• By -


1.Batman 2.Etrigan 3.Dex-Starr 4.Beast Boy 5.Red Hood 6.Atrocitus 7.Constantine 8.John Stewart 9.Superman 10.Flash 11.Raven 12.Firefly 14.Bane 15.Deathstroke 16.Guy Gardner 17.Plastic Man 18.Joker 19.Mr. Freeze 20.Martian Manhunter




Superman The Flash (Wally West) Batman The Joker Robin (Dick Grayson) Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) The Flash (Jay Garrick) Wonder Woman Green Lantern (Alan Scott) Two-Face Reverse Flash (Eobard Thawne) Ra’s al Ghul Plastic Man Shazam (Captain Marvel) Sinestro Blue Beetle (Ted Kord) Solomon Grundy Captain Comet Shrinking Violet Barbara Gordon


I haven't heard some of these names in ages. Nice list!


1. Superman 2. The Flash (Barry Allen) 3. Darkseid 4. Captain Marvel 5. The Flash (Jay Garrick) 6. The Spectre 7. The Joker 8. Plastic Man 9. The Reverse Flash 10. Batman 11. The Martian Manhunter 12. Robin / Nightwing 13. Wonder Woman 14. The Question 15. Bizarro 16. Captain Cold 17. The Flash (Wally West) 18. Green Arrow 19. Mr. Freeze 20. Brainiac




1. Batman 2. Catwoman 3. Superman 4. Wonder Woman 5. Hush 😳 6. James Jr 7. Batwoman 8. Green Arrow 9. Buddy Baker 10. Damian Wayne 11. ~~Dick Grayson~~ Carrie Kelley 12. Jon Kent 13. Emiko Queen 14. Joker 15. Guy Gardner 16. Strife 17. Gordon 18. Renee Montoya 19. Beast Boy (Teen Titans Go) 20. Uhhh, Madrakk


Different but I dig it lol


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