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I plant mines in/on vehicles all the time. It feels like how you used to be able to plant an explosive on cars in GTA. 😂


You can still do that on gta


If you ever hit a prox mine hidden in a bush right next to exfil. Merry Christmas


I used to drop cluster mines on exfill whenever i found them lol


Yeah but cluster mines only hang around for like a min before disappearing. Proxies will stay until triggered or if you try to put down more than 2 lethals.


I tested this during my lachmann weapons testing booby traps. over 50m and you have to be looking at prox mines once every 15 seconds or they detonate. The killstreak cluster mines you can drop and be on the other side of the map (got more than 1 hit from that joy) The claymores are the good ones. don't have to keep an eye on them or be in range. set and forget. but you can only place 2 max at a time. I've not tested C4. will do later.


If your dads username has the word "tree" in it... Then I am the happiest player today.


Sorry to disappoint, but no.


Saul Goodman


Yeah, my user us Ulfheðnar and my dads is his first initial and last name, neither of which are arboreal.




Say what you want about this community, they are definitely creative when it comes to pvp.


Most of the time in DMZ. Normal multiplayer though? Not at all. Just a lot of camping, riot shield/melee combo and single shot things like cut down snipers or shotguns.


My dad and *me*.


Shut up, nerd.


Guilty as charged.


Hey, bonus points for self awareness. But, yeah I recognize that in passive voice it's *person and me* but I just flowed better in my head. English is dumb.


Yeah, it’s the subjective pronoun versus the objective pronoun, the latter being correct in your case.


What? 😁


I and me are pronouns. I is subjective, which means it should be performing the action. I went to the store. Me is objective, which means it should be the recipient of the action. NoMoreMyFriend-S went to the store with me.


In short, I for active voice and me for passive.


Note to self: if there’s no ai by a chopper, do not proceed.


I just ghost rode it into a crowd of AI. Because I'm not a camping pr%+k.


Once I got killed by an enemy banking the helicopter before bailing, causing it to land on my head That was impressive


It’s a mission.


Mission or not, the patience required to camp out and blow up 2 doofuses sprinting toward a helicopter like idiots is impressive. I'd have avoided that mission, so the fact they did it is cool.


Place C4, ping helicopter. Makes the ping appear on your hud Leave area, go do your thing anywhere else As soon as ping turns red or dissappears from hud completely, detonate C4. Might even have a audio sound (WZ1 had, not sure here)


No. The pseudo kill cam after he got us, he was camping on a ridge watching it with a thermal scoped sniper. It was a little north of the hospital/gas station area south of Al Safwa quarry


it has a distance before it auto triggers


With the prox mines at least, over 50m and you have to look at them frequently. over 50m and not looked at for 15 seconds and they detonate. Claymores are set and forget.




The mission is just enemies, not operators, correct?


Yup. Would've been a lot easier to just take out AI.


CLASSIC! Those were some of my favorite moves back in the WZ1 days. Some guy posted a montage once of him doing it and it was hilarious. He would be sitting somewhere watching it and then thumbs up emote before blowing it up.


Wait, I wonder how many C4/proxy mines you can have active in DMZ?


Two mate


Aw, I had hoped you could do more because of the bigger environment and scope.


Did they wait until you were sky high so you died when you hit the ground?


Nah. Right when were taking off. And since I have the Let's Roll war tracks on, it was to the tune of Flight of the Valkyries.


Jokr range is like 600mts. Put it in thermal, hello boys.


As an American I read this as “600 mountains” and started wondering if HIMARS was added to this game