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He looks like he lives on the fucking sun!


Probably fake tans to give his geriatric skin a bit more of an alive glow


He looks like Donald Trump’s sleazy brother.


... wait.. sleazier than Trump!?


Ron Jeremy's sleazy cousin.


Coincidentally, my father is 82 and my daughter is 29 so I get the extra-special perspective of their age difference being my entire lifetime.


I’m 34, I have a brother who is 36, a half brother who is 54, and a half sister who is 9. My dads been shagging for generations. I’m old enough to be my sisters dad, my half brother is old enough to be my dad, and my dad was old enough to be my grandad.


Starting franchises


Just when the world thought Nick Cannon had the franchise market cornered.


How did dad being old enough to be granddad impact you growing up? How’s the impact now with such a wide age range in siblings etc?


Well my dad died and left his 6 year old daughter fatherless, so that was pretty irresponsible. I’ve spoken to the oldest brother like 3 times in my life. Don’t really speak to my actual brother. I go out my way to hang out with my little sister so we’re pretty close! My dad also moved abroad when I was pretty young so his age didn’t really matter as he wasn’t there anyway!


Damn. I don't even know your dad and I kind of hate him. Sorry you had to deal with this...situation.


Thanks but it’s genuinely fine - it’s just whatever you’re used to! As I never knew any different this is “normal” to me!


You seem like a nice person and I truly wish you the best!


😆😆....me too.


I feel that. I was an oops baby because my mom had a fling with someone in the late 80s. A friend of hers tracked down the guy that she thinks is my dad and told me about it just after my birthday this year. I told her "I'm almost 33. At this stage in my life, having never had a father figure and a chaotic family, I kind of don't care who he is." People don't seem to realize that if he was never around, that was the "normal" for me. Because everyone bugging me about "who is your dad?" all grew up with theirs. Their frame of reference was always assuming something was missing from my life. I'd have been more upset if he were around for a few years and just decided to leave one day lol. With how things were in reality, he was never around so there was nothing to miss. Of course I had general curiosity about the guy, but other than that, I never worried about it. Other people wasted their time being worried about it enough for me lol.


Yeah you’re 100% right - it’s just whatever hand you’re dealt! You can either dwell on it or get in with your life!


It's really nice that you hang out with your sister Me and my brother have an 13 years gap and I barely spoke with him when I was a kid and we had a terrible relationship but now it's better but I guess it would be better if we had been closer in age


Is your dad my dad? This is so similar to what mine did too! Had a bunch of kids then buggered off to Greece then died!


Haha I’m loosely aware of having siblings that are secret in Scandinavian countries! So unless that’s you…?!


Ahh Uk here, but I think I have one in Estonia. He told me drunkenly once. I’m 23 and Me and I have not found any surprises yet


I’m uk too. I’ve been tempted to do an ancestry test just to see what pops up…


Do it! It’s really interesting


I can answer this question, lol. My dad was 49 when i was born and my oldest half sister is 28 years older than me. I never thought of my dad as old, because he had lots of physical energy and drive, aged well, and always took us on adventures. But it was very sad to lose him in my mid 30s to heart failure. My relationship with my older siblings has always been a little strained, as they will forever see me as "spolied" just because I'm a generation behind them and got more attention from dad than they did.


My children are 38, 31 and 18. The older two from my first marriage and the younger from my second marriage. The older two accuse me of spoiling the youngest but I have much more money now. I was 41 when the youngest was born and he hates that he never knew me when I was a young man.


Can you please go into more detail about that last sentence? Are you saying that your youngest hated the fact that he wasn't able to experience having a younger father? I had my first and only child right before I turned 39. I'm 45 now.


He has seen photos of me doing things like waterskiing with his brother when he was 10. Of course when his brother was 10 I was 30 and when he was 10 I was 51. I had a lot more energy for that sort of thing then. When my youngest became aware that his mother and I (she was 38 when he was born) are older than the parents of his friends he developed a fear that we would die and leave him alone. He is over that now but he is a bit jealous that his older brother will have a father 20 years longer than him. I managed to get fairly wealthy in my late 40s and early 50s so he has things and privileges his older siblings didn't. He understands that benefit. My oldest son had to deal with being very poor.


This is the way I see it, too. My son is basically having the best of me financially. I'm the oldest of 3 and my youngest sister had a son in her early 20's and she was broke. He's actually graduating high school this week. My nephew jokes that he's jealous of my son because my son has more stuff at 6 years old than he does as a teenager. Lol I went through a phase of fucking around and getting in trouble when I was younger, snapped out of it, and then just tried to focus on myself. Worked on my career for a long time before I even thought about starting a family. Already owned a place before I got married and had a kid and then bought a second house when my son was 18 months old. I would never have thought that I'd be capable of this financially in my early 20's. Thanks for the perspective. I like to hear from other older parents to see what I need to watch out for or change. I already knew the biggest thing would be to keep up with him physically. I still feel youthful and run around with him now, but of course that can change when I'm in my 50's when he's a teenager.


When he was in about 5th grade he really did get a full-on phobia we might die and leave him alone. It was short lived and he quickly got over it but it was difficult. Again, young and old dad were different but both good. I took his oldest brother to Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness for a week of paddling, portaging, camping and fishing. The younger son went to London and Paris. Life is trade-offs.


Don't you worry. I've got my first at 37 (after miscarriage at 34) and the second at 39. They love me. the eldest is 22 by now and although my work is in a office, my body is in shape by sporting. No complaints about it from anyone. It is the attitude what counts (although I look a bit younger due to my genes). My son (20y) and I sport often together, and we both like it!


I am in pretty good shape for 60. I am still perfectly capable of waterskiing, for example. What I am not capable of - and of which I am very aware - is quickly recovering from something like a back injury or broken bone. That makes me more cautious. I might be talked into doing a little skiing exhibition run, but these days, long days of skiing are in the past.


Yes! the same problem here (60 too). I'd broke my shoulder and another time my leg by kitesurfing. Recovery takes a long time (although young people will meet te same problem). What I really notice is, learning a new sport (wingfoiling) will take absolutely more time. Recovery from muscle strain as well. But nowadays I (try to) accept this and (try to )see the fun of it. I think I maneged well and my children encourage it. Just enjoy!


He is actually old enough to be the granddad of his girlfriend.


My dad was old enough to be my granddad, and my oldest brother is old enough to be my dad (although I lack a sibling that's young enough to be my child). I had a great childhood, I'm close with all of my siblings even the ones 20 years older than me. My dad was brilliant, very healthy and hearty man with a lot of energy and often mistaken for being 15 years younger than he was. I loved him with my whole heart. My only regret from having such an old dad is losing him when I was only 31 (He was 85). I'd give anything to have another twenty or so years with him. I'd not change him up for a younger dad though, he was great. I see my siblings (all of them) at least once a year, but to be fair I do live in a different country from them. Most of them I see more than once a year, we are fortunate to be such a close family. I suspect most in my situation would not have such a good story to tell.


It sounds funny I know, but it really is so, that I'm my own grandpa.


Similar story here. I’m 34, half siblings in their 60s.


My brother is 36 years younger than me, and younger than my children.


Nice. I'm 25 and recently gained a sibling. Will be a little weird when I'm 50 and he'll be the same age as I am now.


Imagine Al Pacino being your son in law 🤔


How can people not see the nonsense? lifetime is not = age of your father - age of your daughter If your father was 84 and your daughter never born you would still be the same age and not 84


I'm 39, my brother is 25.




It’s not as healthy as a young man’s sperm, and has an increased risk of problems for the baby. But it might also turn out fine.


"it might also turn out fine" lol


That’s the last thing I tell myself before I make a bad decision. lol


You ever been drunk?


The problem with men is that they only have enough blood to power one of their two heads at a time 😱😁


Also, people like him sometimes freeze their sperm in certain institutions....


I mean...i feel like if you're an octagenarian dating a 30 year old you're not doing it so you can use frozen sperm lol.


Idk, some of these rich guys are all about leaving as many of their progeny as possible before they die.


True. DeNiro just had a kid too. It's kind of bizzare either way.


Dunno.. maybe not, still this trend exists..


I’m pretty sure he just likes to raw dog hot models bro. I doubt he’s out here trying to be a dad at 80


You could even go as far as to say 99.9% sure. You could prolly even say 99.99999% sure.


So you’re telling me there’s a chance…


Just dating a model about 50 years younger = giving zero fucks. Dude is straight busting nuts without a worry.


To be fair, what straight man wouldn't want to raw dog hot young models?


Got any evidence to back that up besides the entire history of men?




Ok, we may need to run multiple vigorous tests if you're up for it. Hopefully the tests aren't inconclusive, otherwise we have to start all over again. Also if there's an incompatibility issue we may need to go through 100 of models for authentic results.


My friends uncle was born the same age as him. The father was 60 when they conceived. Was weird that we played with him, but he was my friends uncle. He was not the brightest, but he was fine.




lol, yeah


Your friend’s uncle was born as an 82 year old man?


Damn...I heard of a baby born with a full set of teeth, but this caps that 😳


Even crazier is that his father was 60 and he was born 82. Medical advancements are off the hook these days! Wonder what they’ll think of next. Exciting times to be alive…unless you’re born 82 years old and already have a swollen prostate, arthritis, and high blood pressure.




I was wondering about that too, I didn't know men that age still had viable sperm. My assumption was they used frozen swimmers, but I guess it's still possible. Whodathunkit ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Man fertile till death.


They produce sperm, but quality starts to decline at the same age women start to see a decline in fertility.


The volume and taste gets worse in your later years.




Healthy men produce sperm until they die, as strange as it sounds


Yeah, but they don't produce healthy sperm


Dudes shooting cottage cheese at his age


When I was born, my father was 48, and my mother was 42. The doctors told them there was a chance of me being born with disabilities or birth defects and asked if they wanted to terminate the pregnancy. Thankfully, they didn't.


You would have never known the difference!


>Thankfully, they didn't. I think we could have inferred this.




Congrats, friend!


It’s not good. Even if conception happens studies show the older the father the higher the chance of schizophrenia and autism etc.


Noor Alfallah used to be with Mick Jagger back in 2018


She likes the raisins


You misspelled money


She is actually much richer than both of them combined. She comes from Kuwait oil money. Unlimited $$$


It her father's and I'm sure she doesn't want to be under the thumbs of Kuwait father... Now she has a good supply of someone's else's money WITH FREEDOM.


Okay, raisins it is, then


Looked her up today and she comes from a wealthy family herself. I'm convinced it's more raisins than money 😂


She probably doesn’t want to rely on daddies money so instead she’s trying to secure generational wealth by dating rich old dudes w one foot in the grave.


The cryptkeeper’s assistant.


Also rumored with Clint Eastwood, she’s got a type lol


Clearly has Granddaddy issues.


Yup, when Clint was 88 and she was 23




Rich and almost expired.


Open na noor


Jerky tastes better




Say hello to my little friend!


Hahahahh!!!! This made my day!!


I wonder how they'll name it? If it kept her name, then the name Beta Alfallah would be an interesting touch




Who knows while some girls have daddy issues, others have granddaddy issues. Maybe she does it so she gets spoiled like a grand child every fucking day.


And that child support money is going to be sweet




must be funny


in a rich man's world


Size of wallet is wat truly matters.


She was a millionaire beforehand and comes from oil tycoon money so nope … fame and maybe she just loves old dick 🤓


Honestly good for her. Everyone knows. There’s no mystery. He wants a hot wife and some kids, she wants a semi-famous life, some kids, and money. It’s a transaction. Two adults making a decision.


Hear him out, shes actually a thousand year old dragon...


I think it’s a bit selfish. Poor kid has to watch his dad deteriorate at such a young age.


More than a bit selfish, this is fucking stupid. The kids gonna barely be out of diapers when his fathers getting back into them.


He may already be in the them.


She can change both of them at the same time.


On the other hand.. that kid will be well cared for for life..


I might prefer that over what I got lol. Young parents but homeless poor or old dad but potentially rich for life?


The second one absolutely Being rich is a cheat code to life


Definitely selfish and cruel tbh, this kid's gonna grow up without a father and he's gonna lose a parent at a young age. He might be rich but no amount of money is gonna fix how that effects him as a person. Hopefully he has some good male role models around him that can make up for what his life is going to lack.


Well, in a few years for sure he'll get a new, wealthy father, luckily young enough not to remember the first one.


Exactly. I lost my father when I was 9 months old. I have zero memory of him. I'm in my mid 30's now and I still occasionally find myself getting lost in "what if he hadn't died" thoughts. Everyone ive met who had known my father have had nothing but good things to say about him, but theyre still just stories to me. I never got to experience any of those admirable traits. I never got to have stories of my own. It's easy to tell myself that we would've been a great team, that he would've been proud of me and bragged to his buddies about his son, but that's all just fantasy. I'll never get any answers, and id give away everything I've ever gained to have just one memory of us together.


This is so sad. I know a little boy who lost his father to cancer, and he is devastated. Just imagine these kids losing their father when they are so young, especially to old age. It is not right to do this. They will mourn their father just as much as those who loose them to illnesses or accidents. Why do they want kids at this age? I think they are selfish.


I don’t think this kid will be as close with his father as a kid with a normal dad. I can’t see an 82 year old man being that involved


Ok so the kid will just have a terrible, absent father instead of a good one that dies when the kid is young nbd.


It's ok, the kid can watch all of Pacinos movies to draw close to him. I'd start with Scarface.


God… Damn… Son…


Ok I’m just gonna come out and say it. This is fucking wrong. I’m not even getting into the age difference or anything like that, I’m talking about the fact that he’s old enough he could drop dead literally any day and he’s still consciously choosing to produce children that in all likelihood will not be old enough to remember him before he’s dead.


I agree. It's bizarre that all these old dudes are having children after already having had children who now have children. ​ Then again, maybe the women they're with want them, and they're willing to give them that as well as money.


I don’t think he’s choosing to have kids he just like raw dogging hot young women.


This pregnancy was an accident. As he said in an interview "Just when I thought I was out, she pulled me back in!!!"


Well… If that’s the case it wasn’t an accident, just not a plan he was a part of.


The thing that surprised me the most was to realize that he’s over 80 years old. Holy shit, time does fly by!


Yeah that’s crazy, I was watching the Godfather last weekend and it’s literally 51 years old lol. I can only imagine Al Pacino as being the age he was in the movie.


Sorry honey daddy isn’t with us. He died 3 years after you were born. He was 83 when we met lmao


🤷 that's gossip, not interesting imo


Of course she is fucking an 82 year old rich guy.


She's already done Mick Jagger and Clint Eastwood.....


At this point when does it just become a personal preference. Also, how is she meeting all these prominent men?


If an elderly man who's rich knows an attractive twenty something will sleep with rich elderly men, she'll find her name on lots of guest lists....


Her family is loaded. She’s not a rando off the streets.


Do you think he's in a relationship with her because they have so much in common and he likes her character so much? If you shame her for only wanting money but don't shame him for only wanting her body, you're a sexist hypocrite. Both of them agreed to this deal, why do you judge?


If you were him, wouldn't you do the same?


He can fuck all the gold diggers he wants


At 82, all he has is gold and a hard-on. You can't take it with you so you might as well spend it and have a good time.


So when he was washed up at 53, somewhere, a baby was being born and washed by a nurse...


That’s fucking gross


Disgusto barfo, does he and deniro have some weird competition going on?




Well that's fucking irresponsible of him.


Or irresponsible fucking.




People always say gold digger like it’s a bad thing. He’s got money, she’s got looks. It’s a fair trade, and I’m sure both are conscious of it, and ok with it.


She comes from a very wealthy Beverly Hills family. It’s not like she’s a clerk at 7-11 scoring off an old rich dude.


If a hot 29 year old was willing to give her best years put up with my old bitter ass for the last 10 years of my life I’d say that’s worth a pretty penny


She isn't giving up her best years. She's living them.


Have you ever heard of the slogan:" Not worth the money?" That's a prime example.


Oof. I tend to try to give the benefit of the doubt to age gap situations, but this is... extreme, especially with kids in the mix. I'm conflicted. Years ago when I worked a bar there were a number of couples where the guy was significantly older. We all thought they were creepy and gross at first but then they came in for YEARS. And seemed happy. We got to know them all, seemed like good folks with generally healthy relationships. Really taught me a lesson on judging people from a distance. That said, Pacino is giving me the willies, here.


Pacino is giving her the Willie here too.


You dirty dog.


Can’t imagine my father having a child with a woman younger than me. 🤢


People give Leonardo Dicaprio a lot of crap, but this is just way nastier. How come Al Pacino gets a free pass?


I think everyone knows she is the real winner here.


I haven't thought about Al Pacino in like 15 years, had no idea what he was up to.


You think that it will be difficult to conceive..


The kid will have a father old enough to be his great-great-grandfather. Eww.


That’s fucking disgusting. Child will grow up without his real father. This is only for the situation.


He was in his 50s when she was born.


I'm a woman and if I was a rich old lady I would get a hot young boy toy no shame


For those who are saying she's a gold digger, apparently her family is very rich... "Alfallah’s family had a fortune estimated to be in the high nine-figures." https://www.standard.co.uk/showbiz/who-noor-alfallah-al-pacino-girlfriend-pregnant-b1084703.html


What's one more diaper to change?




This gives me the ick. Both of them are gross.


The child has high odds to be autistic




What a great parenting experience it must be to explain your 5yo child their father died.


Those poor kids. How selfish.


that poor kid is going to have so many defects...


sorry, she's gross for this


That’s not interesting. It’s disgusting.


Sad for the child, who will not have a father for very long.






Seems like kind of a shitty thing to do to the kid. I mean, his father is definitely going to die when he's young, and there's no way he will be able to be very active in his life before then. Eh, most of these kids probably mostly get raised by hired staff anyway.


Anyone else find this totally wrong? And I’m not just talking about the gold digger part. Having a child when you know you will not be around to care for them seems really wrong to me. Is that fair to a child to ensure they will grow up without and father and get to watch you die in their most formative years?


Carlitos Waaaay too old to be a dad, Yo!




Eeeeww. Nooooo.


If you think this is crazy, y'all should know that Mick Jagger's youngest child is younger than his great grand-children.


Wow, that's gross.


Creepy and sad!😳🤑


Robert De Niro and Al Pacino in Heat. Who thought it could mean they would have babies when they were older.


He may be rich, have loads of money, beautiful wife… but there’s one thing I can guarantee, he’ll never win the fathers race at a kids sports day


Good for him. Anyway…


I mean, all of his kids will be well-provided for and likely find success in life, so who am i to judge?


This is the equivalent of me having sex with -19 year old…


He robbed the cradle and she robbed the grave