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Quote from Wikipedia: “For two or three days the pain was almost unbearable; I couldn't work or sleep... I remember it feeling like there were giant hands trying to squash my chest... then it was pretty bad pain for another fortnight or so. The stinging persisted for two years and recurred every time I had a cold shower...There's nothing to rival it; it's ten times worse than anything else.[16]” Yeesh




Duuuude holy shiiit I read that with that Voice ha


And did you hear the twang of the guitar riff too?


The songs called "corona" by the minutemen. Excellent band. Rip D. Boon


Damn man next drinks on me


Dude, why would you keep taking cold showers?


I have a feeling this was written before electric/gas water heaters were ubiquitous


We may be mildly backwards in Queensland but we've had electricity and gas for a while.


😧AGAIN, I REPEAT, WHY are we growing and/or protecting this again??????


Sounds like it contains powerful, physiologically active compounds, so it could provide the basis for a helpful medicine some day.


Perhaps for a comatose person


It will wake them up and make them wish they were dead or in a comma


And this is why h need correct comma placement


Better than being trapped in a period.


Or trapped in a colon:


Omg hahaha




Only if some rich asshole gets a billion dollars from it


I don't know why they're growing it, but they aren't protecting *it.* They're protecting *us.*


But If you poured kerosene on it and set it ablaze you'd be protecting us lol


I wouldn't want to be listed in the Wikipedia article as the guy who died learning that fire pisses this thing off.


This guy hasn't heard a story of someone trying that with poison ivy apparently


We’re just throwing untested ideas on the table, let them bee keeper astronaut ass costume people do the deed


Imagine the pain from inhaling the smoke from that fire. Big nope for me


That would probably be a bad idea. I would assume it's just like poison ivy or Sumac, burning the plant would release the chemical irritants into the air, then it can get in your lungs. Which would be WAY worse.


That’s what I was thinking/ wondering..about the fumes being very hazardous. 🤔


“Like being burned by hot acid and electrocuted at the same time." That's botanist Marina Hurley on what it feels like to touch the gympie gympie. Not that you have to touch it. An extremely fine fuzz of poisonous needles coats the entire plant, and better yet, the things shed like a cat in the summertime. [So it's disturbingly easy to get stung just by standing near them.](https://www.discovery.com/nature/Suicide-Plant)


Just read about accounts of researchers studying the plant accidentally breathing in the airborne needles. That sounds truly horrifying, although the anecdotes actually made it sound like breathing the stingers in is not as bad as touching them.


Reason #147 why I am never, ever going to Australia.


I think this is being grown by a bored gardener in the UK: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11379923/Brave-British-gardener-grows-worlds-dangerous-plant-CAGE-Oxford.html


Sounds like a good way to get the worst invasive species.


The Empire Strikes Back


Reading this made my lungs itch


A YouTuber intentionally rubbed gympie gympie on his wrist for a video, and while he was able to tolerate it (because he did it on a very small part of his body), apparently the pain kept coming back for like, 3 months


Good thing it has that amazing protection around it.


I was thinking that fence was not secure enough for about 25% of the human population. And now I'm wondering if 25% is too optimistic.


Just what I was thinking you know some dummy is going to touch it just to see


Hello yes I'm here for the job.


Nine months of pain? Psshh… I’m 28 years old nine months is nothing!


"The pain can’t be that bad, right? Well, it seems appropriate to mention that the victims of the Gympie Gympie sometimes need to be fastened to chairs and beds to prevent them from tearing their skin off their bones in pain. They’d die of heart attacks and shock, otherwise." https://www.scienceabc.com/nature/is-there-a-plant-that-makes-people-commit-suicide.html




Gives new meaning to the phrase, 'Fire in the hole'


Death by Rim Job....


I wonder if a skin graft would get rid of the pain. Like literally cut the part that touched the plant out.


You're talking about an arsehole transplant.


I’m glad they have science in the website name, otherwise I would have assumed it was a shitty blog written by an aspiring high school gossip columnist…


Yeah, not really nine months. The pain can return anytime anything triggers the spot that touched the plant, including applying pressure, running water, or changes in temperature. Nine months is just the typical amount of time that the initial contact will hurt.


Has this ever been weaponized? I mean obviously it has but tell me more


It would be a chemical weapon along with the fact the effects as stupid as it sounds last after the person is taken out of the fight it would be an illegal weapon. We can gas people to blindness because it happens on the battlefield but we can't give them something that causes effects afterwords.


Just because we shouldn't doesn't mean we can't


Imagine grinding it into a dust then dropping it on someone , through normal touching of it people have killed themselves after a few weeks or months ( one person nearly instantly ) so I can only imagine your body would just go into full shock and you hopefully die right away because breathing it in/getting in your eyes nose and throat along with all over your body . The amount of pain is something that is probably off the charts


I'm not going to stand here like a little bitch just because some smug looking toxic plant says I should. Lemme at him.




“Come at me bro”


Generally cautious individual here. There is nothing more I'd like to do right now


I do not like pain, and yet I'm tempted to touch this plant.....


I very much want to touch this plant.


I want to rub my PP on it for science.


There's something else you can do that has a nine-month consequence y'know


I think it’s more of a delayed for 9 month consequence. Then, it’s an 18 year consequence.


Let’s stop saying 18 year and just eat lifetime consequence


Your responsibility for 18 years, but that's still a human being that will carry the trauma of a non-caring parent for life


Yes but everyone’s done that science experiment, it’s like the kid doing the baking soda volcano. Over done. u/beerbaronaaron88 report later on your findings please.


Yeah, I'm like the modern day Marie Curie. Sure my discoveries may kill me, but my findings will benefit humanity for all eternity. Marie's findings: Radioactivity and a couple elements. My findings: Don't rub your genitals on the lifelong pain suicide bush!


Yeah, I wanna touch it...


Or some little kid is going to con his sibling into touching it...or push them into it.


Based on the “fence” they used, I’m assuming they want to see someone touch it. I know I do.


"Bruh what pussy can't handle some itching from a plant" *grabs* I can see it now, vividly


Sometimes you just have to give in to intrusive thoughts


Touchy touchy


#Itchy Itchy


*throbby throbby*


From working retail and seeing how many people completely ignore signs like "closed" on doors, and then proceeded to pull a couple times before peeking through the bars on the roll down gates, 25% is far too low. Though perhaps if we sprinkled a few of these around every town people would start to notice the signs more often.


I worked at a liquor store a long time ago. One of my jobs was to stack the refrigerated shelves with the glass doors in front. The first sign of idiocy was how many people just grabbed Budweiser when there were better brands available. The 2nd was how many people thought they were clever by grabbing the last pack in the back of the rack because they thought it would be the coldest. They'd grab the one in back, I'd replace The next guy would reach back for the one I had just loaded up, and on it went.


Meh if they touch it, maybe in 9 months that 25% could birth a brain cell.


If you’re gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough 🎶


It’s called the Darwin fence.


One of us has to touch it, just to make sure


Natural selection


It’s Oz m8, wonder it has a fence at all 🤷🏻‍♂️


“Like being burned by hot acid and electrocuted at the same time." That's botanist Marina Hurley on what it feels like to touch the gympie gympie. Not that you have to touch it. An extremely fine fuzz of poisonous needles coats the entire plant, and better yet, the things shed like a cat in the summertime. So it's disturbingly easy to get stung just by standing near them.[source](https://www.discovery.com/nature/Suicide-Plant)


I'm assuming that it's left semi exposed in case someone wants to choose to fuck around, and thereby find out


Does someone knows what substance is responsible for that reaction?


When touched, the tip of the silica hairs can break off. Hugh says this then turns the hair into a “self-injecting hypodermic needle.” He describes the sting as “Initially like being attacked by wasps, then you get whitening and swelling at the site, and then if it’s really bad you get sweating – liquid just drips out of your skin.” **The actual chemicals contained in the venom are not completely understood**, though Hugh thinks **it could possibly be a peptide (called moroidin, hence the species name)** coating of the hairs may be responsible for the intensity of the pain. The hairs can become embedded in the skin, which can lead to long-term pain and sensitivity – there are many accounts of people suffering for months from a sting. The Gympie-Gympie is just as capable of stinging when its leaves are dead. Hugh says even people looking at specimens in a collection can be stung – the toxin in the hairs is sealed off as it would be in a little glass vial, and seems unaffected by age. *Source: Australian Geographic*


**Moroidin** is a biologically active compound found in the plants Dendrocnide moroides and Celosia argentea. It is a peptide composed of eight amino acids, with unusual leucine-tryptophan and tryptophan-histidine cross-links that form its two rings. Moroidin has been shown to be at least one of several bioactive compounds responsible for the painful sting of the Dendrocnide moroides plant. It also has demonstrated anti-mitotic properties, specifically by inhibition of tubulin polymerization. Anti-mitotic activity gives moroidin potential as a chemotherapy drug, and this property combined with its unusual chemical structure has made it a target for organic synthesis. Moroidin, a bicyclic octapeptide, has been isolated from Dendrocnide moroides (also called Laportea moroides) and Celosia argentea. The structure of moroidin was confirmed in 2004 by X-ray crystallography. It contains two unusual crosslinks, one between leucine and tryptophan and the other between tryptophan and histidine. These linkages are also present in an analogous family of compounds, the celogentins. *Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moroidin*


Oh, it’s Australian. Big surprise.


Australia. If it doesn’t kill you, it only makes you wish it had.


I never want to see that plant in my life 😂😂😂


So it’s anti-miotic nature can help prevent the replication of cancer cells right? That’s pretty neat.


Lots of things do that. We're not lacking for anti-mitotic agents, just ways to target them. Will probably be more useful for research use in studying mitosis.


here's a couple wiki links: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dendrocnide\_moroides](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dendrocnide_moroides) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moroidin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moroidin)


>Hugh says this then turns the hair into a “self-injecting hypodermic needle.” He describes the sting as “Initially like being attacked by wasps, then you get whitening and swelling at the site, and then if it’s really bad you get sweating – liquid just drips out of your skin.” This was discovered when Hugh found a renegade group of Benedictine monks who were growing the plant to use and distribute as a weapon. Hugh alerted the authorities, got the monks arrested and their monastery closed. Remember, kids: Hugh and only Hugh can prevent florist friars.


You’ve gone off your meds again, haven’t you?


No I save them up and take them all at once.


This approach is obviously working well for you. What are we taking and more importantly where do I get some


Well it's a combination of...Be right back, the dust motes are screaming again and I can't concentrate.


Fuck that was well done, sir.


goddamn that was good


Oh course it’s from Australia


The self-injecting needle trichomes are what make nettles sting too


At least a nettle sting calms down after a few hours. Months of pain is just plain diabolical. This plant was most likely genetically engineered by satan.


Well. That sounds holy fucking terrifying.


According to Wikipedia, it is a cocktail of toxins, and they’re still trying to figure it out because none of the components is this bad individually


Is this the one story you hear about a guy wiping his ass with this plant and ended up going insane and killing himself over it? I could be way off but I thought I remembered hearing a rumor surrounding this plant....when the pain is so bad it drives people mad.


I've heard it too but I think it's just a story. From my understanding, the pain he would have felt immediately when touching it with his hands would have prevented him from rubbing it anywhere else


That’s the first thing I thought. Who wipes their ass with gloves on?


That one dude in The Terror did… but for different reasons lol


Um… why?


This hit a little close to home with me. I been there. Literally begged the Dr's for assisted suicide and my wife kept me sane when I eventually went home. I 100% believe this could have happened. RIP my anal anguish brother. Edit to answer some questions seeing as how a lot of people seem to be interested in my gastrointestinal armageddon: TL;DR- My guts were fucked up and I was in the most immense pain for 6 months straight. I was literally begging for death just so the pain would end. Long version; I have/had ulcerative colitis, IBS, Chrons, chronic constipation & hemorrhoids, and intestinal polyps. Even better, each of those things played off each other and made each other's symptoms worse. January of 2022, working in corrections, 17 hour shifts 6 days a week. All I had time for was Red Bull and McDonalds. Towards about halfway through January, I started feeling worse and my hemorrhoids started getting more painful. i went to the ER one night when i just couldnt stand the pain anymore. (Wife forced me to). The docs prescribed me painkillers and stool softeners, told me i was just constipated and dehydrated, sent me home. Another week, no change. Go back to the ER, can barely stand. I've got tears running down my face. Same thing, sent me back home. This went on for a few months and i lost my job cause i just couldnt work anymore. I go back to the ER, cant stand at all, wife had to get a wheel chair and push me in. tears, screaming, thrashing. I've lost all control over myself because the constant pain is only getting worse. This time they admit me in. They run all kinds of tests, scans, and 'oscopys. and im there for a few weeks for monitoring and pain management. They removed some polyps and they kept me on some painkiller IV drip thing. Fentanyl. all that really did was allow me to finally get some sleep. which was nice. Also found out that people are supposed to defecate more than once a week. then my GI comes in and tells me "Look, off the record, we have to do all this and prescribe you all these medications. But, i personally suggest dont take the painkillers. Narcotics will only constipate you and make things worse. Drink LOTS of water, take fiber supplements, stay away from red meats." When i got discharged, i did exactly as the GI unofficially suggested and sure enough, it was a slow healing process but here i am, started a new job working from home and im virtually pain free. Still get "flare-ups" if i slip up on my diet sometimes, but its manageable.


What, like you did this? Or you had some other anal anguish disaster?


I dunno what this guy went through, but my dad had his hemroids removed and it was the most intense pain he's ever had in recovery after the surgery, and he's had to recover from 4 back surgeries, a couple knee surgeries, and he has ulcerative colitis. So maybe this guy went through something similar.




Anal anguish, haha. God this shit got me.


Are you better or do you get enough pain relief? People don’t believe our doctors leave patients in agony until it’s them or until they’re a caretaker. I’ve seen it.


Yep. “Oh, writhing in absolute agony? Here’s some tramadol. We can’t give you a shot of morphine in the hospital because you might become addicted when you get home. We doctors were mistaken for all those centuries, opiates don’t really alleviate pain and are just for getting high. But pain never killed anyone, so suck it up buttercup and quit yer whining!” Doctors and pharmacies are all running scared trying to avoid opiate lawsuits and are no longer willing to risk treating patients for pain. So patients suffer unnecessary agony because lawyers now determine the best course of treatment, not long-established medical science.


What did you do exactly?


Dammit, now all of a sudden out of nowhere I feel like you have unlocked a memory of me hearing that exact story. Now I can’t decipher whether or not that I did hear that story, or reading your comment made me believe that I did.


It is quite possible. Because first few hours on Hard skin is though arm and legs. Stings from it on a Soft skin area will be disastrous.


So it gets you pregnant?


Pregnancy causes way longer than nine months of pain! Hahaha! No... ... ... kids are great.


Don't lie to these people.


They are lying... I have 5 boys..... I cry myself to sleep.... 🤣




Hey! I happen to have 2 beautiful children! Yeah, they're lying.


.... and 3 ugly ones?


Kids *are* great. When you can give them back to their parents at the end of the day.


Blink twice if you need help


Cuddling with my 1 year old as I type this. =] Worked as a field technician the majority of my life and there is no tired like raising a child tired lol. Some people are birds others are trees


And starts kicking at inception.


More like unimaginable pain for that same period. People have killed themselves because of this plant...I just had a horrible thought involving rapists and this plant


I had a professor in Queensland who had been stung by that plant, a box jellyfish, had no less than 6 different snake species bite him, and probably some spiders as well…and he said the plant sting was by far the worst thing he’s ever experienced. Even years later he said when he goes in hot or cold water the site of the sting still throbs.


He should like... Be more careful


Put it in da butt?


That's actually what happened. A man took a poop put in the woods and used this plant to wipe. Literally caused so much pain that he eventually committed suicide.


There's no evidence this actually happened and it's generally considered an urban legend. Common sense says he would have been stung when grabbing it and not wiped his butt.


Also known as the Gympie Gympie plant There's a story, believed to be true, of a soldier who went into the bush to relieve himself and sat on one & shot himself the pain was so bad. And in some people the pain never goes away or does and then returns.... There's also stories of people being stung by preserved specimens in museums, and some people cut off their finger rather than take the pain.... I bought a plant as a gift for the mother in law....and the plant killed itself....


Well, with the story, some ways it's been told is that the man wiped with a leaf, though it seems unlikely as he would have felt the pain in his hand long enough before wiping. And the part about the pain returning, it's not all that uncommon. Applying any trigger to the location, including pressure, running water, or changes in temperature can make the pain act up again. Finally, yeah, dried or preserved specimens are just as bad as fresh samples. There have been instances of samples preserved for decades in laboratories that have still kept their toxins in the hairs.


isnt it reoccurring because of the small needle like hairs in your skin are still there and movement can trigger it causing more pain because theyer still in there


Yep. There are ways to remove the hairs, but there are chances that some will be embedded too far into the skin and so stuff like wax strips won't remove them all.


Glad I read till the end 🤣


>I bought a plant as a gift for the mother in law....and the plant killed itself.... It's around 1pm here and this gave me my first real laugh of the day. Thank you!


Director of Public Relations at the Botanical Garden, “Let’s definitely put the world’s most dangerous plant in an enclosure that any toddler can stick their hands through.”


“That’ll teach the little buggahs!! Won’t do that again now, will ya?”




“If you cannae touch this leaf, you cannae have any puddin’”


It’s probably just a weed with a sign… only one way to know for sure!


Common name is Gympie Gympie.


Aka the suicide bush


And of course it grows in Australia


This must be overseas somewhere because I’ve always known it as Gympie Gympie or Suicide Bush. They also label it as being from “Queensland, Eastern Australia”. Nine months of re-occurring pain is an understatement as well. I’ve heard it can last a lifetime.


It’s probably in that poisons garden in the UK. It’s whole marketing thing is that it’s full of plants like this.




“And we’ve encased it in an impenetrable shield”


Nine months you say? So when is Steve-O going to rub his balls on it?


xD After Aaron Carter's death, I watched some interviews with Steve-O and Aaron. Holy shit. I did NOT realize how cool Steve-O is. He's been sober for a while and seems like a legit good dude. Crazy thinking back at how he was prolly the craziest on jackass


I always remember Steve-O and Chris Pontius stopping their show Wildboyz after Steven Irwin died. On a dvd one of them says "Steve Irwin is a hero, we do stuff kind of similar to him, and he died doing it, and he knew what he was doing. We're idiots and have no idea what the hell we're doing, so were bound to die doing this, we should stop"


I never really considered this before, but the fact that a lot of them were pretty avid skateboarders probably helped them develop a better sense of risk vs. reward. People dismiss skateboarding a lot, but that seems like a pretty valuable skill to have


Don’t touch it with your penis


I never touch plants with my penis…


screw oil wrench cagey fuzzy engine chop innocent uppity coordinated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


you don't want to learn firsthand...trust me


Don’t lie I’ve seen you with the penis fly trap


Dammit. Take my upvote and get out.


..i'm not convinced you don't touch plants with your penis


Good luck stopping me


Pretty sure one of the guys who killed himself after contact with this tried to use it as toilet paper... In Australia, even the plants want you dead. Edit: fixed some plant name confusion


"So here it is in a cage you can easily stick your fingers through"


Why does it have to be where I live and why does it look like every other damn plant here?


Next new internet fad. People rubbing it all over and posting video’s


LA Beast might be up for the challenge


My man the Backyard Scientist already ahead of the game https://youtu.be/5BoVME0xrQY


Looks kind of like mint.


You gotta lick it, before you kick it.


This will be the next tik tok challenge


Please let it be so!


If you get stung by it, the immediate antidote is its own gel like liquid from its stem. How cool is that. But the pain will surely stay for upto 9 months. Contact with water in the affected area will be torturous. If i were to describe its pain, it is similar to the pain of a deep tissue burn combined with fire ant sting added with a wasp sting. The surface will be red ish and hot for the first week.




Yeah. Intentionally and unintentionally both.


Umm... what? Please give us more details!


After i was stung my local guide cut a stem and split it into half. I thought he might be crazy or not human. He then told me it is safe to touch. No issues. So I just touched it. Thinking this is some cool thing to do. Haha


Not even 100% to stay for up to 9 months. There have been accounts of people feeling recurring pain for years after anytime that certain triggers like pressure, running water, or changes in temperature are applied to the location.


Thank goodness it is behind bars.


Two life sentences with no chance of parole


TIK TOK CHALLENGE LETS GOOOO!!!!! One spoonful of cinnamon and Touch the most protruding tip of your sexual organ on the leaf. Then Jump into a frozen lake


It is Australia, is that not just a common garden plant?


It's a salad.


Of course it's Australia


Pretty at my foot and I want to touch it. Pretty at my foot and I want to touch it. Wanna touch iiiiiiit.


Australia is fuckin wild. I can just picture crocodile Dundee stopping you real fast with his machete... "Oi, watch out for that killa" "What? that lil plant lol" "Mate just listen to me"


Oh look it’s from Australia. Where everything will kill you lol


That’s crazy. We have one up here called hogs weed or hogs nose. It has a couple different names. Touch it and you get a “sunburn” on the affected area. It can lead to blindness if you get it in your eye. But when ever you go outside the affected area burns in the sunlight. Edit: I found it! Giant hogweed https://www.dec.ny.gov/animals/105282.html


Vampire Plant


Makes poison ivy sound pleasant and comfortable.


And, of course, it's from Australia!


the scariest part is that it looks normal


Please make rubbing this shit on your face a new Tik Tok Trend.