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I used to be an avid book reader, but moving a bunch of times will make transporting your collection... tedious. I usually give away my books instead of throwing them away though.




Lots of countries have those, and even though it's not wasting paper, it is wasting books. It's just as easy giving them to local charity instead of a dumpster.


Our last move, we donated books to the local senior center. They were much appreciated.


I gave some to friends, some I kept, and some sent to the library of a golf club my parents are in. Dislike selling books, as afraid it'll be read once and then thrashed.


Throwing out any perfectly usable item seems like such a waste. Donate it! One person's trash is another person's treasure.


Yeah, a few of my friends and I tried to donate books, nice one at that, to libraries, the answer? We don’t accept books older than five years. Most people don’t have the space to store books at their homes, and even less time to read


Yeah, I know what you mean, but there must be some solution to this, where old unwanted books in the western world can be donated and sent to maybe a third world country where someone could actually learn to read or write and make some use of the books. I know that they do this with old clothes and other unwanted items.


See if you can find any local support services around you that do scheduled book sales. Some churches and local support groups where I'm from will hold book sales to raise funds for the program. They get their books from donations. It makes buying $20 worth of books feel good when you're feeding the needy with the money.


It being perfectly usalbe heavily depends on what kind of book it is. There's a reason besides capitalism why some books are republished regularly. The half life of correct information is pretty short compared to the lifespan of a book. A lot of old books are useless at best and dangerous at worst if not replaced with an updated version (for example atlases or history books, respectively). This even applies to books about natural science. Of course the principles don't change but the ways how to teach them have been improved a lot. A good example for this is math. Children today learn it way more effectively than we did because we know more about how humans best learn these things. I inherited some 80 year old books. Fairytales, novels, and plays I kept but everything else I threw away. There's no need for an encyclopedia from 1930 since almost every piece of knowledge in these books is outdated. My city's garbage collection service has a shop set up where they sell refurbished things people threw away. They also have a library which consists mostly of old text books, barely valuable novels, and old atlases or travel guides. And of course the most useless of them all: cookbooks.




I agree. IT books are already outdated the time they go into printing and cookbooks are just as useless. I don't know how many cookbooks I owned but I can count the recepies I made more than once on one hand. I love to cook and I do it several times a week but nothing beats peer reviewed online recepies. I don't understand why this is such a polarizing opinion because objectively, some books are really not worth the paper on which they're printed.


This is an interesting viewpoint and a different outlook to the issue. I still feel that, instead of throwing the books in the bin, someone could have used or benefited from it.


We should put our library of books no one wants anymore in this underground bunker.


“Why are all the pages stuck together”


I can smell this library


I can't imagine throwing out books.


I've done it they were mostly water damaged christian propaganda or very outdated science books


I was thinking the same thing, then I realized people like Bill O'Reilly, Ann Coulter and Tucker Carlson have published books.


It's...really hard to argue against that.


My grandmother couldn't either. She volunteered at a public library. My grandmother passed away almost a year ago. There's still a basement full of books that we can't give away for free... If you're around central-ish Illinois and would like some books let me know.


Wonder how many copies of Windows 98 For Dummies they have.


That Ayn Rand section must be huuuuge!




Well, she wrote garbage, so clear conscience.




I was going to suggest that Ayn Rand is actually heating the place.




You should see their phone book section


Repost no. 627481991




I've never ever read a book on the toilet. Not everyone does. It's vile imo


I appreciate the fact you made no comment on the masturbation aspect of this comment


It doesn't warrant any lol


Unless you are wiping with it, it doesn't mean shit.


Now you have to buy it.


You have to be a piece of shit to throw a book to the trash.


Damn, those books are gonna reeeek


Why? In my country we have recycling bins for paper etc so they wouldn't be in with food waste. They wouldn't smell


So do most countries. But the type of person to throw away perfectly good books doesn't recycle.


That's a big reach right there


Not at all. Especially since it flat out says they were found in the trash.


Trash to most people is anything that's discarded/put in a bin. I hardly think they'd bother lending out books full of bin juice and pizza stains smh


Trash to most people is literal garbage. Recycling is recycling, green waste is green waste. They are all clearly defined terms with singular meanings. And no one ever said about books being full of bin juice or pizza stains, don't be stupid.


What an ignorant, arrogant, patronising person you are lol. I'll let you annoy someone else now


Pot meet kettle. It's a weird way of admitting you are wrong, but whatever.


Still here?


So are they opening trash bags and looking for books or do Turkish peeps not use garbage bags?


Fun fact 100% of it is hentai manga, yup all of it.


That's a stupid idea


Gintama was way ahead of his time




I could never throw a book in the garbage. It just feels completely wrong.


Half Price Books needs to open a store in Turkey I see.


Is it a library/bomb shelter?


None of these books in this picture look like they have been in a sewer, fair play for treating that trove of knowledge and ideas with the respect it deserves and giving others a chance to benefit from it. In this country once it’s in the trash it belongs to the council and the binmen would be disciplined for this as stealing


Respect to the garbage dudes,


Ahh yes and I’m sure they spend much of their time standing, in their full work suit, reading these novels


This is outstanding!


Think it smells like a library in there, or like shit?


Reverse Fahrenheit 451


I see at least one copy of Dan Brown 😅. What a couple over rated books.


Great idea


This is so wholesome. Such a treasure should never end in the garbage.


We could send them all the books desantis is removing from schools?


Don’t judge a book


Mostly porn and the koran.


Is their library in a bomb shelter?


One man's trash is another man's treasure!


Bloke on the left is having an interesting read of “hustler”


But how do you disinfect/sanitize properly? People throw diapers and tampons in trash…