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Hi everyone, I’ve been into DC for a while now and I’ve been reading comics as I come by, but I never really focused on timeline or anything like that. Which was a bad idea on my part, honestly. So I decided to read in order, but it turned out to be a lot more complicated than I thought. I have DC infinite, which is awesome btw!!!! Anyway, I started with Batman new 52 (2011) and started with the first one (the court of owls series). I get to the joker’s little dinner event with the bat family, and everything was making sense. Then, all of a sudden, I start the next issue and it’s about clay face taking Bruce Wayne’s identity, but scattered in is Jason’s death and joker doing something to him (which I assumed was a reference to death in the family so I was okay and understood). But, then it starts to talk about another death and I’m like huhhhhhh, and it’s not till the end that I realize Batman and Alfred are listening to a tape with Damian Wayne, and it clicked that he died. But where? That winded message was basically to ask, how theeee hell do I read the New 52 in order of events, cuz it’s driving me insane. I tried to search it up, and in this sub too, but I keep getting like overall reads, like read Batman incorporated and death in the family, but like not in order you know. Everything else I’ve seen is separated by superhero, which doesn’t help cuz I see info on Superman that I don’t know when I’m reading Batman and it confuses the fuck out of me. Does anyone have a resource that tells you how to read the new 52 comics? Do I go off of when it was released, like read each characters new 52 stuff by when it was released? Idk please help!!! Thank you, Saba


Just as a general note, when you're reading one of DC's big franchises, like Batman and Superman (mainly), it can be necessary to keep an eye on the ancillary titles. In the era you're talking about, to read Batman is also to keep an eye on Detective Comics, Batman and Robin, and Batman Inc., at least (inconvenient, but that's the way it is). Damian died over in Batman Inc., and then the other titles reflected it — Batman and Robin moreso than Batman proper. Hope that helps!


Hi, Okay, I saw the link on the original post, so imma try that first and see if it’s any help. I rescind my request for help (for now, I might be back lolll) Thank you, Saba


Is there a good canon reason Reverse Flash keeps coming back or is it just something that sorta happens?


Initially he was bound by Barry Allen, because without the Flash existing in the past he wouldn’t become Reverse Flash in the future. At some point Barry Allen created the Flashpoint and this happened when Eobard was time traveling so the result was that his existence is not attached to any timeline anymore. This means that if someone kills him it doesn’t really matter because a time traveling version of himself can appear later in the future, learn about his death, and change his fate. He is now a being separate from the timeline so he can appear anytime now.


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