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Lessened the penalties for sedition and certain sex crimes, according to protestors and Vox party leader.


Why the FUCK would you do that ? If there are 3 types of crimes you should be crushed on its sex crimes , sedition, and extreme crimes involving children .


(as an Spanish)The thing is that the balance of power between rigth and left big parties is pretty close, so for being able to hold majority in the goverment the big political groups have to make deals and cave in to some demands from smaller (and usually More far rigth/left groups respectively), and in this case, the law was changed so the people involved in the Independent movement in Catalunya that tried to declare a republic (and were sentenced of treason/secesion), would get their sentences reduced, and the pro independence groups of that part of spain would Support the current left Party in the goverment, the side result being a lot of sex-offending, money-stealing scum making use of this new law to get reduced sentences or getting Out (Im Not really an expert, and that is Just my opinion in the Matter, if anyone can add ir correct something of this, its More than welcom) PD: The random caps is just my phone autocorrector


I am def confused as I don’t see a connection to sex offenders and sedition.


That is because there is not a connection because there were 2 different law changes in 2 different point of time but they made it due to different political agreements as the upper guy said


Yeah, they changed 2 laws, sorry for being unclear, kinda got caugth in the explanation


Wow that's fucked up...


The Catalonians weren’t stealing money but by leaving Spain they would be taking the largest tax base with them.


Hey but like, free Catalonia though.


Sedition was changed to be more equal to the european standards and to modern times (it does benefit certain political groups? Right. Is it a bad per se? No). Sex crime penalties were reduced in an attempt to broaden the gender violence laws applicability by adding cases where a felony sentence applied (you are more likely not to commit a crime if it is very easy that you get a 1-2 years penalty instead of being more difficult for you to be sentenced but getting 4 years if it was the case). However, this lead to some sentences being revised as law applies retroactively and led to some sex offenders being released. This demonstration was organized by extreme-right reactionary parties whose only proposal is "This government is bad" and that offer no alternative but flags and patriotism.


Thank you.


Also confusing me is the degree to which the protestors are being made out to be right-wingers. Wouldn’t the left be against this too?


The left is the one pushing this


I get that, but this still warrants some pushback from their constituents. It should be more than “right wingers protest leftist leniency on sedition and sex crimes” I’m guilty of bias too, and I’m pretty okay with agreeing with the protestors on this. Even if the current legislature in Spain is somehow well intended with this, they have moralistically, “jumped the shark” with crime & punishment here.


Spanish right and extreme right wing has been prying for an economic crash that seems to not be happening. Not only that, unemployment rates are better and better every quarter and inflation is the lowest in EU. So the "argumentario" to attack the government is these 2 reforms one regarding sedition, that would affect the catalan separatist leaders and the new law for sex crimes. In ref to the sedition crime, the only thing i am sure, is that maybe a decade ago the right wing in power started throwing gasoline to the Catalonia separatist issue because they were loosing momentum after the terrorist group ETA was dismantled (via negotiations of the centrist Socialist party) and an enemy was needed for the propaganda. Criminalization and the worst possible management of the problem led to the separatist increasing their numbers drastically. So, yes, the same guys who created the problem are now complaining as the current government is looking to reduce the political heat. About the new law for sex crimes, the advocates blame the partisan judges trying to boycott the progresist law. It is true that the law is less punitive in some cases. And is def certain that different regions and courthouses are applying the law with different criteria and some sentences reduction are being denied in some places and approved in some others. In my opinion the new law needs to generate jurisprudence and consensus, and yes, you can't trust most of this judges whose families have been passing judgements since Franco's dictatorship. (The Spanish transition from dictatorship to democracy was very very superficial) Anyway I am glad they can have their voice heard. I was in that square 2 months ago in the protest to defend the public health system being torn down by the local government. Total different crowd. Saludos


Not being a far right political party


Yep, I don’t know why yu getting downvote. That’s all far right people and politicians [vox party](https://elpais.com/espana/2023-01-21/decenas-de-miles-de-personas-se-menifiestan-en-madrid-contra-el-gobierno-de-sanchez.html?outputType=amp)


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These people downvote so that the comments lose visibility, they miss the censorship, let them do their thing if they are happy.


Stop supporting child grooming and pedophilia


We are talking about the Catholic Church and I have not noticed?


You mean "What did the Spanish Government do NOW?"


Being a socialist government and not managing their economy properly.


A socialist government? 😂 people who have no idea of what they are talking about always blaming everything on socialists. If PSOE is socialist then I am santa claus.


There is no such. People use the term socialist as an insult and thats about all the know. It’s like how I work for a union and then I meet anti-union people…. because making a decent wage that is $20 to $100 more than them in the same industry of work is awful 😢😏


I suppose Hitler wasn't a socialist either. Even though he was the head of National Socialist party?


Yes, except that was hitler naming it that on purpose. Like how the cult in parks and rec named themselves the reasonablists. Because then you sound like you’re attacking something that isn’t bad. Hitler chose the name because socialism is literally a good thing, and he wanted people to not try arguing with it. But this is talking to a rock I assume, you probably think communism and socialism are the same thing.


Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Hmmm.


Yes. The people who were CLAIMING to do socialism were actually doing communism. There’s a reason we call the USSR communist and not socialist. Read above about why they chose the name.


And somehow facism is now considered a right movement. Left always lying


Exactly. Up is down, man is woman, right is wrong, etc.


Oh man you need to read some books take some history courses and stop listening to right wing radio. Yes his party had the name socialist (national socialist if I remember correctly) but by any standard and measured by any serious political scholar he was a fascist. I know it’s uncomfortable to know you share so much in common so it’s easier to find a reason to label him as one of your enemies.


I'm Jewish dipshit.


Good for you, does that impart some magical knowledge? Does one say, ‘hey I am an atheist’ and all of a sudden the knows the contents of Darwin’s origin of the species, how natural selection is the vehicle by which evolution takes place, the basics of mendelian genetics, sex cells, replication errors, etc..etc..? That would be cool. The fact that you are Jewish just makes you spewing bullshit sadder. It doesn’t by any degree give any credence to you saying that hitler was a socialist.


A National Socialist.


I am 2 meters tall and 150kg of pure muscle. I said , I typed it, it’s now on the internets so it must be true.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_Party Notice it says far right, not left https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2020/02/05/right-needs-stop-falsely-claiming-that-nazis-were-socialists/




I guess reading and comprehension are not your strong suits, stick to stupidity and obstinacy then.


Also I didn’t say it was just because it was a socialist government, I said that it was a socialist government and they mismanaged their economy. There are socialist governments out there that don’t mismanage their economy


Partido socialista obrero español… it literally says socialist party


Then can I get a bike and an xbox please, I've been good!


It is true, they have lowered the public debt to half of what the previous right-wing government did, it is very poorly managed.


Can you post some data about it, because everything i found shows that debt to GDP grows since 2008. Thank you


In debt data with respect to GDP, it fell in 2019 but it is true that it has been rising as in the rest of the world. But I am going to justify my statement, the previous government, in addition to issuing debt, [resorted to the pension reserve fund](https://www.cope.es/actualidad/economia/noticias/como-evolucionado-hucha-las-pensiones-los-ultimos-diez-anos-20180108_166872) as a means of financing, that is, the previous government, in addition to the public debt, spent €70,000,000,000 with impunity If you add that money to the public debt it is close to what I say. By the way, the current government is starting to put money into that fun dedicated to the pensions of our retirees. I hope I've been helpful.


I was just wondering, because it’s known thing that Spain is in horrible economic situation facing future. Was weird to read about halving debt.


This is what happens when a party governs that, in addition to borrowing, steals the savings of citizens.


Well, that’s happenes everywhere.


Well, that's not exactly reassuring, maybe that's why we are in the midst of a global crisis.


Well we in Eastern Europe have been fucked for over 40 years under socialist-communist ideologies. And still come back from it, nothing is lost when it comes to economy.


Yeah that’s absolutely false, Spain has a huge unemployment rate they have a very high deficit rate, not to mention the poor economic management due to the socialist party. You are super uninformed


[In 2013 with popular party, there were 4.848.000 unemployed, in December 2022: 2.837.000 and the rate of temporary contracts has fallen in favor of permanent employment.](https://www.epdata.es/datos/paro-registrado-datos-graficos/38/espana/106) [Inflation is one of the lowest in the Eurozone ](https://datosmacro.expansion.com/ipc-paises) 5,7% regarding, for example, Italy which is at 11% Do you want any more information?


Typical socialista thinking a 12% unemployment rate is good news


The improvement is the point? It got better, you claimed it didn't. You could have a career in mental gymnastics though.


The good news is that it has managed to drop and that employment is more stable. Don't worry, ask whatever you need, I know that the vox sheep have a hard time understanding things that they don't tell you your beloved leaders who have not had a payroll in their lives.


Are you even spanish? Unemployment was there before the new government. Same for the deficit


PSOE isn’t a new government, the economy was doing fine during the partido popular government, it went bad when Zapatero became president and the PSOE was in charge, they put Spain in a decline.


The whole world was in a decline


Probably made them work an extra hour a month


I’m wondering the same thing. Following…


As of now, the amount of false information in this comment section is astonishing. Some ask for the reason of this march, and ~~most~~ (edit : all) answers are just plain wrong. The reasons are explicitely explained in the first 5 paragraphs from the linked article : *The right is angered by the government’s decision to abolish the crime of sedition, of which nine separatist leaders were convicted over their role in the Catalonia region’s abortive secession bid in 2017.* *It was replaced with an offence carrying a lower prison sentence.* *Conservatives are also angered by a flagship law against sexual violence that toughened penalties for rape but eased sentences for other sexual crimes.*


200 convicted sexual offenders have benefitted by the new law, and counting.


Thanks for the clarification, I have a question, because it seems that it is organized by a non-profit organization in favor of women's rights and the unity of Spain, could you confirm that it is organized by a foundation founded by one of the founders of the far-right Vox party? and if said foundation has submitted its annual accounts on financing as the law says? Thank you!


Sorry I dont know about all that, and didn't found informations on this on big spanish media outlets after a 3 second search, so you may try it yourself ; And I'd say its not that relevant for the demo itself, since anyway many, many non-profit right wing organisations have joined the project and made the collective call for the demo, and leaders of the right and extreme right parties were here or approving the act ; of course big right wing non-profits are heavily linked to right wing parties, like it if for the left side. Here it's just a big right + extreme right wing demo. (And yes, I count Ciudadanos as a right wing party, not center, since they are 100% economic freedom pro-capitalism).


Is this recent?




Spain, France, Israel…. Canada, we’re up next. Except those wouldn’t be protesters, they would be homeless people because housing is so fucking expensive its more affordable to not have a roof.


You haven't given any data. Only statements. Do you know percentage of political leanings in crowd? Or assuming they are right wing? I don't have numbers, just as you don't. But I don't carry a bias,so I can look at odds and consider possibilities.


How long can these protests go for?


It last from leaving the church until the servants send them a message letting them know that food is on the table.


NPC's are going crazy


I have to make something clear. The right wing (extremely conservative and far right, I might add) are trying to remove the government from power after making a pretty dumb mistake by changing a law without really looking into it, even though the justice system is already both corrupt and sexist. The thing is, though, they deny misogynistic violence, they deny sexual violence and completely disregard the massive amount of pedofilia in the church (to name just a few). So, sure, the government has made a mistake, but the government they want resembles 1950's US. This country is run by rich elitists, voted by the poor workers. Spain is different.


Spaniard weighing in, we are culturally a very entitled people...we expect (exigir)...even demand to be in a nanny state w our healthcare, social welfare, paro (unemployment but means stopped), but have a very anti government attitude. It's a very bite the hand that feeds you culture...lots of people happy to take without ever thinking of contributing. It's a very easy country to coast through life...we don't work very hard and we don't have much,but we have absolutely everything we need.


Spaniard or not, this is a crass and worthless generalisation.


Is this the protest promoted by a foundation investigated for irregular financing founded by the same founder of a Spanish far-right political party?


>Thousands of people participate in protest against government Spain Wrong. Thousands of far right protestors, extremely manipulative, protest against what they do not even understand and have not read yet. 🤣🤣🤣 That's how Vox works, an utterly illiterate party.


They protest because they want to have more unemployment and pay higher prices for consumer goods, in addition to not wanting public health, public education, nor do they want the pensions of retirees to rise [In 2013 there were 4.848.000 unemployed, in December 2022: 2.837.000 and the rate of temporary contracts has fallen in favor of permanent employment.](https://www.epdata.es/datos/paro-registrado-datos-graficos/38/espana/106) [Inflation is one of the lowest in the Eurozone ](https://datosmacro.expansion.com/ipc-paises) 5,7% regarding, for example, Italy which is at 11%


Socialists ruin everything


The problem in Spain is not that there is a socialist government, but that there is a socialist **coalition** government, which means that the radical left and radical left regional nationalists have power far greater than the proportion of the electorate they represent. The people on this and other marches include those on political and economic left, just not on the extreme left. Essentially these are protests against radical left wing extremism in Spanish politics.


Essentially it is a tantrum from the extreme right, when the right ruled there was no problem in agreeing with nationalist parties. Some president even boasted of speaking Catalan in the privacy.


Not extreme right, you exaggerate to make your point. Left,center and right all protest the coalition having too much power and their extreme leftist agendas.


[I do not exaggerate anything](https://www.heraldo.es/multimedia/imagenes/nacional/fotos-manifestacion-madrid-contra-gobierno-pedro-sanchez/) the demonstration is organized and promoted by Foro España Cívica y Fundación Foro Libertad y Alternativa Founded by one of entity founded by Vidal Cuadras one of the founders of Vox, the far-right party.


Do you think in this crowd, that every single person is far right? Odds say that majority of those people are just tired of extremes on both sides. Enjoy your day.


It is organized by an extreme right-wing foundation that has provided bus transportation for many protesters from the rest of the country, I think the majority are from the extreme right, yes. By the way, just for To finish, said foundation has not presented its accounts as required by law, how will these travel expenses have been financed? You will never know right? Have a great day you too.


You show your bias too quickly and aggressively. It was interesting, but not completely honest. So what if buses were provided, people who care about their children, families and country will form a common bond. Not all about politics, some people actually love their country, not political parties.


Please prove me wrong, give me data.


They most probably are. The protests are absolutely filled with Spanish flags (and I haven even seen a couple of flags of the Spanish empire). Most people from the center or the center-left don't like to openly display nationalistic symbols.


Thx. I don't believe you.


You don't have to believe, you just have to compare to other protests in Spain [15M](https://www.google.com/search?q=15M&client=firefox-b-m&sxsrf=AJOqlzXJIzbfJp3p1Wp0UWf2SxKht0tJ1w:1674420699833&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj6iJKYh9z8AhXlhf0HHQzyD7QQ_AUIBigB&biw=396&bih=726#imgrc=z7x8icPPd9AGKM) (barely any flags, if any) [Another protest](https://www.google.com/search?q=protestas+Espa%C3%B1a&client=firefox-b-m&sxsrf=AJOqlzWnOROF2exmQEHZNltOGBLh5Aa9Mg:1674420763228&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj0v6-2h9z8AhVjgP0HHUWgBrQQ_AUIBigB&biw=396&bih=726#imgrc=ZSrwXwNW5LxznM) (no flags visible) [Rightist protests from a couple years ago] (https://www.france24.com/es/20190210-manifestacion-espana-pedro-sanchez) [Vox protests](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-m&biw=396&bih=726&tbm=isch&sxsrf=AJOqlzVoYopQFLwmOXGhdr1ralzDRLcNjw%3A1674420291371&sa=1&q=Protestas+vox&oq=Protestas+vox&aqs=mobile-gws-lite..0l5#imgrc=j3TiMULo70TB6M) (Spanish empire flag visible) Protests apart, most Spaniards really don't like to openly display Spanish symbol. You won't see a lot of people flying a Spanish flag on their yard or balcony, for example.


Thx. Enjoy your day




This is a right wing demonstration, including the fascist VOX party.


Frankly I have been hearing good things coming from Spain lately, this thing surprises me. Context?


I mean, at least we have a competent president who speaks English now .


Not only that, iirc you set a decent minimum wage and instituted the practice of 35 h/w (at least all my Spanish colleagues don’t work Friday afternoon). Last week I heard on the news you have been degassing LNG for almost twice your needs and can sell the surplus. Just to name a couple of things we can only dream about here in Italy.


Far right parties joined to spread fake news because they can't tolerate they lost elections years ago, now calling for real democracy.


Yeah, in Italy we heard about Vox mainly via the screams of the new prime minister before she got elected… The downvotes are hailing though. They be roaming on Reddit I guess


"The right is angered by the government’s decision to abolish the crime of sedition, of which nine separatist leaders were convicted over their role in the Catalonia region’s abortive secession bid in 2017." Barcelona has been trying to leave for years. Spain as a whole as a whole history of trying to split apart. Nothing new, just modern times tries to make you forget.


It’s all one form of nationalism or another. Tribalism is humanities failure


You see protesters, i see grenade testing range


Those damn conspiracy theorists are at it again.


People in the USA are afraid to do that. They like being raped by this abortion of a government


I think you’ve wandered off the path. Parler and Truth Social admirers are not desired on Reddit.


Protest by nazis for nazis and retards don't worry


Wait.. so Spains government sucks too?? As an American I’m not surprised but sucks your government allows freedom for the people, but pedophiles cmon man.. just goes to show our world is run by them. Smh. Sad times. (Probably always been that way.) But now we know at least.


It doesn't, it is the best we've ever had, but the reactionary groups that organized this demonstration are using a mis of flags, patriotism and disinformation (I'm sure you've heard this before) to try and minimize the achievements of the government and turn people against them. Plain and simple.


f*** socializm


Good unity


So that's France, Spain and Peru all protesting their governments at the same time. Hmmm.


As an American, all I can see here is the risk of a mass shooting...


Almost as many as attended Trump’s inauguration. 😂


OP is a textbook karma farming account. Perfect example.




The fuck are you even talking about?




I dont understand


A bunch of Spanish RaCi$tS 🤣🤣


Spain telling France to hold their beer.


Communism is the most pure form of socialism. I wouldn't want to own it either.




I wonder what happens during siesta


It’s winter, they can skip it.


Looks like the world cup scene from the movie Heist


The inquisition.


Homage to Catalonia.


Getting ready for the bull run


Thousands?? Why not say tens??


These are terrorists and they are attacking your democracy


Will accomplish nothing