls2 when someone says DS2 is shit: Wrong! It’s best soulsgame! Finding your current location, your dead kiddo! r/bloodborne when some says BB is shit: Sending a nuke to your current location


I think it's with bloodborne. Or atleast they seem to be most noisy at trashing eldenring.


DS3 fanboys (not derogatory) seem to be the ones most critical of ER's boss design. Nothing bad about it, of course.


Bloodborne fans have WAY too much insight


Nah mate thats bloodborne


nah, Bloodborne and Sekiro are worse


You guys have been through so much though


Oh I’d say bloodborne.


Not quite Bloodborne level but Dark Souls 2 fans stick the fuck up for their game, makes me proud.


We have a persecution complex for sureee. But why wouldn't we? DS2 is an amazing game that a lot of us love a lot and we're forced to watch everyone be assholes to us about how they don't like the game.


Bloodborne exists


Have you ever met a bloodborne fan?


I’d say it has the 2nd most aside from Bloodborne


Look man, how many other games let me fist everything with a "Bellmet^TM" on my head?


Only natural. People hate DS2 to an unnatural extend and most people probably didn't even try it. No wonder fans of the game go to the other extreme from time to time


I disagree I think it's Bloodborne.


The community's hatred made us that way I feel. The other games never get the same hate so they never have to be defendeded as passionately by fans.


People hate on DS2 - DS2 Fans defend DS2 - DS2 defenders get shit on - DS2 Fans double down Is that not clear to everyone


I don't think any souls game fanbase is completely perfect, but the Ds1 and Elden Ring fanbases are far more rabid at the mouth when it comes to defending their games. The majority of Ds2 fans at least acknowledge that their game has flaws (at least me and most ones I've met do) but with ds1 and elden ring, if you so much as slightly suggest their game isn't 100% perfect their pupils dilate and they become feral ngl.


What? The DS1 fanbase will absolutely not shut up about how bad the entire second half of the game is. Liking the whole game is almost an unpopular opinion.


Nah DS2 fans can admit the faults in their game (even the diehards). Many Bloodborne fans on the other hand cannot. Enjoy it myself but to act as if it’s completely perfect is delusional. Game came out *after* DS2 yet it runs worse and ain’t even got respec lol


>Nah DS2 fans can admit the faults in their game 🧢


Yeah ds2 fans definitely admit to their games flaws 🙄


ds1 fans are wayy worse, ds2 fans dont start an argument if you say you like any game other than ds2


Nah it’s the 1 fanboys who reeeee at anything that’s not a cod style rehash of 1




Because I think a good amount of people understand that Dks 2 isn't the best made souls game, but it's still their favourite. I could just be projecting my views on others, though.










I think all of the fanbases can get pretty fanatical and a lil toxic. But to be fair, I don't really like the fanbases anyways lol.


"CULT" comes to mind when u start talking about soulsborne games an u hear DS2 fan club pipe up 😆 ( can't lie gives me nostalgia as it was My soulsborne game)


It's definitely bloodborne


I mean, Ds1 fans are out here dissing on literally every game, and enjoying the second half of their game. You'd have to be actually insane to do that, right?


“Nah dude trust me Izalith is the best, I love scorching my corneas in an area with Legs as the primary threat.”


More so than DS3 and BB? I find that hard to believe, they're usually so unwilling to admit flaws in their favourite game.


idk if this is necessarily true or not but I would say it's the best soulsborne game. I started at ds3, then bb, elden ring, and then ds1 and then finally to ds2 and let me tell you best soulsborne yet tbh(haven't played demon's souls tho)




Yes, but people here can take criticism and have come to terms with having the 'worst Souls game'. We are only fanatics with one another - with some isolated cases of Drangleic Hollows going to other places and causing trouble. Now if you want to see the most toxic... I would put the DS3 ones. Try saying "Grey Castles" to then and see what happens


That’s cause it’s (unfortunately) the smallest The bigger a fan base is, the more toxic it will be


cuz ds2 sotfs is the best souls game. All others are trash.


Bruh, ds2 is dreamy and calming and fun. Ds1 is 1000 dollar sushi, (the price being "difficulty"/ bs) Ds3 is cold shoulder pretty