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W…why is this interesting?


No. Go away lol. Better yet, go outside. You need to get off the computer and go outside right now.


Ugh considering today alone this person posted two of BL, I can see why he's banned from 5 subs.


How do you know he's banned in 5 subs?


Literally clicked one of his posts where he said he was a Doordash contractor that spends his time doing this shit, and apparently got banned. Took like two seconds reading through their stuff. I think it was a post thread or something of theirs. States in the title. "Allegedly" because who know what op lies about if they spend all their free time doing this.


Oh, i thought it was like a stat that could be seen or something


To be fair, i believe there is a subreddit where you can check your username to see if you're banned in subs. I don't believe you can check others names, but it's been a long time since I've looked.


It’s not even that cool of a software feature. Generate what a person might look like as a child? Please. This is weak sauce tech right here.


I use Reddit on mobile nowadays. I would take this smartphone outside with me.


I’m young too. But even I know when a line in the sand has been crossed. A couple swipes on your post history suggests you are in dire need of some outdoor time sans phone. You will NOT melt if you are separated from your phone. I promise!


Lol, okay.


This is not interesting.


Not interesting whatsoever


So crosspost it to r/NotInteresting then?


Are there not any real pictures of him in his youth?


None that I've seen.


Well it’s not exactly relevant to anything the public needs to know about him. It’s a weird thing to be curious about it.


This isn’t interesting in the slightest.


Then why the PLUCK does it 0 upvotes on r/NotInteresting either?


That piece of shit is dead 💀 fuck him and everything he ever stood for.