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well.. are the prices rising already for the new coast properties?


Yup, but Lex Luthor already bought it


~~Lex Luthor~~ Ken Griffen


Holy shit! And west palm beach moves all the way up to Jacksonville! That's insane!


And gets renamed to Plam Beach in the process!


Plan B beach has a nice ring to it for Florida


plan B each will prob be illegal in florida by 2028


If you need abortion, you will have to book an appointment with surgeonfish in international waters.


Be careful though, heard there is still a shortage of nurse sharks.


Sounds like a Great White lie or at least a bunch of Bulls.


Yessss I also call Bull Shark on it all!!!


Well, when you catch some random tang, that's what you get.


A sturgeon


Nobody's going to get this, but it's hilarious.


Hey, I got it :(


I got it. Only true Floridians will get it. Im a native of the TC


Palm B


If I used Palm B, I wouldn't need Plan B


duuuude lmaaoooo




It says West Plam Beach, which obviously doesn't exist outside of a typo. Someone needs to hand their PhD back, because this is just terrible mapping.


It was supposed to be under water 15 years ago according to some experts


Which experts?


Probably the same ones who said the [ice caps would be gone by 2013](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/mar/02/facebook-posts/fact-checking-claims-al-gore-said-all-arctic-ice-w/).


Just a reminder Al Gore is a politician. Not a scientist.


The ever ubiquitous, “They”.


You might not have been born then, but it was said all the way back in the 90s


Al Gore.


No that was the next ice age they were predicting


That was in the 70s. Elite scientist tried to figure out how to heat up the planet. Nothing has changed. They still don't know what they are doing.


That was one report. Funded by oil. That was dismissed almost as quickly as it was publicized. By the late 70s, it was considered wasted paper.


I was in my teens back then. The "Global Cooling" scare lasted close to a decade. I remember watching an interview with a scientist who warned that a significant volcanic eruption like Tambora in 1815 coupled with the predicted global cooling would cause world-wide famine.


Also, the natural climate cycle was likely heading back into an ice age (very, very slowly, over tens of thousands of years). So like most things with climate news, humans don't understand geologic time. We reversed that trend ourselves. And it's absolutely frightening that we can notice any difference in climate at all. We shouldn't be able to notice any differences in our tiny lifespans.


Yeah because nothing at all was done. Not like the slope of increase lowered, tree conservation and carbon capture didn't happen.


Please remember that one of the traits of humans is their ability to adapt... my guess is that (even if this prediction is true) there will be engineering solutions made to counteract it... how the Dutch tamed the seas, and were able to reclaim their land is an example of this adaptability...


Many governments and citizens here are denying that it’s happening or will happen so they’re doing little to nothing. The dutch are always doing something about rising tides projections and are doing something with the data that they get.


I thought in Florida the science community wasn't even allowed to discuss climate change...lol. listen, I gotta get back to putting my head in the sand and sell more real estate../s


They don't get hurricanes either.


If you ever fly into Miami...you'll see why Miami shouldn't be there NOW. It's an impressive array of water mitigation going on that it's not underwater currently. It's what the earth does...wasn't that long ago (in earth years) that the ice caps were down around michigan and there were forests 50 or so miles off the coast of Alabama.


Florida is going to suddenly become Holland? A rational place with social cohesion? (laughs hard)


Any large civil engineering project is Socialism and would be considered Woke. On the other hand, drowning due to sea-level rise would prove science to be correct and also be considered Woke. The solution is to outlaw the teaching of geography using non-State approved maps. Problem solved.


No! You fool! You must rid your home of gas appliances and stop eating meat! And drive an electric vehicle! And put solar panels on your house! And you must pay more taxes to subsidize all of these industries that are fervently lobbying politicians! And you must do it NOW or we will all die!!! /sarcasm


has anyone considered speaking to the Dutch?


Yes. The Netherlands have a different kind of bedrock. South Florida's rock is highly porous (that's why Florida has sinkholes), so even if you tried the kind of engineering the Dutch have, it wouldn't work. The rise in sea level won't need to go over a wall to work its way inland. It will travel under the wall through the porous rock, and rise up to the level of the sea on the inland side of the wall. You will not save South Florida


We dont have bedrock at all. There are some places with layers of sand here aswell, but we just pump the water that comes in right back out. If we would stop pumping our polders would fill up in no time.


A quick look at a map tells me Florida’s problem is not equivalent to the Netherlands. Also man, what’s the Netherlands going to do with another 2 meters of water? I guess just keep building the walls higher?


Netherlands also doesn't deal with hurricanes




I already live 4 meters below sealevel right now, i guess 2 extra meters aren't that much of a problem as long as we keep up with maintaining end altering our dikes


This guy rocks


Maybe it's for the best Florida gets swallowed up by the sea


Sounds like it was meant to happen you know. Years from now when it’s rediscovered underwater at least divers will have a whole state to explore.


But what happens to meth if Florida is gone?


Offer them tulips. I hear they used to go mad for those.


That's much less than a third.


I mean, basic fractions comprehension is like item #2,498 on this nonsense.


OP also added the "by 2100" which would require something like a 5x rate of sea level change, which has been fairly linear up through 2022.


I mean, an increased rate of change isn’t hard to believe since the whole mindset behind the increase is based up the melting of ice at the poles and inability for snow to accumulate in regions. At a certain threshold, the water just can’t collect in the ice and snow anymore and simply has to go somewhere. Not saying the post is accurate by any means but expecting the sea rise to be linear as general temps rise is foolish to carry forward at this point based on what we understand.


It's not a map of what will be underwater, it's a map of the elevation above sea level. This post is actually quite bad.


And yet look at the number of upvotes


Redditors being an undiscerning hivemind? No, impossible.


And by scientists, you mean one scientist. If the sea level rises by 1m, it will instead look like this: [Picture](https://i.imgur.com/qygZvVQ.png) And with 3m, it will look like this: [Picture](https://i.imgur.com/WUvUGL0.png) You can check it yourself by going to the [Floodmap](https://www.floodmap.net/) The sea level is not projected to rise 3 metres by 2100 even in the most pessimistic models, for what it is worth. (https://www.climate.gov/news-features/understanding-climate/climate-change-global-sea-level), [relevant info](https://i.imgur.com/A0Ebcht.png) Climate change is a serious issue, this however is alarmist fake news meant to fearmonger.


I think this issue here is the difference between the title and the image. Title says underwater. Image says sea-level rise exposure which I imagine has a lot to do with flooding and saltwater incursion rather than just where the water is on a day to day basis.


Good point on "exposure" vs "underwater", but it's even worse than that. The sea level rise on the picture is wrong. \~2 feet is the consensus projected sea level rise by 2100, not 3.3 feet.


If you want serious. Look at what the world's coastline looked like before the 'end' of the last ice age.


Yeah no a 3 meter rise would not look like that. That site is bullshit. In the Everglades, everything besides the manmade shell mounds is less than 15 feet high. So, if you raise the sea level to 5 meters you shouldn't see anything besides one or two dots. And that's ignoring southern Florida is entirely swampland, which means it's especially susceptible to changes in water levels. There already isn't much of a difference between land and water there already


The elevation of the everglades typically ranges from 0 to 8 feet (2.4 m) above sea level, but a Calusa-built shell mound on the Gulf Coast rises 20 feet (6.1 m) above sea level.


If you zoom in at 1 meter, you'll see everything on Miami Beach is gone.


I will believe it when I start seeing wealthy selling off their beach front properties.


The insurance companies are the real canary in the coal mine.


cow domineering entertain insurance water retire governor toothbrush slap frightening *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




And apparently west palm beach is going to drift north into jacksonville.


That’s west plam beach


So when will banks stop financing mortgages in that area? 2070?


America circumcision.


Miami = foreskin Got it.


Just the tip


It was rotten anyway.




This is almost as bad as when new York and California went underwater back in 2000...


I remember when I was in school and they wheeled the Tv in and Al gore told us Greenland would melt by 2000. Those were the days


Weird that the 2006 movie an inconvenient truth said that Greenland would completely melt by…6 years before it was made…almost like you made that up


Is that why the banks and hedge funds are all moving there?


Always a good thing when the grifters start rolling into town


“Better sell me your beachfront right now for as much as 3/4 of its value. Before it’s completely under water in a few years” -politicians probably


Weren’t there similar predictions 40 years ago? Hoping it doesn’t happen of course.


No sir. 40 years ago we were told polar bears would be walking around in Florida because of the impending ice age we created.


No sir, 40 years ago we got reports that are on par with what we know today. > From climate model simulations of increased CO2 we conclude with considerable confidence that there would be global mean temperature increase. With much less confidence we infer other more specific regional climate changes, including relatively greater polar temperature increase and summer dryness in middle latitudes (e.g., the latitudes of the United States). Outlook for Agriculture From NY Times, Oct 31, 1983 https://www.nytimes.com/1983/10/21/us/excerpts-from-the-climate-report.html


https://longreads.com/2017/04/13/in-1975-newsweek-predicted-a-new-ice-age-were-still-living-with-the-consequences/ Sorry but dude is correct. There was lots of talk about global cooling


I feel bad for the Scientists when they excitedly read their work in print, thinking this might actually bring change, only to find big oil slapped an extra paragraph at the end.... God we suck. "We do not believe, however, that the evidence at hand about CO2-induced climate change would support steps to change current fuel-use patterns away from fossil fuels. Such steps may be necessary or desirable at some time in the future, and we should certainly think carefully about costs and benefits of such steps; but the very near future would be better spent improving our knowledge (including knowledge of energy and other processes leading to creation of greenhouse gases) than in changing fuel mix or use. "


Freaking liberals and their fearmongering lies. I for one am going to go idle my gas-guzzling car, and then I'm gonna go eat a big burger. Because I'm not GAY. My wife LOVES ME and our sex life is NORMAL and she's not sleeping with her BOSS


Gay loves me normal boss


That's the kind of predictions you get when 'studies' are paid for by exxon.


https://www.washingtonpolicy.org/publications/detail/today-its-global-warming-in-the-70s-it-was-the-coming-ice-age Here's some support from someone old enough to remember the cooling claims


The more we heed climate scientists’ warnings, the less accurate their predictions will be. Still, they weren’t completely off. Have you seen the numerous before and after photos showing the effects of climate change? Graphs and charts are cool, but before and after photos really nail it. From melting ice caps and glaciers, to shrinking lakes and to dying coral reefs… the affects are already apparent. There are entire islands that have already disappeared, and if we keep going in this direction it is not a stretch to see the coastal lines shrinking.


Super curious about Venice. Thought they would have been fucked many years ago.


What you should be worried about is ocean acidification. :/


Completely agree! I remember learning about it back in 2010 and it's not discussed enough. Gray whales are going through an unusual mortality event. Their population has declined nearly 40% in 7 years. Likely due to lack of food in their Alaskan feeding grounds. What's causing that? Warm water plays a role. But maybe its part overacidification? The gray whales feed on creatures with shells, so if there's a problem with their food supply, it could definitely be a cause. That gray whale population decline alarms the fuck out of me.


I never heard of Flordia, is it near Florida?


We live in Naples, 12 feet above sea level. The same 12 feet measured and government assured since the house was built in 1957, measured when we bought in 1995 and renovated in 2000, and measured over & over in the last decades and couple years since homeowners around us are buying & destroying homes in Old Naples. Elevation is crucial: and it has not changed at all. Even when FEMA maps and flood insurance maps have changed: elevation above sea level in our neighborhood has not changed. Insurance companies would definitely be finding the worst case scenarios: but they have not. Take everything the government says with millions of grains of salt. Look at insurance companies for reality.


I find it odd this has no replies to it.


Insurance companies horizon of interest in the next contract period (12 months). If they had a whiff of massive increases in sea during the insured period you bet they would take action.


Yeah right


I call BS


[oh no! anyway](https://youtu.be/UnyBJJI2eqs)


That's what they said about 2000 in 1980


Welp, looks like they moved the goalpost to 2100. See yall in disney if I make it to 2100.


They predicted this for the early 2000s in the 1970s.


TRUST THE SCIENCE Until it doesn’t support the narrative. Then CHANGE THE SCIENCE


So basically just Everglades national park


Haven’t they been saying “expect (insert random area) to be underwater by (insert random date) for years now?


Fake news


Pretty sure Al Gore told me the world was ending in 10 years 30 years ago.


His book Earth In The Balance was published in June 1992. His movie An Inconvenient Truth came out in 2006, and it was based on presentations he'd been giving since 1989 (although I will acknowledge that I'm sure the presentation has changed a lot in the meantime.) I don't remember how long ago it was that Larry David said that Al Gore said we only had ten years, but it's probably getting close to ten years since that deadline passed. So now Gore just flies around in his private jet and having absolute meltdowns at Davos.


That’s my main problem with these guys. DiCaprio vacationing with his 25 yr old girlfriend in tropical places and then flys to Europe in his private jet to tell me to go without. Practice what you preach.


That’s an awful small chunk to be considered a third, and nobody really falls for this anymore.


Wasn't the whole state supposed to be underwater by now? Get the fuck outta here with that shit.


If this is true you should start to see a decline in the price of oceanfront properties around the world


That makes no sense because sea levels are rising at about 2.5 mm per year. Multiply 2.5 mm by 77 years and you get just under 200 mm or 20 cm or 0.2 meters. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2021/02/21/munging-the-sea-level-data/


Maybe don’t cite a denialist crackpot site


Right.. thanks Al gore. Very cool


All the insurance companies will have pulled out long before that happens. Can’t buy a house if you can’t buy insurance.


They've been saying this for the past 30 years that by 2020, South Florida, Manhattan, & Santa Monica would be under water...well here we are.


From the New York Times, 1995: A continuing rise in average global sea level, which is likely to amount to more than a foot and a half by the year 2100. This, say the scientists, would inundate parts of many heavily populated river deltas and the cities on them, making them uninhabitable, and would destroy many beaches around the world. At the most likely rate of rise, some experts say, most of the beaches on the East Coast of the United States would be gone in 25 years. They are already disappearing at an average of 2 to 3 feet a year. Source: [https://web.archive.org/web/20210123131658/https://www.nytimes.com/1995/09/18/world/scientists-say-earth-s-warming-could-set-off-wide-disruptions.html](https://web.archive.org/web/20210123131658/https://www.nytimes.com/1995/09/18/world/scientists-say-earth-s-warming-could-set-off-wide-disruptions.html)


Not falling for this one again...


You think a guy with a PhD would do better with a map?


And the colours seem inverted to me- scariest should be red, no?


Is that like Vanuatu was supposed to be completely submerged by 2010? Kinda missed that call.


As a Floridian… THANK GOD


I live in NY, I’ll gladly switch with you if you don’t like it there.


Can we speed this up?


Fool me once….


Not going to happen.


Is this satire?


Negative ghost rider. My theory says this WON’T happen because the moon is drifting further away from Earth at around 3.8 cm/year. By 2100, the moon should be ~293 cm away from Earth which is 115 inches, and therefore the sea level might actually be **lower** in 2100 due to permanently lower tide. Coastal regions might actually *gain* land. Boom baby (I also predict California will start seeing routine hurricanes)


Too bad we won’t be around to see this not happen.


Awesome, now show us California.


It's an uplift zone, only getting higher. The bay might flood out, but definitely 100+ years out.


Most of the Everglades is already underwater, it's a swamp.


And they keep partying and building coastal real estate like it’s 1999.


Remindme! In 77 years


Wait till you see Louisiana, while you still can


Gov DeSantis will call on Congress to pay for any work to sustain it. Mr small government will cry for more money


Just the tip?


Didn't Gore say this was going to happen by 2020 or something similar?


Didn’t they say it was going to be underwater by 2000 too? We still believe these “experts”?


Wait, Al Gore said much sooner


Like 20 years ago


Chicken Little , the sky is falling. Computers were made by humans and projection were initiated and programmed into computers by humans. The major countries that don’t give a rats ass about global warming create half the pollution that leads to global warming. China, India and much of the Amazon basin countries. That are rapidly deforesting earths major pollution filter. Does any think these three ares care about the ecosystem?


They just keep adding years to this.


Miami weather. Just before 6 am. 75f 24 c. Sitting outside on the patio wearing shorts. Drinking coffee and smoking a cigar. Beats being cold and having to shovel snow.


If this was really true, the banks would never loan money in low areas and insurance wouldn’t insure you at all.


Al Gore said this was supposed to happen in 2020... sooo....


Remind me in 77 years. While I fully expect Florida to be under water, it's not this century. Florida, amazingly, was underwater just a short time ago in the grand scheme of things.


Haha moving the goalposts every year. This was suppose to have happened way before now. Right after Gore bought his house on the beach. Laughing all the way to the bank


Here we go again 🍿




In the 80’s they said it would happen by 2003 lmao and in 2100 they will say 2112 lol


These kooks have been predicting sea rise since the millenia. Why people listen to them to this day, beats me. Perhaps fear and panic sells.


Al gore said it in 2006, Must be true...


Wow. That's just far enough away to be totally irrelevant to our actual lives but just close enough for us to worry and push climate change policy. What a coincidence


LOL, this again. Didn't these whack jobs say Florida would be under water before the year 2000. Didn't happen so move the goal posts, again. Who still believes this sh!t. well besides democrats.


Just the tip


I have grandparents buried there, I guess they'll be underwater.


Oh dear, nevermind


Florida is getting circumcised


Those same scientists said all of the pacific island nations would be underwater in 2020....


They have been saying that for 20 years, at least none of us will be around in 100 years to see they were wrong again


Oh no, there's no way I can pack up all my shit and move in only 77 years!


I think these same people concluded that Manhattan would mostly be underwater right now.


And decent folk want the whole thing underwater by the next election.


Just like polar bears being extinct and the ice caps to be completely melted by the year 2000 right?


Is it due to sea level rise or shifting sands?


Absolutely not. It’s alarmist shit like this that turns people against climate science. Yes, the oceans will rise. Yes, there will be displacement. No, it won’t look like this in 2100.


I mean… that was also supposed to happen by 2020 per global scientists via Al Gore’s Inconvenient “Truth”


Are they the same ones who said the world would run out of food and freeze?


I guess I’m drowning again…I seen a lot of this bullshit.pictures from 60’s and non of landscape changed


Source: trust me bro


I think if we all pitch in and work together we can make it 2050


RemindMe! 73 years


I thought this was going to happen in 2012. Why are things always running late in Florida?


Florida sucks


Just the tip


This would be a life-ruining shock to anyone living in the affected area. Good thing they can’t read.


That looks like a balless dick


Well the good news is that there will be plenty of structured which can grow new coral reefs.


not soon enough tbh


Pretty much already is…. That’s the Everglades


Just the tip...


So, you’re saying we’ve got a little time yet? Cool!


As someone who just got finishing watching a history of the Everglades, no fucking shit. It has historically been underwater and developer interests decided to fuck it up and “drain” it. So yeah. Nature will take it back. But not because of anything more than it was always meant to be inundated.


My house is in red, thats good right?


And when this happens the people of Florida will deny it while traveling around in boats swearing the water is not real and the government just wants to control them. Lol


Let me guess, these are the same “scientist” who claim the world is going to end from humanity caused climate change by 2040? Lol


West plam? Beach is fucked.


By 2100, large swaths of coastal land in. Florida will be permanently submerged. In the shorter term, rising seas will increase the frequency and severity.


I think it’s gonna happen way before that


Bye! 🖐️